MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 56 Memories·The real first meeting

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Three years ago, Chu Suiyun and his younger brother ran away in anger after a quarrel.

He took the car keys and went straight down to the underground garage, slammed the door and sat in the driver's seat. Eighteen-year-old Alpha has a bad temper. Impulsively, he started the car, stepped on the accelerator, quickly rushed out of the parking space, drove out of the garage, and sped along the clear road at night.

The night wind blew in through the car window, and Chu Suiyun's mind calmed down a little. Regret surged up in an instant, and disappeared in the next second.

Forget it, it's all out, it's too embarrassing to go back immediately, it's better to go to a friend's house to rest for a night.

After making up his mind, Chu Suiyun took advantage of the red light to call his friend.

When the friend just arrived home, he couldn't stop laughing when he heard that Chu Suiyun and his younger brother had a quarrel and was kicked out. He said that only light rain could keep him down, and then he agreed to let Chu Suiyun come and live.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Suiyun called out the navigation and went to his friend's house.

There were very few vehicles on the road in the early morning, and it was one of the few peaceful times in the bustling Shanzan City. Chu Suiyun moved forward rapidly at the maximum speed limited by the road.

The friend's home was not in the urban area, so Chu Suiyun drove on the highway out of the city.

After driving out of the city, there were even fewer vehicles, making Chu Suiyun almost think that he was walking through no man's land, so the sudden appearance of a vehicle in front of him immediately shocked him.

It was a cargo van with the emergency lights on, and it was lying across the middle of the forest road, and the space left was not enough for Chu Suiyun's city to cross-country.

Because of this, Chu Suiyun had to slow down and stop, and wanted to ask what happened, so that the other party could move the car quickly so that he could continue on the road.

When they got closer, the van suddenly shook violently twice, and there was the sound of fighting inside, and a thick male voice cursed "Damn".

Something was wrong, Chu Suiyun didn't dare to act rashly anymore, he stopped at the same spot, and saw clearly the inside of the van through the open window.

Two adult Alphas pressed another Alpha firmly on the back seat of the car, one of them was holding an injection in his hand, and was looking for an opportunity to stab the person being held down.

Seeing this situation, no matter how stupid Chu Suiyun is, he can realize that this is a criminal case. He is only one person, and it is impossible to rush forward to die rashly, but he can't do it if Chu Suiyun turns around and leaves directly. .

So Chu Suiyun forced himself to stabilize his mind, took two steps back, and wanted to quietly return to his car.

But just as he retreated two meters, the eyes of the middle-aged man Alpha sitting in the driver's seat of the van suddenly locked on to him.

Suddenly meeting the gangster's eyes, Chu Suiyun was startled, knowing that it was too late for him to keep hiding his voice, so he stopped being careful and ran into the car.

Fortunately, the car was not far away. Chu Suiyun got into the car, closed the door with a "bang", and started to take out his mobile phone to make a call to the police.


Before the call was connected, Chu Suiyun raised his eyes subconsciously, and suddenly took a deep breath.

The middle-aged Alpha, who was originally in the driver's seat, walked so fast for some reason, and at this time he had already arrived at Chu Suiyun's car window.

"Knock knock."

That Alpha knocked on Chu Suiyun's car window, and said something, judging from the shape of his mouth, it was "get off the car".

Alpha is about 40 years old, tall and burly, about the same height as Chu Suiyun, but muscular, two times as strong as him, and there is an old scar on the brow bone.

Chu Suiyun, who has just grown up, is not his opponent at all, his momentum is already weakened, and his only protection is this car.

Therefore, it is impossible for Chu Suiyun to listen to the strong man's words and get off the car. I don't know if it's because I'm out of the city, but the phone call failed.

While starting the car, Chu Suiyun quickly pressed the button to make another call. This time the signal was transmitted smoothly, and he just waited for the operator to connect.

"Hello..." The voice of the operator on the opposite side sounded, and at the same time, the car started successfully.

Chu Suiyun was overjoyed, before he had time to speak, the next second, the scene in front of him was dizzying.

The strong man Alpha found that Chu Suiyun lost his patience when he was on the phone, he hurriedly knocked on the window twice, seeing that Chu Suiyun had no intention of arresting him, he was furious, and directly reached out and opened the car door.

The current car doors are designed to automatically lock after speeding up. Drivers who are used to this convenient design hardly think of locking the doors after getting in the car.

Chu Suiyun also habitually ignored this point, so when the strong man Alpha reacted and opened the door, he was caught off guard.

The strong man Alpha didn't talk too much, he directly grabbed Chu Suiyun's hair, pulled him out of the driver's seat, and slammed the car door hard.

Chu Suiyun was smashed until his eyes were full of gold stars, and his mobile phone was taken away in a panic.

The strong man hung up the phone, threw the phone, and threw it off the road guardrail.

"Hmm..." There was a tingling pain in his head, it must have been broken, it took Chu Suiyun a long time to recover, and then a pair of big hands covered his mouth.

The hands that imprisoned him were as strong as iron, and Chu Suiyun struggled desperately without moving. After a few minutes, he fainted softly.

When he was conscious again, Chu Suiyun first felt that his whole body was bumpy and weak. After his vision became clear, he found that his hands and feet were tied, and he was lying on his side in the cargo compartment behind the van.

And, there is a foot in front of him.

Chu Suiyun looked up along that foot, and saw another Alpha who was tied up, and that person was silently staring at him.

Alpha looked to be in his twenties, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a high nose bridge and thin lips. If it wasn't for the wrong background, Chu Suiyun would have thought that he had come to a magazine cover shoot, and the other party was the cover model.

"Hmm..." Chu Suiyun wanted to speak, but found that his mouth was covered with tape.

Grass, he cursed in his heart, this is really a disaster.

The other Alpha who was also a victim was not pressed to his mouth, he mouthed slowly to Chu Suiyun: "Don't make a sound."

Chu Suiyun was annoyed in his heart, and he struggled with the ropes for his hands and feet, but there was no gain other than the sharp pain in his wrists.

At this time, the moving car stopped, and Chu Suiyun also held his breath.

"Old Dog, I'm going to take a pee." The Alpha who was the shortest among the three said, opened the door and got off from the driver's seat.

The Alpha called "Old Dog" was the strong man who knocked Chu Suiyun unconscious. He was sitting in the back row with his hands folded in front of his chest.

"I'll go and relieve myself too, Dong, you stay and watch people." The old dog ordered, and got up and pushed the door to get out of the car.

Dong is also an Alpha, looks very young, taciturn, only nodded to the old dog, not much to say. After the old dog got out of the car, he glanced at the two people behind the car, as if guessing that it was impossible for them to escape, he opened the door and got out of the car.

For a while, only Chu Suiyun and the other Alpha, who was also a meat ticket, were left in the car.

Chu Suiyun hurriedly said "Mmmm", signaling that Alpha to look over.

Qin Miao was also attracted by the movement of the kidnappers in front of him, turned around after hearing Chu Suiyun's voice, and saw him staring at him fiercely.

Maybe it was because Chu Suiyun's desire was too urgent, Qin Miao really understood his meaning from his "hmmmm".

"Come here, lie on my lap, and I'll help you tear off the tape." Qin Miao said.

far away

Hearing this, Chu Suiyun began to move his body like a caterpillar, and after exhausting all his efforts, he finally climbed onto Qin Miao's thigh.

Qin Miao's hands were also tied, but he was tied in front. When Chu Suiyun lay down, Qin Miao moved his fingers, pinched a corner of the tape, and exerted strength.

But Chu Suiyun didn't feel Qin Miao's exertion at all, the tape was still sticking to his mouth without any movement, and there was no sense of tearing at all.

"Hmm?" Did you not eat and you don't have any energy? Chu Suiyun condemned Qin Miao with his eyes.

Qin Miao miraculously understood what Chu Suiyun meant again, and explained: "I was injected with medicine, and I have no strength. I will hold it, and you will use your strength."

Chu Suiyun was speechless, but he had no other choice. He could only turn his head to let the tape peel off slowly. It's not easy for him to exert force himself, Qin Miao has very little strength, and he will let go with a little force, Chu Suiyun can only test force little by little.

The tape was finally removed and thrown on the ground in the car, Chu Suiyun let out a long breath.

Then I heard Qin Miao ask: "Who are you?"

If Chu Suiyun didn't vent his anger, he was arrested because he helped this person. It's fine if this person didn't say thank you in the first sentence, and he asked so defensively and so bluntly.

So he replied angrily: "A bad luck. Damn, I shouldn't meddle in my own business, let them take you away."

Qin Miao smiled slightly, and that smile was more like a mockery: "So you want to save me, little friend, before you do something brave next time, estimate your own strength before you make a move."

Chu Suiyun didn't bother to pay attention to him, rolled his eyes, got up from Qin Miao's lap, and sat on the other side.

"How old are you? A high school student?" Qin Miao asked.

This way of asking is contemptuous, and it is tantamount to provocation to an Alpha, especially an Alpha who has just grown up. Chu Suiyun replied, "It's none of your business."

Qin Miao stopped asking.

Chu Suiyun looked out the car window and found the man named Dong standing beside the car in a daze.

He called Qin Miao: "Hey, have you been kidnapped?"

"Obviously." Qin Miao replied.

Chu Suiyun really never thought that this kind of dog blood would fall on his head. He continued to ask: "Why were you kidnapped? Do you know them?"

"Because I'm rich." Qin Miao said unceremoniously, "I don't know him, someone should hire someone to kidnap him."

Chu Suiyun didn't ask any more questions, he glanced at Dong who was guarding beside the car, and then looked into the distance, but he didn't see the other two Alphas. In my heart, I quickly began to estimate the possibility of myself defeating Dong and escaping.

As a result, Qin Miao interrupted his thinking halfway: "No matter what you are thinking, I advise you to save some effort."

"What?" Chu Suiyun was puzzled, "Are you going to sit and wait for death? You don't have strength, but I do. I don't want to wait here to die."

"Even if the other two go to the bathroom, they won't go far. You can't see it now. In fact, they can rush back in a few steps. You can't beat the three of them alone. If I have strength, plus you You can try, but now I can't use my strength." Qin Miao analyzed, "And do you know the way? Even if you escape, you don't know the way. It is very likely that you will turn around in circles and be caught again, which will anger them. Can you take it?"

Chu Suiyun swallowed, and heard Qin Miao continue to say: "They still expect to exchange money with me. I will be fine, but you are not sure. That old dog seems to have killed people."

"Damn, what else can I do?" Chu Suiyun grew up smoothly for the first eighteen years, never encountered such a thing, and was a little flustered for a while.

"Compared to running away, it's better to listen to them temporarily, they won't kill people easily." Qin Miao said, "Then hope that your family finds out that something is wrong and comes to rescue you."

It's okay for Qin Miao not to say this, but when mentioning family, Chu Suiyun thought of Xiao Yu.

Chu Suiyun thought to himself, if he was kidnapped and said he was rich, then this person must be either rich or expensive, and there must be a lot of people who are worried about him. But my family has only one younger brother who is only thirteen years old. I'm on graduation vacation again, I won't go to school, and no one will notice anything strange if I cut off contact with my high school teachers and classmates.

Thinking of this, Chu Suiyun glanced at Qin Miao, which is why this person is so calm, because someone will definitely come to rescue him, but he is different.

I am helpless, Chu Suiyun thought.

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