MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 7 first confrontation

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After talking on the phone with his younger brother, Chu Suiyun showed both kindness and power, mainly because he lied and said that he would never go to him, so he managed to find out where Chu Muyu and Qin Miao had dinner.

The group of three drove to the restaurant, and when they arrived, Chu Suiyun discovered that the restaurant was located in a chain hotel.

Sitting in a remote booth in the restaurant, Chu Suiyun gritted his teeth with hatred, holding the teacup, the veins on the back of his hands were showing: "This **** **** actually took my brother to the restaurant in the hotel for dinner, what do you want to do next? ?hateful!"

He Huan understood that Chu Suiyun took a close look at his younger brother, so he patted him on the back and said softly, "Don't be angry, don't be angry."

"How can you not be angry!" Although Chu Suiyun was angry, he still remembered to lower his voice and pointed at Chu Muyu's table, "Look at Qin Miao, an idiot who is absent-minded and playing with his phone while having dinner with my brother, how can this Alpha Can you entrust it for life?"

He Huan followed Chu Suiyun's words.

The three of them sat in a corner of the restaurant, inconspicuous, but with a wide view, they could clearly see other seats.

Qin Miao and Chu Muyu were sitting not far from them, with a translucent partition in the middle, which became their cover, but did not block their sight.

The two sat opposite each other, with food in front of them, Chu Muyu was sipping meat, and Qin Miao was flicking his phone carelessly, neither food nor young Omega seemed attractive to him.

Unable to see his younger brother's hot face sticking to the scumbag's cold ass, Chu Suiyun said to his two friends: "Dong Er, call Xiao Yu now and find a way to get him away. Huanhuan, you stay here to prevent accidents."

"Okay." The two of them agreed in unison.

After assigning the task, Dong Kejie called Chu Muyu. After a few busy tones, the three of them watched Chu Muyu pick up the phone.

"Hello, Xiaoyu?" Dong Kejie answered the phone, gave the other two a look, and continued, "I came to look for your brother, but he's not at home, and the phone can't be reached. What happened to him?"

Chu Muyu on the other end of the phone said something, and the three of them saw his younger brother standing up in a hurry and running out of the restaurant.

Seeing the anxious look on his younger brother's face, Chu Suiyun poked Dong Kejie with his elbow, and blamed him for finding such a reason to make his younger brother worry.

Dong Kejie doesn't care about Chu Suiyun, this guy will lose his wits when it comes to his younger brother's affairs, so he concentrates on dealing with Chu Muyu on the phone.

Chu Muyu left, and Qin Miao was the only one left. Chu Suiyun took a deep breath and was about to die when He Huan suddenly grabbed his wrist.

He turned his head and looked over puzzled.

He Huanyu said earnestly: "Remember, after you passed by, you pretended to be an Omega who couldn't control the pheromone because of illness. Don't say too much, just pour it into his arms."

Chu Suiyun's face changed: "This, this is not good."

He Huan said seriously: "What's the problem? Omega perfume can disguise pheromones. If you release it a little bit, he will think you are Omega. And how do you know how to seduce Alpha? Just throw yourself into his arms and give him a hug." It’s the most convenient, I’m afraid I’ll scare people away if you speak up.”

Chu Suiyun, who was questioned about his ability to seduce people, decided to listen to his opinions with an open mind. He nodded and let go of He Huan's hand: "Okay, I understand."

"Come on." He Huan clenched his fists to encourage Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun scratched his hair and pushed up his glasses. Get up and walk to where Qin Miao is.

Estimating the distance, when there were still two tables away from Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun began to slowly release pheromones.

He was painted with the Omega perfume that Qin Miao asked the manager to give to him, which reduced the alpha pheromone smell and added a flower-like sweetness, which was very close to the Omega pheromone.

Finally coming to Qin Miao's side, Chu Suiyun pretended to slip, and according to He Huan's instructions, fell sideways in Qin Miao's arms.

Qin Miao subconsciously hugged his waist, grabbed Chu Suiyun's wrist, and helped him up.

It was also thanks to Qin Miao's quick reaction as an Alpha, otherwise, according to Chu Suiyun's height, he would have fallen headfirst on the ground on the other side. Now being hugged by Qin Miao like this, Chu Suiyun sat firmly on Alpha's lap.

Caught off guard and facing Qin Miao's extremely aggressive facial features at close range, Chu Suiyun lowered his head, a little dazed.

Alpha's eyebrows are like swords, and his eyes are like stars, looking up deeply into Chu Suiyun's eyes.

The man's body is not soft, but solid and warm.

Chu Suiyun forgot to pretend to be sick for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Qin Miao's voice sounded.

Only then did Chu Suiyun come back to his senses, he held his forehead clumsily, and stammered, "Ah, sorry, I'm a little dizzy."

"Really?" Qin Miao smiled lowly, Chu Suiyun was in his arms, and could feel the vibration of his chest.

"Then do you need me to take you to rest in the room?" Qin Miao smiled and looked up at Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun suspected that his eyes could be magical, and when he looked at him seriously, his consciousness was sucked in, and it took twelve minutes of effort to refocus.

After a moment of distraction, Chu Suiyun remembered his purpose.

Qin Miao offered to take her to a hotel room to fall into his arms, but she didn't expect the seduction plan to go so smoothly. Sure enough, this man is a scumbag without a belt.

So Chu Suiyun wrapped his arms around Qin Miao's neck pretentiously, lowered his eyebrows and said calmly, "Yes."

Then Chu Suiyun suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

This guy Qin Miao actually lifted himself upright, put it on his shoulders and stood up.

Damn, this guy is so strong? Raising an Alpha is so easy?

— This was the first thought in Chu Suiyun's mind.

ah! Stomach, stomach, the top is up, is this guy's shoulders made of stone?

— This was Chu Suiyun's second thought.

Qin Miao seemed to be really not strenuous at all. He carried Chu Suiyun, a solid Alpha weighing more than 140 kilograms, on his shoulders, and walked out of the restaurant regardless of the strange eyes of a few guests.

When passing by the table of Dong Kejie and He Huan, Chu Suiyun lay on Qin Miao's shoulder and gestured: "Take a picture, take a picture!"

Dong Kejie held up his mobile phone with a dazed expression on his face, his glasses were tilted down, he was so shocked that he forgot to reply to Chu Muyu's words.

He Huan was also dumbfounded. After a while, he remembered to take out his phone and start taking pictures.

Seeing He Huan taking pictures, Chu Suiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was very embarrassing to be carried on the shoulders of another Alpha today, at least the task was completed, and the rest of his brother's life was bright.

Seeing Chu Suiyun being carried out of sight by Qin Miao, Dong Kejie said to Chu Muyu on the phone: "Ah, I saw the message your brother left me. He said that he would sleep at home all day. I'm sorry. Yu, I made you worry."

After finishing speaking, Dong Kejie hung up the phone, looked at He Huan who was equally shocked and dumbfounded, and after a few seconds, he said: "Now Suiyun has a lot of wedding materials."

He Huan wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, not knowing what expression to use to face it at this moment.

"Look at the photo." Dong Kejie said.

After all, the most important purpose of their operation this time was to obtain evidence of Qin Miao's cheating.

He Huan nodded, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the photo album to show Dong Kejie.

After seeing it, Dong Kejie shook his head and said, "No, none of these photos can be used. Suiyun's full face is exposed. But Qin Miao's face was not photographed."

"Sorry." He Huan took the phone apologetically, "I should have taken a picture when Qin Miao was facing me just now, but he glanced at me, it was quite intrusive, and I was a little scared."

"It's okay, I didn't realize it at the time." Dong Kejie reassured.

Up to now, he still remembers the shock at the moment when he saw Chu Suiyun being picked up by Qin Miao, which can be said to be unforgettable in his life.

"I'll chase after them quickly. It would be great if I can catch the two of them entering the room. You go and take Xiao Yu home." Dong Kejie picked up his things and chased after them.

He Huan nodded, watched him leave, and turned around to see Chu Muyu who was returning from the phone call and looking blankly at the empty seat.

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked towards Chu Muyu.

"Hi, Xiaoyu, what a coincidence, I met you here."

At this moment, upstairs in the hotel room.

Qin Miao carried Chu Suiyun on his shoulders, with one hand on his waist, the other hand was free to take out the room card, and swiped the door open with a click.

This is a suite, Qin Miao inserted the room card and strode towards the bedroom.

Chu Suiyun felt that his stomach was about to burst, and now he would get sick even if he wasn't sick.

He slumped on Qin Miao's shoulder, neither struggling nor speaking, mainly because he didn't know whether Dong Kejie and the others had taken a suitable photo, and he didn't know how to talk to Alpha as an Omega.

He was so obedient that Qin Miao easily brought him to the bedroom, and then threw him on the bed with all his might.

Only then did Chu Suiyun realize that there was a double bed under him.

An Alpha brought an Omega to a hotel room, and Chu Suiyun knew what was going to happen next, even though he had never dated an Omega.

He turned over, sat up against the head of the bed, and looked at Qin Miao warily.

Qin Miao is much taller than himself, and his physique is considered tall even in Alpha, and judging from the fact that he has carried himself for so long without any effort, this fellow is probably very strong.

Chu Suiyun's psychological evaluation: Can't beat it.

He seduced Qin Miao just to get evidence to persuade his younger brother to quit, but he didn't intend to sleep with Alpha, I believe Qin Miao is like this too.

How could an Alpha want to do something with an Alpha?

As long as he and Qin Miao confess their identities, this guy will probably wither. The only thing to worry about is that you might get beaten up.

Seeing that Chu Suiyun turned over very neatly, Qin Miao stood beside the bed and asked condescendingly, "How are you?"

Chu Suiyun was startled, only then did he realize that his character was a weak Omega.

He quickly looked away, pretended to be uncomfortable, and shook his head: "No."

If you can avoid conflict with Qin Miao, it's best not to let it go, Chu Suiyun doesn't want to be beaten, even if it's a mutual fight, it hurts, so he wants to pretend to be pitiful.

Qin Miao, a scumbag, shouldn't be able to deal with the sick and uncomfortable Omega, right?

Suddenly, Chu Suiyun felt the bed beside him collapse.

The aggression that belonged to Alpha permeated the tip of the nose, and when Chu Suiyun raised his head, the tip of his nose almost touched Qin Miao's.

Qin Miao turned her head and sniffed Chu Suiyun's neck again.

"This is your pheromone?" Qin Miao closed her eyes, "Are you uncomfortable? I'll help you."

Chu Suiyun's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, hearing Qin Miao's whispers, his hair stood on end.

This scumbag is really good at it!

Read The Duke's Passion