MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 76

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"Brother ... I ..." Jian Jian was a little flustered for a while, his face was blue and white for a while, then he bit his teeth fiercely, "Brother, I don't want this. But she saw you, how can I let her Leaving alive? "

Is this why? Hearing this reason, Wen Xuan roared again, even more angry than before. Just because he looked at him, should he be guilty of death? What is the reason for this?

"Brother, I'm doing this for you," Jian Jian said, "I just want to protect you."

Here it is again.

I'm all for you, I'm all for you. How many times has Jane made such remarks since this time? And every time, Wen Xuan couldn't refute. That's the case, every time you can get Wen Xuan's obedience and submission.

But this time Wenxuan finally had enough. He looked at Simplicity without saying a word.

Facing his silence, Simple's face became more and more ugly. When he first saw Wen Xuan, Jian Jian naturally regretted it. If he knew Wen Xuan and looked at him, he would never do such a thing in front of Wen Xuan. However, with the confrontation with Wen Xuan, the annoyance and grievances in his heart have prevailed.

"Brother, why did you show up here? Why aren't you in the hole?" Jian Jian hated the little girl who was still being protected by Wen Xuan. "Did she make you come out?"

Thinking of this, the killing intention in Jian Yan's eyes did not decrease but increased.

"Do you forget what I said before, and forget what will happen if you are seen? Brother, let's go back as soon as no one else is near. Just leave me the outside affairs, I will protect you all the time ... "Simply speaking, I took a few steps here, stretched out my hand, and wanted to touch Wen Xuan's fur as before, soothe Wen Xuan's emotions so that Wen Xuan could continue to listen. his words.

Wen Xuan looked at the palm of his hand and knew how warm the temperature would be in his palm, but the body trembled unconsciously.

That was the only light he could see now, and he was about to submit again.

But who can't see it, Jian Jian is still full of intentions, and waits to get him away before he starts?

Once Wen Xuan really succumbed, it was the death of an innocent person-and also his Jianshi brother, killing an innocent person under the name "this is all for your good"-this is what he couldn't do anyway Accept things.

Wen Xuan did not let Jian Jian's palm touch his body in the end, because that might defeat all his resistance. He stepped back and stayed firmly in front of the girl.

Simple outstretched palm just stiffened in the air. After a while, Jian Yi simply retracted the palm of his hand, his teeth were biting, his face was a bit distorted, "Brother, let it go!"

Wen Xuan growled low, wanting Jian Yi to abandon this intention of killing.

"Let it go!" Jian Jian shouted loudly, already angry in his heart, "Are you sure to protect everyone? You should know early on that no one in this world deserves your protection at all! When you need it most, no Anyone helped you! "

Speaking of which, simplicity is even red. Countless times, he thought that Wenxuan's world was the only one left, but there were always outsiders who broke into it. Obviously these outsiders, no matter who they are, can only hurt Wenxuan.

He gathered aura in his hands, and actually wanted to bypass Wenxuan and kill the girl directly.

He is different from Wenxuan. He doesn't want to consider whether the girl is innocent or not. He only knew that the girl was a hidden danger, and even if he didn't talk about the anger he had induced Wen Xuan at this time, the girl would be a hidden danger. For the current simplicity, there are enough reasons to just remove the word hidden. He must not let go of everything that might bring danger to Wenxuan.

Even if this would make Wen Xuan very angry, he would rather spend a lot of time later to repair the crack.

But at the moment when Jian Jian raised his hand, he only heard a roar, and the violent anger erupted from Wen Xuan's body, and he went straight towards Jian Jian.

Simple stunned, I never imagined that Wen Xuan would choose to attack himself. He stood still. He forgot all his reactions for a while, and even the instinctual retreat. He just stood still. Bing Han's demon rushed towards his face, but in the end did not hurt the simple half. The evil spirit formed an ice cell around Jian Jian, holding him firmly in it.

Wen Xuan gave a brief glance at the end, then turned around and picked up the girl who was still stunned, tossed her back, and ran her towards the distance.

Wait until Jian Jian finally reacts and breaks the ice cell. Where can Wen Xuan be seen?

Simple hands and feet are cold and even tingling. It took him a long time to recognize the fact that Wen Xuan had left for an unfamiliar girl, and his eyes were suddenly bleeding, and he went chasing in the direction that Wen Xuan was leaving.

At this time, the night had shrouded the earth, and Wenxuan was like a plume of smoke in the night, moving through the clouds at a speed that no one could see. He runs fast, he doesn't dare to stop, he knows that Jian Yi will definitely follow. If he does it again, he doesn't know if he has the courage to make the same choice. At this moment, he had to protect the **** his back and run desperately.

After a while, a white line appeared in the distant sky, and the whole sky gradually brightened.

The cover of the night faded away. As Wenxuan started to panic, he felt the **** his back moved slightly, and there seemed to be signs of waking up.

Wenxuan hid into a mountain and put the girl down.

But for a moment, the girl opened her eyes and struggled to get up. At first she was a little dazed, and after a while she remembered what had happened before, and her expression turned pale. Then she removed the jade pendant that had shattered due to blocking a simple attack from her waist, shouting badly.

She took the jade and looked around nervously.

Wen Xuan has hidden her body behind the shadows of trees. He wanted to see it in silence, just to confirm that the girl was safe. But the moment the girl took out Yu Pei, Wen Xuan took a heavy breath.

Such a slight movement was soon discovered by the girl.

The little girl first flustered, but later found that Wen Xuan was not malicious, and then calmed down, "Mr. Monster Beast, did you save me?"

Wen Xuan's eyes were still staring at Yu Pei in her hands, as if setting off a stormy sea. He is very familiar with the style of this jade pendant, of course, because he has seen the same jade pendant many times-just in the place in his body at that time, the **** of Ye Shengge!

What an amazing fact. The girl who was rescued accidentally had the same jade pendant as Ye Shengge on her waist.

Wen Xuan remembered the simple name of the girl before-Girl Ye?

Wenxuan muttered in his throat, and he didn't know what his mood was at this moment, which was very complicated. For a moment he had full words to ask, but didn't know how to speak.

But the little girl had already stepped in front of him, and asked urgently, "Mr. Monster, what happened?" Thinking of the simple and sudden killings made by that time, she was very scared and aggrieved, " Why did he kill me? "

Wen Xuan stretched his paw to the ground, but hesitated. It took him a long time to write a sentence: Can you see it now?

The little girl nodded. Over time, the frost on the surface of the spirit beads has long disappeared.

Wen Xuan did not write the second sentence.

Just as the little girl was preparing to inquire, Wen Xuan finally moved her paw, and almost shivered and wrote down the four words: forgive him.

The little girl was very surprised, "Why? He wants to kill me!"

Forgive him, forgive him ... Wen Xuan is still these four words, and wrote it on the ground over and over again. The more he wrote, the more he shivered. In the end, he couldn't write any more, lying on the ground and wailing low.

"You ... well, Mr. Monster, don't do this ..." The little girl comforted a few words in confusion.

She was not a hard-hearted person. Seeing Wenxuan so, she nodded her head and softened her voice. "Okay, okay, I don't have any problem, just ..."

With that said, she looked at Yu Pei's broken hands, and her face wrinkled into bitter gourd again. "No, no ... It really didn't work. It didn't happen. Yu Pei was broken, Master would scold me."

Wenxuan heard the word "Master" and thought of her inexplicable connection with Ye Shengge, hesitantly wrote three words on the ground: Xiaotongjie?

The little girl was surprised and looked at Wen Xuan's eyes changed, "How do you know?"

Sure enough. This girl and Ye Shengge are from the same place, and they are in the same school, and there is probably a blood relationship.

Ye Shengge-Just because of the three words, Wen Xuan got closer to her.

Later, the girl told Wenxuan that the jade was a token given by the master before she went to the lower realm, which could guarantee her one-time life. However, her master also stated clearly that once Yupei was damaged, she had to go back immediately, or she would be expelled from the school. "Of course, Master won't really chase me out of the house," the little girl sighed, "but it's inevitable to be furious."

Originally, there was a teleportation charm in this jade pendant, which would immediately teleport her back when it was damaged. But somehow, now that Yu Pei has been damaged, the teleporter has no effect. The little girl has to rush to the entrance connecting the Xiaotong world and the lower world by herself.

This entrance is not close to this place, and she walked for months with her footsteps, definitely not keeping up with the deadline set by her master.

Wen Xuan thought about it, and offered to take her for a ride, and the little girl readily agreed.

Wenxuan's speed is much faster, and it only takes three days to suffice. But he had to avoid the sight of others along the way, delaying a little more time, and finally arrived for five days.

On the way, the little girl said her first name, Ye Mingqin and Ye Qin.

Although Ye Qin promised to forget the fact that he was almost killed simply, he still couldn't help but feel anxious. Before reaching Xiaotong, he asked Wen Xuan, "Why do you ask for him like that? I asked him if he and you were friends, and he answered vaguely. "

Wenxuan didn't know how to answer, so she was silent. He couldn't speak anyway.

"Or is he your owner?" Ye Qin asked again.

Wen Xuan stopped suddenly in the air and almost threw her down. This sentence made him angry, roaring in his throat.

Ye Qin was not malicious, but just inferred from common sense. If she guessed wrong, she quickly apologized.

Wen Xuan couldn't help but think, yeah, what is his relationship with Jian now? When he heard Ye Qin's words, he was really angry, he wanted to say aloud that was not the case, he was equal to Jian. But since he became a monster, for so long, his relationship with Jian has actually deteriorated. He knew that they were no longer equal.

Was sighing, Ye Qin sighed with joy behind them, saying that they finally arrived.

Wen Xuan looked at the surprisingly bare hills at the soles of his feet. This is the entrance to the Xiaotong world? Nothing wrong?

He soon discovered that there was really nothing wrong with it, it was here.

He saw something and was lying among the dry grass on the hill. It was an old messenger with dots of red markings splattered by blood.

About 30 years ago, when Wenxuan was still in Shuiyunzong, it was mailed in the form of a paper crane, and then I did not know how long it circled here, but it was still out of the gate, and eventually the aura was exhausted and fell On the ground, the wind and rain hit. Fortunately, it was stuck in the stone gap, so that it could be seen by Wen Xuan at this time.

When Ye Qinyun made Famen open the passage, Wen Xuan took the messenger out of the crack in the stone and carefully opened it with the tip of his claws.

Only four words were written on it-"I miss you so much."

Wen Xuan looked at these four words, remained silent for a long time, and carefully pinched it. Then he turned around and asked Ye Qin to let him also sit in Xiaotongjie.

"Ye Zhenren ..." Wenxuan asked her, "Is Ye Shengge's real human remains buried in Xiaotong?"

The passage has been opened, and a white soft light envelopes Wenxuan and Ye Qin.

Ye Qin replied in white light, "Yes, do you know Brother?"

The soft light dispersed, and there was already a green field under their feet. Ye Qin finished the last half sentence, "Are you going to sweep the grave for him?"

Wen Xuan nodded and learned from Ye Qin's mouth where Ye Shengge's tomb was, and then walked along the place she pointed out. The difference between Xiaotongjie and the outside world is not very big, but the sky is bluer and the grass is greener, like a paradise.

Occasionally I can see the residents of Xiaotongjie passing by. They have nothing to do, just the most ordinary mortals. Wenxuan can't help but panic. But he soon discovered that the residents of the Xiaotongjie saw him as indistinguishably from seeing another ordinary mortal, as if he would not be surprised at all because he was a monster. It wasn't until a while later that Wen Xuan saw several other monsters, only to find that people and monsters in this world actually coexisted.

But after all, he only came to the Xiaotong community as a guest. After seeing everything on the road, he went to Ye Shengge's tomb.

Wenxuan put the four-character messenger here.

Ye Zhenren ... Wen Xuan muttered in his throat, trying to say a lot, but couldn't say a word. He wanted to write another word on the ground, but still could not write anything. Eventually he bowed his forelegs and worshiped deeply, and everything was in the same worship.

After one week, Wenxuan stood up and found a figure standing behind him.

The shadows of the people are so dazzling, they don't look real, but they really stand there. Wenxuan could not feel this man's cultivation and could not help but be alert.

"Don't be so nervous." The figure smiled lightly. "I just heard that Qin Er brought the guest in, come and see."

Having said that, the figure glanced at Ye Shengge's tomb and sighed, "I didn't expect that you would have the breath of Shengge. My two apprentices are so far away from each other for decades, but they have a relationship with you It ’s really strange. "

Wen Xuan shuddered when he heard this.

"In this case, you should be Wenxuan. Shengge mentioned you to me, and his name was still his." Renying laughed, "For the first time, I am the owner of this little world. I forgot the name Anyway, everyone calls me the master of Xiaotong. "

Lord of Xiaotong Realm, Lord of Xiaotong Realm. Wen Xuan chewed these five words over and over again, feeling terrified.

Ye Shengge's death that year was the result of several gangsters joining forces. Then only overnight, the crickets had no news, as if the world had evaporated. At that time, there were rumors that it was the master of the Xiaotong community who had retaliated against his apprentice.

Those people were all infants. If the rumors are true, the Lord of the Xiaotong world is at least a Mahayana. 2k novel reading network

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