MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 89 no one to rely on

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After Dong finished speaking, Levis still didn't understand that the three of them didn't come to sincerely cooperate on this trip. He couldn't bear it any longer, and became furious, and slammed the door out.

Leaving from the restaurant, Levis came to the parking lot without seeing the driver. It turned out that the driver didn't expect him to come out so early, so he found a place to keep warm.

Levis was in a fit of anger. The driver's small mistake seemed to him to be dereliction of duty. He angrily opened the driver's door, started the car, and called the driver.

As soon as the phone beeped twice, the driver connected immediately, and the voice sounded fearfully: "Boss, are you finished?"

"You don't need to come, go and settle the wages tomorrow. Damn, you still have to wait for you. I don't do anything with the money." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without giving the driver a chance to defend himself.

Afterwards, regardless of the fact that he did not obtain a driving license in Yunguo, Levi stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the parking lot quickly.

On the way back to the hotel, Levis casually sent a message to his temporary lover in Yunguo, asking him to pack up and go to the hotel.

More than half an hour later, Levis returned to the hotel room, turned on the light, and saw his lover sitting by the bed in a light dress.

The lover's obedient and obedient appearance made him look a little dizzy.

This lover was Levi's first male lover after he came to Yunguo. He was a little-known model and Levi's first male lover.

Levis walked into the room, came to Omega, raised his chin, and laughed, "So impatient?"

Omega smiled shyly and was about to say something, but was picked up by Levis in the air. He was startled and exclaimed.

Levi's heart was simmering, and he didn't have time to show affection with Omega. He carried Omega directly into the bedroom, and closed the door behind him.

After being thrown heavily onto the bed, Omega was obviously taken aback, and quickly sat up, pushing his hands against Levi's chest, coquettishly: "Wait, don't be so anxious."

Levis frowned, and said in a cold tone, "You want to disobey me too?"

Omega was taken aback, then shook his head: "Of course not."

Then he pressed Levis' chest, exerted a little force, and pushed Alpha up and down. He sat on Levi's body and whispered, "Why don't I take the initiative this time?"

This Omega really knows how to please Alpha. Levis stared at his face, lost in thought for a moment.

Omega is very young, in his early twenties, with the vigor of that age. Why did I take a fancy to this guy out of several candidates?

Levis recalled for a while, and finally remembered, because this guy looks like Chu Suiyun.

Omega's nose bridge is superior, somewhat similar to Chu Suiyun's, and beauties have more or less similarities, which makes this Omega very similar to Chu Suiyun in certain angles.

Being pressed down by the Omega, Levis looked up from the bottom, and couldn't tell whether the person on him was Chu Suiyun or the lover whose name he couldn't even remember.

Thinking of Chu Suiyun at such a time, a nameless anger welled up in his throat without warning, and Levis grabbed Omega's neck, threw him away, turned over and subdued him.

"You're quite courageous?" Levis snorted coldly, "Your trick is only useful for those cowardly Alphas. I don't like being held down. Just lie down obediently."

It is difficult for Omega to counter Alpha's strength. Levis has a lot of strength in his hands, and Omega has blushed and begged for mercy in a panic: "Sorry, I... I was wrong."

Seeing Omega's eyes filled with tears, Leviston suddenly felt bored, his eyes were full of panic, but he was afraid of such a thing when he encountered such a little thing.

At this time, Levis thought of the pair of eyes he had seen before. They were as ruthless as a wolf cub, with a kind of tenacity that would not yield even in desperate situations.

"Grass." Levis cursed secretly and ordered, "Lie down on my stomach and don't let me see your eyes."

Omega obediently turned around.

Levis had just roughly taken off Omega's clothes when the cell phone in his jacket rang. He didn't want to answer it at first, but after the phone hung up automatically, he persistently called a second time.

"Tsk." Levis got off the bed impatiently, picked up the coat that was casually taken off the chair, and glanced at the phone screen.

After seeing the caller ID, Levis swept away the impatience on his face, connected it immediately, put it to his ear, and greeted respectfully: "Father."

Old Maxson got a little emotional, and reprimanded: "What are you doing! Why don't you answer the phone!"

Levi's nonsense: "I just drove, I didn't hear you. What's the matter, father?"

"Hmph." Old Maxson questioned with unabated anger, "You asked me what's the matter, but I would like to ask you what good things you did when you went to Yunguo?"

"What...Father, I don't understand."

"You still don't understand! Are you going to provoke someone surnamed Chu again?" There was a loud noise from the old Maxson's side, which seemed to be the sound of slapping the table.

"I didn't." Leavis denied it.

"You didn't? Then why did that old fox Chu Tian go back to Yunguo, and told me it was because of his son, and even shelved the investment?"

"I don't know, Father. But I didn't do anything," Levis said.

Old Maxson was silent for a moment, and warned: "I didn't intend to let you get in touch with He Fengmiao's business, I just let you go to Yunguo because you need a credit to gain a foothold now, and you promise not to make mistakes. Yes. Since you have accepted this job, you can do it well for me!"

Levis gritted his teeth, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he replied, "Yes, father."

"However, there is no need for you to stay in Yunguo now, give up the competition, and give up the cooperation opportunity to Julun. Come back." Old Maxson ordered.

Levis was taken aback, unable to understand his father's arrangement, and asked, "Why?"

"Because the person in charge of Julun is your younger brother." Old Maxson said flatly, "Bruce has no children in his family, and Julun is likely to fall into the hands of your younger brother in the end. He needs to make some achievements to win people's hearts."

Levis opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and asked in disbelief, "Father, when did you know?"

"Huh?" Old Maxson was very shrewd. He heard from Levi's question that he also knew about it, so he said indifferently, "So you also knew."

"Two years ago, that kid took the initiative to find me and recognized me." Old Maxson said, "You were in prison at that time, so you didn't have the chance to tell you. That's how I found out that he was responsible for this communication." Miao cooperation."

"This is a long-term plan. Come back to me honestly." Old Maxson said, "Did you hear that?"

Levis bit his lower lip and remained silent for a long time.

"No." He almost crushed the phone, "I will never quit."

"Okay, okay, the wings are stiff." Old Maxson was so angry that he hummed, and then said coldly, "This is a notice, not a discussion with you."

"No matter what, I will not back down." Levis said.

"Rich, I really spoiled you." Old Maxson's voice became ruthless, "I pampered you time and time again, but what did you become in the end? You can't bring any benefits to the family. Repeatedly stabbed me. In contrast, that child Dong is much more sensible, young, obedient, and knows to call from time to time to care about my old man's health."

"I didn't have a choice before, but now..." Old Maxson clicked, "You can do it yourself."

The phone was hung up, and Levis almost lost his strength and slid to the ground.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and found that the hotel room was surprisingly quiet. At some point, that Omega had already sneaked away, leaving only Levis sitting lonely in the middle of the room.

the other side.

Chu Suiyun and Qin Miao left the restaurant, bid farewell to Dong, and drove to the parking lot.

"Go home and sleep?" Qin Miao asked after fastening her seat belt.

Chu Suiyun shook his head: "No, go to the hospital."

"Okay." Qin Miao shrugged helplessly, started the car obediently, and drove towards the hospital.

On the way, Chu Suiyun couldn't hold back, and asked, "Can that fellow Rich really learn a lesson? He's not even afraid of going to jail."

Qin Miao smiled maliciously, and replied: "He will pay the due price. The next thing is between Dong and the Maxson family, we just watch."

As the vehicles shuttled between the traffic that turned into cones of light due to the high speed, Qin Miao told Chu Suiyun the matter in detail as if telling a story.

"The children of the Federation family value their origins. Among them, the heirs of the McKesson family generation are the most. The old Maxson is a romantic, and his illegitimate son can form a football team. Before that, only Rich was born to the serious Mrs. Maxson."

"The only thing Rich cares about and relies on the most is his own background. He has been protected by the old Maxson without a bottom line for thirty years, and suddenly a brother who is equal to him pops up. Do you think he will collapse?"

Qin Miao laughed jokingly: "What's more, he faked his death two years ago for plastic surgery and changed his identity in order to get rid of the crime. Now he has no so-called 'dizi' status to rely on."

"It's your own fault." Chu Suiyun threw down four words.

At this point, the topic about Levis ended, and the two chatted about other things until they arrived at the hospital ten minutes later.

Qin Miao didn't get out of the car, but grabbed Chu Suiyun's hand and said, "I'm afraid your dad will punch me again, so I won't go up. You go home early, it's best to go back to my house, don't be afraid of waking me up."

Chu Suiyun squeezed his palm in turn: "Yes, I see."

"Know what?" Qin Miao was dissatisfied with his vague answer and insisted on asking.

Chu Suiyun rolled his eyes at him, and replied honestly: "I know, I will go to your house, you'd better not sleep too hard, be careful with me... Forget it, let's go."

"Haha." Qin Miao pulled Chu Suiyun's hand, sucked on the back of his hand, "Welcome to attack me."

After a while, Qin Miao finally let Chu Suiyun into the inpatient department.

There were not many people on the floor of the single ward in the inpatient department. Chu Suiyun came to the door of the ward and saw his father and Yu Ze were there.

Walking into the ward, Chu Muyu called him first: "Brother."

Chu Suiyun nodded to his younger brother as a response, then pulled a chair, sat at the end of the bed, and asked for warmth.

After asking and asking about those questions, Chu Muyu is only in the period of fever, not sick, and has not had any adverse reactions after injection of inhibitors, so she will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and her body will naturally not feel uncomfortable.

But she didn't feel unwell, and Chu Muyu wasn't in a high mood, and she spoke lazily, and answered simply. His eyes were always downcast, and the corners of his mouth sank slightly. Chu Suiyun looked at it, and sighed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

The two brothers quickly had nothing to say, and the atmosphere froze for a few seconds. At this moment, Chu Tian patted Chu Suiyun's shoulder and said, "Come out with me."

Chu Suiyun greeted his younger brother and Yu Ze, and followed his father out of the ward.

"Suiyun, I want to take Xiaoyu to live in the Federation for a few years." Walking out of the ward, Chu Tian said bluntly.

Chu Suiyun was so surprised that he forgot to react, and just froze in place.