MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 10

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Wenxuan slowed down a bit, and asked him after simple catching up, "What's going on?"

With a simple sigh, the speech was depressed, "The protagonist is here."

protagonist? What the hell? Wen Xuan sipped, "What do you mean?"

"Just ... things are in trouble ..."

Well, Wenxuan agrees with this alone.

At first seeing the disciple suits of the men and women, Wen Xuan knew it was bad. The Penglai Northern faction is just a branch of the Zhongshengzhou Penglai Xian faction, which is located in Beining.

He shook his head and took a closer look. He knew both of them, and he was a famous figure among his peers.

The woman wore a golden flower gardenia with fair complexion and a fair complexion, and a tear mole in the corner of her eye, like the legendary Xue Binger. This Xue Binger was the daughter of an elder in the Penglai Xianpai, and was specially trained in the Northern Pai, with an unusual status. Although she is only in the foundation period right now, she has been carefully taken care of by the entire ancestral gate since she was young.

As for the man, his black hair was bundled in a black jade crown, his appearance was plain, and I was afraid he could not find it in the crowd. This person Wenxuan once saw, named Qin Shiyu, is a loud genius who emerged in recent years. I heard that his qualifications were not favored at first, but he made rapid progress year after year, and gradually climbed from the bottom to the position of the core disciple of Penglai North. He is also very good at fighting. He has not failed for many years. He has entered the Ningyuan period several years ago and has become more aggressive.

In normal times, Wen Xuan did not want to provoke any of these two people. But in this situation, the two sides meet here on a narrow road, I am afraid it is difficult to be good.

The crypt suddenly trembled, and it was a bang, but it was the two who finally broke the restraint forcibly. Then they realized that they were both here, and for a while they were all surprised.

Qin Shiyu bowed his hands toward Wenxuan, looking alert, "Wen Daoyou."

"Shui Yunzong's Wen Daoyou?" Xue Binger was not so calm, exclaimed suddenly, "Why are you here?" Then she thought of something, her face changed again, "The monster outside Was it originally Wen Dayou's hand? "

"It was my hand with Brother Jian." Wen Xuan replied.

The two then set their sights on the simple side beside Wenxuan. Xue Binger found that he was just a gas-refining period, and immediately showed contempt. Qin Shiyu looked at Jane more briefly.

"Thank you, Wen Tao friends, for helping us solve that trouble." Then Xue Binger said to Wen Xuan, "But this place was discovered by me first, but was blocked by that monster and begged for help from Brother Qin. . I didn't think of it, just after a while, Wen Daoyou preempted it. "When she said this sentence, she was obviously resentful.

Wenxuan hasn't answered yet, but Jianyi sneered, "You girl, you're not big, and your tone is not small. This place was discovered by you first? The teleportation array is at the deepest place in the monster beast's lair, and you connect with the monster If the beast cannot solve it, how can it be found? "

"Sister Jane!" Wen Xuan hurriedly stopped and dialed Jane behind him. "No rudeness."

But Xue Binger was already angry with him, "You are trying to rob me?"

Wen Xuan frowned, secretly saying that the girl was really coquettish and rumored.

He no longer cares about Xue Binger, and moves his eyes to Qin Shiyu. Qin Shiyu also kept looking at Wenxuan. Among the four people present, one was to refine the gas and the other was to build the foundation. Only the two of them were condensed. It is a struggle and a peace, obviously it should be decided by both of them.

Wen Xuan hesitated for a moment, and said, "We encountered another prohibition in the back, which is a bit more troublesome than the one you just broke. Qin Daoyou, I remember that you are also very short. If only you and Xue are two, want It is not easy to break the restriction behind it. "

Qin Shiyu's eyes narrowed, and Wenxuan looked up and down, "Wen Daoyou mean, do you want to cooperate with us?"

"I have this idea." Wen Xuan nodded. "The stuff here should be enough for us to get what we need."

Qin Shiyu smiled and shook his head. "Qin believes that a ban is not allowed to choose to cooperate with others."

He said that he was full of vitality, with his own aura of aura.

"Brother Qin, that's a good word." Xue Binger also snorted, "If you cooperate with this kind of villain who sees pins, who knows if you will be stabbed in the back."

Even if Wen Xuan had a good temper, his face was dark at this time. "Since this, Qin Daoyou, we two will come one-on-one to compare the results?"

"There are clearly four people here," Qin Shiyu said, "why not two to two?"

Two to two? Xue Binger is a building base there, simple here is just a refining gas! Wen Xuan didn't expect that this was also a master who was cheap and free, and couldn't help laughing. "The two juniors ..."

"When we meet on a narrow road, why care about bullying?" Qin Shiyu said rightly.

As soon as the words fell, he flew two decrees and threw two strings of fire. One smashed into Wenxuan, another smashed into Jian.

"Too much bullying!" Wen Xuan bit his teeth hard, and quickly protected the simple behind him, with two hands of ice blades firing, annihilating the fireball. The magic weapon sword embryo also flew out of his sleeve, hitting Qin Shiyu behind a sword gas hidden behind the fireball.

Simple two-handed tactics, also returned a few wind blades. However, the wind blade during the refining period, neither of them were in their eyes, and they avoided it when they avoided it gently. Xue Binger also sacrificed the magic weapon in his hand.

No one had thought that the simple blade was not the usual blade, because he did not know where to learn the side-door spell. If there was no other effect, he could make a turn in midair and suddenly thought he had avoided Xue Binger. Scratching her face, she pulled out her fair cheeks.

This was a minor injury, but it hurt a beautiful woman's face.

Xue Binger screamed suddenly, shaking with anger. "You bastard! How dare you!"

Jian Jian made a face at her, turned and ran. Xue Binger was furious and chased after his own weapon.

Wenxuan had already been playing with Qin Shiyu in a small mess, relying on the newly obtained magic sword embryo to be barely undefeated and unable to stop it. Qin Shiyu smiled, and Yu Li said to Wen Xuan, "Your brother is miserable."

For a moment, however, the two had disappeared. However, Xue Binger used the construction of the base to deal with Yilian's refining gas, and Qin Shiyu was naturally not worried.

Wen Xuan was worried about simplicity. But he has also seen the simple skills, even the third-level monsters can deal with it, afraid that they will not easily lose in the girl's hands. The urgent matter is that Wen Xuan still has to press his heart to deal with the immediate battle.

Qin Shiyu was mainly a fire department. He carried a spell to cover the flames and forced Wen Xuan to step back. Wenxuan was not to be outdone, while struggling to support, in his mind, he was thinking about the tricks of the magic sword embryo that he had just seen.

Those tips are mostly some wonderful ideas summarized during the use. For example, there is a trick to differentiate between the virtual and the real, which is to make Jianguang differentiate into a virtual image. In the fight, the virtual and the actual transformation, Jianguang and the virtual image change position at any time, change a lot, and often receive wonderful results when used properly.

This battle now has made Wen Xuan a little more familiar with that magic sword embryo. He found a chance and wanted to try this trick.

But at this moment, Bang! There was a loud noise behind.

Wen Xuan and Qin Shiyu were both stunned, could not help but stop their moves.

"Ah-!" The girl's exclamation cut through the sky and passed into the ears of the two with the loud noise.

"Shimei!" Qin Shiyu's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't take care of it anymore. He wrapped his body in flames and galloped past.

Wen Xuan also sword and body fit, stepping on the sword light quickly.

Soon, the figures of Jian Jian and Xue Binger appeared in front of them again. The ground in front of him was scorched, apparently an explosion, and the smell of burning was everywhere.

Xue Binger was fainted in the middle of the scorching black, described as miserable, his clothes were broken, his fair face was covered with soot, and even his hair was burned.

Jian Jian stood on the edge, with a flick of her fingertips, just throwing a used rune to the ground, her face looked relaxed, as if she had done only a trivial matter.

Wen Xuan looked at the situation in front of her, and was very surprised. He knew this boy was amazing, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

"Binger ..." Qin Shiyu murmured, and then reacted, set his gaze on Jian Jian, his eyes were fierce, and he seemed to choose someone to eat, "You kid ..."

Wen Xuan changed his steps and decisively stopped in front of him.

"Brother," Jian Yi walked beside Wen Xuan, weakly pulling Wen Xuan's sleeve, flickering his eyes, "This man looks at me like this, so fierce, I'm so scared."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shiyu was about to vomit blood.

Wen Xuan also twitched his mouth and was about to say something, but found that Jian Yi took the opportunity to plug something into his palm.

It was a small broken jade.

As long as it is jade, it can be used to record information. Wen Xuan grasped this broken jade and read it briefly, her face suddenly became subtle.

Among this broken jade, he listed all the moves Qin Shiyu learned in front of him, one by one, very clear, even the usage preferences are marked. The handwriting was scribbled, and some sentences even turned upside down, apparently just in a hurry. 2k novel reading network