MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 45

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"Why did the Shen family come here today?"

"Mr. Shen had a phone call with Mr. last night. Mr. Shen originally wanted to go to the Shen's house, but Mr. Shen came over today." The housekeeper explained: "The Shen family has not been in S City for New Years for many years. Come here when you have time this year, and in the past, Mr. Shen often came to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year."

The Shen family's roots are in City S, but with Shen Xuelan's resolute style of shopping malls, she got on the big ship of the Internet early and divided its own market. In fact, the business territory has been expanded to other cities, City B is one of them. Shen Yuhuai is studying abroad all year round, and there are few relatives around the Shen family. He basically goes to City B every year for Chinese New Year. This year, Shen Yuhuai happens to be on the side of City S, and the Shen family will also be here for Chinese New Year.

Chen Qizhao's memories of his childhood are a bit vague. In his impression, Uncle Shen and his father were very good, but there was less communication later, and part of the reason was the Shen family itself.

There are three people from the Shen family today, except for Shen Yuhuai, the rest are Uncle Shen and Shen Xuelan.

Chen Qizhao swept the free seat on the sofa, and finally chose to sit outside, next to Shen Yuhuai.

After he took his seat, he greeted Shen Yuhuai: "Brother Huai."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes stayed on the other party's slightly warped hair for a moment, then smiled slightly, "Just woke up?"

"Yeah." Chen Qizhao took a mouthful of milk, "You didn't tell me yesterday."

Shen Yuhuai: "I also listened to my dad this morning."

Chen Qizhao was a little uneasy, glanced at Shen Yuhuai's clothes today, and finally stopped on Shen Yuhuai's glasses.

Noticing Chen Qizhao's gaze, Shen Yuhuai asked, "What's wrong?"

"No." Chen Qizhao asked, "Brother Huai changed his glasses today?"

"Well." Shen Yuhuai said: "There was something wrong with the previous frame, so I sent it in for repair."

He asked, "This is strange?"

"No, it's quite appropriate." Shen Yuhuai's eyes from last night appeared in Chen Qizhao's mind, as if they were brighter in reality, and Shen Yuhuai's eyes were not so dark.

Strange, why do you keep thinking about this?

Chen Qizhao diverted his attention and was quickly attracted by a female voice.

Sit across from him were Shen Xuelan and Chen Shiming, the two were talking, Chen Shiming's often tense face relaxed a lot, and he didn't put on a bad face. Chen Qizhao's eyes moved away from Chen Shiming's face, and finally stopped on Shen Xuelan.

Suddenly she remembered the figure of Shen Xuelan standing in front of the tombstone in a black suit in her previous life. It was a cloudy day, and many people came to go through the motions, but Shen Xuelan stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, and when the people were almost gone, she put down the bouquet and left.

I have only seen Shen Xuelan from a distance at the Lin Family Charity Gala in my life, but in fact, Chen Qizhao and Shen Xuelan communicated quite a lot. On some occasions, he often encountered Shen Xuelan. When Chen Qizhao supported the Chen family to re-enter the social circle of S City, Shen Xuelan once faced ridicule and embarrassment from all directions.

Shen Xuelan likes to wear suits all the year round. What Chen Qizhao remembers most about him is that she clinks glasses with others with a smile on her face at certain parties. Even if the two didn't communicate much, she rarely took the initiative to communicate, but she helped him a lot.

Chen Shiming was chatting with Shen Xuelan about the recent hot e-commerce sector, but after chatting for a long time, he often noticed Chen Qizhao's gaze. Look at Chen Qizhao.

"Chen Qizhao, haven't you eaten breakfast yet?" Chen Shiming said suddenly.

After he finished speaking, he paid attention to the person, and when he saw Chen Qizhao frown, he thought that the other party was going to fight back again.

Chen Qizhao stopped his voice: "...I just woke up not too hungry, I'll go in a while."

"I heard Xue Lan say that Feihong's project is really good." Father Shen looked at Chen Qizhao: "I heard that Xiao Zhao has made great contributions to this project."

The faces of the Chen family were different when they heard Father Shen mention the Feihong project. The Feihong Rongguang project is indeed doing well, but Chen Qizhao doesn't like to mention it very much. Every time he mentions this project, Chen Qizhao always has to say a few more words.

Chen Qizhao: "It's okay."

Chen Jianhong glanced sideways and saw Chen Qizhao sitting in the same place honestly, "This child is very playful, and this project is also very focused, and he has handed in a good answer sheet."

Chen Qizhao: "Yes."

Chen Jianhong: “…”

Why is this kid talking so little today?

Not only that, Chen Qizhao was much quieter this morning compared to Chen Qizhao's good-natured talk when he came to the guests last night. Even if Shen's father mentioned Feihong, he simply responded Two sentences, no yin and yang strangeness, and very abnormal behavior.

Unusually, it seemed like she didn't wake up. After the three of the Shen family left, Chen Shiming looked at Chen Qizhao holding the half bottle of unfinished milk and was about to leave, and couldn't help frowning: "You didn't wake up today?"

Chen Qizhao turned back: "Oh, I'm more awake than you."

Chen Shiming saw Chen Qizhao walking towards the stairs, and said, "...Where to go? There is porridge in the kitchen."

Chen Qizhao didn't look back: "I won't eat, I'll have lunch later."

Chen Shiming: “…”

Chen Jianhong stopped Chen Shiming: "Then afternoon, I really have to go and see."

Chen Shiming nodded, there are still some doubts about non-hong things, such as why the relationship between Lin's and Yicheng suddenly deteriorated, the rumored news on the outside is because of project conflicts, the time point that can happen What a coincidence... not to mention the drug problem found at last year's charity gala, it's hard not to doubt.

Is Lin Bo really not related to this matter?

He was thoughtful, and when he was walking out, he suddenly saw Chen Qizhao standing at the stairs looking at him.

Chen Shiming: "...Didn't you go upstairs?"

"Are you going to pay New Year's greetings to Uncle Lin?" Chen Qizhao smiled: "Brother, I want to go too, bring me one."

In the driving car, Shen's father rarely praised: "Today, the youngest son of the Chen family seems to be different from the rumors outside, isn't he still a good child? It seems that Lao Chen let the child go to the company The experience is still good.”

Shen Yuhuai responded, "Yes."

"Why do I think my younger brother is paying attention to that boy in the Chen family recently?" Shen Xuelan looked at Shen Yuhuai and asked, "The relationship is not bad?"

"Isn't this normal? Our two families have a good relationship. Didn't Yu Huai have a good relationship with Xiao Zhao when he was a child?"

Father Shen said: "Xiao Zhao's child has been doing well recently, and Lao Chen should be very happy."

Shen Xuelan recalled the quiet Chen Qizhao in the living room, and she was really surprised. She knows a little more than Father Shen, and she has also heard a little about Feihong's uproar. Chen Qizhao chose Nie Chenxiao in a hurry and quarreled with Chen Shiming in marketing. There are still some rumors. It may have converged today. Chen Shiming just told me that Feihong may want an intelligent system and wants to discuss cooperation with me. "

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways, "Cooperation?"

"It's just the glory of Chen Qizhao's previous project. After all, the Chen family didn't start with the Internet, and they didn't focus on intelligence. Many technologies are not mature."

On the contrary, the Shen family occupies most of the Internet market, and its development focus is also on technological intelligence. The core technology has made breakthroughs in the past two years, and it can almost be said to be prosperous. For the Chen family who are short in this regard, the Shen family can just make up for this shortcoming. If they really want to build a smart home system, they really need the support of external media.

Shen Xuelan was also moved, this is a win-win cooperation, "The only thing that is a little uncertain is the cooperation partner, Uncle Chen seems to be planning to give Feihong to Chen Qizhao to practice, if it is I won't hesitate to cooperate with Chen Shiming..." She said while paying attention to the reaction of Shen Yuhuai next to her, and noticed the subtle behavior of the other party when mentioning Chen Qizhao.

She suddenly changed her tune and said, "But this matter has to be seen, and we will talk about it later in the year."


Greeting Lin Shizhong for the New Year, how could he be without himself.

When Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming went out, Chen Qizhao also followed.

The Lin family and the Chen family are not far away, only half an hour's drive away. It was the first time in his life that Chen Qizhao came to Lin Shizhong's site. Looking at these familiar situations, he couldn't help but think of the events of his previous life. He came to this place as many times as he begged Lin Shizhong.

Under the guidance of the servant, the three Chen family entered the living room and saw Lin Shizhong sitting on the sofa. Chen Qizhao's eyes stayed on the table for a moment, and he noticed the cigarette butts in the ashtray. He looked at the humidor next to Lin Shizhong...

Lin Shizhong had a guest before them?

Compared to Lin Shizhong at the charity gala, Lin Shizhong seems to be older now, and it seems that the other party has been "not bad" this year.

Chen Qizhao was in a happy mood and said, "Happy New Year Lin Bo, pay more attention to your body in the new year."

Lin Shizhong's expression was slightly unnatural, but he quickly regained his kind and friendly face: "Happy New Year, when you are one year old, you must help your family more."

Chen Jianhong glanced at Chen Qizhao and explained, "It happened that he was at home, so I brought him here. Is my sister-in-law not here today?"

"I went to sit with Xiaoxu at her parents' place." Lin Shizhong explained, "I don't plan to go there. I'll wait at home when I hear you're here. I'm too busy this year. Go over there for tea and chat."

Lin Shizhong said: "Shi Ming heard that he did a good job this time, please help your dad more, the group needs your young blood to support now."

Chen Shiming nodded slightly: "Yes."

Chen Jianhong chatted with Lin Shizhong, and inevitably talked about Lin Shi and Yicheng. Lin Shizhong picked himself up in a few words, "It's true that my subordinates did something wrong, some things were not handled properly, and the market on Yicheng's side, coupled with the conflicts accumulated before, Yicheng's side targeted us. Start."

"If you need help..." Chen Jianhong said.

Lin Shizhong smiled: "Then I will find you naturally, don't worry. I heard that Shiming has found a lot of problems in the group recently?"

"They are all commercial spies who eat inside and out." Chen Qizhao looked at Lin Shizhong and continued: "Lin Bo, you don't know, Chen Shiming also picked up two from my dad's assistant group some time ago, One of them, Yu Jie, has been with me for a while."

Lin Shizhong's voice sank: "Really?"

"Yeah?" Chen Qizhao sighed, looked straight at Lin Shizhong, and said, "Lin Bo, my dad is not bad for him, you said that man looks like a dog. Who would have thought that his heart would be so dark?"

"In the business field, it's all about interests." Lin Shizhong glanced at Chen Qizhao, then turned to Chen Jianhong and said, "This business has exposed a lot of problems, and you should be careful about things on your side. Be careful, especially the people on the board of directors, maybe they will also target Shi Ming, you have to pay more attention to this."

"Okay." Chen Jianhong said again: "Shi Ming, did you hear what Lin Bo said?"

Chen Shiming was watching, hearing Chen Qizhao's words, he couldn't help but look sideways, and seeing Chen Jianhong asking, so he said: "Well, I know this matter, and I will also pay attention to the board of directors. "

Chen Qizhao listened, looking at Lin Shizhong's dignified appearance and the board of directors he mentioned in a few words. The situation of Chen's internal and external troubles exists. The biggest internal problem is the board's difficulties and the overall situation laid out by Lin Shizhong. The former is bright, and the latter is dark.

Chen Qizhao was quite clear about Lin Shizhong's layout. With the little details found out in his previous life, it was basically clear who had problems. It's just that some things haven't happened yet.

After this non-macro incident, Chen Shiming mainly aimed at various major projects and personnel deployment within the group, which was obviously very unfavorable to Lin Shizhong, because many of Lin Shizhong's arrangements were in these projects.

For example, two assistants were found this time, and it was said that Yu Jie and others were buried deeper.

Obviously, Lin Shizhong's layout has been disrupted.

For Lin Shizhong, there were flaws in the layout of the decades, several core pieces were exposed in advance, and Yicheng was out to find trouble for Lin Shizhong, he could not have a smooth year this year, even Also find a way to fill the gaps in the plan.

Lin Shizhong is an old fox. He can prepare for a big situation for decades. It is impossible for this incident to be a sudden chaos. It is very likely that he will rest and wait for the next opportunity. Therefore, what he wants to do most urgently now is to stabilize the internal layout of the Chen family, find a way to divert Chen Shiming's attention, lead the conflict to the board of directors, and seek opportunities for adjustment for himself.

Chen Qizhao couldn't make Lin Shizhong happy, since the other party didn't want to move, he had to find a way to make Lin Shizhong move.

"What are you thinking?" Chen Shiming suddenly said.

Chen Qizhao came back to his senses, Lin Shizhong was talking to Chen Jianhong, but he didn't notice the movement on their side.

He looked at Chen Shiming's puzzled eyes and said casually, "I'm looking for an assistant."

Chen Shiming looked slightly surprised, and said directly: "If you need someone, I will send someone to you."

"I don't want it. If I meet another Yu Jie, I will suffer."

Chen Qizhao didn't want Chen Shiming's assistant. Chen Shiming has a lot of things. If he chooses someone to come over to him, in case some random people are assigned to Chen Shiming's assistant group, That's a bigger problem.

There will definitely be actions in the next year. Chen Shiming has too many things to deal with, and Xu Tezhu may not have time to run back and forth. Although Xu Tezhu is really good, he can't move Chen Shiming's people at this time.

So Chen Qizhao wanted to find a trustworthy assistant to fight for him... But when it comes to trustworthy and capable people, he has a personal choice in his heart.

After chatting for more than an hour, Chen Qizhao listened to it for more than an hour.

When he left the Lin house, Chen Qizhao looked at the garage behind the villa. If he remembered correctly, there should be several spare parking lots behind the Lin house. He was suspicious, and just took two steps in that direction when Chen Shiming behind him stopped him.

"Where to go?" Chen Shiming: "Our car is here."

Lin Shizhong looked at Chen Qizhao.

"Lin Bo's garden is quite big." Chen Qizhao asked thoughtfully, "I'll just take a look."

Lin Shizhong said: "If you have time after the year, you can also come to play at home."

As soon as the Chen family left, Lin Shizhong's face sank immediately, he returned to the living room, and Jiang Yuze had come out of the study.

"Why did the Chen family suddenly come?" Jiang Yuze frowned: "I was almost discovered."

"Don't worry, your whereabouts have not been revealed." Lin Shizhong lit a cigar, "Chen Jianhong said that he would come to pay New Year's greetings, I thought it would be two hours late, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

Lin Shizhong asked again, "What happened to Yicheng?"

"There is no way to deal with it." Jiang Yuze frowned, "We thought of a lot of ways to divert Yicheng's attention, but their high-level side has now insisted on our actions, with Yicheng's current actions, After the year, the two targets related to us are expected to be grabbed hard, and it is recommended to give up."

Lin Shizhong didn't move, looking at the tea tray in front of him with a gloomy expression.

All the layouts were originally arranged well... As long as the Chen family and Yicheng are in trouble, they can sit and watch the tiger fight or enjoy the success. The two targets Jiang Yuze mentioned were projects that they had prepared for a long time ago, and they paid a lot of money for this. Originally, when Yicheng was fighting with the Chen family, Yicheng would have no time to take care of other things. These two specimens should be in their pockets. thing.

But everything is messed up now, just because of the Chen family, the project that they have prepared for more than half a year may have to pay more to get it back, and the mad dog Yicheng is always watching, Restricted everywhere.

After a long time, Lin Shizhong said, "The last time I asked you to check Chen Qizhao, how did it go?"

Jiang Yuze: "We have checked all his friends, and Chen Qizhao goes out drinking with them basically every week, and his personality is the same. The results of our previous investigations are no different... At the end of the year, he often showed his dissatisfaction with Yicheng's handling of Yanyu in front of Cheng Rong and others."

"There is a doubt, but it's not too doubtful. Chen Qizhao has been very concerned about the health of Chen Jianhong and Zhang Yazhi recently." Jiang Yuze thought for a moment and said, "It happened in the middle of last year. Chen Qizhao and Zhang Yazhi went there. During the hospital inspection, Zhang Yazhi's body was found to be a little sick, and Chen Qizhao's attitude was a bit extreme."

"Suddenly concerned about...?" Lin Shizhong frowned: "Has he found the problem?"

"Chen Qizhao is in the Chen family and has the best relationship with Zhang Yazhi. It is normal for him to care about Zhang Yazhi's body. I made an appointment for a physical examination." Jiang Yuze said: "Because Chen Qizhao didn't do anything other than caring, it's not really suspicious."

"Be careful about this, don't expose it in the near future."

Lin Shizhong asked again: "Where is his school?"

Jiang Yuze continued: "There is no other gain, Chen Qizhao's social circle in school is limited, we checked the people who get along with him, the only one he goes to the closest is Shen Yuhuai of the Shen family, the two seem to be because of the previous The relationship between the institute has become good. And I received news that the Shen family also went to the Chen family to pay New Year's greetings this morning."

Shen family...Lin Shizhong can't understand, Shen family Shen Yuhuai has also heard a little, it's not like Chen Qizhao's friend, why the two people suddenly became close, "During this period of time Pay attention to the movements of the Shen family, don't let them do bad things."

"The most important thing is to keep an eye on Chen Shiming, once he finds out what's wrong."

Lin Shizhong sneered, "I don't have to tell you the rest."


During the Chinese New Year, the Chen family was still quite lively, and people came to pay their respects one after another. Chen Qizhao was still listening at the bottom two days ago, but after that, he was really not interested. Apart from eating, he stayed in the room and was dragged by Yan Kailin to play games.

Chen Qizhao really liked to play games when he was young. After playing with people in troubled waters, Chen Qizhao couldn't pick up his youthful interest, so he went downstairs to find Zhang Yazhi.

Zhang Yazhi was drawing in the small garden, but she hadn't reacted when Chen Qizhao passed by.

"You kid, come over and don't tell your mother." Zhang Yazhi turned to the side and said, "Your father and brother are playing chess over there."

Chen Qizhao asked, "Did you take your blood pressure today?"

"Measured." Zhang Yazhi glanced at him out of the corner of the eye and put down the things in her hand, "Why are you here, didn't you mean to play games with Xiaoyan?"

"You draw yours, I'm just here to see." Chen Qizhao sat down in the chair next to him, not intending to disturb Zhang Yazhi, and picked up the phone to read the news after asking.

It is the news of Xu Special Assistant.

[- Zhao: So fast? ]

[- Special assistant Xu: There is information in the last review at the depot, so it is not difficult to check. ]

Xu Tezhu had a good year. For a profession like theirs, the boss is used to being on call, but this year's New Year's Eve is not bad, at least there is no quarrel like the previous year.

For this reason, when Xu Te helped him pray for the New Year, he also said something to his boss, wishing his family harmony.

But the boss didn't look for him, but Chen Ershao found him.

I told him to check the maintenance and technical masters in the suburban garage, and send him the information after the year. It just so happened that he had the materials reviewed at the end of the year at the parking lot, so he temporarily sorted them and sent them to Chen Ershao.

It's just that he was curious about why the Second Young Master suddenly started to check the parking lot. This has nothing to do with Feihong!

[- Special assistant Xu: Why did Er Shao suddenly want to check the parking lot? ]

[-Zhao: Oh, Chen Shiming asked me to take a driver's license test, let me see which technique can do it. ]

Special Assistant Xu: “…”

You put this concubine away, find a driver's license coach, you need so much information! ?

[-Special Assistant Xu: ...the maintenance master? ]

[-Zhao: I want to get a modified car. ]

Special Assistant Xu: “…”

The license has not been issued yet, so I plan to change the car!

When Xu Te was helping heaven and man to fight and considering whether to make a small report to his boss, Chen Qizhao had already checked the information of the car park one by one.

The information is very detailed, including the employees of the parking lot, from the managers of the management to the workers in the parking lot. There was no problem with the review at the end of the year, and Chen Jianhong's team was also operating, and the data of these characters seemed to have no problems at first glance.

Hire staff, yard equipment, partner parts dealers, etc.

If you want to check the parking lot, the problems involved are all aspects.

Chen Qizhao hesitated for a while, and scrolled to the maintenance master's information page.

Chen Shiming's car accident he couldn't determine whether it was a complete accident or man-made. After all, the cause of the car accident was speeding and turning trucks in the city. Later, Chen Qizhao did not suspect human factors, but the drivers all When he died, Chen Shiming also admitted that he had a problem.

So the car accident in the previous life was handled as a traffic accident.

If it is man-made, the problem is likely to appear on the truck that caused the accident. When Chen Shiming's accident happened, Yu Jie had already entered Chen Shiming's assistant group under the arrangement of Jiang Yuze. As an assistant, it is entirely possible for Yu Jie to get Chen Shiming's itinerary, so the appearance of the truck may not be an accident, it may be Lin Shizhong's hand.

In addition to the truck, there is another possibility.

It is the car of Chen Shiming's car accident. The driver, Lao Lin, has worked in Chen's house for many years. His driving skills have been recognized by many people, and he can drive very stably even in heavy rain. Even if speeding occurs while driving, as an experienced driver, when a special situation occurs, it is impossible not to take any action even if you fail to react...

The car accident at that time was very tragic. When checking the monitoring after the incident, the traffic police investigator said that the steering wheel of the vehicle should have changed before hitting the truck, so in that major car accident, Lao Lin died on the spot and Chen Shiming was abandoned. Two legs, but survived. Due to the serious damage to the vehicle and a small fire at the scene, the progress of the vehicle investigation has been slow, and no results have been reached in the end.

Hands and feet... The driver Lao Lin may have a problem, but is it more likely that it will be in the regular maintenance of the yard?

The parking lot must be checked.

Zhang Yazhi's brush did not move, she seemed to be focusing on the painting, but in fact her attention had been on Chen Qizhao who was sitting diagonally in front of her.

Chen Qizhao was sitting in front of her, his eyes stopped on the phone.

But his fingers haven't moved for a long time.

His subtle expression changed, but he didn't know what the kid was thinking.

Chen Qizhao suddenly noticed Zhang Yazhi's gaze, "Mom?"

Zhang Yazhi came back to her senses, "Why don't you wear more clothes when you come out, is it cold? Mom, go get you some clothes?"

"Not cold." Chen Qizhao noticed Zhang Yazhi's clothes, "I'll get you one."

"Oh no..."

Chen Qizhao has gone far.

Zhang Yazhi pursed her lips slightly, and swallowed the words in her mouth, her mind was full of thoughts.

She felt like there was a mountain on the child.

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