MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 662 teacher

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  Chapter 662 Teacher

Back at home, the little girl Ning Ning seemed to be able to keep up with the wind, and started to play with Pooh again. Pooh also likes to be quarreled with, and when Ning Ning is not around, no one wants to find someone to quarrel with. Stay with me, now there is someone who is more noisy than me, it can be regarded as one person and one bear, and they will soon go from inside to outside. Anyway, with Pooh by my side, Ningning will not be in any danger, and it was the same as last time In this way, the adults simply let go and let the two children follow the animals to play freely in the pasture.

  I went home to prepare breakfast, then started a morning’s work, followed by lunch, and then took a rest to take the two little ones to the farm.

  As soon as he left the door, Jian Heng heard a buzzing sound from above his head, and when he looked up, he saw Wu Yong's small plane flying towards his own runway.

  Barley was about to watch Jian Heng go to the farm, covered his forehead with his hand, saw Wu Yong's plane and smiled and said: "Okay, wait a while, you two go together."

   Jian Heng saw that there was nothing left to do but wait, so the family retreated into the house again.

  In about ten minutes, Wu Yong took his two children directly across the lake to the door of the house.

  Boom boom boom!

   "Knock what, it's coming out" Jian Heng stood up immediately when he heard the knock on the door.

  The little girl saw her brother standing up, and she didn't want to go to the farm yet, she just wanted to slip away, who knew she was faster, and Jian Heng was faster, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the collar of the collar to grab the little guy.

   "Let go of me, let me go, you're robbing the child, help me!" Ning Ning shouted while struggling.

   Who knew that no one paid attention to her at all, Sun Xiuying pretended not to hear, sitting next to her daughter-in-law, kowtow melon seeds and watching TV, turning her head from time to time to chat with Damai and Mai.

  Balley and Wheat just smiled. As for Jian Anan, not only did she not help, she even stabbed her own sister twice.

   "What's wrong with learning some rules?"

   After making a fuss for a while, Jian Ningning found nothing to cheer her up, so Jian Ningning rested her mind, and honestly, her brother grabbed her by the collar and took her outside the house.

   "Yo, you're home." Wu Yong was surprised when he saw Jian Heng coming out.

  When he saw Jian Heng holding Xiaoan with one hand and Jian Ningning with the other, he couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand and scratched Ningning's face: "Are you making trouble again?"

   "Hello, Brother Wu Yong! Brother Wu Yong, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you are getting more and more handsome!" Ning Ning's small mouth was sweet and a bit boring.

   "Hey, this little mouth, he will definitely not suffer when he grows up. My brother will use your auspicious words to live longer and younger." Wu Yong is full of joy.

  He is happy to be an old man, but the half-grown children next to him are a little bit hard to see, and all of them have slanted eyebrows and raised eyes, all of them have disgusting and strange looks.

   Seeing Ning Ning Zhile on the expressions of the two children, they forgot about the struggle for a moment.

  Wu Yong saw that Ning Ning was happy, and turned his head to see the virtues of his two children, so he couldn't help snorting.

  Although the four children are two big and two young, the three children are lively, making Xiao An even quieter. Wu Yong also noticed this, reached out and touched Xiao An's head, and squatted down: "Xiao An, have you forgotten Brother Wu?"

  "No, brother Wu Yong!"


  Jian Heng can't stand it anymore, Wu Yong is a shameless old man, there is no one for a man in his teens to be an older brother for a child in his teens.

  After finishing talking, Wu Yong stood up: "Today I'm going to change to a bigger car."

   "Of course, let's change to a Lexus." Jian Heng said here and led everyone towards the car.

Wu Yong walked here for a while, and found that Ning Ning had reacquainted with his two children. Although there was a big difference in age, they had a good chat, and Xiao An could only settle down alone. Walk and listen quietly.

   "It was very lively when I went back, why is it like this again now? The child looks listless" Wu Yong asked Jian Hengfa.

   "My sister has enrolled in too many classes. She couldn't learn that from the moment she opened her eyes. It's a ghost if she doesn't slump. Don't worry, she will become naughty again in a few days." Jian Heng replied.

  Wu Yong hummed, then turned his head and said to his two children: "Don't worry about talking about yourself, bring your younger brother with you when you talk about it, what's the point of leaving your younger brother alone!"


  The two members of Wu Yong's family responded immediately.

I have to say that although the two children of Wu Yong's family are skinny, their tutoring is really good. Now many children are dying alone, so they don't care about others, but the two children of Wu Yong's family are not. Playing with Xiao An, I immediately started asking Xiao An questions.

  Xiao An is also very happy now. Bored children don’t mean that they don’t want to play with their friends, but that they don’t know how to communicate with others, or they are a little shy and dare not communicate with others. Now that someone takes the initiative to communicate with them, they can easily let go of their guards.

   In this way, the two rows of seats in the back soon talked and laughed.

   "You two children are teaching well," Jian Heng praised.

  Wu Yong showed a little pride on his face, but he still said modestly with the pride of Chinese parents: "It's okay, it's okay!"

  But after speaking, his face quickly collapsed: "It's just too lively now."

   "Are you still angry because of what happened last time?" Jian Heng asked with a smile.

  Wu Yong said: "That matter has passed long ago. If I have been annoyed until now because of that matter, I would have been **** off by these two little things."

Speaking of this, Wu Yong started the complaint mode, and told Jian Heng about his child's naughty things at school. Anyway, it's nothing serious, just breaking something, and doing it for the students while the teacher turned his head to write. Teachers in the United States don't care about grimaces, but there are also teachers who can't stand it and will drag Wu Yong and his wife over to talk.

It is actually rare for an Asian child to be like this in a school that is almost all white children. Generally speaking, Asian children give the impression of being quiet and reticent. One, the studies are not very good, and there are really too few Asian children mixed with a group of white followers.

  Of course, some teachers commented that this was a sign of leadership, but in Wu Yong's eyes, it was nonsense.

  The two adults were chatting in the front row, and the four little guys were chatting in the back row. When the car arrived at the farm, the four little guys got along with each other.

  Seeing Jian Heng's car approaching, Ma Wan and Gong Ming stood at the door and waved their hands towards the car.

  Jian Heng stopped the car at the door of the house: "Everyone go inside, what are you doing standing outside in such a cold day?"

  Although Jian Heng said so, Ma Wan and Gong Ming waited for Jian Heng to go up the steps to the door before entering the house together.

As soon as he entered the room, Jian Heng pulled Xiao An and Ning Ning to him, and introduced them: "It's Teacher Ma Wan who will teach you calligraphy, Xiao An, and Teacher Ma Wan will also teach you martial arts. The teacher learns, and the body will be strong after learning, this is Gong Ming, you two learn the erhu from him... ".

  Everyone in the valley seems to have a craft. According to Mr. Yao, there is no entertainment in the valley. It is better to play a piano and play a flute, so everyone can play with a musical instrument.

  After the introduction, Ma Wan smiled and brought the four children into the calligraphy classroom. He wanted to see the background of the two children. Jian Heng and Wu Yong were fine anyway, so they went in together to have a look.

Xiaoan has learned it before, so she writes neatly. Although the handwriting is not very good, it is better than a neat one. Ningning can't do it. If you ask her to write, she picks up the pen with a serious face and writes a well. , and then seemed to think of a tortoise shell, and drew a circle to cover the tic-tac-toe, added a ball head, added four ugly legs, and matched it with a tail, so an ugly monster appeared on the rendering paper. Couldn't be any more ugly little turtle.

  Jian Heng was quite embarrassed. He wanted to reprimand his sister but held back. He wanted to see how Ma Wan would deal with it.

   Ma Wan was not angry, but smiled and watched the little girl knelt on the stool and finished drawing the little turtle, and then said: "You little turtle is not good-looking!"

   After speaking, she stretched out her hand, and Ning Ning handed the brush in her hand to Ma Wan after seeing it.

Ma Wan took it, and with just a few ticks, a little turtle jumped out of the paper, as if it was alive, it was a bit bragging, as far as Chinese painting is concerned, it can't live, because what Ma Wan is after is the charm. I saw the little turtle, showing the little turtle's swimming demeanor.

   "Wow!" Ning Ning looked at it, and immediately felt that the person in front of him was awesome.

  (end of this chapter)