MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 62

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In the early morning of the next day, Wenxuan sat in the cave to complete his morning class, recalling what happened last night and couldn't help sighing.

Last night, the kind of unwillingness still lingered in his heart, but he could only bury it in his heart, hoping that one day he would be calmed down. Maybe after they have been together for a longer time, Jian Jian will be willing to tell him more things, and he can only count on that now.

While thinking so, a stationery flew in from outside. Wen Xuan took a look, but it was a simple letter. Jian Jian said in the letter that he is going to finish the course laid out by Qi Jibai today, so he may not have time to accompany Wen Xuan.

This boy, but if he doesn't come one day, he also needs to say hello. What he doesn't know is when he runs around here all day long. Is there a way to practice with all his heart? Wen Xuan could not help but smile and shook his head.

But nowadays, once the simplicity is not come, the land where Wenxuan lives is so convenient that he can't even see his personal image. This fact added a sense of helplessness to Wen Xuan's heart.

The result did n’t wait for him to sigh and sigh the emptiness and loneliness of the present day. There was an aura of energy coming out from the outside. Someone came with the sword, and the whole body was very arrogant. get.

Wen Xuan was surprised when he realized that this arrogant opportunity had fallen in front of his house.

Except for simplicity, is there really anyone here? Wen Xuan slandered and went out and saw the man standing proudly outside the door, suddenly "Oh", understand.

Who else should he be, it turned out to be Luo Qingquan.

"Brother Wen." When Luo Qingquan saw Wen Xuan coming out, his eyes were obviously brightened, and his mouth sneered, "You can count it back. Huh, you're finally condensing again."

Wen Xuan was not surprised at his inexplicable hostility, and he ignored it when he was familiar with the car. In Wenxuan's eyes, Luo Qingquan is a very troublesome kid, but his mind is simple. It is not particularly difficult to deal with, just learn to ignore it.

But at this time, Luo Qingquan would come here to find him, and the fact made Wenxuan feel particularly complicated.

In short, Wen Xuan smiled and said a rare visitor, and then led Luo Qingquan to the stone bench in the courtyard to sit down and asked, "Brother Luo, is there anything wrong?"

"What will happen to me?" Luo Qingquan didn't sit down. His eyes were like knives, and his eyes pierced on Wen Xuan's body. "Could you not know, Brother Wen?"

Wen Xuan was asked to live, he really didn't know. Wouldn't he have come to force him to ask for evidence of collusion with the devil? Wen Xuan accidentally thought a little too much.

Fortunately, before Wen Xuan thought about the mess in his head, Luo Qingquan had reached out and pulled out something from his arms, snapped on the stone table, and lifted a layer of floating ash on the desktop. .

That was a challenge book.

Somewhat interesting is that this challenge book is crumpled. At first glance, it seems that it has been held in his arms for half a year.

"Brother Wen, I have waited for this day for a long time." Luo Qingquan stared at the challenge book, gritted his teeth, as if staring at an enemy who did not share the sky, "when you finally returned to Ningyuan's Such a day! "

Wen Xuan lowered her head, glanced at the challenge book, and sighed.

"Compare with me again, Brother Wen!" Luo Qingquan yelled, "I want everyone in the gate to know who is the best! You did not have the luck to win me once last time, but in fact it is still the same It's my defeat! "

Sometimes, the ambition is too strong, it is so helpless.

Wen Xuan looked away from the challenge book, and looked at Luo Qingquan for a long while, and asked intricately, "Do you want to draw the entire gate to watch the war?"

"Of course!" Luo Qingquan was decisive, without hesitation.

"Do you know ... now, what do those people in Zongmen think of me?" Wen Xuan smiled bitterly, with a sad expression in her expression, "Did they not tell you? I colluded ... "

"I care about your collusion and not collusion!" Luo Qingquan cut off his words impatiently, and took a slap on the challenge book. "Do you think you collusion with the demon, you can stop sharing the victory with me?" !"

No, hearing this, Wen Xuan was just stunned and didn't understand his brain circuit at all.

"Even if you collusion with the demon, you have to lose in my hands!" Luo Qingquan's eyes turned red, staring at Wenxuan like a beast. "I want everyone in the gate to know that you are still defeated after all In my hands! "

This remark made people laugh and cry. It seems that Brother Luo doesn't care how those people in Zongmen think about it, nor does it care about the influence of the position with Wen Xuan, let alone whether Wen Xuan is black or white. All he cares about is his victory and defeat with Wen Xuan.

For a moment, Wen Xuan was touched.

After being touched, he looked at Luo Qingquan for a while, carefully examined it, and then said four words. That was a word that was well thought out and fit the facts.

"You will cry."

This is also the four words that can suffocate Luo Qingquan.

"You ..." Luo Qingquan was really going to be mad. He was so mad that his eyes were as big as a bronze bell, and bloodshot blood was even drawn in his eyes, even the finger pointing at Wen Xuan His head was still trembling, and he couldn't lift it up in one breath. "You ... you ... you ..."

"Don't believe it?" Wen Xuan smiled, and a look of self-confidence and arrogance appeared in the look. "I feel strange. Where did you come from, but you think you can still win me? You even passed I have lost, and I am stronger than before. "

Luo Qingquan was so angry that he completely lost his mind, and he drew out the sword on his waist, "I will hack you!"

Want to be here right now? That's fine, there is no third person here anyway.

Wen Xuan got up and slid backwards, watching Jian Guang dangerously passing across the nose, looking indifferent. He wasn't a man who would speak arrogantly. The reason why he said such arrogant words was because he had a clear understanding of the strength of both sides. Luo Qingquan was not his opponent at all. It may have been in the past, but at that time Wenxuan was only half a Ningyuan. Since he got Ye Shengge's skills, he finally embarked on the right path and completely gained the strength that Ningyuan period should have. Luo Qingquan can no longer be his opponent.

Wenxuan did not even ignite much fighting spirit.

He just drew his magic weapon flying sword, and blocked the light of Luo Qingquan's offensive in a leisurely pace.

Hey, hey, hey!

The first shot blocked Luo Qingquan from left to right and stabbed him. The second shot lifted Luo Qingquan from the bottom up. The third shot, he directly pressed Luo Qingquan's sword. Attacking Luo Qingquan under his left armpit.

That third move was a slap attack, and Luo Qingquan was holding a spell in his left hand. As a result, Wen Xuan broke it with brute force and counter-defense. As a result, Luo Qingquan was caught off guard, and suddenly he was confused.

But in the end Luo Qingquan is a generation who often fights with others. When he decided to retreat, he quickly retreated, and quickly adjusted his condition. Seeing that he would make a comeback.

But at this time, Luo Qingquan felt a heavy weight.

I do n’t know where this weight came from, and suddenly it was overwhelmed. At first, the surrounding aura was pressed as if frozen and could not be moved at all. Then, only for a moment, Luo Qingquan couldn't even lift his fingertips Already.

"Brother Luo, do you know?" Wen Xuan stood there, wiping Jianguang with his fingertips, as if he was a sharp-edged blade. "Previously ... when I last condensed Yuan, it was a trick. Nor did I get it from the epiphany at the time of the breakthrough, because then I had no epiphany at all. "

Luo Qingquan still couldn't move, just felt as if sweat was leaking from the tip of his nose.

He has heard similar rumors. After Wen Xuan condensed Yuan, he almost never used a different move than when he built the base. He could also see it. But he never thought before, what a terrible concept that Wenxuan could win with him.

"Don't use the previous me to estimate the current me." Wen Xuan smiled at Luo Qingquan. "Because this is a world of difference."

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Guang picked up in his hand, and the heavy restraint that pressed on Luo Qingquan finally dispersed.

Luo Qingquan was hesitant and wanted to write that he fell to the ground, but finally he stood firm.

He looked at Wen Xuan, but for a long time he didn't say a word.

"How?" Wenxuan asked him, "Want to cry?"

Luo Qingquan really didn't cry. Perhaps it was because the gap was so great that he didn't even give birth to a bit of defeated grievances and unwillingness. He just felt incredible and incredible.

"Don't come to me to compare anything in the future." Wen Xuan put his magic weapon in his sleeve, turned around and walked to the room. "Even if you try again, you will just humiliate yourself."

Luo Qingquan looked at his back.

When Wenxuan had pushed the door open, and watching it was about to go in, Luo Qingquan responded violently and shouted, "Stop! Do you want to run if you win? No way!"

Wen Xuan moved, and he couldn't help twitching.

Luo Qingquan snapped the challenge book into his own hands, chased Xuanxuan, grabbed Wen Xuan's cuff, and patted the challenge book in Wen Xuan's hand again, "You keep it for me Sooner or later I will win you again! At that time, I will let all the gates see! "

"If I still win," Wenxuan asked him, "you also want to let everyone in the gate see it?"

Luo Qingquan froze, and then categorically said, "Whether you win or lose, you must have the testimony of everyone."

"Forget it." Wen Xuan smiled helplessly. Even today, he watched as no one agreed. If Luo Qingquan is really won in front of everyone, he doesn't know what will happen.

Now that his reputation has been corrupted, Luo Qingquan is still in the middle of the sky, so why should he face this? At that time, if there was any turmoil in the Zongmen, he would not want to see it.

"No matter what it is!" Luo Qingquan showed no mercy, and only questioned, "You are afraid!"

"If you really want to take someone to see, I'll ..." Wen Xuan said, paused here, as if brewing a threatening remark.

"How about you?" Luo Qingquan sneered immediately without eating this set.

Then I just listened to Wen Xuan's faint voice, "I will lose to you on purpose."

Luo Qingquan's sneer froze instantly.

Wen Xuan pulled the cuff out of his hand, and finally was able to open the door, enter the room, and lock Luo Qingquan outside.

He heard Luo Qingquan curse outside.

"If you don't want to see others, then don't show others!" Then Luo Qingquan finally gave in and shouted outside the window, "I will come to you again! I must win you!"

Wenxuan could not help holding his forehead.

This kid isn't saved, it's really not saved at all. Did he not fully realize the difference in strength, what was it for being so persistent?

But Luo Qingquan said he would come to him ...

When everyone left him cold, such a word made Wen Xuan faintly happy.

When Luo Qingquan's footsteps went away, Wen Xuan looked at the scenery outside the window and suddenly wanted to walk inside Zongmen again. He suddenly realized that even with so many people's attitudes towards him, there were actually many things in Zongmen, the same as before.

For example, this mountain is one water, one grass and one tree.

It was really unexpected. After encountering such a thing, Wen Xuan would walk inside Zongmen even. He filtered the strange eyes of others all the way, and only focused on the landscape. But after that strange look, Wen Xuan's mood was a little bad.

It is also a coincidence that when Wen Xuan struck this retreat, he happened to pass by the gate of Qi Jibai Nadan Dingyuan. Thinking that Jian Yi is now subordinate to Master's coercion, he is practicing in it with all his heart. Wen Xuan couldn't help but move his heart and walked to Danding.

He suddenly wanted to see how Jian Jian looked like a master in front of Master.

When the disciples in Dandingyuan saw him, they naturally showed that strange look just like everyone else. But Wen Xuan only wanted to see the simplicity, and turned a blind eye to the eyes, and only asked them to report. Fortunately, these people did not deliberately embarrass Wenxuan, and soon someone went in to find Qi Jibai.

At this time Qi Jibai was refining a furnace Dan, carefully watching the fire.

Hearing Wen Xuan's arrival, Qi Ji's white eyebrows picked up and looked a little surprised. But thinking of the kid in the courtyard that made people feel helpless, Qi Jibai's accident quickly turned into an accident, and he shook his head.

And the disciple who passed the pass saw that Qi Jibai was not available, so he asserted himself, "The disciple will go back to Brother Wenwen and let him go to see Jian Jian himself."

"Don't, don't do it." Who knew that Qi Jibai was flatly opposed.

The disciple was puzzled, and saw that Qi Jibai actually got up from the front of the Dan furnace, and almost stared out his eyes. Who doesn't know that Qi Ji Bai Liandan never left his body. Is this the sun coming out to the west?

"I'm going to meet my master's nephew," Qi Jibai ignored the shock, calmly, "Here you take care of it first, be careful not to make the fire too hot, try to keep it in this situation."

Having said that, Qi Jibai walked past the pressured disciple and left the Dan room.

Wen Xuan waited for only a moment in the hall, then saw Qi Jibai coming out from the inside, immediately got up and gave a gift.

"Nie of the master, please be polite." Qi Jibai asked, "Why did you come to visit me?"

As far as the situation in Shuiyunzong is concerned, Wen Xuan's going out would be a miracle. He didn't explain it, just smiled and said, "The disciples heard that Brother Jian is now working hard, so they couldn't help but think about it."

"You're really attentive. Having a brother like you is the blessing of that kid." Qi Ji Baidao said, "Unfortunately, that kid is probably not available now."

Wen Xuan was surprised, the color of the accident overflowed with words.

"He's really too tired during this period of time, obviously the foundation has been built for so long, but the foundation is still messed up. Regardless, it's really impossible." Qi Jibai said with a sneer on his face. "If he is a little distracted today, I'm afraid he won't be able to complete the homework I gave him."

It seems that Master is really strict, and Wen Xuan can't help sweating on his forehead.

However, seeing that Ji Jibai cares so much about simple practice, Wen Xuan can't help but feel relieved. He immediately gave another gift to Qi Jibai, and said something that would not disturb the simple practice, and then he left.

Before he left, he couldn't help but say, "Jian Shi's brother is very talented, but his mind is not all about practice. He should have been disciplined long ago. But ... I hope Uncle Qi is not too strict, he should rest Always give him more rest. "

Qi Jibai agreed with a smile, but the smile was very complicated.

When Wenxuan finally got out of the gate of Dandingyuan, Qi Jibai frowned, and his mouth twitched. He didn't think about returning to the Dan room again, and immediately turned around and walked back.

He walked all the way to the simple room and looked at the closed door.

Jian Yi has set up the kind of matrix method to isolate the atmosphere. Qi Jibai is now practicing the same as Wenxuan, and because he has been injured, his strength may not be enough. Wen Xuan couldn't feel the breath in the room through this formation method. He naturally did the same. He didn't know what Jian Jian was doing now.

Qi Jibai knocked on the door and shouted, "Your brother Wen came to see you."

As soon as the voice came down, the simplicity of the room seemed to be frightened, and there was a tumult.

Qi Jibai waited for a moment, presuming that Jian Jian was ready, he pushed in directly. Looking into the room, it turned out that Jane wasn't doing anything at this time. Jian Jian just collapsed on the bed, and the whole man was like a dead fish that collapsed. The throbbing noise that preceded it was simply trying to get up, but turned over a table by the bed.

Seeing Qi Jibai has come in, the simple expression was like seeing the end of the world.

After seeing only Qi Jibai coming in, Jian Jian was relieved, as if the rest of his life.

"Relax," Qi Ji said in white, "my brother Wen was sent away by me."

He simply nodded, "Thank you, Master."

These four words sounded extremely dull, and Qi Jibai frowned. He took a few steps towards Jian Jian, complaining in his mouth, "Do you still know to call me Master? Your kid is really good, in order not to let your master Wenwen know what you are tossing, even use me as a shield. I also want to accompany you to act, as if I am such a terrible master. "

Simple dry laugh twice without answering.

At this point Qi Jibai had walked behind him, grabbed his arm, and caught his pulse with two fingers.

After a while, Qi Jibai frowned. "What the **** are you doing?"

Facing him, Jane answered honestly, "predict what will happen in the near future, see if there is anything that will hurt my brother, and deduce what works best for me."

Qi Jibai said that the boy was quite good, and he was right. He even wanted to promote the exercises he wanted to practice.

For this feat, Jian Yi tossed himself enough. In the past with Wenxuan, he was very restrained in order to be able to dress as usual during the day. Now that he is here, Qi Jibai acts as a shield, and he completely releases himself, half-dead all day.

"This is only temporary." Jian Jian said, "As long as I practice the exercises, I can practice with all my strength." 2k novel reading network

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