MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 82 father suddenly returned home

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Saturday mornings are the most lazy.

Chu Suiyun lay on the pillow, eyes half-opened lazily. Suddenly, a smell of smoke came into his nostrils, and he raised his head to look at the person beside him.

Qin Miao leaned against the head of the bed, just lit a cigarette, and it was wrapped around her fingertips. He saw Chu Suiyun's eyes and smiled: "Why?"

"What kind of bad habit do you have?" Chu Suiyun stretched his arms, straightened his upper body, and moved towards Qin Miao, "You have to smoke every time you finish? It's still early in the morning."

As he spoke, Chu Suiyun stretched out his hand and took out the cigarette from between his fingers. The young Alpha held the cigarette in his hand and looked at it for a moment. Out of curiosity, he suddenly imitated Qin Miao's movements decently, put it to his mouth and took a puff.

Qin Miao didn't mind him snatching her cigarettes, she was quite happy, leaned forward, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the tip of her nose touched Chu Suiyun's, and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Huh..." Chu Suiyun didn't swallow it at all, and took a puff of cigarettes in his mouth, and now he sprayed it directly on Qin Miao's face, "It smells so bad."

Qin Miao quickly closed her eyes, subconsciously held her breath, and waited for the smoke to clear before looking at Chu Suiyun again. His eyes suddenly became sharp, like a lone wolf that has been wandering the mountains for many days without eating.

Then Qin Miao stretched out his hand, pressing the back of Chu Suiyun's head and pressing towards him, he raised his head to meet him, not caring about the smell of smoke that remained in Chu Suiyun's mouth, and began to plunder like a hurricane.

Chu Suiyun didn't expect Qin Miao to kiss him suddenly, he was dazed for a moment, and put his arms around Qin Miao's neck in a hurry. The cigarette in his hand shook with his movements, and the hot ash fell on Qin Miao's bare shoulders.

Qin Miao deliberately "hissed" to startle Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun realized that it was the cigarette **** that burned Qin Miao, so he quickly withdrew his hand: "Sorry."

At the same time that Chu Suiyun withdrew his hand, Qin Miao clasped his hand, took the cigarette back, brought it to his mouth and took a puff. Then Qin Miao waved the cigarette that the two had only smoked once and threw it into the trash can.

"If you don't like me smoking, then I won't smoke." Qin Miao said.

Chu Suiyun was stunned for a moment, and hesitated: "I don't have to ask you to quit smoking."

Halfway through speaking, Chu Suiyun raised his eyes to look at Qin Miao, and continued: "Forget it, quit smoking, quit now, live a few more years, old man."

"What? What do you say I am?" Qin Miao was surprised, and sat up to catch Chu Suiyun.

Chu Suiyun jumped out of bed in a jerk, half of his hair was not caught, he said while running: "I went to take a shower, you didn't hear anything."

After taking a shower, Chu Suiyun came out of the bathroom wiping his hair, and saw Qin Miao holding his mobile phone in his hand, which was ringing non-stop.

"Who is calling?" Chu Suiyun walked over and asked.

Qin Miao handed him the phone: "Look for yourself."

Picking up the phone and looking at it in front of his eyes, Chu Suiyun was suddenly surprised. The caller ID on the screen read two words: Father.

Chu Suiyun glanced at Qin Miao, walked to the window, and answered the phone: "Father."

Qin Miao sat on the edge of the bed bored, listening to Chu Suiyun being respectful and polite to the person on the other end of the phone, and kept answering: "Yes, yes, I understand."

The call lasted for half a minute, Chu Suiyun hung up, and Qin Miao asked, "What did your father say?"

Chu Suiyun looked a little embarrassed, walked to the closet, took out the clothes he had temporarily put on Qin Miao's side, and began to change.

He put on a sweater and replied: "My father said that he has arrived in Yunguo, and asked me and Xiaoyu to pick him up at the airport."

Chu Tian suddenly returned to Yun Country, which even Chu Suiyun didn't expect. But Chu Tian chose to come back at this time, a little sudden, but not abnormal.

Since his mother left, the relationship between the father and son of the Chu family has become awkward and unfamiliar. Chu Tian will not come back once in the Federation for several years. But as long as he comes back, he will choose the New Year period.

Coupled with the fact that Xiao Yu is an adult this year, it is not surprising that Chu Tian came back at this time.

Chu Suiyun hurriedly packed himself up and was about to go out. Qin Miao put on a pajamas and sent him to the door: "In such a hurry?"

"He's already arrived. He called me at the airport. I can't keep him waiting." Chu Suiyun put on his shoes and was about to open the door and go out.

Qin Miao originally wanted to see him off, but seeing that he was in such a hurry and she hadn't changed her clothes yet, she gave up the idea of ​​seeing him off, and instead handed her car keys to Chu Suiyun: "Drive my car. "

Chu Suiyun didn't drive when he came here last night, and was worried that it would be inconvenient to take a taxi. Hearing this, he immediately took Qin Miao's car key: "Thank you."

As soon as the words were finished, Chu Suiyun hurriedly opened the door and left, without even giving Qin Miao a look of nostalgia, Qin Miao stood by the door and sighed unhappily.

Sitting in the car, Chu Suiyun dialed his younger brother's phone while starting the car. Tell my younger brother that my father is back, and now I have to go home to pick him up, and the two will go to the airport to pick him up.

Chu Muyu's voice was still lazy, and it sounded like he was still sleeping in on Saturday morning, and when he heard his brother say that his father had arrived in Yunguo, he immediately regained his energy and agreed repeatedly. Chu Suiyun heard the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong from his side, and guessed that his younger brother was in a hurry to get up.

Half an hour later, Chu Suiyun drove to his home to pick up his younger brother, and the two brothers went to the airport.

When Chu Tian called his eldest son, he had already landed. When Chu Suiyun and his brothers arrived, he and his secretary had been waiting at the airport for quite a while.

Chu Suiyun parked the car in the parking lot where he picked up the airport, and called his father, saying that he had arrived.

After hanging up the phone, a minute later, Chu Suiyun saw his father's figure walking out of the airport.

"Xiao Yu." Chu Suiyun tilted his head to remind his younger brother, Chu Muyu hurriedly unbuckled his seat belt, and followed his elder brother to get out of the car to meet his father.

Chu Tian was tall and straight, wearing a long black coat. He walked fast, and the wind was blowing under his feet. Behind him was a slender male Omega, wrapped in the same thick black coat, making him even thinner.

"Father." Chu Suiyun and Chu Muyu came to Chutian and greeted obediently.

Chu Tian nodded to the brothers calmly, looked at the car parked beside him, and asked, "Suiyun, have you changed the car?"

As a college student who has just started an internship, Chu Suiyun has no assets of his own, and the car he usually uses was given to him by Chu Tian as a gift, so Chu Tian knows Chu Suiyun's car.

Chu Suiyun replied vaguely: "It's a friend's, I'll borrow it for a while."

Chu Tian stared at the car silently for a moment, his scalp numb from seeing Chu Suiyun. In the end, Chu Tian said: "You friend, you are quite rich."

Chu Suiyun felt guilty, he knew his father would care about such things, so he took a taxi here.

The Omega behind Chu Tian stepped forward and greeted the two brothers: "Hello, I am President Chu's secretary, Yu Ze, nice to meet you."

The two brothers greeted Yu Ze. Then Yu Ze handed the two handbags in his hand to Chu Suiyun and Chu Muyu respectively, and explained: "This is a gift chosen by President Chu for you."

Chu Suiyun glanced at his father, Chu Tian nodded: "Take it."

After consulting their father, the brothers accepted the gift with peace of mind. When Chu Suiyun took the handbag from Yu Ze, he keenly noticed the ring on his left ring finger.

After the four of them exchanged simple greetings, they got into the car together. As a secretary, Yu Ze wanted to drive, but Chu Suiyun knew that Qin Miao didn't like others touching his car, so he said to Yu Ze: "I'll drive as soon as possible." Okay, Secretary Yu, rest."

Yu Ze was a little flattered, and after being surprised for a moment, he laughed happily: "Thank you very much."

Chu Suiyun couldn't hold back, and looked at him twice more.

Omega's facial features are softer than Alpha's, and they look younger, and Yu Ze is no exception. He looks about 27 or 28 years old, but his actual age should be three or four years older. His whole body exudes a gentle aura, the kind of gentle Omega that Chu Suiyun seldom comes into contact with.

Chu Suiyun didn't know who was around his father when he was in the federation, but at least in the past few years, his father returned to Yun Country a few times, and he always brought a tall Beta with him, and this Secretary Yu never appeared.

After getting in the car, Chu Tian sat in the co-pilot, and the two Omegas Chu Muyu and Yu Ze sat in the back seat. In the first few minutes when Chu Suiyun drove on the road, there was an extremely embarrassing quiet time in the car.

Fortunately, Yu Ze is eloquent, and with his Omega status, he is naturally close to other Omegas. After a while, he chatted with Chu Muyu.

"Can I call you Xiao Yu?" Yu Ze asked with a smile.

Chu Muyu blinked, and she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she could only nod: "You can do whatever you want."

"Xiao Yu." Yu Ze called him directly and familiarly, and then pointed to the bag in Chu Muyu's arms, "You can open the present and have a look."

There was nothing else to do in the car, and unwrapping the presents would relieve some embarrassment, so Chu Muyu obediently took the presents out of the box.

Chutian gave the same gift to his two sons, each with a new mobile phone. This mobile phone is expensive and stylish in design, and it is also a brand that young people are very keen on.

Chu Muyu looked at the phone in his hand, and said to Chutian, "Thank you, Dad."

Hearing the crisp voice of Omega's son, a trace of warmth flashed in Chu Tian's eyes, but the reaction he expressed was very cold. He didn't even turn his head, and only replied in a deep voice: "Well, as long as you like it."

Yu Ze raised his eyes to look at Chu Tian's side face, then withdrew his gaze, smiled softly, and asked Chu Muyu, "Xiao Yu, do you have your old mobile phone with you? May I configure it for you?"

Hearing this, Chu Muyu took out the old mobile phone and handed it to Yu Ze.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chu Suiyun silently listened to the conversation in the car, and felt something was wrong. He glanced at his younger brother and Secretary Yu through the rearview mirror, and then focused on driving again.

The four of them came to a Yunguo cuisine restaurant that had been open for many years for lunch. Chutian would come here every time he returned to China.

The business of the restaurant was booming, and all the private rooms were booked out, so the four had no choice but to choose a quieter private seat.

During the meal, the four of them chatted not very enthusiastically. Occasionally someone started a conversation, but the age, sex, and professional experience of the four people present were all very different. Chu Tian and his two sons were not close, and it was true that they couldn't talk together.

When he was about to eat, Chu Suiyun suddenly received a call, and looked down, it was Qin Miao calling. He got up, greeted the others, and walked off to answer the phone.

Qin Miao came to ask him where he had lunch, and Chu Suiyun knew that what he really wanted to ask was whether he could abide by the original agreement and continue to accompany him on weekends.

But looking at the current situation, I have to break my promise. Chu Suiyun said apologetically, "I'm sorry, maybe I will be with my father for two days on weekends."

Qin Miao was silent for a moment, with some regret in his tone, but he couldn't hear any blame, so he said helplessly, "Okay."

After chatting with Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun hung up the phone, and was about to lift his feet back to his seat, but saw his younger brother standing behind him at some point.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing out here?" Chu Suiyun put away his phone and asked.

Chu Muyu glanced at the private seat, and Chu Suiyun followed his younger brother's line of sight, and found that his father was talking to Yu Ze. The content of the conversation between the two cannot be heard here, but their expressions can be clearly seen.

Yu Ze looked a bit embarrassed, and said something to Chu Tian, ​​who shook his head. Yu Ze sighed helplessly, Chu Tian then said something to him, Yu Ze's expression looked a little better, he should be comforted.

After watching the interaction between the two, Chu Suiyun looked at his younger brother again. Chu Muyu bit his lower lip and asked with some difficulty: "Brother, do we have a stepmother?"

Read The Duke's Passion