MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 714 How to reward loyalty

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  Chapter 714 How to Reward Loyalty

   But happiness only lasts for a while. With Jian Heng's current status, the happiness brought by Zhang Yiping's loss will only last for a while. At most five minutes, Jian Heng feels meaningless.

   "Forget it, let's not talk about it, it makes people uncomfortable to mention it, you are fine at night, if you have nothing to do, let's have some wine and drink?" Jian Heng asked the three of them.

  Sun Siwei said: "I'm fine!"

Seeing Jian Heng looking at him, Luo Min smiled and said, "Even if there is something wrong, it's nothing serious. Boss, I haven't tasted your handicraft for a long time. Besides, after two months, I have to find some time Go to your house to live for a while to calm my mind, I feel like my heart is covered with dust when I am always hanging in the metropolis."

   "You were asked to stay in the United States, but you insisted on coming back," Zhang Jialiang laughed.

  Luo Min said: "At that time, who would have thought that university would have so many twists and turns. I thought personnel affairs were very simple."

  Sun Siwei laughed and said: "As long as there are people there, nowhere will be simple."

   "It's good that it's okay, everyone is moving now, the three of you help me choose vegetables, and here's the whole meat." Jian Heng clapped his hands and stood up from the sofa when he heard the three talking.

  Walking into the kitchen, Jian Heng brought a few vegetables to be peeled and selected to the living room, and then gave each of the three people a small basket, signaling them to work hard, and he went into the kitchen again.

   Putting on an apron, Jian Heng was busy arranging the pork when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing, and pressed the connect button without looking at who was calling.

   "Hi, hello, Jian Heng here!"

  "Boss, boss, just help me this time...I've been working for you for so many years, just because..." Zhang Yiping's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jian Heng's heart immediately felt disgusted, because after listening to Zhang Yiping's words, he didn't think there was anything wrong with stealing his list last time. He probably felt that the so-called people go to high places, and water goes to the bottom. Trafficking includes betrayal. Whatever he does for his own benefit is right, and others must forgive him generously.

Jian Heng said lightly to the old saying: "From the moment we walked out of Morgan's Auction House, there was no friendship between us. I know you were more capable than Luo Min and Zhang Jialiang before, but in my conscience, I don't treat you as well." Bo, let’s talk about it, if I forgive the betrayal, what will I use to reward Zhongcheng? And how much money Luo Min and Zhang Jialiang get now has something to do with you!"

   After saying that, Jian Heng hung up the phone, took two breaths, and continued to concentrate on skimming the foam that came out when the meat was cooking in the pot.

   I don’t know when Sun Siwei stood at the door and heard the call between Jian Heng and Zhang Yiping: "Are you still entangled?"

Jian Heng shook his head: "This man has lost his mind and gone crazy! He thought the whole world owed him yes, but he opened his mouth to compare with Zhang Jialiang and Luo Min. According to him, if I don't set up a body shaping center and let him take care of it All of a sudden, it's like I'm sorry for him, I used to think that even if this person is betrayed, at least he still has a little bit of arrogance, but now it seems that he is completely useless!"

"If you do too many sinful things, you don't care about face. The story Jialiang told me just now touched me a lot. No matter what people do in society, they have to have a bottom line! I have to reflect on it. Don't be lost by the current life," Sun Siwei said seriously.

  Jian Heng raised his head after hearing this, and looked at Sun Siwei who was standing at the door: "Do you want to become a saint, boy? You are planning to save yourself three times a day!"

  Sun Siwei was amused when he heard it: "Forget it if you become a saint, hey, you don't know how much my little life has been during this time...".

   "Show off?"

Jian Heng also knows a little bit about Sun Siwei's bad things these days. If Sun Siwei, who was like a **** in the past, fell out of love, he would just go to a food stall to fry two dishes and drink two bottles of beer until he was drunk. Well, the women around him have changed a lot, and they are not the ones who hang out in bars looking for one-night excitement. He is looking for either models or starlets.

  In Jian Heng's view, this is his private matter. As long as the work is done well, Jian Heng is not interested in other matters.

   "No, I'm going to get drunk with you today, then sleep well, and wait to embrace life again tomorrow!" Sun Siwei leaned against the door frame and smiled.

   Jian Heng said: "Why do I always feel so angry when I talk today!"

   "Okay, I'm going to choose vegetables! By the way, I forgot that I came here to get the scissors, otherwise what will happen to the edamame."

   Said that Sun Siwei walked to the knife holder, reached out and touched the scissors in his hand.

  Jian Heng was working alone in the kitchen, while the three of them were working in the living room, waiting for the four of them to make things messy, when the call from He Ye came.


When Jian Heng heard that He Ye said that he would come to his side, he was taken aback: "You are getting married tomorrow, and you came to my place today? What is it, is it because you are afraid of marriage or you have discovered your true love, and you are going to take your little lover with you?" elopement?"

He Ye laughed and scolded: "The dog can't spit out ivory. It's nothing. It's just that I suddenly feel that I'm superfluous here, and I don't need to intervene in anything, so I thought that since When you come back, I will ask you to come over for a drink!"


Jian Heng let out a long breath: "I was shocked! Come on, come on, Luo Min, Zhang Jialiang and Sun Siwei are all here, we are going to get drunk tonight, and it doesn't matter if you are alone !"

"wait for me!"

   Suddenly, He Ye hung up the phone.

  Jian Heng heard this, threw his mobile phone on the kitchen counter, then walked to the door of the kitchen, and said to the three people in the living room: "He Ye, come here right now, let's have a good time together."

   "Isn't he having his day tomorrow, and he still has time to come over at this time?" Sun Siwei said.

   After a pause, he said again: "Forget it, he used his busy schedule to get married, and everything has been arranged by a special person!"

   "There are many people and it's lively!" Luo Min said.

The three of them didn't have much fear of He Ye, the boss, because to be honest, Jian Heng was the real big boss of the three of them. Even Jian Heng could speak normally, so how could they be afraid of He Ye like ordinary employees? , so the three of them did not resist He Ye's coming over to take part.

  He Ye came quite quickly. In less than forty minutes, he arrived at the door, honked the horn, and Luo Min got up to open the door for him.

   "Mr. He, your legs are quite long, the person from this side came just as soon as he was done," Luo Min laughed.

   "I live by the length of my legs!" He Ye smiled, and then slightly raised his head.

  Luo Minhui pointed to the kitchen: "Where is the kitchen!"

  He Ye walked to the door and said to Jian Heng, "Thank you!"

   "Thank you for what?"

   I was a little confused by him all of a sudden.

  He Ye said: "Your gift, Xiaowan and I like it very much!"

   "Oh, as long as you like it!" Jian Heng said with a smile: "Come here and help, put the dishes on the table, and let's eat! By the way, where are your drivers and bodyguards?"

   "They're going back, just come and pick me up later, I'm not in any danger with you here," He Ye said while stretching out his hand.

Seeing the two bosses serving the dishes, Sun Siwei and the other three also came over to help with smiles. The five of them worked together and put all the dishes on the table once or twice each. Not bad.

   Sitting around the table, Jian Heng opened a drink, and they chatted while drinking.

  After a few words about the wedding, Luo Min brought up the topic of gifts: "Boss, what gift do you give Boss He?"

   "What did you send?" Jian Heng asked with a smile.

  Luo Min said: "What can we all get as part-time workers, just follow along!"

   "Don't ask, Mr. Jian gave this to you!" He Ye also really liked Jian Heng's gift, so he took out his phone and took out the photos for everyone to see.


  The three of them exclaimed when they saw it!

  Jian Heng smiled and said, "This voice is so fake!"

   "Just for fun, the horse is pretty, but what is this dingy thing?" Luo Min asked curiously.

"Ivory carvings, white rhinoceros horns. A knowledgeable master saw them and said they belonged to a tribe in Africa. They are considered cultural relics! As soon as I got my hands on that old thing, I liked it so much that I wanted to stuff it into my eyes." He He Ye said proudly.

   Jian Heng glanced at He Ye, meaning what are you doing so embarrassingly!

When he was about to give the horse away, Jian Heng felt that he wanted to add something, so he remembered the carved ivory rhino horns he got, so he took out a big one, and the carver had a characteristic to make an extra head, Jian Heng didn't know The specific artistic value of this thing, anyway, this thing is not a big deal for Jian Heng, besides, He Ye has seen this thing before, and Jian Heng also gave it to him before.

   It's just that this time He Ye likes it so much, it's purely unexpected by Jian Heng.


   Luo Minsan looked at it, and immediately became more curious. Naturally, they wanted to take a look at the antiques that caught He Ye's eye.

   Jian Heng saw three people scrambling to look at their phones, so he opened his mouth and said generously: "When you get married, I will give each of you a large ivory carving. As for antiques from time to time, you all have to depend on your luck!"

   "Really! Long live Boss Jane!"

  He Ye smiled and said: "You guys have suddenly raised the price of the molecular market, do you know how much this thing costs?"

"How much money is just a toy. I can't eat or drink. It's easy for them to like me. It's agreed that you will get married and have one statue! I can't guarantee whether it is antique or not, but it is definitely a real tooth carving." Jian Heng happily promised promised.

   "Then I can get married a few more times, and I can make a fortune if I make a friend like you and get married," He Ye joked.

   "You think Africa is my home, I will give you one once you get married, you are beautiful!" Jian Heng laughed.

  Jian Heng's promise made the wine table more heated, but after more than ten minutes of excitement, the topic on the wine table began to return to the body sculpting center.

   It's not very exciting to chat about this thing, but it's about the vital interests of the people sitting here, so everyone listens very carefully.

   After eating this meal for more than four hours, everyone was drunk. He Ye didn't make it to the end of the drink, and went directly to the guest room downstairs and fell asleep.

   (ps: There are still a few chapters coming to an end, and I am preparing a new book. I hope everyone can continue to support Shishi, thank you all)

  (end of this chapter)

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