MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 52

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The suburban car yard is not far from S, so Chen Qizhao originally planned to call a car after he came out. It can be seen that Shen Yuhuai followed him out, and when he heard that he was going to the suburban parking lot, he would send him there. Chen Qizhao hesitated for a few seconds before agreeing.

It’s a little troublesome without a driver’s license, and sometimes it’s inconvenient to travel.

"Why are you going over there at this time?" Shen Yuhuai started the car and asked casually, "What happened?"

"Something may have fallen over there." Chen Qizhao glanced at Shen Yuhuai and lied: "It's my mother's earring, it seems to have fallen in the car, let me help her when I go to practice the car. Look for it." After he finished speaking, he felt that the matter was not in a hurry, so he had to change his words: "The earrings are very important, and if they are lost for a long time, they will be taken away..."

Shen Yuhuai nodded and said, "Then you really have to go look for it right away."

Chen Qizhao breathed a sigh of relief, covered it with his backpack, and looked down at the contents of the email on the tablet. The photo of Master Liu and the gangster in the restaurant has been sent. He carefully looked at the 'gangster', he has no memory, and he is an unknown person. He guessed that if it was arranged by Jiang Yuze or Lin Shizhong, he would not have communicated with Master Liu in front of everyone.

If you want to check, you can only follow the clues... Chen Qizhao quickly edited a text message to let the other party pay attention to the people who have been in contact with the gangster recently.

After doing this, the car has turned and entered the intersection where the car park is located. Shen Yuhuai asked, "This is the road, right?"

Chen Qizhao: "Drive another kilometer or so."

Shen Yuhuai's speed was very stable. When Chen Qizhao looked down at the news, the other party had already turned the car into the intersection, and the parking lot was in sight.

Chen Qizhao stuffed things into his backpack randomly, opened the door and got out of the car, "Brother Huai, go and do your work first, I'll go back after I find myself..."

Shen Yuhuai got out of the driver's seat and closed the door, "It's faster for two people to find."

Chen Qizhao's eyes paused.

Shen Yuhuai asked, "Aren't you going?"

"...Let's go." Chen Qizhao suddenly found that he didn't seem to be very capable of rejecting Shen Yuhuai.

I was still working in the parking lot. I heard that Chen Qizhao came over, and the manager of the parking lot ran out quickly. I heard that Chen Qizhao was here to find earrings, so I asked for details. Chen Qizhao glanced at the manager, but said, "I don't know which car I lost it on. What are the vehicles that our family sent here for maintenance recently, just take me there."

Seeing that Chen Ershao was in a hurry, the manager immediately took him to the maintenance workshop, but he was only halfway there.

"You call some of the masters in the maintenance yard to the office and ask them to see if they found anything during the repair process." Chen Qizhao looked at the employees in the workshop, "After a while We'll just have them help find it."

Seeing this, the manager said: "Well, it is also possible that they found it and took it away and put it elsewhere."

Chen Qizhao said again: "If you don't find it, you can ask the master to drink tea there and wait for a while, then I will go over and ask."

Shen Yuhuai glanced at Chen Qizhao after hearing the words, but did not speak.

There are only three vehicles sent by the Chen family for maintenance in this phase, among which happened to be the travel vehicles of Chen Jianhong and Chen Shixuan. The vehicle at home is basically overhauled on a regular basis. After the overhaul is completed, it will be sent back and replaced with another vehicle. Chen Qizhao quickly judged Chen Shiming's vehicle, "I'll go here to find it."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes fell on the commercial car next to him, "Okay, then I'll go there."

There were also several employees in the parking lot who came to help. Chen Qizhao asked them to find small things and tell him.

Seeing Shen Yuhuai going to the commercial vehicle, Chen Qizhao quickly walked to the side of the vehicle and checked the outside of the vehicle first, but did not find any problems with the tires, so he casually asked the staff following him, " Who is responsible for the maintenance of these cars?"

The staff heard the words and pointed to Chen Qizhao: "Oh, this is Master Liu, and the two there are Master Chen and Master Tang."

"Then it should be almost repaired, right?" Chen Qizhao opened the rear door.

The staff will answer any questions: "It's all repaired, someone will come and drive the car away at night."

Then close the other party and someone handed things over to him. It is more likely that something was put in the car, rather than the vehicle itself.

Chen Qizhao rummaged through the surrounding things, small things may stay in the car, but large things may not stay in it. Judging from the photo of the email just sent, it looks like it's packed in a box... Is there anything that needs to be put in the car but is not easily noticed?

The employees of the parking lot were already checking the seat seams, but Chen Qizhao retreated and went directly into the passenger seat. He checked every corner of the front seat and found nothing suspicious. Just as he was thinking about other positions, he suddenly saw the rearview mirror when he raised his eyes.

A jade and amulet bag hang from the rearview mirror in the car. Chen Qizhao knew that there was this thing on the vehicle at home. It was the incense talisman that his mother Zhang Yazhi specially asked for from the temple, and prayed for the family to travel safely. Chen Qizhao stretched out his hand to squeeze the talisman bag, and pinched the talisman paper inside through the cotton. He squeezed it down, but suddenly stopped his hand.

The next second, his face darkened a bit, and he took off the amulet bag directly from the rearview mirror.

After opening the talisman bag, he carefully took out the talisman paper from the inside, and finally saw a black thing the size of a fingernail at the bottom of the talisman bag. He took out the thing, his face suddenly sank a little... If he guessed correctly, this should be a GPS signal.

Someone asked Master Liu to put this thing in order to monitor the vehicle position with GPS.

Jiang Yuze knew that the Chen family's vehicle would be regularly repaired. After the car left the parking lot tonight, there will be no accidents for the next half month. Chen Shiming will use this car to travel. It is difficult for Jiang Yuze to place personnel in Chen Shiming's assistant group. It is not so easy to get Chen Shiming's specific itinerary. It is estimated that this is the only way to risk using a GPS locator, and the information that can be obtained by monitoring the vehicle's position... It is conceivable that the other party is there. What are you thinking.

Chen Qizhao thought of the illegally driven truck that collided with Chen Shiming's vehicle in his previous life, and his fingers holding the transmitter tightened a little.

Thinking of this, he put the annunciator back in the amulet bag and hung up the rearview mirror.

The staff happened to see it, and suddenly felt that Er Shao was a little too exaggerated.

This earring won't fall over there, right?

Chen Qizhao sat in the passenger seat without moving, his face gloomy.

On the other side, Shen Yuhuai followed behind the other staff to check other vehicles. As soon as he opened the front seat of the car, he smelled a strong spice smell. The smell of engine oil in the parking lot is heavy. Shen Yuhuai frowned unconsciously when he smelled such a fragrance at first, and his eyes stopped at the car aromatherapy on the right side of the dashboard.

The delicate and quaint aromatherapy box is placed on the top, which seems to be the source of all the flavors.

Shen Yuhuai asked, "Is this aroma a bit heavy?"

"Oh, this is Mr. Chen's favorite aromatherapy, and he will put such aromatherapy boxes in his car. The car was repaired two days ago, and it was boring for two days without ventilation. It is normal to have a strong smell. ." The staff said.

When the vehicle is driving, it will ventilate and disperse the wind, and the smell of aromatherapy is also to deodorize the car.

The staff have been working in the parking lot for so many years, and have long been used to these smells, "Sir, I'm looking in the back seat, are you in the front seat?"

Shen Yuhuai agreed, but his eyes still stopped on the aromatherapy. Many car aromatherapy devices are installed in the car, with heavy or light smells. Shen Yuhuai himself often drives, and he is also very particular about the car aromatherapy. He will change the aromatherapy in the car every once in a while.

He has been dealing with chemicals all the year round and is sensitive to the taste of certain materials. The content of various materials in aromatherapy has specific standards. There are many unqualified car aromatherapy or perfumes on the market. It is also harmful to the human body, especially in a narrow space such as a vehicle that is closed for a long time, and the harm caused by poor ventilation is even greater.

Shen Yuhuai rummaged through the small gap in the front seat, but found no small objects similar to earrings.

When he was about to leave, his eyes stayed on the aromatherapy box for a moment. After hesitating, he slightly approached the aromatherapy box to smell the smell, frowned slightly and removed the aromatherapy box directly.

This type of aromatherapy is changed regularly. The card holder of the aromatherapy box is not so tight and can be easily removed.

After taking the lid off, Shen Yuhuai noticed that there were slightly dull traces on the light-colored aromatherapy inside.

The staff saw Shen Yuhuai's movements and asked in confusion, "Sir?"

"Hello, is there any alcohol and clean equipment in the parking lot?" Shen Yuhuai got out of the car with the aromatherapy diffuser, glanced and didn't see where Chen Qizhao was, so he had to say to the staff: "It's better to give it to me. Prepare single-use plastic bags, I need to decorate."

The staff stopped slightly when they heard the words, "I have it, I will look for it."

I don't have anything, is this okay? Disposable tableware that hasn't been opened yet."

"Yes." Shen Yuhuai just got off from another car, and he didn't find the aromatherapy in the other car.

Shen. He asked the staff to get a clean parts bag, put the two pieces of aromatherapy separately, and then reset the aromatherapy.

The staff didn't quite understand this: "Sir, is there any problem with this?"

"No big problem." Shen Yuhuai put the things away, "It's just that the smell is a little heavy, I'll take it back to see if there is a problem with the ingredients."

When Chen Qizhao got out of the car, he happened to see Shen Yuhuai communicating with the workers in the parking lot. He walked over and saw Shen Yuhuai holding two small bags of things in his hands. He hesitated slightly and asked. : "Brother Huai, what's wrong?"

"I was about to tell you, I took some aromatherapy from the car and I was going to take it back for testing."

Shen Yuhuai handed the two parts bags to Chen Qizhao, "Two samples were taken, one has a normal surface, and the other has a chemical reaction."

Chen Qizhao's eyes sank a little after hearing this, "Is there a problem with the aromatherapy?"

"Maybe there is a small problem, who usually replaces the aromatherapy in this car?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"The aromatherapy at home is usually my mother's idea. She likes this kind of fragrance very much, and it is usually sent by the other party through personal order." Chen Qizhao walked over and removed the aromatherapy, his eyes slightly Shen, "Is this?"

Shen Yuhuai said: "You can compare the taste of this and the taste of the car."

Chen Qizhao had ridden in this car once or twice, but the smell in the car was not so heavy at that time, he did not notice this problem.

If Shen Yuhuai hadn't mentioned this matter, Chen Qizhao would not have noticed the aromatherapy problem at all, because it was something prepared by Zhang Yazhi, and he would never doubt it.

After Shen Yuhuai finished speaking, he noticed that Chen Qizhao's face was a little ugly, and he said: "It may also be that there is a problem with the materials used, which will be clear after testing."

"It is possible that the custom-made items may be caused by a small problem in the processing of the perfumer, which may cause some uneven materials, but generally there should be no problem. I will take it back for testing to be on the safe side."

Chen Qizhao did not relax when he heard what Shen Yuhuai said. He thought that he had just found a GPS locator in Chen Shiming's car, and Shen Yuhuai had discovered the aromatherapy so accidentally. Parts problem, but never thought about these things, this is his negligence in the end.

"How long will the test take?" Chen Qizhao asked.

"Hurry up, about a week." Shen Yuhuai noticed the boy's gloomy face and asked, "Have you found Aunt Zhang's earrings?"

Chen Qizhao came back to his senses: "Not yet, maybe she forgot where she put it in the house. I'll look for it when I go back."

Nothing else was found in the parking lot, Chen Qizhao did not move the GPS locator, and put the aromatherapy back to its original location. He followed the manager to the office to ask the three masters, and put the phone in their mouths under the pretext of earrings, but found no other doubts, except that Master Liu spoke a little strangely, and other problems were not found.

But it is certain that aromatherapy has nothing to do with these masters.

After the two came out of the parking lot, Shen Yuhuai sent Chen Qizhao back to school, and then went back to the research institute.

Not long after Chen Qizhao arrived at school, he took a taxi and went home. When he got home, Zhang Yazhi happened to be there, and it was a bit surprising to see Chen Qizhao coming back, "Xiao Zhao, why are you back at this time? No class at night? ?"

"No class." Chen Qizhao lied, "I really want something to fall into the car, I'll go to the garage to find it."

Zhang Yazhi asked, "Are you eating at home at night?"

Chen Qizhao responded casually, Zhang Yazhi had already greeted the housekeeper Uncle Zhang to prepare more things at night.

After coming to the garage, Chen Qizhao first checked the aromatherapy of each car parked in the garage, and the aromatherapy of other cars was normal. Chen Qizhao also checked the amulet bag and other things in the corner. Found other suspicious items. He had been looking for it in the garage, and Zhang Yazhi and the housekeeper also came over to help him find it.

"You child, why are you so anxious about dropping something?" Zhang Yazhi asked, "Which car did you take last time?"

"A small accessory."

Chen Qizhao withdrew from the car and stared at the car in front of him. The aroma of this car was different from that of the car in the parking lot, but they had the same characteristics. Sometimes you can notice the smell of aromatherapy.

Coincidentally, this is also the car that Chen Jianhong went out with.

Chen Jianhong does not specify which car to use when he goes out. He often changes cars due to different occasions. There are only a few cars that are used routinely. Both of Gao's cars have aromatherapy issues...

Chen Qizhao does not believe in coincidences.

Zhang Yazhi didn't know what kind of accessory the child lost, and was about to ask what it looked like when she turned around and saw Chen Qizhao standing in front of the car door with her back to her. She just took two steps closer, but her eyes suddenly stopped.

She saw that the back of Chen Qizhao's hand on the car window had blue veins, and the knuckles of his fingers were slightly white due to the force.

Chen Qizhao closed the car door, and when he turned around and saw Zhang Yazhi, he was standing a few steps behind him, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Zhang Yazhi seemed to have just reacted, she packed up her emotions and asked with a smile: "No... Mom just wanted to ask you what that thing looks like, will it fall into your brother's car? A few days ago God, didn't you take his car to the company?"

"Maybe." Chen Qizhao said: "Then don't look for it."

After he finished speaking, he walked to the next place, and when he left the garage, he glanced at another car.

"Madam?" the butler asked.

Zhang Yazhi took a deep breath and looked away, "Old Zhang, please ask a few people to help you find it. Seeing that this child is in a hurry, that thing is probably also important."

The aromatherapy on Chen Jianhong's car, the locator on Chen Shiming's car... The first thing Chen Qizhao went back to the house to check was the source of the aromatherapy. In the room, he found the box containing the remaining aromatherapy, and found the address of the private custom shop from the packaging of the box. After he took pictures of all these, Yu Guang looked at the remaining aromatherapy.

When the father and son of the Chen family came back from get off work, they were a little surprised to see Chen Qizhao at home, and Chen Shiming even frowned slightly and looked at Chen Qizhao.

During dinner, Chen Jianhong talked to Chen Shiming about work, and suddenly noticed that Chen Qizhao's face was not very good, and he didn't take two bites of the rice in front of him. During this time, Chen Qizhao spoke less at the dinner table, but not speaking does not mean that he has no appetite to eat, not to mention that the dishes prepared on the table are all his favorite dishes.

“How is your study recently?” Chen Jianhong asked.

Chen Qizhao heard the words and looked at Chen Jianhong, what will be the problem with aromatherapy? Is Chen Jianhong's cerebral hemorrhage related to aromatherapy in his previous life, and what relationship did Lin Shizhong and Jiang Yuze play in it... Why did Zhang Yazhi's purchase of spices have a problem, who lost the package in the middle, or was there a problem with the privately ordered store itself? And why did these aromatherapy accurately appear in Chen Jianhong's car...

He was thinking about it, and suddenly noticed that some white strands appeared on Chen Jianhong's hair, and the hand hidden under the dining table was a little tighter.

Chen Qizhao said: "It's okay."

"Xiao Zhao has no class tonight, and finally came back, why do you keep asking these questions." Zhang Yazhi gave Chen Qizhao a meal: "You child has lost so much weight recently, come on, this is your favorite Yes, eat more."

Chen Shiming looked sideways slightly.

After eating, Chen Shiming asked Zhang Yazhi, knowing that Chen Qizhao was looking for something in the car after returning. He wondered what Chen Qizhao had dropped in the car, and after a while he noticed the lights on outside the villa. He stood on the balcony on the second floor and looked down, and saw that it was someone from the parking lot coming to change the car.

Thinking of what Chen Qizhao had dropped, he also went out of the villa to have a look. When he saw Lao Lin handing over things to the people in the garage, he asked: "Have you found anything dropped in the car during repairs these days? ?"

"Is it earrings?" The people in the parking lot thought that Chen Shiming was asking about earrings, and replied, "That's not true. Second Young Master looked for it in the parking lot in the afternoon, but couldn't find it."

Chen Shiming frowned, Chen Qizhao also went to the parking lot in the afternoon to find it?

After the vehicle was handed over, the people in the parking lot drove away the other cars in the garage. Chen Shiming glanced at Lao Lin who was parking and adjusting his position, and soon returned to the villa.

"Young Master, Mr. is waiting for you in the study." The housekeeper said.

Chen Shiming went to the study, and the documents on the desktop had been opened. It was part of the things he checked during this time, and it was related to the dispute between Lin and Yicheng. Some things are easier to investigate once they find the direction, especially after focusing on Fu Yanyu and Fang Jie, there is a reasonable explanation for the cause and effect of this incident. For example, Yicheng treats Lin like a mad dog. The direct reason is actually Fang Jie. They believe that this time the issue of Yicheng Medical's new product endorsement went wrong. Lin's collusion with Fang Jie set up a game.

"Specifically, Yicheng's senior management received an anonymous email, and Lin's related personnel had contacts with Fangjie." Chen Shiming said: "Fu Yanyu was also on our Feihong spokesperson list at the beginning, and later Because the other party put pigeons, we will choose Nie Chenxiao next."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Jianhong, paused for a while, and continued: "But if Nie Chenxiao hadn't exploded at that time, the consequence of Fu Yanyu's temporary defection would be the collapse of our new product promotion."

Chen Jianhong closed his eyes, then opened: "And because of the failure of the project, we will put the main point of conflict on Yicheng who pryed away Fu Yanyu at a high price."

"Yes." Chen Shiming said: "It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

He looked at his father quietly, and he didn't know if it was his illusion. He felt that Chen Jianhong had aged a lot during this time.

"Next, I will focus on various external cooperation, and Lin's will become our main direction." Chen Shiming said that he didn't say much, he paused for a moment, and then said : "Pay more attention to your body."


At night, Chen Shiming made other arrangements after returning to his room. After finishing these, he went downstairs and poured a glass of water. When passing through Chen Qizhao's room, he saw a faint light in the crack of the door on the ground. , He was a little closer to the room, he didn't hear the sound of playing games and keyboards in the room, and left soon.

And Chen Qizhao in the room fetched the rest of the aromatherapy in the house, found clean utensils and dug some fixed aromatherapy, one by one, and planned to go to the research institute tomorrow to hand over these things Give Shen Yuhuai a test.

As for the location of the aromatherapy shop, he has already commissioned others to investigate, and it will take some time for the investigation results to come out. He walked to the window, saw the location of the garage on the other side of the garden, and then glanced at the locator on the table that he had just taken out of the garage.

Chen Qizhao confirmed that this is a simple gps locator, and even in order to make it smaller, the function should be simplified.

Currently, the locator is in the activated state. It is always in the Chen family villa, and there is no large-scale movement. The person behind the monitor will not have much suspicion. He pondered a little, according to the time of the regular maintenance of the car in the parking lot and the battery time on the GPS locator, at most two weeks.

Thinking of this, Chen Qizhao clenched his fist slightly.

The next morning, the Chen family got up one after another and went to work.

Chen Shiming went to the company earlier. When he first got into the car, he suddenly saw a person running out of the villa. Chen Qizhao stopped his car and knocked on his window without saying a word. "I'll rub the car and go to the company to find something."