MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 101

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The sunlight from outside spilled in, forming distinct light and shadow on the ground.

The weather in July was a bit sultry, and the cool air from the air conditioner in the room dissipated little by little.

Chen Qizhao felt Shen Yuhuai's arm brushing against the skin of his arm, and led him to his arms, the breaths of the two interlaced, the other's hand gradually moved up, and finally reached the back of his neck , reaching into his hair, pressing his fingers on his scalp, making him unable to help his scalp tingle, and being carried closer and closer.

Hand brushed his earlobe, Shen Yuhuai touched his face, and a gentle and delicate kiss fell.

First, she swept the tip of her nose and kissed the corner of her lips in small pieces. This process was long and tedious, until she pryed her lips and teeth and broke in straight with that breath. Chen Qizhao leaned on Shen Yuhuai's body.

The two have never kissed for such a long time. When the kiss was so close that Chen Qizhao was about to breathe, the other party let him go.

But she just breathed a sigh of relief, Shen Yuhuai quickly covered it up again, the kissing place of the two shifted with the footsteps, and moved from the computer desk to the bed step by step, until the two fell on On the bed, Shen Yuhuai kissed Chen Qizhao's face, and finally let him go.

Chen Qizhao lay on his back, panting slightly, his chest heaving, his eyes stopped on the man in front of him.

Shen Yuhuai wore a loose T-shirt today. When he pressed it slightly, the neckline moved down, and it seemed that he could see the invisible figure hidden under the clothes. The hem of the clothes can be seen in places that are usually invisible.

The mint smell of drowning people is all around, Chen Qizhao never felt that the mint smell on Yu Huai’s body could be so clear, the heat on his face seemed to spread to the tips of his ears little by little, the closer the two were , He could feel the breath of Shen Yuhuai's body spraying on his face, the sound of the other party's hand pressing on the quilt beside his ear, and the sound of his own heartbeat accelerated step by step.

Shen Yuhuai looked down at the person and said nothing.

Chen Qizhao was looked at by such eyes and blinked: "I want to kiss again."

The reply to him was the kiss pressed by Shen Yuhuai, the man bent his elbows beside him and kissed him little by little.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The two of them were kissing unexpectedly, Chen Qizhao bit the corner of Shen Yuhuai's lips, Shen Yuhuai couldn't help groaning.

Knocks on the door one after another, Chen Qizhao sat up from the bed and asked at the door: "Who?!"

The knocking on the door stopped abruptly, and it took two or three seconds to hear the butler's voice.

With the angry question just now, he struggled for four or five seconds between continuing to knock on the door or putting the tray on the door, and the door in front of him opened.

Chen Ershao's face was a little red, but the root of the ear connected to the entire auricle was a conspicuous dark red, which contrasted sharply with his fair complexion.

Uncle Zhang: "?"

Chen Qizhao's gaze stayed on Uncle Zhang's face for a moment, then stopped on the tray in his hand, "Give it to me."

Uncle Zhang handed the tray over, and the latter simply took it.

Then the door in front of her closed, and there was a loud lock sound.


The room was quiet again, Chen Qizhao locked the door, he thought about what he was panicking just now, and Uncle Zhang usually wouldn't push the door in.

The two cups of fruit tea were still cool, and the two floating ice seemed to dissipate a little heat. Chen Qizhao was holding the tray, and suddenly found himself sweating. After being suddenly interrupted, the feeling of hindsight came up. He put the fruit tea on the table, and when he looked at Shen Yuhuai, he found that the other party was holding a tissue .

"..." Chen Qizhao stopped, "Bleeding?"

Shen Yuhuai wiped the corners of his mouth and commented: "...the mouth is good."

The kiss bit the corner of the subject's lips, Chen Qizhao avoided his eyes awkwardly, "I'll change clothes."

He was sweating and had to go back to the bathroom to change clothes.

The cool air conditioner seems to have lowered the heat in the room. The two have to go back to school today to get something. After drinking some fruit tea to cool off, they go downstairs and prepare to go there.

When walking side by side, Chen Qizhao didn't look at Shen Yuhuai's mouth, and he could see that the place where he bitten was a little red.

In the living room, Zhang Yazhi was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she heard the sound, she looked over the stairs and saw Chen Qizhao and Shen Yuhuai walking down. Without stopping for a moment between the two children, she saw them coming this way and said, "Are you going out?"

"I shouldn't come back to eat at night." Chen Qizhao said to Zhang Yazhi, "Don't wait for me."

Zhang Yazhi's eyes were gentle, "You have to bring that medicine, Lao Zhang, Xiao Zhao's medicine bag."

She looked at Shen Yuhuai: "At noon and at night, watch him take medicine."

Shen Yuhuai nodded towards Zhang Yazhi, noticing that the other party's gaze seemed to stay on his face all the time.

The housekeeper quickly brought a portable medicine bag, Chen Qizhao took it and went out with Shen Yuhuai.

Zhang Yazhi watched Shen Yuhuai's car leave the gate of the villa, and asked casually, "Old Zhang, what do you think of this child Yu Huai?"

Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper, has worked in the Chen family for many years. Since Zhang Yazhi asked him about this, it was obvious that he was really asking him how he felt about Shen Yuhuai. After thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. Shen is humble and outstanding in talent..."

Zhang Yazhi stopped the housekeeper before he said a lot of compliments, "What do you think about his relationship with Xiao Zhao?"

The housekeeper stopped, and then replied: "Second Young Master and Mr. Shen get along well."

This incident is not an empty praise. He has worked in the Chen family for all these years. When the Shen family had an accident, he was actually arranging the task of taking the two children to and from school. Young Master and Second Young Master had a good relationship when they were young, but Young Master has a cold personality. In junior high and high school, all his attention was on his studies, and his relationship with Second Young Master was rarely managed. Most of the time, Second Young Master was clinging to people.

Children's minds are sensitive. When young Chen Qizhao knows that his eldest brother has no time to play with him, his interest will also shift. At that time, when Shen Yuhuai came to the house, when the housekeeper passed by Chen Qizhao's room many times, the two children could always be seen talking together in the closed door. When they were talking, Chen Qizhao was mostly talking, but Shen Yuhuai was not irritable or ignored, but After Chen Qizhao Papa said a bunch of words, he patiently added his own opinions or answers.

Shen Yuhuai had the best relationship with Chen Qizhao when he was in the Chen family.

And that time was also the most peaceful time for Chen Qizhao. He didn't play around and make trouble, and he didn't complain that the tutoring classes were cumbersome.

These housekeepers are all aware of it, so that when the character of the second young master grows and becomes crooked, the housekeeper occasionally looks back at the past.

But there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, Chen Qizhao and Shen Yuhuai have always gotten along well, both now and in the past.

Zhang Yazhi smiled after listening, her eyes were gentle, "I don't need to worry about the child's affairs too much."

There is a distance from Chen's house to the school. When Shen Yuhuai was driving, Chen Qizhao was sitting in the co-pilot playing with his mobile phone.

Only during the game, I can always see the line of sight of the man next to me when the traffic lights are in the gap, undisguised and naked.

"I can drive next time." Chen Qizhao said.

Shen Yuhuai heard the words and looked at him, "Okay."

Chen Qizhao heard his very calm reply, and he glanced at the corner of the other's mouth from the corner of his eye, and quickly retracted his gaze. He couldn't help but grind his teeth with his tongue, thinking that they weren't that sharp as he slid over the tips.

Shen Yuhuai looked straight at the road ahead, and when he turned to look in the rearview mirror, he noticed Chen Qizhao's slightly bulging cheeks.

He quickly retracted his gaze, and the originally calm eyes had a slightly imperceptible smile.

Some of the school's faculty and staff did not leave on vacation. Chen Qizhao's major was later than Yan Kailin's. He arrived at the school just as the counselor was about to leave. Seeing him come to the office, the counselor helped him handle the leave request, "It's been a long time since you asked for leave this time, and I have communicated with your parents about the situation, and the approval slip from the Academic Affairs Office has been issued. If you take the exam with the students who have failed the exam and need to make up the exam, you should have communicated with the classmates about the subject exam syllabus, right?"

As the counselor spoke, she glanced slightly at the man waiting in the office.

The other party is tall and slender, and is particularly noticeable when standing in the corridor.

Chen Qizhao knew about this situation and had been notified on the Internet before, "Okay, I know."

"At that time, pay attention to the information of the educational affairs network, and I also asked the monitor to notify in advance."

The counselor waved, Chen Qizhao said thank you and left soon.

There were other young counselors in the office. Seeing her finished talking to the students, she couldn't help but look at her and said, "Mr. Sun, Chen Qizhao from your class is very diligent in asking for leave."

"The situation is special." Mr. Sun smiled and didn't say much, except that he saw Chen Qizhao talking to the man outside the corridor.

"There are a lot of people paying attention to that student." Other teachers gossip: "There are several girls in our class who are always asking about Chen Qizhao, isn't he asking for leave for almost two months? There are several The girls have come to me to inquire about the situation."

The two people outside the corridor haven't left yet, Chen Qizhao is holding several documents in his hand, Mr. Sun can clearly see the scene outside the window when he is sitting. When the teacher next to him talks about Chen Qizhao, Her attention was on the outside.

The tall man looks a little familiar, maybe a senior.

"Mr. Sun?" The teacher next to her looked at her, "Why do you keep looking outside?"

Mr. Sun came back to her senses, "No, I think the man who just came over with the students is a little familiar."

"Well, doesn't Mr. Sun know him? Oh, and there is less contact with the financial industry and the chemical industry." The teacher who speaks is in charge of cultural and entertainment activities in the department and is familiar with the situation of other departments. .

Mr. Sun: "Department of Chemical Engineering? Senior year?"

"Not from our school, a graduate student of University B, with a great degree, and the key person is still young. When he was an undergraduate, he was very young. His name is Shen Yuhuai. You can find his competition experience on the Internet. Woolen cloth."

While working as a teaching assistant to help, there are many people discussing on the school intranet."

The teacher added: "But I haven't heard that the two of them know each other. It seems that the relationship is not bad."

When Mrs. Sun was about to look away, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the man taking away the documents in Chen Qizhao's hand. When the two passed by the door side by side, she seemed to see that they were holding hands.

At noon, several school cafeterias were closed. The notice board next to the office building posted a notice of the opening time of the cafeteria. Only a few stalls in one cafeteria were open.

Chen Qizhao was not interested in the stalls in the canteen, and was thinking about going out to eat.

"It's still open there, go?" Shen Yuhuai said.

Chen Qizhao followed his line of sight and found a small restaurant in the distance.

He had a little impression of that restaurant, and Shen Yuhuai would take him there when he first started school.

In the end, the two did not go to eat outside the school. There were only two tables of people eating in this remote small restaurant. Not long after Chen Qizhao sat down, the waiter brought the order menu.

He and Shen Yuhuai often eat at school, but in fact, this small restaurant only comes to school once, mainly because of its remote location, and usually they don't come here.

Not long after reading the menu, there was a continuous vibrating sound from the mobile phone in his pocket, and a call came in.

Chen Qizhao glanced at the phone for a moment, and hesitated for a moment after noticing the call on the phone screen, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Shen Yuhuai's phone on the desktop lit up, and a message popped up.

He didn't look, but asked: "What to eat?"

"It's all right, bro, you order."

Chen Qizhao pulled out his chair, looked around for a while, and walked towards the bathroom in the restaurant.

After Chen Qizhao left, Shen Yuhuai opened the message on his phone after ordering the meal, and re-read the message he just skipped. He read quickly, and after reading the news, he looked in the direction of the restaurant bathroom.

"Hello?" Chen Qizhao turned on the bathroom sink switch to wash his hands.

Listening to the voice on the other side of the phone, the other party only said the key points and said in a fast tone.

The gangsters who came out have a bit of an intersection." The flower shirt went straight to the point, "You said that I will give you a report on everything. It seems that many people are watching this person, and the information related to him has been sent to your mailbox."

Chen Qizhao had an impression of this person. When the driver Lao Lin found the detective and the clues in the photo, it was this private detective.

A gangster who has close contact with the people around Gu Shen, and just came out of the bureau, it is indeed suspicious.

"And the thing the boss said yesterday, it's easy to handle, but it's going to be done against Gu Zhengsong..." Hua Xie laughed, with a bit of exploration in his tone, "Gu Zhengsong now Blocking this matter everywhere so that Gu Shen in the prison knows, boss, you asked me to stab Gu Shen about these things, this is going to make it big."

Chen Qizhao stopped and turned off the sink, "Can't do it?"

"It's a bit difficult, the people who visit Gu Shen's side are strictly watched, those of us who are engaged in intelligence, it's not good to show our face to the police often, if this matter is released, we will Instead, he became a suspect, so wouldn't he be looking for trouble?"

The flower shirt said this with a bit of difficulty, he tapped the left mouse button with his finger, and swept his eyes on the computer screen, "And it is also difficult to make Gu Shenxin, Gu Zhengsong The police should have mentioned the confession to Gu Shen, the father and son may have a good relationship, but now Gu Shen has not confessed to Gu Zhengsong... The plan you said is not easy to do, boss."

"Because Gu Shen thinks that Gu Zhengsong will take him out, with his ability and means, Gu Zhengsong can only save the things under Gu Shen's hands by taking him out. The father and son are calculating each other, Gu Zhengsong Gu Shen will naturally not be unprepared if the industry is run by Gu Shen."

Chen Qizhao remembered that when Gu Shen entered the police car outside the hotel, the expression on his face did not look like he was defeated, but rather calm, indicating that he was holding the handle in his hand, and even if he entered, he still had a way Let Gu Zhengsong catch him, "It's just that Gu Shen underestimated his father, Gu Zhengsong simply didn't want everything under Gu Shen's hands, and shied everything away, and had no idea of ​​catching Gu Shen at all. And Gu Shen didn't know this, he would only think The rhetoric of the police or others is just a way to induce a confession, he will not believe it and will not reveal any information."

The hand that clicked the mouse in the floral shirt stopped, "What is the boss thinking?"

"There is only one way to get someone like Gu Shen to confess to Gu Zhengsong."

Chen Qizhao's tone was casual: "Tell Gu Zhengsong the news and let Gu Zhengsong know that Gu Shen has his handle in his hands."

"But we're not sure if Gu Shen will have a handle on it... Will Gu Zhengsong believe this news?" Hua Xie laughed when he heard this, with a bit of uncertainty in his tone: "Gu Zhengsong doesn't dare to act now..."

Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes, "Don't underestimate the bottom line of the crazy father and son.

Gu Shen must have evidence of Gu Zhengsong's crimes, and Gu Zhengsong will definitely try to eliminate them.

"If..." Chen Qizhao said halfway, and suddenly noticed that someone was walking in the distance from the bathroom.

The entrance to the bathroom of the restaurant is blocked by a curtain, so you can't see people's faces, but you can see people walking around in the restaurant outside.

Chen Qizhao looked at the people who were getting closer and closer. After a while, someone lifted the curtain and walked in.

The flower shirt was still waiting for the boss's words, but he didn't see the second half of the 'if' after waiting for a long time. He was about to open his mouth to remind the boss, but vaguely heard the other side of the phone There was a noise, and then the phone hung up.

Shen Yuhuai looked at him, "I'll order you a cola chicken wing rice, okay?"

Chen Qizhao watched Shen Yuhuai wash his hands, his fair and slender fingers flowed through, and his eyes drooped slightly.


When Shen Yuhuai called him, Chen Qizhao realized and followed him back to the restaurant.

Chen Qizhao has been eating lightly during this time, and the meat dishes are also bland. He was a little surprised when he saw Coke chicken wings. When he just looked at the menu, he really wanted to order Coke chicken wings, but the call came in a hurry. He didn't say it.

"Why don't you eat?" Shen Yuhuai looked at him.

Chen Qizhao picked up a piece of chicken wing and asked in a normal tone: "How did Brother Huai know I want to eat this? Just order it?"

Shen Yuhuai said: "No."

Chen Qizhao looked up at him.

Shen Yuhuai's voice was calm: "The first time you came here to eat with you, you ordered Coke chicken wings first, but it was crossed out in the end."

Chen Qizhao stopped holding the chopsticks, the chicken wings he was holding fell into the rice, and a little sauce splashed out.

"A little on my arm, wipe it."

Shen Yuhuai handed him a tissue, wiped the table in front of him, and said casually, "Do you remember what I said before?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Qizhao.

Shen Yuhuai looked into his eyes with seriousness and tenderness, and said, "You said you won't lie to me."

Chen Qizhao stopped for a while and did not continue.

Shen Yuhuai noticed that his hand was pinching on the chopsticks, and the blue veins on his hand sank quickly after a slight floating, and the subtle emotions revealed in an instant and converged very well.

Silence seems to be the inevitable result. Shen Yuhuai always knew that Chen Qizhao was lying to him, and some people were carrying secrets, so they would always reveal unknown details inadvertently. There was no game console in the room, the degree of hobbies and hobbies weakened, temperament and experience... There are too many things that can be traced back, including Chen Qizhao's natural and casual sentence when we first met, "No onions? "

The level of familiarity seems to have experienced many conversations with him, like a friend asking questions, and he knows his habit of not eating onions.

But Shen Yuhuai knew that at that time, Chen Qizhao didn't actually remember what happened when he was a child, and he kept approaching cautiously with a well-behaved appearance.

Afterwards, in an accident at the charity gala, he noticed the sad look in his eyes when he was supporting Chen Qizhao.

The eyes indulged in loneliness are vivid in my mind. At that time, Chen Qizhao didn't ask anyone else to ask him to believe him, and said some words that Shen Yuhuai had no memory of at all. Shen Yuhuai asked for confirmation at that time, and Chen Qizhao swore to confirm that it was him, not a hallucinatory dependence, but it seemed that he really had such a past.

It seems like a long time ago, Chen Qizhao had promised him something, and he had done something, but he didn't see it, or didn't have the chance to see it.

Having seen such a heavy and heavy Yu Huai once, it is difficult to forget the emotions at that time, so he began to pay attention to Chen Qizhao's every move.

Noticing his awkward gestures and a different side from his childhood.

…noticing something deep down, and gradually revealing unknown secrets as they get along.

Chen Qizhao didn't tell anyone, so Shen Yuhuai didn't ask.

The silence between the two seemed to have passed for a long time. When Shen Yuhuai thought he would not get an answer from Chen Qizhao, he heard a reply.

Chen Qizhao said: "I don't hate eating green onions."

Shen Yuhuai looked at him, the boy seemed to be a little tangled, his eyes avoided him a bit when he spoke, like the eyes he avoided when he was lying, but Shen Yuhuai knew it was not a lie.

Chen Qizhao didn't look at Shen Yuhuai, and after he finished speaking, he added: "Actually, I don't like drinking milk, and I don't like drinking orange juice during dinner parties."

Shen Yuhuai looked at him, "What do you like to drink?"

The diners in the restaurant walked to a table, and there seemed to be only two voices left on the table.

"Coke." Chen Qizhao seemed to be examining his own shortcomings, and said a little bit: "I also like to drink cold beer."

"I don't drink much, I'll drink a little beer."

After Chen Qizhao finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes were as usual under his glasses, and his voice was calm: "Well."


The author has something to say:

Xiao Chen: Just drink a little.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy