MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 23

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Suddenly, the shield bearer's hair was upright, and he felt as if he were in the snow and ice, and even his blood was cold.

At this moment, he heard a "click" on the ground, and then blinked in front of him, and then suddenly retreated from the dense mist. He took a closer look, but it was passed directly to the outside of the Doudou platform.

There was a loud noise around, and many spectators were wondering what was going on.

"What's wrong? Why came out suddenly?"

"What happened in the fog?"

"Who knows? Whatever comes out is lost."

The shield-bearer listened to these discussions, and then perceived a cold sweat. Why is it suddenly transmitted? This is a kind of protection measure compared with Doutai itself and those who fight with it, forcibly removing the loser between the front line of life and death to save the lives of these disciples. In other words, if it wasn't on that platform, but somewhere else, he would be dead now.

On the stage, Jian Yi just retrieved the dense fog at this moment, exposing the whole picture of Bidoutai. I saw that Jianzhan was standing in the center, and in a corner of the stage, the bamboo flute was thrown there alone, still rolling on the ground because of inertia.

"Assign." Simple smiled and arched out.

The white face of the shield-bearer did not lighten up until then. How could he still not know how he lost? But losing to this trick still made him very unconvinced, "I really did not expect that your aura could stretch so long."

Yes, to make the bamboo flute sound, you just need to pour the aura into it, you don't need to hold it in your hands at all. In the situation where he was suddenly in the mist, he subconsciously equated the place of the bamboo flute with the place of simplicity, which was simply the way of simplicity. But thinking again, the distance between Jian Jian and the bamboo flute really shouldn't have been achieved by the aura of a monk during the refining period ... if not, he wouldn't be so easy to make a guess.

Simply walk to the bamboo flute, pick it up, hold it in your hand and throw it up, "Don't think too much. The range of my aura can be about the same as you. The reason why I can do it is just to master The time is right. "

The shield bearer was still a little at a loss at first, then watched him toss and catch the bamboo flute, and then tossed and caught, and gradually came to understand.

It was simply when the bamboo flute was thrown out that he had just left his hand and was still within the reach of the aura. Then there was a time lag between the bamboo flute being excited and the bamboo flute sounding. It is within this negligible time difference that bamboo flutes are thrown to that corner ... the distance is so widened.

"Sculpture of carving insects."

Jian Jian didn't reply, just looked at him with a smile. The smile seemed to be asking: If it is really a small eagle worm trick, why are you on the road? Not to mention how to think of this trick, to say how this timing can be grasped so accurately, not everyone can do it.

The shield bearers didn't want that much, so he hummed back. When someone asked about the situation in the fog before, he also knew that he couldn't say anything, and even more frankly that the simple reason why he could win all depended on the subtotal.

This directly caused everyone to underestimate the power of simplicity.

The opponent in the next round of Simple was also confident when he came to power, as if he believed that he could win steadily as long as he did nothing.

In the end, he still lost, and also lost to a "carved insect trick".

This time there was no cover from the fog. Everyone saw how Jian Yi used those different instruments to set up a small trap, and then waited for the other person to jump in.

At the moment when Jian Jian finally won, those people in the stands watched the opponent decisively jump into Weng, and even burst into laughter.

It is true that simple victory does not show strength, but it looks interesting.

Originally there were many people who focused on simplicity, so winning these two games naturally attracted more people's interest.

Then came the third round, the fourth round ...

Different from yesterday ’s abuse of vegetables and crushing Fu, it is very dangerous to win a few simple games today. At first, it was always dominated by opponents. It ended up being able to constantly walk around the periphery, but it always turned over by some trick plate. Those who followed him were still nervous at first about the unfavorable situation and would be pleasantly surprised by his final victory. But after each round has won, the word "danger" will not go anywhere.

Just as when the trick has always been effective, it is not called a trick, but wisdom.

Simplicity is using every word and every line of its own to convey the same message to its opponents: I may not be better than you, but I am smarter than you.

...... This kind of superiority in IQ is sometimes more incompetent than superiority in strength.

When the opponent in the fifth game stood on the competition table, they even got a little stubborn.

Then, when Jian Jian started fighting with this person, a spectator finally noticed the truth, "He was not injured once."

The truth spread out immediately, and the whole stand began to talk about it. This is a terrible truth, which shows that simplicity is not even without strength, but that wisdom has been used to save strength.

He can steadily avoid every attack from his opponent, what does this mean? The audience in the stands may not be able to appreciate it too deeply. The opponent in the fifth game today has begun to be discouraged.

This opponent's already agile and quick attack approach, it seems simple and easy to know how he will attack each time before he moves, and then use no faster than his speed to steadily avoid. This is enough to make this person more confused the more he fights.

As a result, this time, even before the trap was set up, the person across the line gave up.

In all five games, while someone cheered for a simple victory, someone discovered the more important truth.

"Wait a second, do you guys think his opponents are strong every round?"

This is another terrible truth. As the knockout matches go deeper, everyone's opponents will naturally become stronger and stronger. But at this moment, in so many matches at the same time, only the simple side, both of them have the highest strength, and the five games are all the highest, the disciples who have the strength to overwhelm other stadiums do not know how many times.

"There is no one in this fortune ..."

"No, no matter how lucky, can you get to this point?"

"I said this wasn't intentional, but deliberately squeezed the masters together?"

"It's nasty and nasty."

Similar whispers are growing. But at this time, no one suspected that it was deliberately aimed at simplicity. At most, the people who arranged the battle table wanted to clean up the masters first, so that it was easier for some or some less masters.

In any case, today's five games are over, and the sun is about to tilt westward. Almost everyone thought that this day's game was about to end again, and the remaining three games would rest for another night and wait for tomorrow's battle.

However, Ji Ziang was still sitting there steadily, without any intention of announcing a pause.

Until the bell of the sixth game rang, everyone was uproar.

Simple stretched his arms, and he didn't even get off the platform. He waited until his sixth opponent came to power today. He had already calculated that Ji Ziang would let him fight this attrition war. After all, his opponents today have two brushes. Others have a few out of five games that are abusive. Why should he consume more? , Continuous fighting is the most detrimental to him.

Naturally, he had already prepared for this situation.

Simply use your brain power to save energy. It is always walking, and it is not always hard to hit, and as always, set traps and wait for the other party to get in.

But this time, everyone knew why he did it.

"Isn't it really going to be eight games in a row?"


After a while, Simple and steadily won the next game. At this point, there are only the last two games and the last four players in this outside match.

Of the four, three performed well, and only one was mixed up without encountering good opponents. Then they made two or one points according to the match table, and the semi-finals began, and those who mixed up were naturally grouped into the group without easy.

"It's really going to be eight games." Those audiences who have been paying attention to simplicity started to riot again.

"No, I have been watching since yesterday. Since the fourth round yesterday, he has not encountered a weaker opponent. This is to play ten games!"

Many people were talking and watching Ji Ziang secretly.

Ke Ziang always watched his nose, his nose and his heart, as if he didn't notice the disturbance at all.

The bell rang and the semi-finals began. In this semi-final, the easy steps slipped, one did not hide, and the other side made a cut in the face.

"It really costs too much!"

"No rest."

"Isn't that fair ... is it fair?"

The spectators are basically inside disciples, and many people are beginning to quarrel with this outstanding outside mentor.

Some of them were approved by their teachers. Others only slashed their heads and covered their faces for training. "What's not fair? Who can he blame if he's unlucky?"

The gap is naturally different from the internal team in Zongmen.

In any case, there are more and more people who sincerely hope that simplicity will win this competition.

Under the expectations of many people, Jian Jian finally won another victory.

He stood in the middle of the competition table, wiped the wound on his face with his fingers, and stood for a while, as if it took a long time to calm down.

Don't rest, the non-stop finals will begin.

The opponents in the finals have just abused a dish and have already rested a little. At this time, they stood on the field of the finals early. Jian Jian still stood under the stage for a long time.

"Nie Jian, why haven't you come to power?" Ji Ziang urged an elder beside him, "Did you intend to abstain?"

Simple smiled and shook his head. "No abstention."

He looked up at Ji Ziang, "Just a few words, I want to ask the head." 2k novel reading network