MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 703 wine cellar

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  Chapter 703 Wine cellar

Sending off his father and his sister and brother-in-law's family, Jian Heng returned to the ranch and continued to live his peaceful life. The big ranch came in, and the original fence in the middle was naturally removed. Come over to harass me, and break through the fence from time to time, break it and repair it, repair it and break it, Jian Heng didn't mind much, and he didn't go to Siyanhei to 'talk'.

However, when the whereabouts of Pooh, Denver, and even high-ranking officers appeared on the border of the new pasture and left their scent behind, the wolves obviously restrained a lot. Not only did the number of attacks decrease, but the distance they went deep into the pasture was also short. More often than not, it is changed to enter the ranch for a short distance and then leave after looking around.

Seeing that spring has already started, the farmers who should plant something have already prepared their seeds, but this guy who is cold from time to time made a joke for everyone. At the end of March and almost April, white clouds floated in the sky. The vast expanse of big snowflakes, the snowflakes falling down are really like goose feathers, flying in the air.

  Standing in front of the large French windows of his house, Jian Heng looked eagerly at the scene of snowflakes flying outside the window, and sighed: "This snow will never end!"

"What's the rush? The forecast says it will stop tonight. It won't be too cold at this time. The snow will bloom in less than ten days." Damai is sitting on the sofa, drinking white fungus and lotus seed soup Said slowly.

  Now the bellies of Barley and Wheat are getting bigger. Barley's belly is not too scary, but Wheat's belly is a bit scary. Jian Heng wonders if it gets bigger, it will burst her belly.

Now Xiaomai is sitting next to Damai, watching helplessly as her sister is drinking lotus seed soup. She also wants to drink it, but the doctor told her not to drink it. She is afraid that if she eats too much, the baby in her stomach will grow too big. When it is born, it is not good when it is born. Sun Xiuying naturally didn't take it seriously, but both Jian Heng and Mai Mai felt that it was still following the doctor's advice, so they controlled their diet. less fat.

   "When will the forecast be accurate?" Jian Heng turned around and asked.

Sun Xiu is sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, smiling and hooking a small dress with wool. Naturally, this thing is for the three little grandchildren who are about to be born. What can you do about it, by the way, have you reserved a bed at the hospital yet?"

   "Mom, you can rest assured about this matter, this matter has been arranged," Xiaomai said with a smile.

The pregnancy dates of the two women are about the same, and the due dates are also about the same. Seeing that the October pregnancy is about to come out, Sun Xiuying is delighted and nervous, while Jian Heng is also a little uneasy and afraid, but in front of Barley and Wheat Jian Heng didn't show it at all.

Jian Heng looked through the window and saw a small shadow with Pooh and instant noodles. He didn't know where to go, but saw the three shadows a little bleak in the gray snowflakes, which gave people a very lonely feeling. Feel.

  Ning Ning, this little girl is lonely? Jian Heng threw this thought out of his mind in an instant, and a girl who can get acquainted with a big tree knows what loneliness is!

Ning Ning refused to go back with her father Jian Zhenhua even after she died. She just likes to go to school and play here. The only thing that worries her is that Heihu can't come over, and the few horses she likes at the stud farm are not with her. It's not a problem, the little girl quickly forgot about these things, she played with a group of children when she was in school, and played with Pooh and instant noodles at home after school.

  Because of the heavy snow, the school was closed, so Ning Ning has been crazy at home these days.

   "Where is Ningning going?" Jian Heng turned around and asked.

Sun Xiuying said: "Who knows that she has nails growing on her buttocks all day long, and she can't sit still for some reason! It's all your father, and she's so spoiled. Look, how can there be a little girl at home?" look".

  Sun Xiuying was extremely dissatisfied with her daughter's temperament. When talking about this, she had to mention Jian Zhenhua as her wife.

  Jian Heng got a little tired of hearing these words, so he didn't answer Lao Niang's words, turned his head to stare at the little girl's back, and said to himself: "I don't know why such a big snow is going out!"

But Jian Heng didn't know that such heavy snow is not good for adults. Of course, the adults here refer to Montana people. If it is replaced by tourists, this concept is completely different. The gang of tourists are going crazy, if you don't believe me, go to the town now to have a look, that guy is no less lively than on a sunny day.

Jian Heng's family was all nestled in the house, but at this moment, a figure appeared beside the fence of the pasture. He was carrying a backpack, climbed over the fence of the pasture awkwardly, and then squatted on his knees. Daxue walked forward step by step.

   When this person walked towards the hinterland of the ranch for less than ten minutes, this person was discovered by the security personnel.

"Snow Fox, Snow Fox! Please answer when you hear this. There is an intruder at directions 40 and 67. He is an intruder of unknown age and appearance. He is male. Please go and intercept him quickly!" The security director of the ranch security company's command center hid in the large The intruder was spotted on the monitor on the tree, and he immediately issued an order to the team that showed the nearest location on the screen.

   "Snow Fox received it, I understand, we will rush there immediately." The inspection team was patrolling along a fixed route in a closed tracked snowmobile, and immediately responded to the command center's order.

After receiving the order, the team soon rushed to the place where the person was found, but when they arrived at the place, they found that the person was no longer there. After chasing along the footsteps for a while, they found that the footsteps were gone, because there was heavy snow and wind, although the wind was not strong , but the snow was too heavy, and the traces of the coming people were covered up in a short while.

   After searching around for a while, the team had to contact the command center again and ask them to re-report the intruder's location.

The command center is also strange now, because this person entered the second surveillance cordon. It stands to reason that it is impossible not to be discovered if he is only close to the third surveillance line, because the experts have studied the pasture when building the surveillance network. The situation, combined with the weather in Montana, these surveillance systems can be used normally even in heavy snow, including methods such as thermal imaging, but the intruder seems to have disappeared all of a sudden.

"White Fox, Greyhound, Snow Rabbit, please answer when you hear it. You quickly gather around Snow Fox and search in a fan shape. A walking intruder won't have so much physical strength to go too far." Security at the command center The supervisor said firmly.

After receiving the order, the three patrol cars drove in the direction of Xuehu immediately. After meeting, they began to search according to the requirements, but a few hours passed, and the four patrol cars almost leveled the area here, but no intrusion was found. The most important thing is that the monitoring network on the third floor did not find the shadow of the intruder. Now the conclusion reached by the command center is that either the person turned around and went back, or the person hid.

  If they are hiding, they can only wait for this person to show up. If they leave, everything will be fine.

   "Continue to expand the search" command center still issued a search order, and sent two more patrol cars.

  But even with six groups of patrol cars, the intruders disappeared without a trace.

Neither the security director of the command center nor the patrol car knew that the intruder was less than ten meters away from their line of sight. The snow was so heavy that it directly covered the entrance of the cave he fell into. The entrance of the cave, which was about one and a half meters long, was now covered by snow and only 30 to 40 centimeters remained. It's hard to notice that there's still a hole here.

The hole is not shallow, about three meters high, with no force on both sides, straight up and down, the inside of the hole is quite spacious, the whole hole is like a bottle with a big belly, the top exit is one and a half meters, and the bottom is about one and a half meters It’s straight, but it’s a big belly at the bottom. It’s about 50 square meters. There are gray bricks on the ground to pave the ground. Around the wall, there are rows of wine racks. Empty, and some shelves with empty wine bottles.

Obviously this is a wine cellar. As for why the wine cellar was built in such a hidden place, and it has not been marked on any floor plan, this is the reason for the history of the United States. People who know a little bit of American history may know that there is a At that time, the Americans went crazy and decided to ban alcohol in the whole country, that is, they were not allowed to drink alcohol, or even to produce alcohol. Wine cellars are definitely not one or two in the United States.

To say that this person is also **** luck, he fell from a height of more than three meters into the wine cellar, but he was not hurt. In fact, it is easy to know that this is a reporter, and it is still a young reporter. He is white and looks to be in his twenties. In all likelihood, he is a new reporter. As far as the hang tag on his chest is concerned, he is currently working for a third-rate tabloid.

This tabloid office is a bit like some unpopular tabloid in China. It is the kind of why a 60-year-old woman screams in the middle of the night, and what makes a young and beautiful female teacher become a **** maniac, anyway. It is to attract readers by hunting for novelties and catching wind and shadows. The level is not high, but the market is not small.

   Facts have proved that there are still more ordinary people in this world.

   This one fell decisively, and woke up very simply. He sat up immediately, looked around and was dumbfounded!

  (end of this chapter)