MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 54 menacing susceptibility period

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The moment he saw Levis, Chu Suiyun's first reaction was: It's over, this guy knows his true identity. But the next moment Chu Suiyun remembered that he had lost his pretense in front of Qin Miao, and miraculously calmed down.

Qin Miao's expression was not relaxed after seeing Levis. If Chu Suiyun turned his head to look carefully, he could find the faint hostility in Alpha's eyes.

No one greeted Levis, but he was still very cheeky. He took out the red envelope and handed it to Chu Suiyun: "Congratulations."

Seeing that he had no intention of making trouble for the time being, Chu Suiyun could only accept the red envelope first, but as soon as he raised his hand, Qin Miao grabbed his wrist and stopped his movement.

"Sir, please show your invitation card." Qin Miao's voice was cold and unkind.

Levis raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Suiyun: "Didn't you tell your husband that I am your friend?"

Chu Suiyun understood Qin Miao's attitude from his behavior, and he didn't intend to disobey Qin Miao, who was his master, not to mention that Chu Suiyun didn't want to deal with Levi's either.

So Chu Suiyun did not speak for Levis.

The three of them stood in a stalemate at the gate of the courtyard, Levis naturally didn't have an invitation card, and the news of his engagement ceremony was all heard from Feng Miao's subordinates. Qin Miao was unwilling to let him go, and Chu Suiyun had no plans to rescue him.

The turning point happened after Qin Han appeared.

Today is my younger brother's engagement ceremony, Qin Han didn't need to prepare at home, so he went to work in the company as usual. But after all, it is a major event in his brother's life. He left work early this morning and just arrived home at this time.

As soon as I got home, what I saw was the scene of the host and the guests standing in a stalemate in front of the courtyard.

Qin Han approached curiously, and found that the guest blocked outside was actually Levis who was discussing cooperation with him recently, so he couldn't help asking: "Second, what happened?"

It was not Qin Miao who answered him, but Chu Suiyun: "Brother, this gentleman has no invitation card."

This sentence can be regarded as showing that he and Qin Miao are on the same front, and Levis still maintains the posture of holding the red envelope in his hand, curling his lips helplessly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Levis?" Qin Han pretended to recognize him just now, and came over to shake hands with him, "I didn't expect you to have time to attend the engagement ceremony of my sister-in-law, and we didn't think carefully about not sending you an invitation." , it is really because I am afraid of disturbing you. But since you have come in person, there is no reason why you should not be welcome, please come in quickly."

As he said that, Qin Han stretched out his hand to push aside his younger brother who was blocking the door, and invited Levi to come in.

Levi's got the advantage and immediately behaved, and said innocently to Qin Han: "Your brother blocked the door just now, I thought I was not welcome."

"Of course not. It's just that young people are always stubborn in doing things. Because they haven't met you much, they act rudely. Please forgive me." Qin Han explained with a smile.

Following Qin Han into the courtyard, Levis did not forget to turn around and look at Chu Suiyun, giving him a smug smile.

Chu Suiyun sighed helplessly.

With Qin Han's words, it is impossible for the two of them to continue to obstruct them, and it is not good to be seen by passing guests at the door. Chu Suiyun quickly adjusted his mentality.

Levis knew his identity, if he talked nonsense at the engagement ceremony, he might be kicked out directly.

But in fact Chu Suiyun doesn't care, he doesn't care what the Qin family thinks of him, he only cares about Qin Miao's attitude, and Qin Miao has long known that he is an Alpha.

However, the probability of Levi's talking nonsense is very small. He said that the bride-to-be is actually a big **** at someone else's engagement ceremony. Let alone whether the guests believe it or not, I am afraid that Levi himself will be the first to be kicked out by Qin Han.

"Excuse me."

Suddenly Qin Miao's voice came from next to his ear, Chu Suiyun was a little surprised, looked up, and saw Qin Miao's serious face, it seemed that there was something urgent.

So Chu Suiyun nodded: "Okay, you go, I can do it alone."

Qin Miao stretched out one hand to cup Chu Suiyun's cheek, and finally said: "If you can't handle it, you can find my mother."

Chu Suiyun obediently agreed, and Qin Miao left in peace.

Leaving the courtyard, Qin Miao came to the hall, stood at the door and glanced around, but didn't see the person she was looking for, then walked through the first floor to the backyard, and found Li, who was sitting on a recliner and chatting with the offspring of the Qin family without seeing him. Weiss.

"Your jewel is from the hands of Master Yunguo, I don't know..." Levis was talking about jewels with a young Miss Beta when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Levis, is it convenient for you to take a step to talk to me?" Qin Miao asked, but her tone was tough, and at the same time, she gave Miss Beta a look.

Miss Beta understood immediately, and apologized to Levis: "Sorry, I may have to go to the front to find my mother first, and I'm sorry, sir."

Watching Miss Beta leave, Levis smiled wryly, and said to Qin Miao: "It seems that you still say what you say in the Qin family."

"Let's go." Qin Miao didn't want to talk too much nonsense with him.

Levis had heard about Qin Miao's temperament, so he wisely did not confront him at this time, and followed Qin Miao obediently, and the two came to a secluded small pavilion.

Qin Miao arrived first, and stood in the pavilion waiting for Levi's to slowly walk over, his eyes almost gouging out his flesh.

Levis finally came to the pavilion and asked, "What do you want to say to me, the second young master of the Qin family?"

"Who the **** are you? Levis, or Rich Maxson?"

Qin Miao asked a question without beginning or end, and the sloppy smile on Levi's face immediately disappeared.

"Tsk." He scratched the back of his head, seemingly unhappy, "Although I didn't deliberately pretend, it still doesn't feel good to be recognized by you at a glance."

"I thought you died in a federal prison." Qin Miao's expression seemed to be covered with frost.

Levis shrugged: "I'm sorry, I disappointed you. Not only did I not die, but I became Maxson's heir again."

After saying this, Levis smiled smugly: "Qin Miao, you boast that you are great, but unfortunately you have tried everything you can to get me to take a three-year vacation. I have nothing to lose, and you What about the susceptibility period of Alpha Alpha is not very pleasant, right?"

"Don't bother you."

"The susceptibility period is not a big problem at first, but it's a pity, who told you to find a lover who is also an Alpha? I'm curious. Three years ago, you only got together for less than a month. How could it be him?" Can’t do it anymore?” Levis was speechless, “Chu Suiyun, right? Not a bad name.”

Qin Miao frowned: "When did you get in touch with him again?"

"Hey, don't you know?" Levis was surprised, "He works in Fengmiao and is responsible for receiving me. We get along pretty well these few days."

"The grievance between us has nothing to do with him. Why are you approaching him?" Qin Miao didn't show it on his face, but in fact, burning anger had already risen in his heart.

"Don't worry, it's just to meet an old friend." Levis put on a nostalgic tone, "I noticed him three years ago. Since then, I have been thinking, if I were in the same situation as you If it is turned upside down, will the person who made him desperate become me?"

Qin Miao quietly clenched her fists by her side, and tried to keep her tone steady: "Levis, don't forget that you are now on the territory of Yun Country. I advise you to think twice before you act or speak."

"Oh, I'm so scared," said Levis rascally.

"Don't be afraid too early." Qin Miao suppressed the pheromone from the back of her neck with all her strength, and gave Levis a cold look, "You said you didn't lose anything, but you knew it well. It shows that you have lost your legitimate identity. The Maxson family has never had a precedent of illegitimate children inheriting, if you were not eager to stabilize your position, how could you take on the task of coming to Yunguo?"

"What about the illegitimate child, I am the only Alpha of this generation." Levis still seemed unmoved, but his dodging eyes revealed his true thoughts.

"So far, you'd better hope it will always be like this." After Qin Miao finished speaking, she turned and left.

After Qin Miao left, Levis tilted his body and had to support the weight-bearing pillars of the pavilion to stand still, and then glared angrily in the direction Qin Miao left.

An hour later, the guests had arrived, and after a while, the ceremony would officially begin.

But after Chu Suiyun came back from the courtyard, he never saw Qin Miao, and he even went to help the planner make a decision.

As a result, Qin Miao couldn't find it, and met an unexpected guest first.

Holding a glass of wine, Levis stood with a smile on Chu Suiyun's only path, waiting for him to come over.

There was no other way to choose, so Chu Suiyun had to walk in front of Levis, but he couldn't pretend that he didn't see him, so he had to nod to him.

After nodding, even after saying hello, Chu Suiyun wanted to leave, but was stopped.

"Broken Cloud." Levis called his real name, and then covered his mouth pretendingly, "Ah, shouldn't I call you Broken Cloud here?"

"Whatever you want." Anyway, there is no one else here, so Chu Suiyun doesn't care.

Levis stared at Chu Suiyun for a while, and suddenly laughed easily: "Don't be nervous, regarding your real identity, just treat it as a little secret between the two of us, and I won't tell anyone .”

"Should I thank you?" Chu Suiyun choked back.

As a result, Levis, a federal man, didn't understand, and said, "You're welcome."

Chu Suiyun sighed, feeling that there was not only a cultural gap between the two of them, but also a brain circuit barrier, communication was very laborious, and it was useless to talk more.

Levis didn't feel this way, he continued to ask: "I'm curious about one thing. Why did you pretend to be an Omega and get engaged to Qin Miao? Could it be that his family disagreed with him being with Alpha?"

Chu Suiyun didn't want to explain further: "You can think so."

"That's so boring." Levis shook his head. "If your partner's family can't even accept the real you, why are you still with that person?"

"It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Levis." Chu Suiyun reminded, "This is our engagement ceremony. Would it be impolite for you to say this?"

Levis looked at Chu Suiyun seemingly sincerely: "I am thinking of you. If you like Alpha, there are many better choices—for example, me?"

"Sorry." Chu Suiyun raised his hand, "The ceremony will officially start soon, so I'm sorry."

Chu Suiyun wanted to leave as he said that, but was suddenly grabbed by his wrist from behind. It was Levis, he was holding onto Chu Suiyun to prevent him from leaving.

Chu Suiyun's face changed immediately, his eyes became sharp, and he looked back at Levi's without showing any weakness, and warned him solemnly: "Please let go."

Levis let him go immediately, throwing up his hands in a show of innocence.

Then he said something that made Chu Suiyun even more offended: "You are still the same, what I like the most is your eyes. It is like a wolf struggling to die, staring fiercely at the hunter holding a sharp knife, and at any time Waiting for an opportunity to bite back, but in fact it is already in the hunter's pocket, and all resistance is futile. It can best stimulate Alpha's desire to conquer."

Chu Suiyun frowned in disgust. If it wasn't for the engagement ceremony full of guests, he would have fought with Levis, but it is not appropriate to magnify the situation at this time.

So Chu Suiyun chose to turn around and leave.

"Have you lost your memory?"

Unexpectedly, Levis raised his voice before Chu Suiyun completely left.

Chu Suiyun couldn't help but stop, didn't turn around, and didn't continue walking.

"If you didn't have a brain problem, you should have recognized me a long time ago." Levis was actually a little proud, "It's impossible to keep me by your side for so long. You must have forgotten a lot."

After hearing this, Chu Suiyun left without looking back.

After walking away from Levis, Chu Suiyun gritted his teeth and cursed: "Unlucky."

I don't know how this guy Levis grew up smoothly. If he speaks so poorly, will he really not be beaten to death?

After scolding Levis in his heart, Chu Suiyun felt much better and went back to the hall.

Still not seeing Qin Miao's figure, Chu Suiyun felt a little strange, the ceremony would officially begin in more than ten minutes, how could Qin Miao, as the protagonist, be absent?

Just when he was wondering, Zhao Kai's hurried figure appeared from the second floor.

As soon as Beta saw Chu Suiyun, it was like seeing a savior, and rushed forward with a few strides. Although he was very anxious, he still remembered to say to Chu Suiyun in a voice that only two people could hear:

"Sister-in-law, come here, my brother's susceptible period can't be suppressed."