MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 50 kiss this person

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On Wednesday afternoon, a private clinic in a busy area.

The automatic glass door sensed someone, and quietly separated, and Chu Suiyun stepped into the clinic. When he came to the front desk, Chu Suiyun informed the receptionist about his appointment and recommendation, and the female beta at the reception took him into the room where the doctor was.

It was a large, spacious room, more like a cafe with desks than a consultation room.

Behind the large desk, sat a male oga with a soft face and a smile on his mouth.

Oga stood up, came up to him with a smile, stretched out his hand to invite Chu Suiyun to shake hands with him.

Chu Suiyun briefly shook hands with him: "Hello, doctor."

"My name is Bai Chen, you can call me by my name, or you can call me a doctor, I don't mind." Oga's voice was clear and easy-going.

Then Bai Chen took Chu Suiyun to a sofa and sat down, and the two sat opposite each other at the coffee table, like two friends who came out to drink coffee.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhai, for valuing me and letting you come to me." Bai Chen spoke with a magical power, calmly making people get close to him.

"I didn't expect you to be so young." Chu Suiyun chatted with him unconsciously, "Dr. Zhai said you are very professional."

Bai Chen smiled gently: "I'm only a few years older than you, I don't want 'you' ah 'you'."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two of them were no longer as unfamiliar as when they first met. Bai Chen introduced the topic at the right time: "Teacher Zhai said that you lost your memory for a period of time after trauma?"

"Yes." Chu Suiyun nodded, "I want to get my memory back."

Bai Chen pointed at his chin, thought for a moment and said, "I can only put the ugly words up front, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover your memory."

Chu Suiyun didn't seem very surprised, this was in line with Bai Chen's assessment of him in his heart, the alpha in front of him was not a fragile person.

Bai Chen explained: "Because it has been three years since the incident happened, the brain will forget it. The earlier the memory is, the harder it is to retrieve it. If you intervene immediately after the incident happened back then, it is still possible to retrieve it. Now I can only try my best."

"I know, and I'm prepared. But I have to try."

Chu Suiyun is an alpha, no matter how peaceful and stable he is on weekdays, like most alphas, he likes everything to be in his own hands. He wanted to retrieve the memory by himself, rather than pin his hopes on his father changing his mind.

Since the other party is so determined, Bai Chen naturally has no reason not to support it. He got up and brought Chu Suiyun to a reclining chair.

"Then let's start the first intervention."

Following Bai Chen's instructions, Chu Suiyun lay down on the recliner, folded his hands on his stomach, and gently closed his eyes.

"Follow my words and think back..." Bai Chen's soft voice sounded, and at the same time, a very light and very warm fragrance permeated the room.

Chu Suiyun realized that it was the smell of Baichen pheromone, and the released dose was just right to soothe people's emotions. Then he heard Bai Chen say: "That was a night, you, standing on the most familiar street..."

Thinking involuntarily followed Bai Chen's words, Chu Suiyun's consciousness gradually left this consulting room, and the surroundings became familiar street scenery, and he appeared on the street outside his own community.

After fully entering the memory, Chu Suiyun found that he was walking into the community. He didn't have the right to control his body, he was like a bystander watching what his former self did.

A few minutes later Chu Suiyun returned home, the cabinet where the key was placed in the entrance reflected light, reflecting his face.

Young and young, that was eighteen-year-old Chu Suiyun.

There was no light in the room, it was very quiet, Chu Suiyun thought that his younger brother was asleep, so he raised his hand to turn on the light.

But unexpectedly found a small head behind the sofa, and Chu Muyu was still awake.

Chu Muyu who heard the movement didn't turn around, nor did he stand up to greet his brother, but silently turned his back to the door and asked, "Are you back? Did you have a good time?"

Chu Suiyun, who just finished his entrance exams and is a birthday star today, is in a good mood: "Yes, when you pass the college entrance examination, you can also play like this."

Chu Muyu carried a gun with a stick: "I don't know how to play, I don't even have a proper shape."

"Hey, now it's your turn to teach your brother a lesson?" Chu Suiyun raised his eyebrows, his tone seemed relaxed, but he was actually a little upset.

But the younger brother was still angry: "What's the matter with you? Aren't you just out of shape? You didn't go home until the next day."

Chu Suiyun snorted coldly, ignored his younger brother's words, changed his shoes and walked to his room.

"Okay, don't talk about it. I thought you came back so early when you were alone at home, but it turned out to be a mistake." Chu Suiyun said, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be back tonight."

"Then you go!" Chu Muyu suddenly said.

This sentence is like a bomb that exploded on the ground, and after the bang, there is a sudden silence.

The two brothers looked at each other, Chu Suiyun didn't expect his younger brother to drive him out, while Chu Muyu was worried because he couldn't control his temper.

"Okay, I'll go." Chu Suiyun didn't have the good temper he had three years later, the two brothers were teenagers, and they couldn't hold back when they got angry.

After finishing speaking, Chu Suiyun took the car keys again, without changing his shoes, pulled on his slippers, and slammed the door and went out.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him became blurred and distorted, and Chu Suiyun woke up from his memories.

"Are you awake?" Bai Chen's smiling face appeared in front of her eyes, "Did you remember anything?"

Chu Suiyun's eyes were still a little distracted: "Ah, I remembered, I had a fight with my brother that day."

So did you go racing because you were angry? Chu Suiyun didn't remember, but he felt that he was not so reckless.

"Is there any more?"

Chu Suiyun frowned, shook his head: "It's gone."

Then he smiled helplessly: "But I finally know why I found an expired cake in the refrigerator after I was discharged from the hospital."

The day of the accident was Chu Suiyun's birthday, but he didn't go home until the early hours of the next day after playing with his friends.

He really had a good time, so happy that his younger brother at home forgot to wait for his birthday.

Bai Chen said that it was a surprise that Chu Suiyun could remember some, and he would come over every week to continue to receive intervention. If the expectations are good, he should be able to remember 70% to 80% in the end.

Read The Duke's Passion