MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 71 Reminiscence·Be heard in the corner

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After Yu Chang got home, he put the soy sauce he bought on the kitchen condiment shelf, turned around and walked out to his mother's bedroom.

The rooms in this building are all about the same size and layout. Yu Chang’s house is the same as the room rented by Chu Suiyun, who is opposite the door. There is only one bedroom. His mother lives in the bedroom, and Yu Chang sleeps in the living room.

"Mom, hey, I bought honey cakes." Yu Chang probed into the house, shaking the plastic bag in his hand, which contained five or six pieces of cakes.

Yu Fang is a skinny middle-aged Omega woman. In midsummer, her legs are still covered with a thick quilt, leaning against the head of the bed, looking at her son with a helpless smile. And beside her bed, there is a wheelchair, which is tightly attached to the bed, and she can sit on the wheelchair by sitting on the bed and stretching her hands.

"Don't be a good boy, how many times have I told you not to blame your sixth uncle, it's not easy for him to open a small shop." Yu Fang scolded.

Yu Chang shrugged nonchalantly: "Hmph, don't worry about him, don't let him soften your heart just because he occasionally comes to show his hospitality!"

Uncle Six, the owner of the supermarket downstairs, is a beta. He seems to have a crush on Yu Fang, and he would often send some daily necessities or fresh vegetables. Uncle Six is ​​kind and honest, but there is nothing wrong with it. But her son always overprotects herself, Yu Fang sighed: "You have a reason for everything."

Yu Chang put the cake on the bedside table, rolled up his sleeves: "Mom, let me massage your legs."

"Okay." Yu Fang nodded.

Yu Chang bent down, lifted the quilt covering his mother's legs, rolled up her trouser legs, took out the essential oil from the bedside table, and massaged it skillfully for her.

Mother's leg was crippled by an Alpha.

Some Alphas are romantic and some Alphas are paranoid. My mother met an Alpha who seemed loyal but was actually paranoid and crazy. He was like a dragon guarding a treasure, thinking that the whole world was coveting his wife. This suspicion intensified and reached its peak after Yu Fang gave birth to Yu Chang. Alpha felt that his son took away his wife's love for him, and speculated absurdly, since such a little guy can easily divert his wife's attention, what about others?

He was immersed in this kind of unnecessary suspicion every day. That day, just because Yu Fang said a few more words with the new neighbor couple, he decided that there was something wrong with Yu Fang and the Alpha in the neighbor couple, and frantically questioned, Arguing, in the end, he decided to die with his wife. He stunned Yu Fang, hugged her and jumped off the roof.

But only Alpha died on the spot, because he was under the cushion, and Yu Fang was held in his arms. With the cushion of his body, he saved his life, but he couldn't stand up again.

When Yu Chang grew up, he learned the whole story of his mother's disabled legs, so he didn't like Alpha very much. In his view, Alpha was an emotionally unstable beast, without the basic rationality that a human should maintain.

Every time he squeezed his mother's legs, Yu Chang would think of this uncontrollably, and there was a moment of depression in his eyes. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice ringing in my ears.

"Xiao Chang, is your fever coming?"

Yu Chang was taken aback for a moment, and after some recollection he denied it: "No, it's still early."

"Hmm... I also remember that you were not at this time, but you smell of pheromones. Did you forget to put on the barrier again?" Yu Fang frowned disapprovingly.

Huashe Island is not like Yunguo, which is at the forefront of research on inhibitors in the world. After AO becomes an adult, he is injected with a special inhibitor, which can get rid of irregular fever periods and accidental pheromone leakage. Therefore, the Omegas in Yunguo do not need to put on barrier stickers, their pheromones will be maintained at a stable level, and they will be emitted naturally and without temptation information, which liberates them.

But Flower Snake Island doesn't have this kind of inhibitor, and the Omega here can't accept the federal neck ring system, so if they don't want to be harassed by Alpha because of pheromone leakage, they can only choose barrier stickers.

Yu Chang doesn't like to stick barrier stickers, they are airtight and itchy when they stick on his neck. He claims to be able to control himself very well, so he always secretly does not post. But today's situation seems to be a bit special. He failed to control his emotions well and let a trace of smell leak out.

Yu Chang thought of the tall and thin Omega he met in the supermarket today, that was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, every point was just right, he had never seen an Omega similar to that person. When the man supported him who was about to fall, the strength and warmth of his hands, and the clear and pleasant voice of the man when he talked to him, all made Yu Chang's heart beat faster.

It may be because of this that Yu Chang failed to control the pheromone well.

Yu Chang hates Alpha, but he likes Omega. He had also dated Omega before, but he had never met Chu Suiyun like that, which made him feel love at first sight.

But there is no need to tell his mother about this. Yu Chang scratched his head and said that it was just because he didn't want to post it. As expected, his mother made a sullen face and gave him a serious education, telling him how important the barrier stickers are.

After being told by his mother, Yu Chang thought of Chu Suiyun, and also the Alpha he saw in the corridor just now. That Alpha was tall and handsome, much taller than Chu Suiyun. Yu Chang imagined that Alpha and Chu Suiyun standing together, and reluctantly admitted that they looked quite right. But so what, Alpha is unreliable after all.

Yu Chang was not satisfied with that Alpha, thinking that Chu Suiyun could have a better choice. But after all, Chu Suiyun and that Alpha are friends, and there is an insurmountable mark, so he can only kill this newly born love.

The night gradually deepened, and the noisy and noisy temporary residential area during the day became quiet. The sound of TV and conversations came from the residential building, which gave off a sense of life, but in a certain room in the building, the atmosphere was dense and sticky.

Qin Miao covered the lower half of Chu Suiyun's face with her hand, and whispered softly to the person below her: "Don't make a sound, the sound insulation is not good here."

Chu Suiyun knew that the sound insulation here was not good. He could hear the knocking of dishes and chopsticks next door on the counter when he was cooking in the kitchen, and he could hear the neighbors talking when he was playing with his mobile phone in the bedroom. In the same way, your own voice can also be heard by neighbors.

He obviously didn't make any sound, but Qin Miaoqiang covered his mouth, which made Chu Suiyun feel inexplicably embarrassed, he could only close his eyes and try to escape.

The heat wave was rolling up, and almost swallowed Chu Suiyuntun into his stomach. Chu Suiyun felt that his body was no longer his own, he had already handed over the dominance and let Qin Miao do whatever he wanted.

The room was filled with Qin Miao's pheromone, filled with the tip of Chu Suiyun's nose. It was a vast and cold smell like a frigid sea. There was always a strong wind blowing on the sea, setting off a wave high enough to blow him away. into the abyss.

At first, Chu Suiyun's body rejected this smell very much, because they are all Alphas, they are competitors, and the instinct of mutual exclusion and struggle comes from genes. But now, after being repeatedly bitten by Qin Miao's glands, and after the breath of the sea swept through the blood vessels of his body countless times, Chu Suiyun began to be nostalgic and accept.

Man is a highly adaptable animal. Even two Alphas who were born to fight each other, after fusion again and again, each other's pheromones will become eager for each other.

Physiological tears hung from the end of Chu Suiyun's eyes, his slender and slender arms were tightly wrapped around Qin Miao's shoulders, his brows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were closed intoxicated. He still remembers to keep a low voice and honestly pour out his desire in Qin Miao's ear.

"Bite me, Qin Miao, bite me."

After calming down for a while, Qin Miao noticed that Chu Suiyun was unusual. He brushed off Chu Suiyun's sweaty forehead and said, "This is not a period of susceptibility, you are passively heating up."

That's why it is more intolerable and violent than the susceptible period.

The barrier sticker on Chu Suiyun's neck was torn apart in the chaos, and a faint woody fragrance came out from there. The skin at his glands was intact, although the teeth marks from a few days ago could be faintly seen, but there was no new injury.

In the **** just now, Qin Miao didn't listen to Chu Suiyun's words, and didn't bite his glands. Because Chu Suiyun was the only one who lost his mind this time, Qin Miao, who was sober, knew that Alpha's glands were not for marking, and he was afraid of biting too much and causing problems.

Chu Suiyun's neck was intact, but there was an extra tooth mark on Qin Miao's gland, and blood was even faintly oozing out at this moment. One can tell at a glance how reckless and young the person who left the mark is, he doesn't know how to control it at all, the wound is too deep, and he has already pierced a blood vessel through the gland.

Chu Suiyun, who had been bitten several times, finally deduced the location of Qin Miao's glands from the location of his own glands, successfully left marks on the opponent's neck, and successfully "marked" his belongings.

It is also because of this that Chu Suiyun's passive fever subsided so quickly this time, instead of lasting for several hours.

Qin Miao reached out and tore off the half-torn barrier sticker on Chu Suiyun's neck, took a new one, and stuck it on for him. The faint woody fragrance disappeared immediately, but Qin Miao felt that the smell seemed to still linger on the tip of his nose. After a moment of trance, he realized that it was because Chu Suiyun had left a "mark" on his glands, and his smell had already disappeared. Temporarily integrated into his blood.

Chu Suiyun was tired and fell asleep with his eyes closed. Qin Miao patted his cheek and called him: "Don't sleep, wake up. Did you touch Omgea today?"

Alpha will only enter passive fever after being exposed to Omega pheromones, so Qin Miao asked this question.

Chu Suiyun opened his eyes, regained his senses for a while, and then sat up against the head of the bed, and confessed honestly: "Today when I went shopping, I met an Omgea, he lived across from us, and I went with him It's a long way."

After hearing his words, Qin Miao became more and more puzzled. Chu Suiyun is a superior Alpha, and can maintain his sanity in front of an Omega who is in a fever period. How could he passively become feverish because of such a simple contact with an Omega?

Qin Miao thought for a moment, and deduced: "Rich Maxson's medicine is still in your body."

This is the most likely reason. Qin Miao and Chu Suiyun lived in the room covered with unknown medicine for a day and a night. There is no way to know whether the medicine has passed the clinical trial or not, and has any side effects.

"Go to the hospital after you get back." Qin Miao straightened his forehead hair again, said with a serious face, and began to think about how to plan ahead so that they could return to Yunguo earlier.

On Huashe Island, Chu Suiyun was not allowed to see a doctor, especially for diseases related to sexual characteristics, otherwise his pretending to be an Omega would be exposed, and the two of them would be confiscated of their temporary residence permits and directly deported.

Chu Suiyun asked back: "Don't you feel strange?"

Qin Miao and him should be affected in the same way. He just had a passive fever because of a brief contact with Yu Chang. Qin Miao was outside all afternoon, and he might encounter an Omega whose pheromones were out of control. Why didn't he have a fever?

"I have been trained in drug resistance." Qin Miao explained, "Do you remember the drug that the kidnapper gave me? I also metabolize it very quickly."

Chu Suiyun remembered that in order to control Qin Miao, the kidnappers injected him with a drug that could make him feel weak. The drug should have lasted for 24 hours, but Qin Miao could barely last for a few days. Hours.

The two were talking in the room, unaware that someone had stopped at their door for five minutes half an hour ago.

Yuchang's mother is very good at making pickles. After dinner with his mother, when he saw the leftover pickles on the plate, he thought of the neighbor who just moved in today.

So Yu Chang said to his mother: "Mom, let's get some pickles for the other door to taste. They also come from Yunguo and just moved here today."

Yu Fang sat in front of the TV, and when she heard that the neighbor across the door was from Yunguo, she immediately beamed with joy, and remembered a sentence: "I don't know if the snow scene in Shanlan City is still the same as in previous years."

Then she urged her son to quickly take a fresh-keeping box and pack some pickles for the new neighbors, like a child, and told him to be polite and not to argue with the neighbors. Yu Chang was anxious to talk to Chu Suiyun, so he answered a few words, picked up the fresh-keeping box and left.

Yu Chang excitedly ran to the opposite door, raised his hand and was about to knock, but the extremely poorly sound-insulated walls hardly obstructed the sound in the room, and Yu Chang suddenly heard a low cry.

"It hurts! There..."

Immediately afterwards, another deep voice coaxed patiently: "It's okay, I'll slow down."

Yu Chang is not a child who doesn't understand anything, and he knows what his neighbor is busy at the moment. His cheeks were burning red, he was holding the pickle box and didn't know what to do.

Just when he was hesitating, two intertwined smells of pheromones quietly seeped out, passing through layers of isolation in the room, and reaching Yu Chang's nose, the smell was already very weak, but Yu Chang was a sensitive Omega, Not Beta, who is insensitive to pheromones, he can smell it even if it has a very faint smell—

This is the pheromone belonging to the two Alphas.

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