MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 108

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The temporary discussion in the living room did not end until 12 o'clock, and the busy birthday party came to an end. Chen Shiming went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, and after going upstairs, he glanced deep into the corridor. Chen Qizhao's door Closing this tightly, the light in the distant corridor dimmed.

Chen Shiming glanced at it, pushed open his door and went in, placing the water glass on the long table.

The mobile phone address book swiped down, and finally stopped on Shen Yuhuai's name.

Chen Shiming took a sip before dialing the phone.

Only after he dialed out this call, the only response to him was a cold female voice—

'The call you are calling is active'

Chen Shiming: "...?"

Chen Qizhao didn't know that his family had been talking for a long time about coming out of the closet because of their relationship. He chatted with Shen Yuhuai until late at night, and finally ended when the phone ran out of power. The quality of sleep at night was surprisingly good. After a night of no dreams until dawn, he got up early, and when he opened the door, he happened to meet Chen Shiming coming out of the room.

Chen Shiming was wearing a suit, holding two documents in his hand, and frowned when he closed the door.

I don't look good, and it looks like I haven't slept well.

The two brothers looked at each other from a distance of nearly five meters.

Just as Chen Shiming considered the language and planned to speak to break the silence,

Chen Qizhao on the other side pursed his lips and said hello: "Morning."

Chen Shiming paused for a while and replied, "Morning."

Downstairs, Zhang Yazhi just came out of the kitchen and saw the two brothers walking down side by side from a distance, the surprise in her eyes quickly softened, "Xiao Zhao, did you wake up so early today?" She ordered the servants to prepare an extra breakfast.

After a while, Chen Jianhong also came downstairs.

It is rare for a family to sit together in the morning with breakfast on the table.

Chen Qizhao didn't move his chopsticks, and was about to ask about the result of the unfinished discussion last night, when he heard Chen Jianhong's voice in the main seat.

"I have discussed the matter of love with your mother and sometimes Ming. You are also an adult, and we have no right to interfere in the matter of love." Chen Jianhong's tone was still serious, but this time He paused properly in his words, and his face was not as tight as before, "Yu Huai is a good boy, as long as you like it, that is..."

He coughed, "Be safe."

Chen Qizhao was stunned for a moment, looked down at the soy milk in the bowl, "Oh, okay."

Zhang Yazhi watched from the side, noticing her husband's face and the awkwardness of her child, with a little smile in her eyes.

After eating, Chen Qizhao took the medicine according to the time, and he was fine at home during the summer vacation. He took the spare medicine bag and prepared to go to the company.

When I went out, I saw that Chen Jianhong's car hadn't left, and then the window was lowered. Chen Shiming sat in Chen Jianhong's car and said to Chen Qizhao: "Come up, just go over together."

Chen Group headquarters, Xu Te assistant was waiting downstairs in the company as usual, talking with another assistant beside him about today's work arrangement, when he saw his boss's car parked in front of the company building , he hurried over.

Just as soon as the door was opened, the boss got out of the car.

Before he opened his mouth, he saw Mr. Chen coming out of the car, followed by a second young master Chen.

For a while, the faces of several waiting assistants and executives in the company changed.

The relationship between the father and son of the Chen family is not good. Although it has eased during this period, it is the first time that the three of them come to the company in the same car.

Chen Qizhao saw the posture outside when he got out of the car. He said to Chen Shiming, strode over a group of executive assistants, ignored the gazes of others, and entered the company directly.

The office has been relocated, and Xiao Zhou also has a small independent office. All the business in the Eastern District was given to Chen Qizhao. When he arrived at the company today, the managers in charge of handing over the business came over to hand over the situation.

He really can't get it. Just as he was about to leave with a pile of documents, Chen Qizhao asked him to find personnel.

"Ah?" Xiao Zhou instantly straightened his back, "Is there a problem?"

He thought about his recent business with self-reflection. He did make some small mistakes, but they were corrected in time, so that the money would not be deducted...

"Recruiting." Chen Qizhao looked at Xiao Zhou, his eyes stopped on the document in his hand, "So many things, do you plan to do it alone?"

Xiao Zhou froze for a moment.

Chen Qizhao said: "If you hire a few more people, there will be more to come."

If it’s just the things in the past, it can be done by Xiao Monday alone, but now that all the business in the East District is taken over, Xiao Monday will definitely be too busy. With the current situation of the Chen Group, after this trough period, it will inevitably usher in a stage of rapid development, and it is essential to form a new team.

The news in the company spread quickly, and it didn't take long for the news of Chen Qizhao's team to spread.

The decentralization of business in the East District means that Chen Qizhao has more power. The person in charge who came to Chen Qizhao's office after receiving a new task held a list of employees. I recommended a lot of people on the list, but what I didn't expect was that after reading the list, Chen Qizhao only had one person, and all the rest had to be recruited again.

Xiao Zhou stood by and watched, seeing his boss talking to the person in charge with a serious expression, and the person in charge said more and more false, and finally left the office with the recruitment request. Hit the glass wall. In the company, Xiao Zhou has been in contact with Chen Qizhao for the longest time. In the eyes of outsiders, his boss is a layman who does not understand business, but Xiao Zhou knows that his boss's abilities are more than that. Most of the company's time is fishing.

This is the first time I have seen the boss discuss things with people in such a serious manner, with a tone that cannot be refused, and the things that should be requested are not ambiguous at all.

"You follow along for a while, and then you will find time to follow the recruitment." Chen Qizhao ordered.

Xiao Zhou took over the job. After going out, he noticed the whispers of others, all discussing the recruitment of Chen Qizhao's team. He ignored these private discussions, but thought about Chen Qizhao's actions today, and he found that his boss seemed to be different.

After he finished his work, he returned to the office. Chen Qizhao had already read the documents sent by others.

The sorted documents are stacked on one side, and there is no vx message prompt sound like the old vx message in the office. The strange silence is matched with the serious work boss. Adapting, he noticed that the boss was frowning at the computer, his expression was very serious, and he could vaguely see the feeling between Xiao Chen and Lao Chen on his face.

He thought that the Chen family is the Chen family, and the work looks exactly the same.

Xiao Zhou walked over to explain a few words, Chen Qizhao responded to his questions, and even arranged the rest of the business order for him.

"If there are not enough people in the past two days, I will go to Xiao Xu to borrow someone. Chen Shiming's staff should be empty, and it should be no problem to take some people to deal with it for half a month." Chen Qizhao looked at the computer intently, " The rest of the recruitment will be arranged, and finally I will be interviewed, and the one you just transferred is familiar with the business."

Xiao Zhou hurriedly responded, seeing the boss frowning, and said, "Boss, is there anything else you can help?"

Chen Qizhao stopped when he heard the words, and his eyes stayed on him for a while, "Are you free now?"

Xiao Zhou: "Other things are done, there is time."

"That's right." Chen Qizhao moved his chair back slightly and showed Xiao Zhou the computer desktop.

Xiao Zhou thought it was a big deal, so he moved over with great spirit, and then saw a lot of listings on a real estate website... Many of them were listings of their group. It is an apartment or community around S University.

Chen Qizhao said: "The one that is close, the better the lighting."

Xiao Zhou took the notebook and recorded the boss's request with a serious expression, "Okay, do you have a commute request?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the wording was inappropriate. He was about to make a patch, but he heard the boss follow his words.

Chen Qizhao: "It is best not to be too far from the location of the Ninth Research Institute, and the commute should be controlled within 5-10 minutes on foot."

Xiao Zhou was stunned, the Ninth Research Institute! ?

Shouldn’t it be to consider the distance and class time?

Chen Qizhao asked: "Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Xiao Zhou wrote down as required, "I'll make arrangements right away."

After Xiao Zhou left the office, Chen Qizhao sent the suites he liked to Xiao Zhou through vx. The desktop is full of folders, it looks like a previous life, Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly, sneered and looked away, his eyes stayed on the last web page on the computer screen that was not closed, above it was a certain community in Changyang Street.

I didn't drive to the company in the morning. After the matter was settled, Chen Qizhao didn't want to disturb others, so he took a taxi to the vicinity of Changyang Street.

The driver stopped the car, "Little brother, it's time to go."

Chen Qizhao said thank you, pushed the door and got out of the car. The situation around here is a bit different from later generations, and the surrounding shops are also different. It’s just that he has walked for nearly ten years on the road from Changyang Street to the business district.

Changyang Street, a high-end community just built a few years ago, he used the excuse of viewing the house, the sales center sent a salesman to follow him, and introduced him to the lighting and scenery of the community along the way, "We are here There is a commercial area in the back, it is close, and it is convenient to commute to work…”

Chen Qizhao followed his introduction, and his peripheral vision fell on the building in the distance.

Sales noticed his gaze, and immediately took people to the sample room over there to see the building. This building is a relatively large building in their community, with a wide single-storey area. People come to see the building here. He has been in the business for a few years, and when he saw the brand-name shoes on the young man in front of him, he immediately realized the opportunity and took people to see the sample room without stopping.

The two just turned into a staircase and entered the elevator when the customer next to them asked, "Go to the 16th floor and see."

The salesman turned over the owner registration form in his hand and smiled awkwardly: "Is the 18th floor okay?"

Chen Qizhao looked at him suspiciously.

Sales: "That's it, sir, we have sold several households on the 16th floor here."

Chen Qizhao was stunned.

The sales press the 18th floor, and introduce it very professionally: "Our 16th floor is not much different from the 18th floor. The 18th floor has better lighting. I will show you."

The elevator dinged, and the salesman led people in. The unrenovated interior was unobstructed at a glance, and the interior layout after the renovation could be vaguely seen in the future.

Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped at the threshold of the entrance, which was less than the height of his nails, and then he looked in a little bit, and the scenes in his memory were reshaped and reappeared little by little. After seeing from the data that some of Gu Shen's related personnel often wandered the streets of Changyang, some facts are self-evident, and the truth of Chen Shiming's "suicide" may really be a tragedy that he did not have time to stop.

"Room 1602 sold?" Chen Qizhao asked.

The sale repeats: "Yes, all sold."

In the past life, until he moved here, room 1602 was always vacant, and even room 1601 was not sold, so he was able to buy this property at a low price.

Lin Shizhong is finished, and the Gu family and his son are about to finish the game. The gangster under Gu Shen who often wanders here is also in Gu Zhengsong's handling of Gu Shen's forces. He was imprisoned again for a crime...even The place where they lived in their previous life has also been purchased by an unknown householder. Everything is different from the previous life. They will no longer stay in room 1602, and Chen Shiming will not live in this corner in a wheelchair. All the trajectories seem to gradually become another trajectory after things change.

After coming out of the sales center, Chen Qizhao felt that today's weather seemed exceptionally bright.

He picked up the phone and was about to take a taxi to leave, when he saw the unanswered message on the phone.

After getting in the car, the driver asked, "Are you going near the Ninth Research Institute in S City?"

Chen Qizhao replied to the message, flipped through the phone and suddenly thought of something, he took the phone and showed it to the driver: "Well, don't go to the main gate, stop here for a while."

The Ninth Research Institute, during the lunch break, the laboratory groaned.

The experiment failed, and the efforts of the previous days were all in vain, which meant starting all over again. Fortunately, these people are used to working hard in front of the laboratory computer, and after sighing, they discussed what to eat for lunch. Several people crossed their shoulders and headed to the lounge. While talking, Liu Sui's eyes stopped at Shen Yuhuai, who was still in the laboratory. Seeing this, he said, "Yu Huai, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you."

Shen Yuhuai stood with his back to them, registering the data, "Soon."

At the entrance of the laboratory, several people did not leave immediately, and other colleagues communicated.

"It's rare to see him late this morning. Old Wang is still asking if he overslept."

"He seems to be very busy lately, and asking him out for dinner is almost silent."

Liu Sui leaned against the wall and smiled meaningfully: "You don't know, right? Shen Yuhuai didn't come last night because of his goddess' birthday, people went to celebrate her birthday, and today Late in the morning, all adults, you all know things."

"I'm going, but I can't see it?"

"Liu Sui, you know so much, why didn't you say it."

"I wanted to ask last time, who is Shen Yuhuai's goddess? There are not many girls who have contact with us."

Liu Sui watched the people in the lab come out, and pouted, "Ask him."

"Ask what?" Shen Yuhuai handed the scoreboard to one of his colleagues with a tired tone.

The lounge was not far away, and passersby asked Shen Yuhuai what happened last night.

Shen Yuhuai paused for a moment when he heard the words, "Being late in the morning is because the phone forgot to charge and the alarm clock didn't ring."

"It's that simple? No more in-depth topics?" Liu Sui hinted with a wink.

Shen Yuhuai pushed open the door of the lounge, thinking of Chen Shiming's two phone calls last night, and finally he went to sleep at three o'clock... He turned his eyes slightly, and then took off his white coat, "Calling counts ?"

Liu Suigang wanted to speak, but suddenly noticed Shen Yuhuai's clothes, a T-shirt he had never seen before.

Shen Yuhuai's clothes have always been simple and simple. Usually, he likes to wear solid-colored clothes, rather than a T-shirt with a lot of printing and a bells and whistles. Not only Liu Sui, but also several colleagues next to him also looked over, obviously attracted by the clothes on Shen Yuhuai's body. He was wearing a white coat in the morning and didn't look carefully. Now he took off the white coat, the prints here are too obvious...

"Yu Huai." Liu Sui hesitated before saying, "The style on your body is a bit changeable."

Shen Yuhuai glanced down at the clothes, thinking of the news in the vx when he went out in the morning, his boyfriend asked him if he was still wearing his clothes?

He took out the phone from the locker, "It's not mine."

"I said how could you possibly wear it..." Liu Sui said halfway through and responded, "I'll go, hers! Isn't this her pajamas? My mother, Shen Yuhuai, I, I I didn't find you so arrogant before, and now I think you are too good at playing."

Shen Yuhuai just wanted to explain, but the topic was already skewed to the other side.

There was no other news on the phone, the boyfriend didn't look for him in the morning, he sent him a message, then put the phone in his pocket, and followed his colleagues to the cafeteria to eat.

The laboratory is some distance from the cafeteria, Shen Yuhuai glanced at his mobile phone from time to time, and when he swiped the access card to leave the laboratory building area, he found that there were a lot of people entering and leaving the laboratory today. Some large instruments are being moved into the laboratory building at the rear one by one under the transport of workers, and a few people in suits and ties are talking to the people in the research institute.

"Are there any instruments coming in today?" Shen Yuhuai asked casually.

Liu Sui, who was talking to someone, came back to his senses, followed his gaze, and explained: "Oh, this morning, Pharaoh did say that there are a lot of instruments coming in today, we will be tomorrow. Take a day off, I heard that the one in our laboratory will also be replaced."

Another colleague said: "Yu Huai, you don't know yet, our new project has been spotted by investors and should come to inspect in two days. You were late in the morning and didn't listen. We talked about it."

Shen Yuhuai said: "Which company?"

"Is the gold master dad?"

Liu Sui added: "Just our local famous one, oh to Yueze Chemical."

A colleague noticed Shen Yuhuai's expression and asked, "What's the matter? Old Wang said that if you have any questions, you can go to the office to discuss with him."

"No." Shen Yuhuai looked back and noticed that the phone vibrated and a new vx message popped up.

Liu Sui glanced curiously, saw Shen Yuhuai chatting with someone, saw that the avatar was Chen Qizhao, and looked away boringly.

In the distance, several men in suits handed the instrument form to the person in charge of the institute. One of them raised his mobile phone slightly and pressed the camera of the mobile phone to the young people who left side by side .

At this time, the staff of the research institute who noticed the photo taken by the other party looked sideways, and immediately said, "Hello, photography is not allowed in our laboratory building."

"No, I'll take two landscapes." The man in the suit opened the photo album to show him, "The landscape in your place is really nice."

The staff frowned, glanced at the album, and did not want to be too harsh on the sponsors, so euphemistically: "The scenery can't be photographed."

The cafeteria was not too far away. When Liu Sui walked to the entrance of the cafeteria, he suddenly saw Shen Yuhuai stop, he wondered: "Yu Huai, what's wrong?"

Shen Yuhuai lowered his head and replied to the message, and said casually, "I'll pick up someone."

"Ah?" Liu Sui: "It's all dinner, who are you picking up?"

In the Chen Group, the busyness continues today.

After dealing with Gu Shen's affairs, Xu Tezhu returned to the company with his boss. At this time, he was standing beside the desk. It was rare to see his boss yawning three times in just half an hour. After reporting today's Chen Qizhao's movements to his boss, he euphemistically said, "It's still early for the afternoon meeting. Would you like to lie down in the lounge for a while at noon?"

"No, I'll prepare a cup of coffee later." Chen Shiming's face was serious, and he continued to look at the documents on the computer, "If he needs someone over there, you need to send someone over first, Xiao Zhou can't be busy alone. Come on, you can help me in the early stage."

This morning, Chen Qizhao's rumors in the company are not small. Many departments or high-level leaders heard the news and wanted to put people under Chen Qizhao's hands.

"Is he in the office? Did you take medicine at noon?" Chen Shiming asked.

Special assistant Xu: "No, Er Shao left the company after finishing things in the morning."

Xu Tesuke was not sure about his boss's attitude. In the morning, he felt that his boss was in a bad mood, but now he feels that his boss is in a good mood. He thought of the Shura field in the Chen family villa yesterday and the strange scene he saw at the gate of the building this morning. It was hard to guess what his boss was thinking for a while, but when he thought of the exact report that the boss asked for, he had no choice but to say: "There is one more thing. Just now, Xiao Zhou adjusted the information of some houses in the East District."

Chen Shiming asked: "Housing? What is he doing with this?"

Xu Tesuke was hesitant to say anything, but he had no choice but to say: "It's what the second young master wants, let Xiao Zhou help him see the house."

Chen Shiming: "What kind of housing? Isn't there a ready-made office building?"

Special Assistant Xu: "No."

"Second Young Master wants to buy an apartment next to the Ninth Research Institute, saying that it should be close...convenient for commuting."

There was a strange silence in the office, Xu Te assistant stopped when he saw his boss turning over the document, and the page of the document was not turned over for a long time.

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