MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 74

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After that day, Jianxuan hid Wenxuan in that cave so that no one could see it. In order to prevent people from entering by mistake, he not only laid a thick protective array on the entrance of the cave, but also moved in the rocks and blocked the opening on the top.

"Brother, these are for your good. After all, if you are seen now, no one knows what will happen." He stroked Wen Xuan's hair and calmed him gently, "but don't worry, everything is temporary Yes, I can figure out a way to get you back. "

The sky light that would have penetrated it was also blocked, and the cave was completely dark.

Wen Xuan closed his eyes in the dark, and made no objections, and did not react at all, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Jian Jian knew that he was hurt too badly, and sighed, but after a moment he was uplifted again, believing that he would one day heal the wound.

It's just that in these days, Jian has many other things to do. He opened a cave house outside the cave, pretending to be a solitary meditation, and left every day, looking for places where other monks gathered, or listening or trading, trying to find what he needed.

However, he would not go far. He would definitely come back every evening to enter the cave to accompany Wen Xuan. He would speak for a few hours without reason or disregard. In the first few days, Wenxuan didn't care much, but he simply didn't care. When he talked about fatigue alone, he would lean on Wenxuan's side quietly. There was no loss or distress in his face. Wen Xuan's side is his greatest satisfaction.

After about three or five days like this, Wen Xuan still didn't respond, but he always looked at everything.

One day, I ran far during the day, and panted when I came back at night, but I couldn't hold it with a strong smile and a few words, and fell asleep at the feet of Wen Xuan.

Wen Xuan carefully moved that foot to make the simple pillow more comfortable.

After a while, he couldn't help but move his head closer, looking carefully at the simple sleeping face.

When Bai Rijian was away, he had been trying to adapt to the monster's body by himself. Now he has no difficulty in seeing things in the dark, but unfortunately he hasn't made much progress in controlling the monster's spirit. Qi convergence is clean. Fortunately, Simplicity is now very solid, even if he still maintains his aura in his sleep, he is not afraid to be hurt by him again.

He stared at Jian Jian's slightly tired sleepy face for a long time, then lowered his head carefully, and gently nudged Jian Jian's shoulder.

He thought he was very light-hearted, but he was awakened suddenly.

Wenxuan tried to avoid again, pretending that he had done nothing, it was too late. Simply raised his hand and hooked his neck, crooked his head in his neck socket, and whispered, "Brother, are you finally angry with me?"

Wen Xuan stiffened his neck for a moment, and then sighed silently in his heart. After all, he could not maintain the indifference, but shrank his head back, and stung again on the simple body.

At this time, he wanted to say something. But even if he has been trying to spit out the words these days, in the end, what he sends is just some unpleasant syllables, and he really doesn't want to be heard easily. If you write on the ground, you can express meaning, but it is a bit shameful. In the end, he can only express his intimacy in this way.

"Brother, brother ..." Jian Jian let him hold on, his heart was so full of joy, his face was so laughed that his eyes were about to disappear, "brother, that's great ..."

So a few words, he leaned back to sleep soundly.

After a while, Wen Xuan put his head next to him and fell asleep. At night it was a little bit cold, Wen Xuan raised his body, and circled Jian Yi in the middle.

When Yi Jian opened his eyes the next day, he saw that his body was covered with a big furry tail, and it was very warm.

Unfortunately, he didn't touch the tail with his hand, but Wen Xuan swiped the tail back, apparently waking up long ago.

Simple back, I saw Wen Xuan squatting there, patting the ground with his paw.

There are a few lines there, just written before waking up this morning.

Rarely Wenxuan was willing to communicate, simple and afraid to neglect, and quickly gathered Reiki over his eyes to see those words clearly in the dark. As soon as I saw it, Simple's heart sank again.

Wen Xuan asked him whether the content of the previous Yuzhu was true and whether he had concealed it.

The reason Wen Xuan asked this was because the illusions in Yuzhu were mostly a splicing of fragments, lacking head and tail. Although the facts presented in those fragments, even just fragments, were enough to cause him heartache, he still wanted to have expectations, hoping that there might be better reasons to explain those people's behavior.

"Brother," he simply settled down without asking, "Don't you believe me?"

Wen Xuan paused and shook his head. Then he reached out his paw and wiped away all the words on the ground. Yeah, what is doubtful? Jian Yi has always been the one he trusted most, and now he is the only one he can believe.

After erasing, Wen Xuan wrote another sentence.

He told Jian Jian that for some days, for some reason, he had started to feel a bit hungry. It was inexplicable that he was hungry. He had been digging into the valley for many years. He hadn't realized what it was like to feel hungry for many years.

Simple frowning could not explain for a while, and only guessed that it was a monster.

So, starting from this day, Jian Jian started cooking some cooked food every day and put it in the hole and placed it in front of Wenxuan. To be honest, the simple craftsmanship is really not very good, and the finished products and deliciousness cannot be touched, so I can barely swallow.

After each meal, the hunger in Wenxuan's belly was barely relieved. But there was another kind of hunger that came out of his bones and made him eager to eat something, but he didn't know what he wanted to eat.

Later, Jian Jian probably found a chef in a nearby town. Each time he sent something more delicious, he still couldn't fill the hunger in Wen Xuan's bones.

Wen Xuan thought that maybe he had been locked in the hole for too long and should go out for a walk and bask in the sun.

Jian Jian stopped him, with a serious expression, "Brother, in case you are seen, in case those puppets come to catch you again, do you forget what will happen?"

This made Wenxuan think of the centuries of slavery in the fantasy world by Zi Yulou, and a chill went straight from the back. He was scared by those hundred years of illusion, and he was really scared. It was an experience he didn't want to have anymore. Then he obeyed the simple words and retreated back into the dark hole.

Except for the cooked food delivered daily, Simple is still the same as before, and he will return to accompany Wen Xuan in the evening and go out during the day. Wenxuan once asked him what was going on. Jian Jian lowered her head and smiled awkwardly, saying that she was embarrassed to let Wen Xuan know so early, and then gave Wen Xuan a fang.

Wen Xuan suddenly remembered that Jian Yi had always been looking for some kind of materials needed by the ancient Danfang. After moving to Guiyue Island, he stopped for a while, and now apparently found it again, and found it much more urgent than before. .

"What elixir do you want to make?" Wen Xuan wrote on the ground.

"Darkness Dan."

With these three words, Wen Xuan stopped breathing for a moment.

"But those materials are so hard to find. I have searched for so long, and I still can't find them all. So I haven't dared to tell you, because I'm afraid you will wait too long." Simplified at first, he said Later, he gradually became firm again, "But brother, believe me, this form of transformation, I must finally get it."

Wen Xuan didn't know what to say for a while. Huaxing Dan, as the name suggests, is the elixir that allows monsters to change shape in advance. Danxinyuan is one of the elixir used for long-term trading with Ziyulou. But what is simply said now is obviously impossible for ordinary Hua Dan, because Wen Xuan is not an ordinary monster, and ordinary Hua Dan materials will not be so difficult to find.

Jian Jian already knew that Wen Xuan was a descendant of Tian Yao, so he had been preparing for this day.

Yes, it really started to prepare. How early did it start? At that time, Wen Xuan thought that this was the work of Qi Jibaibu. He never thought that everything that Jian Jian did was for him. After just a few words of conversation, Wen Xuan's heart has almost moved into a pool of water.

And those who are so busy going out, the simple practice has not fallen. He deserves to find the fastest method of practice for himself. In this case, the practice is still getting deeper and deeper. In the blink of an eye, he reached the peak of Ningyuan, only one step away from Jindan.

Just at this moment, the inexplicable hunger and thirst in Wen Xuan's body became worse.

Eventually things slipped in a direction nobody wanted to see.

When Yi Jian stepped into the cave again that night, I saw Wen Xuan lying on his back with his forelegs stretched and his hands roaring in pain.


Jian Zheng was anxious to rush in, but Wen Xuan turned his head sharply, looked at him, and roared loudly to keep him away.

Wenxuan didn't know what he was. The unbearable hunger made him even feel the fragrance of fragrance, just like the roast chicken that he ate last night. He's been so hungry for so long that he can only control himself in this way now without swinging his claws and swiping at the simplicity like a prey.

Simple and quietly stood at the entrance of the cave for a moment, looking at Wen Xuan now, his look brightened momentarily. After a short while, Jian Yi smiled bitterly, "Brother, I understand ... the blood of the demon is like eating human flesh."

They like human flesh, so no matter how much else they eat, they will not be satisfied. Just four words, such as chanting empowerment, and like arrows through heart.

"Especially the flesh and blood of monks." The simple smile was helpless.

Wenxuan kept roaring, just wanted to hurry Jian Yi out of the cave so that Jian Yi would never get closer. He didn't know what he would do once he stopped these roars. Perhaps he will be controlled by instinct, regardless of the simple culling, resulting in unacceptable consequences for a lifetime. Or maybe he just cried in vain, self-pitying why he had to be like this.

Jian Jian stood at Dongkou for a long time, and finally obeyed Wen Xuan's expulsion, turned around and left.

Until he could no longer see the simple figure, Wen Xuan's muscles were loosened, and he suddenly fell on the ground without crying. He almost wanted to laugh out loud, why he laughed at it, how unjust his fate, and how ridiculous he laughed in his life.

Another day and night passed, Wen Xuan wondered if Jian Jian would return, but it did not return.

After three days and three nights, Wen Xuan kept bumping against the stone wall in the cave with his head, trying to curb the impulse brought by his instinct in his body. He was so hungry that he almost wanted to run out of the forest. He knew that there was a small town just outside the forest, and Jian Yi had told him. The town is full of living people, and he must not let his instincts pass.

Five days and five nights passed, Wen Xuan lying almost exhausted in the cave. The scalp hit a large piece on the wall and left a lot of blood, but now it is almost growing. He finally didn't want to go to the small town outside anymore, he began to miss Jian Yi, and he was wondering if Jian Yi would never come back again.

He knew that it was impossible for Jane to really leave him alone, but where was Jane now?

After eight days and eight nights, Wen Xuan finally couldn't help but walked to the entrance again. Jian Jian has been away for so long. He doesn't believe that Jian Jian will never return. He started to worry about the safety of Jian Jian, and began to want to go outside to find Jian Jian. But the front claws had just penetrated into the formation that was simply placed at the entrance of the hole. Wen Xuan remembered the centuries of slavery in the illusion and remembered the countless times that Simple had once called.

Just like he used to countless times when he wanted to go outside to ventilate.

That illusion was a nightmare for him, which engraved deep fear. This fear and simple instructions combined into a heavy fetters, so long as he is awake, his feet will be fastened, and he will always be trapped in this dark cave.

Wen Xuan retracted his claws and stretched out again.

As soon as he gritted his teeth and was ready to rush out regardless, a figure finally came from the outside.

It's simple, and simple is finally back.

I haven't seen it for a few days, and when the reappearance is over, it is already a golden dan. Across the array, the breath belonging to Master Jindan rushed to his face. But did not wait for Wen Xuan joy, followed by a thick bloody.

Easy was injured, and his body was almost a blood man. I don't know what kind of fierce battle he encountered, which made him break through again. And probably because of this timely breakthrough, he was able to return with a life.

Even before entering the hole, Jian Fa fainted to the ground and could no longer climb.

Wen Xuan suddenly forgot the fear, and the wind rushed out, quickly rushing into the simple hole.

When the simplicity was put into the hole, the terror came in like a tide, causing him to sweat countlessly, praying that no one had seen the scene just now. But beyond fear, the situation today is even more disturbing.

Through broken clothes, you can see the simple wounds, which are shocking.

Wen Xuan lowered her head, stuck out the tip of her tongue, and carefully cleaned the wounds with saliva. This was not an easy task. Wenxuan frowned just as the **** taste spread through the tip of his tongue.

The terrible impulse brought by that instinct was still in his bones, but was restrained by his efforts for many days. Now the simple blood was tasted by the tip of his tongue, like a bucket of oil poured on the fire, and it was very fatal.

But Wen Xuan just frowned.

Now that Jane looks like this, he cannot drive Jane out again, nor can he leave Jane alone. He can only rely on himself to fight this instinct, but this is not as difficult as he imagined.

Yes, the person lying on the ground today is his Jianshi brother, and he is the one who can't possibly hurt anyway. So no matter what kind of flame that terrible impulse has already ignited, no matter how instinctively he is burning his bones, he will certainly be able to restrain him, and continue to lick his tongue carefully over every part of Jian Jian. wound.

Even those demons that could not be completely controlled on this day were also completely converged back to him for the first time on this day, and did not injure half of the people on the ground who were already defenseless.

Wen Xuan's saliva had a good healing effect, but the next day, the wounds on Jian Jian's body were mostly healed, and the whole person gradually recovered from the coma.

"Brother ..." Simple Fan looked at him blindly, his voice hoarse.

Wen Xuan gently rubbed on Jian Jian, and Ren Jian's palm gently stroked on him.

"I'm so afraid I won't see you," Simple smiled slightly.

Wen Xuan grunted, meaning me too.

Then Wen Xuan muttered a little louder, meaning to ask him where he had tossed himself into this look.

Simple smiled, unpacked his storage bag, and poured out a thing, a **** thing.

It turned out to be a corpse with blood bright and apparently just dead.

Wen Xuan was startled, and then looked intently. He still knew the corpse. On that day, the leader of Guigui Island who besieged him on Guiyi Island, the elder brother of the pair of brothers and sisters, the master Jindan!

"I saw them coming to Nanfeng a few days ago." Jian Jian looked at the corpse and sneered sneer. "I wanted to take his sister's sacrifice knife, but when he found it, he took this big one."

No wonder the simple injury has become that way. No wonder it finally depends on a breakthrough to save its life. Wen Xuan could only sigh if he could kill this person in such a situation.

Thinking of Jian Yi's appearance is all to avenge himself, Wen Xuan didn't feel it, and muttered several times, so that Jian Yi should not be so messy in the future.

Simply touched Wenxuan's fur, and nodded with a smile.

Then he simply left the cave and left a sentence before leaving, "This kind of person should have no dead body."

This **** corpse was thus thrown into the cave, exuding bursts of blood and meaty fragrance, constantly affecting Wen Xuan's instinct and impulse.

Wen Xuan looked at the corpse for a long while, and couldn't help laughing.

He then realized that the reason why Jian Jian took such a big risk and brought the body to his eyes was not only to avenge him, but also to find food for Wen Xuan.

Perhaps simple is right, this kind of person should be dead without a corpse.

But no matter how instinctively shouted, Wen Xuan didn't want to really dirty his stomach.

In the end, Wen Xuan planed a pit, buried the person, and ate some of the excavated soil into the abdomen. Through so many days of forced restraint, he has faintly discovered that the desire for human flesh caused by instinct is not real hunger, but merely an addiction.

Holding back this addiction, although painful, will not really endanger your life. And to satisfy real hunger, just fill in whatever you want.

A few days later, Jian Jian dragged another body into the hole.

That was a fat man, Wenxuan had never seen it. Jian Jian told him that this man had fancyed Jian Jian's magic weapon in the fairy city and followed him all the way. In short, it is simply emphasized that this is also a dead person, and Wen Xuan does not need any psychological pressure.

Wen Xuan fixedly looked at the brief half a while, and then wrote carefully: I don't need any corpses, you should not do this kind of thing in the future.

"Brother, it's okay." Jian Jian gently stroked Wen Xuan. "No matter what you do, you are you, and you are my favorite Wen brother.

Wen Xuan sighed.

Over the years, Jian Jian finally admitted that he liked the word.

The atmosphere was so good that Wen Xuan couldn't help lowering his head so that Jian could touch his face without saying that.

-Brother Jian, the me in your heart may not be me anymore. 2k novel reading network

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