MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 82

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The simple question was like slap directly on Qin Shiyu's face.

An unknown fire rose in Qin Shiyu's heart, and he couldn't help glaring at the simple anger. Wen Xuan stood in front of Jian Jian and looked back smoothly.

After such a stalemate between the two parties, Qin Shiyu was in need of others, and first served soft. Then Qin Shiyu took another look at the flesh-shaded figure on the ice bed, and suddenly lost his interest in continuing to entangle with Wen Xuan and others. He only confirmed that Wen Xuan had agreed to his request, and then took these people out of this secret room and brought them into that room again, attracting the waitresses.

But Qin Shiyu was still hesitant about the simple sentence. When he poured tea for him by the maid, Lengding gave a sentence, "What do you know?"

Jian Jian didn't bother to answer, just raised his head and looked at him with a smile.

"Brother Jane." Wen Xuan found the situation here, and quickly reached out his hand, and pressed the button on the simple shoulder.

For such an instant, Qin Shiyu looked at Wen Xuan's hand resting on Jian Jian's shoulder, and suddenly felt that Jian Jian's previous question didn't get on his face, but on his heart.

All of a sudden, Qin Shiyu was angry, embarrassed, and unwilling. He sips the tea in his hand and quits, leaving the house guest to leave first.

"Brother," Jian Jian asked with a little shame, "Am I born again?"

Wen Xuan patted lightly on the top of his head. "It's all right. You're right," he said.

Briefly glanced at Qin Shiyu's direction of departure, and laughed at himself, "What's wrong and what's wrong, he can't listen anyway."

"Why do you see that?" Wen Xuan turned over, "I think he cares."

Simple but never dismissed it, he really despised Qin Shiyu. He read the original book well, and naturally knew how stubborn the first male lead in this original book was, and he was always confident in his judgment ...

Before the words of contempt were finished, there was a sudden wave of mana in the direction of the secret room. The simple unfinished words paused.

He reluctantly judged that it seemed to be the spell that had frozen Xue Binger before and thaw?

It was thawed, and it was thawed for a while, and soon it was frozen again. But in just such a moment of thawing, there was another strange wave of mana coming. This fluctuation was even more intense. Even many of the young monsters under Ningyuan who were under the control of Wenxuan felt it, all of them were surprised.

Jian Jian's disdainful expression couldn't help but stagnate on his face.

Soon, Qin Shiyu returned to the hall again. This time, however, he rushed in directly, his eyes flushed, his eyes stared at Jian Jian, with a resentment like trying to frustrate him.

"Qin Daoyou." Wen Xuan stopped in front of Jian Jian this time, but stood beside Jian Jian. "Why be angry?"

These four words calmed Qin Shiyu slightly. It took him a long time to put away the hatred in his eyes, but it spread a kind of irresistible grief, which weighed down his shoulders.

After a while, Qin Shiyu waved and beckoned the guests.

Until this time, simplicity was still in the clouds and fog, unbelievable.

"Brother Jane," Wen Xuan asked suddenly, curiously, on the way home. "In that story, what choice did she make after she woke up?"

The original works that Wen Xuan saw in his simple memory are just the part that he has repeatedly pondered, and there is no more subsequent plot. Jian Jian heard this question, but shook her head. "At that time, her choices were different."

Yes, in the original book, "she" has never been given the opportunity to choose "whether or not to replace her own life". When she can finally make a choice, that choice has become "I've killed several people in exchange for you. It's up to you to die."

How cruel and cruel is it-seamless? It is these plots in the original book that make Jian believe that Qin Shiyu cannot be moved at all, but ...

Wen Xuan sighed. "Now she has a chance."

Simple is speechless for a while. Yeah, those weird situations just now, only one explanation.

"Master Jian, the changes that people can make in different situations are greater than you think." Wen Xuan leaned over and patted a simple shoulder. "The change you can make in a sentence is bigger than you think . "

Listening to these words simply and quietly, recalling the distraught appearance of the founder Qin Shiyu, there was a shock in his heart.

Wen Xuan returned to Dongfu with the simple demon and the group of little demon, wrote to Murong Feng, and mentioned the matter of the horn of the demon.

A few days later, Qin Shiyu purchased it from Murong Feng.

After dozens of days, Wen Xuan was planning to return to Ximing, and Qin Shiyu suddenly came to visit him.

Qin Shiyu was not alone this time, with a woman behind him. Because of the cold weather, the woman wrapped herself tightly at first. It wasn't until she entered the room and took off her hat that she could be seen clearly.

Xue Binger.

It is easy to see from the arrogance in the corner of the eyebrows that it was Xue Binger, not "her".

"Binger," Qin Shiyu pointed at Wen Xuan. "This time, you can be saved. Thank you Wen Daoyou, thank you?"

Xue Binger was impatient with two points and twisted with three, but he did well to salute and thanked him.

The woman's troubles many years ago made Wen Xuan and her simple memories fresh. Suddenly receiving such a gift, both of them didn't know how to react.

As a result, Xue Binger said this thanks, twisted it in situ, and stumbled again and again, "I was ignorant, arrogant, and did many wrong things, please, please ..." She was an apology after all. For a long time, I was unable to clarify the words "Please forgive me".

Wenxuan and Simple have long been stunned. Where do you care about this kind of section? Besides, this woman has suffered so much, it is also miserable. Of course, a good person like Wen Xuan will certainly not care about the past. It's easy to think about simplicity, but in this situation, he couldn't shoot the apology back to Xue Binger's face after all, but he quietly accepted it.

Qin Shiyu brought her here, and specifically asked her to thank and reconcile with the two, and she was very happy when she saw the situation. Then Qin Shiyu left a gift and took her away.

As for the woman Qin Shiyu originally wanted to save? Oh, at that time Qin Shiyu suddenly couldn't think of it. He unlocked the frozen spell for a moment and wanted to talk to her for two words. In fact, she was just lucky and thought that maybe she could understand her intentions. Who knew that the woman was so decisive, it was such an instant opportunity, she said nothing, and immediately destroyed herself and returned the body to Xue Binger.

Only Xue Binger was left, a horn of the demon was enough to save it.

Qin Shiyu lost his heart for several days, but finally accepted the reality. Anyway, Xue Binger had been with him for so many years, and it was good to be able to save it. As for that woman, he had worked so hard for so long, but still couldn't bear her own choice, after all, it was just a mirror.

When the two men left, it was unbelievable that Jian Jian remained in place.

Xue Binger's awkward apology overlapped with Qin Shiyu's distressed appearance before, so that Jian Jian gave birth to a kind of unwilling to be compared with the person who was most disgusted and despised.

With this inexplicable reluctance, he turned around several times in the same place, suddenly looked up, and looked at the sunlight coming in at the door.

Jian Zan glanced at the sunshine for a moment, then stepped forward and went out.

This world has been chaotic for many years. Thanks to Qin Shiyu's long-sleeve dance, the border is a little flatter than other places.

Simple flew to the sky, wandering aimlessly for a moment, and suddenly saw a monk lying down in a valley, covered with blue and purple, there was already gas out of breath.

A quick glance showed that it was poisoned. He flew all the way, but couldn't think of floating back. Then he descended to the monk, took out the elixir he brought with him, and passed it into the other's mouth. The elixir was very effective, and soon the monk hummed and woke up.

By the time Wen Xuan found him all the way, Jian Jian had already passed the stage of thanking and not thanking the monk.

Jian Yi waved goodbye to the monk and smiled back to Wen Xuan.

"That's ..."

"New friends."

The simple answer was taken for granted, but I don't know what kind of stormy waves this sentence set off in Wen Xuan's heart. New friends? Jian Jian had only Wenxuan in his eyes, but he never made any friends.

When he returned to Dongfu, Wenxuan saw more differences.

Jian Jian was so friendly to those little monsters that he soon became one with them, and also became more familiar with some of them, brothers and sisters. You know, in the past, it was good for those who would be around Wenxuan to be simple and hateful. How could they be so friendly?

When it was getting late, Wenxuan couldn't help but ask.

"There are some changes ... I want to try to change." Jian Yi rubbed his head embarrassed, "I want to try ... go out."

That's it. What Wenxuan said that day was easy to hear. Wenxuan couldn't help but feel relieved.

Jian Jian leaned over and watched the setting sun in the courtyard.

He probably thought something. After a while, he suddenly said, "Brother, I want to go to Guiyue Island to have a look."

This surprise is no small feat. Guiyue Island, these three words, in the night Wen Xuan silently holding his tail, are often remembered by himself. But he couldn't think of anything. He simply said these three words in his simple words.

Wen Xuan nodded comfortably, "You should go and see, you still ..."

"I owe them an apology." Jian Jian himself added the latter sentence.

Then Jian Ji remembered what she had done, and couldn't help but be silent. He had a stubborn opinion that everyone except him would only hurt Wen Xuan, but now he was shocked that it was just his self-deception. He was superstitious about the original work, but it was actually because the original work convinced him that Wen Xuan had nothing but him.

If it wasn't for the fact that he took the original book out of context and deliberately made Wen Xuan misunderstand the causes of those injuries, maybe those who return to Yuedao will not lose their island owner, will they?

Easy walked forward two steps, as if going into the sunset.

Wen Xuan looked at him with relief at first, and saw his back stretched by the setting sun, but suddenly flickered in his heart.

His Jianshi brother finally went out, from the narrow road where only he was.

Will it go far? Anxiety suddenly rose in Wenxuan's heart.

But just when this kind of anxiety just came out, Yi Jian turned his back, reached out to Wenxuan, and smiled, "Brother, go with me. They know you are still there, and they will be happy."

Wen Xuan put his hands on his hands, as if he had both feet on the ground, and his heart was at once solid. Yeah, his Jianshi brother will always be by his side, no matter how far he goes.

The sunset stretched their shadows together. They are side by side, as they have been in many days.

But it's a little different than before. A few moments later, two shadows began to merge together.

Simply holding Wen Xuan's shoulder, he gently nudged at the neck.

"Brother, if I want to travel all over the world, will you stay with me?"

"of course."

Wen Xuan nodded happily, like a next life-long commitment.

——END—— 2k novel reading network

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