MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 64

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"What are you doing here? Get out, get out! Don't disturb my eyes here!" Although Chu Lian was seriously injured, her temper remained the same. As soon as he was close to his cave house, he could hear him yelling loudly inside.

After a while, the elders of Zongmen, who had wanted to show their goodness, came out of them in disgrace. There is only one elder Jin Dan, Ling Xianzi. Because of the fate of her brother and sister at the same time as Chu Lian, she left to say a few more words, "Brother Chu, don't you be stubborn.

This was a gentle word, but Chu Lian was not a person who knew how to be fragrant and cherish, so she banged her out without being polite.

When everyone was empty, Chu Lian looked at the newly empty house, her brows still frowned.

He yelled angrily at a corner, "What are you still doing there?"

Wen Xuan turned out from behind the door and looked at him with a complicated look. Before hearing that Chu Lian was seriously injured, Wen Xuan was naturally shocked and terrified, and ran over without thinking. As a result, before entering the house, I heard Chu Lian's turmoil. Where was the slightest injury? After a long while, he called out, "Master."

"I'm no longer your master." Chu Lian snorted, and somehow remembered the stubble again. "There are no outsiders now, so you don't have to do this."

Wen Xuan sighed and had to say, "Chu Zhenren."

Chu Lian frowned, and seemed unaccustomed, but finally said nothing and seemed satisfied.

Wen Xuan took a few steps forward and looked at Chu Lian in front of her. At first glance, Chu Lian seemed to be full of vitality as before, and if he looked closely, his face was pale, and there was a hint of dark gas in his brows.

When I wanted to take a step closer, Chu Lian held her **** and waved, and a whip swept directly across Wen Xuan's cheek.

"What to see?" Chu Lian was very upset.

"Chu Zhenren," Wenxuan stopped helplessly. "What the **** is going on?"

Chu Lian frowned a little deeper, and didn't answer.

Wen Xuan asked again, "The devil is so powerful?"

"But a mouse that is hiding its head." Chu Lian sneered, and said this with disdain. But while saying this, his fist was clenched tightly, obviously that was not his true evaluation inside.

After a while, Chu Lian waved her hand again. "This time, we underestimated the enemy. I knew it might be better than I waited, but only thought that it was stuck for so many years, it must not be my opponent. I didn't expect him to hide so much and recover so quickly. "

"It was originally revised," Wen Xuan was slightly surprised, "Is it higher than Yuan Ying?"

"Huh, look at your vision." Chu Lian said, "You really should leave Beining and go to Zhongsheng for a look. Yuanyuan Ying, you can count several for a single gate. Yuanying goes up, also There is Mahayana. Mahayana going up is the area that no one can touch so far. "

Wenxuan's surprise was not here. "You ... you and those Yuanyuan predecessors in other schools have known that it is so powerful?"

When the younger point out this, Chu Lianton felt dull.

In fact, the decoy that the demon sown was originally intended to seduce the monks in the Ningyuan period. Just because it has been buried deep in the ground for a long time, and the body has long since disappeared, someone must be found. Only those monks who were only one step away from Jin Dan in the late Ning Yuan period could not only accommodate its full power, but also its Encroachment has no resistance. And the reason that the teleportation array can only be seen by the monks who are excellent in Shui Linggen is because only with this physical body can it be seen.

As a result, Wen Xuan and Qin Shiyu both told Zongmen about the incident, which caused Yuan Ying to go there. At first glance, Yuan Ying's layout was naturally invisible. Underneath those seemingly beautiful treasures is a powerful monster that may have been repaired to Mahayana that year, no doubt. Although the devil has been trapped for many years, it must be much worse now than before, but I don't know how much strength is left.

But the decoy seduced by the devil's head is really tempting. The magic treasures, exercises, and Dan Fangs left over from ancient times have everything, even those in power in the two major gates are jealous. So they could not abandon those bait, and did not dare to break the last prohibition to release the demon head. They were so stalemate for a long time, and they just waited to arrange everything.

Chu Lian replied, "We are careful enough, who knows what happens?"

The accident was that an elder of the Ningyuan period couldn't resist the temptation and sneaked in, but was taken away by the demon head.

Wenxuan couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

The so-called artificial fortune and death for food and death is an accident, but it is also a necessity.

"It's all that stupid thing." Chu Lian's teeth door was biting, and she was about to curse the culprit, but suddenly a sweet in her throat blocked the back of her hand and coughed suddenly. When he finally managed to stop the cough, he moved his back of his hand and saw that the spray of blood was all over it.

Wen Xuan looked at those blood bubbles and sank suddenly.

"Come up again with no long eyes." Chu Lian didn't care, only wiped the back of her hand and ordered, "Go and drive people away."

Wen Xuan nodded, and had to follow suit.

Less than a moment later, the visitor was still in Yunyun Peak, but Wen Xuan ran back again and again, hurriedly, "Master, here is Elder Qi."

"No matter who he is? Hurry ..." Chu Lian said, paused, and asked, "Which elder Qi?"

"Elder Qi of Dandingyuan, Qi Jibai," Wen Xuan replied.

If it is normal, an ordinary elder, Chu Lian naturally will not look at it. But Qi Jibai is the best Dan master in Shui Yunzong.

Chu Lian paused for a while, and finally came out with the two words, "Get away."

"Live!" Wen Xuan was anxious. "At least let him have a look!"

"Less nonsense!" Chu Lian said, "If I go in person, I won't be as polite as you!"

Wen Xuan's discourse was stagnant and there was almost nothing he could do. When he wanted to persuade him more, Chu Lian already waved his sleeves and blasted him directly out of the house.

Then Wen Xuan found Qi Jibai, and said Chu Lian's attitude with bitterness, but Qi Jibai's look did not show half a surprise.

"I have heard of Chu Zhenren's temper." Qi Jibai smiled. "He is an arrogant and stubborn person. Naturally, he will have an arrogant and stubborn behavior. In that case, I went to the head of the office to watch.

The head Ji Ziang is also seriously injured now, and Qi Jibai naturally has to go and see.

Wen Xuan sent Qi Jibai all the way, and told him what he had just seen on the road, and asked carefully, "Really ... how is my master's situation now?"

"Listening to you, it doesn't seem good." Qi Ji said in a whistle.

Wen Xuan's face changed.

"But since I am stubborn, there is nothing I can do for others." Qi Jibai smiled again. "And to be honest, I am not a divine doctor. Perhaps Chu Zhenren just believes in me, but in fact he has his own plans?"

Hearing this, Wen Xuan finally felt a little comforted. Then he asked about the status of the simple practice, and learned that it had been several months since Jian's last retreat.

Wen Xuan's retreat had to be temporarily interrupted.

Then about two months later. In the past two months, the outside still kept on, the demon head still broke through several small gates, and even the medium-sized gates began to be attacked. It seems that only the seven gates with the mountain guard array are safe. Many small and medium schools have proposed to merge into these seven homes, and after sharpening their heads, they want to squeeze into the mountain guard.

Because of the failure of the previous trapping plan, many people have criticized Chu Lian. But because of Chu Lian's injury, no one took these verbs to the table.

During this time, Wenxuan ran to Chulian Cave Mansion every three minutes, but Chulian didn't appreciate it, and he always wanted to blast him out. As for the so-called "one's own way", Wen Xuan didn't see the slightest clue, but only felt that Chu Lian's look was getting worse every day.

Until one day two months later, when Wenxuan walked into Chulian Cave again, Chulian was sitting next to the bed, with one hand on his side and a fist, as if thinking of something, surprisingly quiet. Generally speaking, as long as Wen Xuan comes, Chu Lian will be helpless. This time Chu Lian has been sitting quietly for a long time.

After a long time, Chu Lian sighed, "The elder Qi that you said that day ... Go call him again."

As he said, Chu Lian opened her fist that she had been holding tightly, exposing a crumpled rune inside. Wen Xuan saw at a glance that it was an unused messenger. This type of amulet usually marks the end point, and once used, it will fly to the person who is marked as the end point.

This unused messenger has now been splattered with blood.

Wen Xuan was startled, only to see Chu Lian finally want to see the joy that Qi Jibai ignited disappeared, and he turned around and flew towards Dandingyuan.

Before leaving, Wen Xuan heard Chu Lian sneer.

Chu Lian laughed, "I don't want to be with him until now."

Qi Jibai came here quickly and helped Chu Lian take a good look. When leaving, Qi Jibai frowned, only saying that he would do his best.

After this day, Wen Xuan will always give Qi Jibai a stove of Dan for Chu Lian to take. He can clearly feel that with the passage of time, the quantity of the elixir in the furnace is increasing, and the smell is getting heavier, but Chu Lian's situation has not seen much improvement.

Every few days, Qi Jibai will come to see Chu Lian's injury with his own eyes.

One time Wenxuan hit him. Qi Jibai unbuttoned Chu Lian's placket and looked at the wound on her chest. The horror of the wound was far beyond Wen Xuan's imagination, the flesh was turning out, as if poured by hot boiling water, and the strands of black gas coiled on it.

Wen Xuan has seen Murong Feng attacked by the poison of fire for many years. Chu Lian's wound is more terrible than that. No wonder Qi Jibai can only say that he will do his best.

"In fact, the most troublesome thing is not the wound, but the magical energy that penetrated into the real human body of Chu." Qi Jibai told him, "These magical energy is really not my cultivation to be able to be unlocked. I don't know who can solve it in Beining On. But as long as those magical energies are in, Chu Zhenren's injury will be fine. "

Wen Xuan understood the situation very clearly. However, there was nothing that the entire sect could do, and Wen Xuan naturally had no choice but to pray to Chu Lian that he could dissolve the magic.

In contrast, although Ji Ziang was also seriously injured, it was easier to treat than Chu Lian.

This situation lasted for months.

Nowadays, almost all of the small and medium-sized ancestral gates have found the Daozongmen's refuge, Shui Yunzong's power has grown several times, and Ji Ziang has already shown signs of recovery. As a result, all the gates were filled with joy, and almost no one noticed the sad cloud and mist of the corner of Yunyun Peak.

Yuan Ying's real person was supposed to be the patron saint of the entire Zongmen, which can be mixed with Chu Lian today, only this one. Occasionally, Wen Xuan thought of his elder brother's treatment now, and he felt pity for the same.

He still went to the cave house of Chu Lian every day to look after him, watching Chu Lian grow a little white hair.

Sometimes, with the exception of the white hair on top of her head, Chu Lian looks similar to the original. But more often, Chu Lian would fall asleep in bed.

When drowsy, Chu Lian would have nightmares and read Ye Shengge's name in her mouth. When she was awake, Chu Lian would turn out many old things, and set them in front of her eyes.

Occasionally he looked at Wen Xuan, and there was no longer that disgust on his face, but with the same nostalgia.

"You should have found something like that already?" Chu Lian asked him, "in your body."

Wen Xuan nodded when he thought of the ice surface he saw when he was at Ning Yuan.

"Then you should have seen him already." Chu Lian sighed again.

This is the divine thought left in Wen Xuan's body. After seeing Ye Shengge in a fantasy world, Wenxuan can already confirm that the figure reflected by that divine thought is Ye Shengge himself.

"That's great," Chu Lian said, and she even had a lot of grievances in her tone. "I want to see him too."

Wen Xuan didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Do you still want to continue?" Chu Lian asked him.

"Can you stop?" Wenxuan asked.

"Yeah, it's too late to stop now. I used to stop you. It's your choice." Chu Lian smiled sarcastically.

But because of this long-term pain, Chu Lian's temperament lost a lot of sharpness, and she quickly put back the ridicule, sighing, "From now on, you can only continue to go on, more urgent Continue going faster. Then pray, pray that when that day comes, you will have more of a human part. Pray that your human part will be strong enough at that time. "

Come on, Chu Lian waved her hand.

This is the passenger. Today, Chu Lian actually said so much in peace with Wen Xuan, it is an unprecedented thing.

When Wen Xuan left, thinking of what Chu Lian had just said, her heart was a little heavy.

Suddenly, he saw a messenger flying through the sky.

It was a slightly familiar messenger, and it looked very old. I didn't know it was a decades old piece. It had traces of crumpling on it, and it was splashed with blood.

Wenxuan stood still for a moment, suddenly turned around suddenly, and flew towards Chu Lian's cave house.

People in the cave have gone to the building, leaving only the open windows swaying in the wind.

After this day, no one had seen Chu Lian in Shui Yunzong.

Some people said that it was Chu Lian's ego that made him unwilling to die, and some people said that he just wanted to find his own life outside. Wen Xuan thinks that it is the latter, because he is willing to believe this way, and because Chu Lian once said that until now, he still wants to live.

This incident seemed to be an episode of Shui Yunzong. After Chu Lian left, everything was as usual.

Wen Xuan also restarted his retreat.

He closed his eyes, sinking into his own body, and soon found the ice. His cultivation is stronger than before, faintly reached the middle of Ningyuan. And whenever he saw the ice again, he could find a slight crack on it.

Because Reiki flowed violently in his meridians, no matter how careful he was, he would always hit the ice. As the repairs get stronger and stronger, the impact will get bigger and bigger. But he couldn't stop there. The moment he chose to continue, everything was doomed. The moment he returned to Ning Yuan, he lost his regret. Because even if it does not continue to grow, the impact of Reiki will not stop. That day will always come, and stopping will only make him lose room to struggle at that time.

Wen Xuan looked at the floating figure beside the ice and called softly, "Ye Zhenren."

Ye Shengge's devotion never spoke, just looked at Wen Xuan and smiled. But Wen Xuan knew that he had been protecting the place silently. So whenever Wenxuan comes again, the cracks seen last time will always be healed.

Wen Xuan paid a respectful respect to this divine thought, then moved his mind to other places and started the practice today.

To this day, he can only go faster and faster.

At the same time, in a cave house behind the Dandingyuan, Jian opened his eyes. In front of him, there were many broken spirit stones, and a small hill piled up at the end.

Two years, this time he closed the retreat for two full years.

Simple mouth with a ray of smile. The exercises he eventually promoted were extremely arrogant, but progress was extremely rapid. Everyone needs to draw aura from heaven and earth, but he can draw directly from the spirit stone. How can he be unhappy? Even if this will bring all kinds of disadvantages, simply smile.

Today, he is only one step away from Ningyuan.

This step is often the most difficult step, and many people will not spend their entire lives. Simplicity must be passed, and it must be passed as soon as possible.

In order to cope with the next event, Ningyuan is the lowest threshold. 2k novel reading network

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