MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 644 back to the ranch

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  Chapter 644 Back to the Ranch

   After packing up their things, everyone went to the airport, not the new international airport, but the old old airport. The journey out of the city went smoothly, and when they arrived at the airport, they rushed directly to the plane on the tarmac.

   "Good guy, such a big guy?"

As soon as he saw the plane, Jian Heng couldn't help being stunned for a moment. At first, Jian Heng thought it was a small plane, that is, that kind of private little guy, like a Bombardier or something, but now it was a large Boeing plane. It is no different from the usual plane flying from Shanghai to the United States.

   "This is the only big one left. Although it flies a little slower, the space inside is much brighter than mine." He Ye said, reaching out to pat Jian Heng's back.

  As soon as a few people got to the side of the plane, the captain brought the co-pilot and five or six stewardesses over to take the luggage with a smile, and then pushed the luggage aside with a small trolley.

  The three members of Jian Heng's family followed He Ye and Si Wan on the plane as they wished.

  When Jian Heng saw the interior layout, he couldn't help being shocked again. Needless to say, there were sofas and so on. What surprised Jian Heng was that there was a shiny steel pipe in the middle of the plane! You guessed it right, it's the pole for that dance.

   Jian Heng turned his head and glanced curiously, and searched around, but couldn't find anyone who seemed to be dancing.

  He Ye walked to Jian Heng's side at this time, glanced at the three women walking in front, and asked Jian Heng in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

   "There are still dancing on the plane?" Jian Heng was purely curious.

  He Ye said casually after hearing this: "When they were waiting for takeoff, they were sleeping. Find a flight attendant to dance for you?"

"Airline stewardess?"

"Why don't you think that! This person's only hobby is this one, but don't worry, his problems are different from others. Others like to make messes. He just likes to watch women dance pole dance, and other things It’s nothing, otherwise I would use his plane too, I still think it’s dirty,” He Ye said.

  Jian Heng said casually after hearing this: "He can be regarded as a strange person."

Jian Heng has also seen the world, and knows that some people have strange hobbies, just like some rich people like to hire a beautiful woman to beat themselves up. It is normal for this person to like to watch women dance a little dance. up.

"You haven't heard of his family history. Let me tell you, you are lucky enough. He always seems to be throwing money at his brain. Come on, let's find a place to sit down. Anyway, we have time. Let's talk about it," He Ye said.

As soon as everyone sat down here, the stewardess over there came over and asked everyone to fasten their seat belts. The plane was ready to take off on the runway. At this time, Jian Heng felt that it was really good to have a plane. You must know where to sit on a normal flight. It will take quite a while to get up there, maybe half an hour in line before it will be your turn to get on the runway.

  Five minutes later, the plane soared into the sky, broke through the light rain layer in the sky of Shanghai, and there was sunshine above, and the seat belt was unbuckled.

  Si Wan said: "Shall we play cards?"

  When Barley and Wheat heard the cards, they immediately said: "Wow!"

   Waiting for the two to see that the stewardess brought up two decks of poker, they suddenly froze a bit, and asked Si Wan, "Isn't it mahjong?"

  Si Wan didn't expect Da Mai and Mai to play mahjong, so she opened her mouth and asked, "Do you know how to play mahjong?"

   "We don't know how to play Chinese poker, but we know how to play mahjong," said Mai.

  Si Wan said: "Mahjong is played in different ways in different places in China, so let's unify it!"

   After speaking, let the stewardess bring a set of mahjong over.

   I have to say that this plane looks like a kaleidoscope, and there is even mahjong in it. After a while, the stewardess brought over mahjong, and the three women also unified the playing methods.

   Now that barley and wheat are serious old friends, when they heard what Si Wan said, they were not allowed to eat but only touched, and they immediately said that it was okay to spend something like that.

   "Which of you two is going?" Si Wan asked Jian Heng and He Ye who were chatting.

  Jian Heng doesn't like playing mahjong very much, unless it's during the holidays or something, so he opened his mouth and said, "Why don't you go?"

  He Ye heard this, and glanced at the stewardess: "Go up and get one, win your own, lose mine!"

The stewardess responded with a smile, and the four women shuffled the cards and played mahjong. The two big men, Jian Heng and He Ye, sipped tea and chatted face to face. .

Taking a private plane is really much more free than flying. Not only is the place spacious, but there is also a bar and a karaoke room. As for the bedroom, let alone the double bed, it is like a hotel. Jian Heng has lived in a five-star hotel The hotel is not as luxurious as the bedroom of this plane.

However, Jian Heng did not go to live, and He Ye was not interested in sleeping in someone else's bed, even though everything had been detoxified, so when the two of them were tired from chatting, they put the chair in a lying state, and put it on. Putting on the blindfold and going to sleep, the sound of a woman playing cards was still in my ears.

In order to make the two of them sleep more comfortably, Jian Heng got a short piece of Ningshen incense here, lit it for the two of them and sniffed for a while, then fell asleep deeply. When he opened his eyes again, the plane Already flew over Los Angeles.

  Stopped in Los Angeles for an inspection, and refueled. After stopping for about two hours, it took off again and flew directly to Montana.

   Now Jian Heng and He Ye are not sleepy anymore. While watching TV and chatting, the three women are very quiet, each snoring and sleeping like three little pigs.

He walked down the road in such a safe and sound way, and landed in Montana. He Ye took out a stack of tickets and rewarded the crew members, letting them have a good time here for two days. The three members of Jian Heng's family were taken back to the ranch by Huang Xiaodong.


  As soon as she entered the ranch, Si Wan felt a little disappointed. He Ye praised Jian Heng's ranch as the best in the United States, but when she came to the ranch in person, Si Wan felt that she was really disappointed. Si Wan also stayed in a ranch before, besides, her family owns a large ranch in Australia and a stable in England. Now that she sees Jian Heng's ranch, she just feels that the ordinary ones can no longer be ordinary.

  He Ye laughed and said, "You'll see when you get out of the car! They still have fresh grass to feed the animals in their pasture."

   After speaking, He Ye pouted at the horses in the distance.


  As soon as she saw the horses, Si Wan suddenly jumped up from the seat as if she had been electrocuted, stretched out her hand and pressed the car window, and looked towards the horses.

Throughout the winter pasture, the main color between the sky and the earth is white, and it is all white when you look around, giving people a feeling of ice and snow. Now, a group of particularly strange horses suddenly appeared in the line of sight. Like a flame dancing at night, so attractive.

   "Hurry up and close the window, you want to freeze us to death"

  Everyone didn't wear too much clothes. When Si Wan opened the window here, she not only made others shiver from the cold, but also knocked her own lower gums on top of the lower gums, making a rattling sound.

  Close the window, and Si Wan starts to put on her coat.

  Jian Heng looked at her and smiled and said: "What's the rush, the horse won't run away, let's go home and rest for a while."

While talking, I suddenly saw two horses running out of the group of horses, and suddenly the two horses started to run, and the group of horses with a strong and smooth heart also started to run, and ran towards the car over here.

   "Nymphalis II, Mountain Range II!"

  When Barley and Wheat saw the two leading horses, they immediately became happy, because the leading horses were their mounts.

  Hearing the owner's call, the two horses ran more happily, and after a while they brought the whole group of horses to the side of the car.

  Barley and Mai had already put on their coats at this time, and jumped out of the car with Si Wan.

  He Ye glanced at Jian Heng.

   Jian Heng said: "Forget it, let's go home and let these women go crazy here."

   They all arrived at the ranch, and Jian Heng's home could be seen clearly in front of him. In addition, there were horses on the woman's side, so He Ye nodded, so Jian Heng drove the car to the door of the house.

After moving all the luggage, He Ye carried his and Si Wan's, while Jian Heng was in charge of his family of three. After packing up the luggage, Jian Heng took the opportunity to go to the airport to pick up the luggage and threw He Ye down. , I drove to the airport again. After such a tossing, the tossing was not over until five or six o'clock in the evening.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion