MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 35

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A villa in S city, in the Lin family mansion.

In the quieter living room, Jiang Yuze poured wine into the wine glass beside him, "Chen Shiming has been doing a lot during this time, it seems that the event of the party made him suspicious, he is investigating Yicheng Regarding related matters, he found out several of the hands and feet we did."

, I have inquired about Chen Jianhong's words, and it seems that the fact that Chen discovered a spy some time ago made both father and son vigilant."

Lin Shizhong shook the glass and said: "Then don't move Chen Shiming's side, he is so flamboyant, the old antiques in the Chen family will not give up, you go and let those old antiques interfere with Chen Shiming After all, it involves their interests, and they won't let a junior ride on their heads."

Jiang Yuze asked: "Then do we need to stop first?"

"Now we can't stop. Some of our arrangements are not so concealed. Once we stop, Chen Shiming will have more time to investigate..." Lin Shizhong took a sip of wine, and he didn't look flustered at all. He asked, "By the way, how is the arrangement between Feihong and Yicheng? I remember you brought Chen Qizhao over there, right?"

Jiang Yuze nodded: "Yes."

"How about Chen Qizhao?" Lin Shizhong asked, "Did you let Yu Jie pass?"

Jiang Yuze said: "Chen Qizhao doesn't seem to have much problem at present. Not long ago, he went to the police station because of truancy and off-campus fighting. It seems that it has something to do with the Ninth Research Institute."

Lin Shizhong paused for a moment, then asked in doubt, "The Ninth Research Institute, what is he doing there?"

"The person who was beaten was recently detained for allegedly stealing experimental secrets. It is said that he noticed the other's stealing when he was waiting at the intersection of the research institute, and then the fight started because of disputes. , I later heard that He Shuhang, who stole things, also had a holiday with a friend of Chen Qizhao. But all those news were handled by Chen Shiming, and there was not much news."

Jiang Yuze explained: "This is in line with Chen Qizhao's consistent style. In high school, he also fought outside the school because of his classmates."

Lin Shizhong laughed: "It really is reckless."

Jiang Yuze glanced slightly, "Not only that, besides Feihong, he also asked Chen Jianhong for another entertainment company, but Chen Jianhong didn't agree."

Lin Shizhong smiled, "Chen Jianhong will not agree, he wants to help Chen Qizhao up, but this kid Feihong's business has not been settled yet, and he wants to touch other things. I heard that Feihong is over there. Chen Shiming is also taking care of Chen Qizhao?"

He continued: "Don't their father and son love to support this straw bag? Then set the fire on Chen Qizhao's side."

Jiang Yuze: "This matter is already in the plan."

"Not only do we have to let Chen Qizhao start the fire... something has to be arranged." Lin Shizhong put down the glass, "Don't Chen Jianhong like to delegate power? Then start with Chen Shiming."

Jiang Yuze looked stunned: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Shizhong's eyes had a bit of gloom in his eyes, "Some people love to investigate so much, so they have to teach him a long lesson, don't they?"

Chen's internal just concluded an important quarterly meeting. When Chen Shiming left the conference room, he was angered by two shareholders. Obviously, he was extremely dissatisfied with his recent actions in the group.

Chen Shiming had anticipated this early on. If he wants to eliminate internal hidden dangers, it is inevitable to meet the interests of some people.

But as long as Chen Jianhong is still sitting on top, with the current equity layout of the Chen family, these people dare not make big moves.

Back in the office, there are several paper documents piled up on the desktop. During this period of time, Chen Shiming was busy investigating other issues in the group, especially when the matter related to Zha Yicheng arrived, he found several engineering loopholes by the way, and successively held several departments accountable. Fortunately, these problems were discovered earlier, otherwise, when the outbreak occurs, it will be a pile of loss-making projects, and the impact will be less than it is now.

He was discussing follow-up matters with the assistants. Yu Guang glanced and found that there was one person missing, and asked, "Where's Special Assistant Xu?"

The assistants looked at each other, and then a female assistant explained: "Mr. Chen, Special Assistant Xu is out today."

"What field?" Chen Shiming asked in surprise.

"It's like this." The female assistant explained carefully, "Second Master said that he wanted to sign a few starlets, and Brother Xu helped..."

Chen Shiming: “…”

At the same time, Xu Tesuke, who was out of work, sat in the car and was stuck in the old town of S City.

And Chen Ershao, the little overlord of the Chen family, was sitting next to him, casually playing with his mobile phone.

Chen Qizhao is chatting with Shen Yuhuai.

Since the incident in the laboratory, the frequency of chatting between the two began to increase, and it seemed that the pattern of getting along with each other in their previous life was getting closer and closer. When I met Shen Yuhuai in my last life, I was very busy. When the two sent messages, they replied after a long time, and they could continue to chat for a long time each time. In this life, Shen Yuhuai is more free, and no matter how long the news is, he will always receive a reply every three hours.

Occasionally we go to the S restaurant together for dinner.

Chen Qizhao took a photo of the car and told Shen Yuhuai that something happened today.

Not long after the message was sent, I received a reply from the other party.

Shen Yuhuai: [Picture] Then I also entered the laboratory, and we will chat at the party.

The picture was taken in the lounge, the corridor outside the glass window of the lounge. Chen Qizhao clicked to enlarge the picture, and he could vaguely see the outline of Shen Yuhuai from the reflection in the glass window. After thinking about it, he sent a sentence to Shen Yuhuai that the experiment went well.

Assistant Xu looked at Chen Qizhao, who was sitting next to him, and when he saw him put down his phone, he handed over another document, "Second Master, this is Nie Chenxiao's information. Contradictions, they should have the willingness to terminate the contract, and when I contacted, the other party was easy to talk to."

In addition to Nie Chenxiao's, he has several third-tier stars in his hands, and I don't know why Chen Qizhao is suddenly interested in these people, not only to investigate, but also to invest in the other party to open a studio .

Seeing that the other party didn't respond much, Special Assistant Xu asked again: "Why is the second young master suddenly interested in this?"

He originally thought that Second Young Master was just a whim. After all, there were too many things to investigate suddenly, but he did not see Second Young Master take any action.

Chen Qizhao's eyes were light, and he glanced at Xu Tesuke casually, "Can't you invest more money?"

The matter of He Shuhang was briefly spread in S City for a while, but Chen Qizhao didn't pay much attention, but occasionally Special Assistant Xu would come out and ask a question or two about He Shuhang. After all, Xu Te was asked to check so much information about He Shuhang before, so it was not surprising that the other party was curious. But it's okay to be curious about one thing, and there are many things to be curious about. It is estimated that it was Chen Shiming's inspiration.

Chen Shiming was paying attention to what he was doing, but Chen Qizhao didn't want to explain, the more Chen Shiming paid attention to him, the more beneficial it would be.

Since he came into contact with Feihong's affairs, he was able to get in touch with some small news of Chen's group more quickly, and he also noticed some of Chen Shiming's arrangements in Chen's.

From the personnel transfer within the group, it is not difficult to see that Chen Shiming is weakening the rights of some people and pulling out some nails. The Chen Group will go bankrupt because of internal and external troubles, strong enemies outside, commercial spies and some selfish old antiques.

In the past life, his dad and his brother didn't work hard, and the old stubborn forces in the group were weakened by most of them. It's a pity that the oriole was left behind and was disturbed by a Lin Shizhong.

The traffic jam wasted a little time, Chen Qizhao also read Nie Chenxiao's information.

When they got there, Nie Chenxiao and his manager were already there. There were two people sitting in the private room, one was a man in a slightly old-fashioned suit, and the other was wearing a casual gray uniform without too many extras on his body, except for a good-looking face.

Chen Qizhao's eyes fell on Nie Chenxiao.

While he looked at Nie Chenxiao, Nie Chenxiao's eyes also stayed on him.

Chen Qizhao: "Hello, Chen Qizhao."

Nie Chenxiao stretched out his hand, "Hello, Mr. Chen, I'm Nie Chenxiao."

The boy who entered the private room was young and looked like a student. If it wasn't for an elite assistant standing next to him, Nie Chenxiao almost thought that the other party had gone to the wrong private room.

He recently got into trouble with the company because of the economic contract, and he planned to take the broker out of the original company and go it alone.

In the early years, he signed with the current company because he did not understand the entertainment industry. Man, there are fewer and fewer scripts suitable for his age. In addition, the publicity resources have not kept up, and his original popularity has been wiped out. Now he can only rely on himself and his agent to find the crew to audition.

At this moment, Chen Qizhao found him.

Chen Qizhao looked at the man in front of him and asked, "How is Teacher Nie thinking?"

Nie Chenxiao and the agent looked at each other, and finally said, "Mr. Chen, I have considered it with the agent. We have no intention of signing a brokerage company at the moment."

Chen Group is indeed a well-known capital in S City, and its status is not low in the whole country. It's still a lot worse than that. In addition, he was cheated by the original brokerage company, and Nie Chenxiao did not have much age to use for trial and error.

So he also talked to the agent when he accepted the invitation, and the two still prefer to go it alone rather than sign a brokerage company.

"Mr. Nie has an online drama to be broadcast in the new year's file, right?" Chen Qizhao put a document on the desktop and turned to one page, "Mr. Nie has not many dramas to be broadcast, so I will continue In addition, in recent years, due to the martial law on film and television subjects at the General Administration, fewer films can be released. This online drama is a rare male lead drama for Teacher Nie. If the publicity during the broadcast cannot keep up, it will also be a headache for Teacher Nie. Big problem."

Nie Chenxiao paused: "What does Chen always mean?"

Chen Qizhao said straight to the point: "You still have a half-year contract with the agency, and you don't expect to be pressed by the agency during the show, right?"

Nie Chenxiao's expression was a little tight.

"Mr. Nie may have misunderstood." Chen Qizhao took out another contract, "My entertainment company is not under my control at present, I contacted Mr. Nie to discuss cooperation with you, not to let me You sign with my company."

The contract was pushed in front of Nie Chenxiao and his manager, turning a heartwarming page.

"I can help Mr. Nie with the liquidated damages, I can pay for the promotion of Mr. Nie's online drama in the New Year's schedule, and even I can invest in Mr. Nie's studio." Leaning on the back of the chair, he continued to speak in a normal tone: "I will not interfere with any decision in the studio. Teacher Nie decides what drama he wants to make, and I am only responsible for paying."

Paying money but not interfering in management, how could there be such a good thing?

The agent has also seen a lot of contracts, opened it and found that it is basically the same as what Chen Qizhao said, that is, the person in front of him is a big money owner who suddenly appeared and wants to invest in their studio , do not touch management and only wait for dividends.

The manager's face changed a little, shouldn't this be a disguised support contract! ?

Nie Chenxiao pondered for a moment: "Mr. Chen has any additional requirements?"

"Yes, or not." Chen Qizhao said: "I am a small fan of Teacher Nie, and investing money is a personal hobby. If you must say a few requirements to reassure Teacher Nie, It would be better for teachers to encounter schedule conflicts or endorsement problems in the future, and I hope to give priority to our group's products."

Nie Chenxiao and the agent were stunned when they heard the words, what a request! ?

In Chen Qizhao's mouth, it became a simple request?

Nie Chenxiao smiled bitterly: "Mr. Chen, this is not a requirement..."

Chen Qizhao continued: "It's a requirement. I think Teacher Nie will become popular in the future."

Nie Chenxiao looked at the boy who might be younger than him and claimed to be a fan, and suddenly felt that this might just be a whim investment by the rich second generation, after all, he was not a big hit Man, such funding conditions are rare. But the opportunity was in front of him, and he didn't want to refuse.

He is 35 this year. As he gets older, his acting career will be shorter and shorter, and the roles he can take will be limited.

The publicity of the drama, that may ruin his chances in the second half of his life. Chen Qizhao's invitation to cooperate, to be honest, he was very moved, but looking at the young boy in front of him and this overly perfect contract, he took the initiative to say: "I may not be popular, this contract is not fair to you. , there are a few points that can be modified."

Chen Qizhao was a little surprised, why did this person think about him in turn, "Is it okay?"

The agent came out and said, "We can agree to Mr. Chen's request. Can we go back and think about the contract, and we will reply to Mr. Chen in two days?" He smiled bitterly: "The conditions are really good. It’s superior, we can’t make your investment still suffer, the responsibility requirements can be renegotiated, and the ratio of dividends can also be changed.”

Chen Qizhao blinked, "That's fine."

Xu Tesuke watched from the side and pursed his lips slightly when he saw Chen Qizhao discussing cooperation with others.

This contract was prepared by him. When he heard Chen Qizhao's request, he also felt that the second young master might be chasing after the stars. To talk to a third-tier star like Nie Chenxiao, it is indeed a proper gift.

Nie Chenxiao said that he would revise the sharing agreement, and said that he would reply after a few days.

But basically, it can be said that they have agreed, but the other party thinks that he will not be popular and does not want Chen Qizhao to suffer.

Chen Qizhao glanced at Xu Tesuke when he left: "Do you think Nie Chenxiao is a little less confident in himself?"

Special Assistant Xu: “…”

Isn't it that you are too confident in him?

Noticing Chen Qizhao's relaxed and happy expression, he considered it for a while, adhered to the principle of solving problems for Chen Shiming, and took the initiative to say: "Second Young Master likes Teacher Nie very much?"

Chen Qizhao thought about it, from the perspective of a capitalist, he still likes Nie Chenxiao very much, "Is it alright?"

Do you still like older people... Xu Tezhu's expression changed a little, and he was thinking about which wording should be used in the report to the boss so as not to be too abrupt.

The two got into the car, and the driver drove towards S as originally planned.

Chen Qizhao didn't notice Xu Tesuke Hubai Huqing's face, he looked down at the news on his mobile phone, and noticed the message from Assistant Yu that the contract with Fu Yanyu had basically been negotiated , The publicity plan has also been set, and it is estimated that the contract will be signed next week.

What did he think of, he searched the Internet for news about Fu Yanyu and Feihong, his tone changed slightly: "Change the way, let's go to Feihong."

into the company.

He saw Assistant Yu walking from the door of the company from a distance, and his mood was complicated.

That was someone who was transferred from Mr. Chen's assistant team, and his seniority was much higher than him.

And Second Young Master doesn't have an assistant? Why does he still make him do these things every time!

When seeing Assistant Yu, Chen Qizhao put on a face again, as if he came to the company on a whim.

"Rongguang's plans are almost ready now. If there are no problems, the contract should be signed next week." After entering the office, Assistant Yu handed a document to Chen Qizhao, "Second Master, This is the currently agreed publicity programme."

Chen Qizhao glanced at him and looked down at the phone: "Let's put it aside for now, and call the person from the propaganda department."

Assistant Yu suppressed the disdain in his eyes and put the document aside: "People from the propaganda department are having a meeting, it may take a while."

I have had a lot of dealings with Chen Qizhao in the past few days, and found that this person has a lot of things. He selected the concise version of the document and sent it to him. Chen Qizhao thought that there were too many professional terms in the document. I understand, I want him to rearrange a copy. After he finished sorting, Chen Qizhao disliked too many words and didn't want to read them, so he asked him to sift through the important content.

A straw bag is a straw bag. If you don't understand the document, you have to pretend to understand it. Every time, it adds nonsensical work to him and wastes his time.

Chen Qizhao casually: "How long?"

Assistant Yu: "About half an hour."

Fu Yanyu's super words were on the phone screen, Chen Qizhao watched the meeting, exited Weibo directly, and switched back to the vx interface. He thought about things as if nothing had happened, but he had already pointed his finger into Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends and wandered aimlessly.

The latest circle of friends is the little white flower posted two months ago.

Chen Qizhao stared at the meeting, then returned to his Moments, the Moments that he set as only visible for three days seemed to grow grass, and the Moments that went forward in the bars were even more Unsightly.

Assistant Yu stood beside him and didn't speak, suddenly noticed Chen Qizhao's gaze.

Chen Qizhao frowned and said, "Move to the side, you are blocking me."

Assistant Yu was inexplicable, and just walked two steps away, she heard the sound of the camera clicking.

Chen Qizhao took a picture of the desk, posted it on the Moments, and said, "Okay, stand back."

Assistant Yu: "…"

About ten minutes later, the person in charge of the Feihong Propaganda Department who received the news came quickly.

He was still holding the materials from the meeting in his hand, and his voice was still slightly panting when he rushed to the office.

It seems that Chen Ershao's high price made Fu Yanyu's heart move. The process of negotiating the contract this time was very smooth, and the other party was very good at talking. The only problem is Fu Yanyu's schedule for the next half month question. The end of the year is approaching, and the holiday slots of various TV stations are very crowded. In order to promote the new drama, Fu Yanyu has to run several TV stations to participate in the show, so there are not many slots left for Feihong.

But this is also within Feihong's expectations. After all, Feihong is interested in Fu Yanyu because the other party can maintain high exposure in the next year, and the endorsement cooperation brings Feihong's income is also very considerable . Therefore, Feihong is also happy to cooperate with Fu Yanyufang's publicity request.

The person in charge said: "Second Master."

He first sent some promotional materials to Chen Qizhao's desk, "The follow-up plan has just been drawn up at the meeting, and we have also contacted the publicity spaces of major manufacturers, and the reserved advertising spaces are all It's reserved, this is the plan and budget set at the meeting."

Chen Qizhao rolled his eyes, and sure enough, it was completely in accordance with Fu Yanyu's promotion schedule, and it closely matched the holiday promotion, which can be said to be a perfectly arranged promotion plan. In the last life, it was because the preparations were so sufficient that the advertising fields and manufacturers that should be contacted were also contacted, so when Fu Yanyu regretted not signing the contract, the loss to Feihong was huge.

It seems that Lin Shizhong has almost completed the game.

Chen Qizhao's eyes were gloomy, and he slightly restrained when he glanced at the two around him.

He slightly raised his lips, and immediately dropped the phone on the table in the next second.

In the quiet office, it was broken by a snap.

"Did you find these marketing accounts?" Chen Qizhao pointed to the desktop phone, which contained Fu Yanyu's super words, and several marketing accounts were promoting Fu Yanyu's next itinerary, just wrote A certain popular artist received an endorsement from Feihong, a domestic niche electrical appliance brand.

The person in charge was stunned, "We didn't find this, it should be the news from Fu Yanyu."

But this is also a common way of operation in the entertainment industry. After signing the contract, the official announcement can be made. The current warm-up can actually increase the popularity of the official announcement in the first place. He explained: "Now many endorsements will be warmed up in advance to give fans anticipation, and follow-up work is also easy to advance."

The two thought it was over, but they didn't expect Chen Qizhao to suddenly attack.

"Is this just warming up?" Chen Qizhao laughed, "Would you like to read the comments below?"

The person in charge picked up the mobile phone and saw that the marketing account is indeed operating normally within the circle, but the remarks below are a bit extreme. Some fans are raising fans, and some passers-by are wondering which niche electrical appliance brand it is. There are only a lot of remarks such as 'Liufan', "unofficial announcements," and "what is Feihong, rubbing everywhere". The current situation does not seem to have warmed up, but it has somewhat ruined the goodwill of passers-by.

Seeing this, he looked a little embarrassed: "Fu Yanyu has not communicated with us about this, I will ask."

Assistant Yu also saw the remarks below, and his face changed slightly.

This is different from the plan they booked before. They do intend to control public opinion, but they intend to ferment for a while before activating the fan effect to buy black hot searches. Now that this is happening, it is completely unexpected.

The faces of the two were different, but Chen Qizhao continued to talk about this point.

"The contract has not been signed yet, so why are you in such a hurry to publicize it? His studio didn't make an announcement, so he was looking for a marketing account to promote it." Chen Qizhao flipped through the comments under a marketing account, Like a reckless man who is extremely dissatisfied with finding faults, "Look, what are these people saying? If you say things that have not been officially announced, you will be a fan, and fans will treat us as a fan."

"This is the first time I know that it is the first time to look for someone to speak with such a low profile. Our brand is a small minority, but it is also an electrical appliance brand under the Chen family, which will ruin the reputation of our brand. , to make it look like we're posting him backwards."

The person in charge froze, "Second Master, we really didn't pay attention to this matter."

"I paid the most expensive price to talk about Fu Yanyu, and I ended up getting this thing? Are we paying people to do publicity, or do we pay people to make wedding dresses? I don't care It doesn't mean that I don't understand it, and don't PR wait for others to scold us for being popular?" Chen Qizhao sneered and glanced at Assistant Yu beside him: "Yu help you to teach him how to do PR when encountering such a problem. ?"

As a person who has worked in the group headquarters for several years, Assistant Yu naturally knows how to deal with this kind of public relations. According to the original plan, they must attract enough fans in the early stage, and only in the later stage. Good operation of online public opinion, but he did not expect things to suddenly turn into what it is now, and the appearance of such remarks on the Internet is not in the plan at all.

Assistant Yu's face stiffened.

Chen Qizhao knocked on the table impatiently, and urged, "Yu help?"

He asked: "No way? You've been by my dad's side for so long, and you can't even solve this thing?"

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