MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 89

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The car drove very smoothly, and it took nearly an hour to reach Chen's house.

Shen Yuhuai didn't talk to Chen Qizhao, when he occasionally looked aside, the other party was resting with his eyes closed.

Quiet is like a silent slumber, Chen Qizhao closed his eyes, and the drowsiness that he hadn't had for a few days suddenly surged up.

When I closed my eyes, the smell of mint in the carriage seemed to be a little heavier. I couldn't see the person Shen Yuhuai, but I could still feel that the other party was less than half a meter away from me.

It's just sleepy, he can't sleep.

The red light stopped at this time, Chen Qizhao opened his eyes slightly and found that the person beside him was looking at him.

Shen Yuhuai said, "If you're sleepy, take a nap, and I'll call you when you get there."

When Chen Qizhao heard his words, he suddenly felt that something had been removed from his body, and he felt empty.

He was thinking about the next sentence, but Shen Yuhuai spared a hand and held Chen Qizhao's hand aside.

Shen Yuhuai's palm was wide and tightly wrapped when he held it. His thumb rubbed the back of Chen Qizhao's finger one after another, "Sleep, I'll drive slower."

Chen Qizhao looked at the person, and his calm eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

He lowered his eyes slightly, staring at the man's hand on the back of his hand.

Chen Qizhao thought aimlessly.

Are they dating now?

What would a normal couple relationship look like...?

Thinking about it, his attention stopped on Shen Yuhuai's hand, and he did not continue to think.

His breathing seemed to slow down as he rubbed his fingertips one after another.

When the car entered the city, Shen Yuhuai noticed that the eyes of the people around him stopped moving.

Shen Yuhuai did not wake up Chen Qizhao, but quietly watched him.

Under the finger is the delicate skin of the other party, he lowered his eyes, his eyes stopped on Chen Qizhao's hand.

Chen Qizhao didn't know how long he slept. When he opened his eyes, it was already dark outside.

The car is parked not far, and the villa in front can be seen through the windshield.

Chen Qizhao recovered a little, noticed the touch on the back of his hand, and saw the man in the driver's seat when he tilted his head.

The man seemed to be reading news with his mobile phone, his eyes were half closed under his glasses, and his expression did not change.

It's just that his other hand is still in the same place, rubbing his fingertips from time to time.

Seems to notice Chen Qizhao's gaze, Shen Yuhuai tilts his head: "Awake?"

"Well." Chen Qizhao looked down at his hand, "Why didn't you call me?"

Shen Yuhuai: "It won't be long."

After taking a nap, Chen Qizhao's spirit is much better.

Shen Yuhuai opened the door and got off, and Chen Qizhao also got off.

Shen Yuhuai said: "You can call me when you want to go back to school on Sunday. I have been in the city for the past two days."

"Well." Chen Qizhao: "Then I'll go first."

Shen Yuhuai agreed.

On the way home, Chen Qizhao glanced at the time on the phone.

He thought of the situation when he just woke up, and his eyes softened.

According to the normal journey, Shen Yuhuai should have stopped at this place for more than half an hour.

He raised his eyes slightly, and in the back seat in the rearview mirror, a piece of bread had fallen out of the slightly opened pocket, and there seemed to be another person's breath in the car.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and the vibrating cell phone on the dashboard moved, Shen Yuhuai recovered, and immediately connected the call when he saw the name above.

"Aren't you in the lab?" Shen Xuelan's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Shen Yuhuai took off his glasses and pinched his eyebrows, "No, just say it."

In the office, Shen Xuelan heard Shen Yuhuai's voice and paused for a while, then continued: "A lot of things have happened recently in Lin's Medical, and thanks to this, I got Lin's Medical and the suburbs of Beijing. The clues of those few institutional transactions have found a breakthrough."

Shen Yuhuai frowned: "Continue."

"You know that domestic drug control is strict, and drug production must have a record batch number, and industries that are eligible to apply for a batch number can basically be found. The cooperation between Lin's and Beijing's side was about eight years ago. At the beginning, the domestic control was not as strict as it is now, and Lin's Medical applied for the batch number of the special drug and began to develop and produce it." Shen Xuelan continued in a serious tone: "And I used the search engine within the group to check the batch number. I found that the information in this is not correct, and the flow of drugs is also very suspicious."

Shen Yuhuai asked: "What is the flow direction of the channel?"

"The name of the batch of products that Lin's co-produced with the Jingcheng organization is on Lin's, and the flow of these 'drugs' is all over the country, and the more interesting place is the purchaser of these things There are private hospitals, and some private hospitals have declared bankruptcy." Shen Xuelan knocked on the table, "Not long ago, the Sun family, who cooperated with Lin's Medical Care, was investigated because of the contraband found in the transportation channel."

"Do you know why?"

"Have to go bankrupt." Shen Yuhuai immediately understood the problem: "Lin's Medical uses legalized transportation routes to transport these drugs, so that the drugs can enter the appropriate 'hospitals or institutions'. , and then find a way to deal with these institutions, and then the direction of these drugs will become a mystery."

Gu Zhengsong's people cooperated with Lin Shizhong to produce 'drugs', which were registered in Lin Shizhong's name, and used Lin's medical channels and contacts to distribute these 'drugs' to all parts of the country, and finally to private hospitals or clinics around the country Buy and receive, unknowingly complete the hookup of their illegal transactions in private. And judging from the evidence we have now, these illegally smuggled drugs are likely to be some addictive neurological drugs, which are strictly prohibited in China.

The institution in the capital is the industry under Gu Zhengsong's hands. Shen Yuhuai specially confirmed this after going to the capital. At that time, in the suburbs, there were not only medicines but also food. This industry line is terrifying, or the Lin's medical treatment they found is just a part of Gu Zhengsong's greedy ambitions.

Shen Yuhuai hesitated for a moment: "Can you find these medicines?"

Shen Xuelan: "It's a bit difficult, this special medicine was discontinued at the beginning of last year."

"Uncle Gu doesn't touch these?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"What do you think? Uncle Gu is an honest person, and the Gu family has other businesses. These things are probably what Gu Zhengsong did behind the scenes. I seem to have heard Dad discuss with Uncle Gu about Gu Zhengsong's source of funds before. It's not transparent." Shen Xuelan said: "Judging from the current evidence, the evidence in our hands is not enough for the police to directly arrest Gu Zhengsong, because these are the actions of Lin's medical care, and only Lin's can be brought down if we do our best. With Gu Zhengsong's ability, it is very possible to push the Lin family out as a scapegoat, just like the Lin family pushed out the Sun family."

"It's not easy to do it, and moving the Lin family is like stunning the snake. Gu Zhengsong will deal with it first."

"Have you told the Chen family?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"I just told you, I'll tell the Chen family later." Shen Xuelan sighed: "But the Chen family has encountered some problems recently, Chen Shiming may not have time to continue to take care of this matter."

Shen Yuhuai knew that the Chen family had also encountered a big problem recently, but at the same time as the Chen family encountered it, the Lin family's actions were not small.

Obviously, the Lin family should have arranged a lot of things for the Chen family. The only good news is that the Lin family was investigated by the relevant departments. There were fewer people following around, and the people who had previously laid out at the birthday banquet also slowed down.

In fact, it is very beneficial to them now. Gu Zhengsong may not necessarily find out the progress of their verification. In the case of no surprise, they can preemptively as long as they collect evidence.

There is only one most direct evidence that can point directly to Gu Zhengsong's evidence.

"You send me the documents." Shen Yuhuai said.

Shen Xuelan said hello.

Shen Yuhuai hung up the phone, his eyes stopped slightly on the phone.

Shen Xuelan was very fast, and not long after he finished speaking, his mobile phone received an electronic document from there. After Shen Yuhuai downloaded the electronic document, he clicked on Chen Qizhao's chat box.

So many things happened during this time, from the beating at school to the birthday party, and the phone call from Chen Qizhao last morning.

Chen Qizhao may know a lot of things, otherwise he wouldn't appear on these occasions again and again... What Shen Xuelan told Chen Shiming would probably also come to Chen Qizhao.

Shen Yuhuai sent the document without hesitation.

Just after sending it, he dialed a number on his phone.

Soon, a man's warm voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, Dr. Xie."

Shen Yuhuai said, "I want to ask you something, are you free tomorrow morning?"

Outside the Chen family villa, when Chen Shiming's car turned in, he happened to see a car leaving.

He looked at the car in the distance and asked the servant at the door after getting out of the car.

The servant said, "Maybe it's Mr. Shen, the second young master just came back, Mr. Shen sent him back."

There is no one else in the living room, Zhang Yazhi seems to be in the kitchen, Chen Qizhao is not there, and it is estimated that he will return to his room.

Not long after, Chen Jianhong's car also turned in. Chen Shiming's eyes stopped slightly on Chen Jianhong, who was entering the entrance. The latter handed the briefcase to the butler, his unsmiling face did not change, but when he looked at people, his eyes stopped in the living room for a moment.

The father and son glanced at each other tacitly, and Chen Jianhong took the initiative to say: "Where is your mother?"

"I'm busy in the kitchen." Chen Shiming said, "Qi Zhao went upstairs."

The housekeeper is used to it. The Chen family often works overtime. In the past, a meal could always be divided into two meals.

But I don't know when it started, even if the husband and the elder work overtime, they try to get off work on time on Fridays, and the family has more time to eat.

After going to the kitchen and talking, the butler quickly went up to the second floor.

After several knocks on the door of the second young master, the latter opened the door.

"What?" Chen Qizhao looked at him.

Housekeeper: "Second Young Master, Mr. and Young Master have already arrived home, and we can prepare dinner."

Chen Qizhao paused slightly, "I'll go down in a while."

When going downstairs, the kitchen was serving dishes one after another. Chen Qizhao glanced at the restaurant, and when he turned to enter the kitchen, he saw Zhang Yazhi was still talking to the kitchen master, as if he was asking about the big pot Soup essentials for the soup.

Chen Qizhao listened to a few words and stopped listening. He took out a can of beer from the refrigerator and opened his mouth.

Zhang Yazhi was still inquiring with her master when she suddenly heard a bang, and immediately turned her head to see Chen Qizhao standing in front of the refrigerator, and the beer can that fell on the ground and was flowing out.

The kitchen quieted down for a while, and Chen Qizhao seemed to regain his senses. He bent over to pick up the beer can and threw it into the trash can next to him.

He said, "Not sure."

Zhang Yazhi's eyes stopped on him, "I'm so careless, are you wet, go change clothes."

Chen Qizhao responded, took another jar from the refrigerator, and went to the restaurant soon.

Zhang Yazhi's eyes stopped on his back, and she didn't recover until the kitchen master next to her called her twice.

"Madam, that's about it, I'll arrange the ingredients for you later." The chef said.

Zhang Yazhi: "Excuse me."

She looked at the pot of chicken soup, but her mood was not as high as before.

When eating, the table is quiet.

A lot of problems broke out in the Chen family during this time. Chen Jianhong and Chen Shiming have been away from home for several days. It was rare for this meal to not mention work, but Chen Jianhong asked a few things about his family, and his eyes fell on Chen Qizhao from time to time.

Chen Qizhao did not speak, but just finished the chicken soup served by Zhang Yazhi in front of him, without taking a few bites of the rice.

Zhang Yazhi was stunned: "Is this finished?"

Chen Jianhong's eyes stopped at Chen Qizhao's bowl, "Only eat so much?"

"You eat, I have business."

Chen Qizhao responded and quickly turned upstairs.

After returning to the room, Chen Qizhao went to the bathroom to change clothes, and only after coming out of the bathroom did he deal with the accumulated news. He first went to deal with the messages in the email, and downloaded and sorted out the files sent by Xiao Zhou and Xu Special Assistant. Chen Shiming's actions were fast. After Chen's internal affairs were handed over to him, even if there was an unexpected situation like Lin's attack, he could arrange all the work as soon as possible, and excavate evidence of Lin's crimes in an orderly manner. .

Though the deeds Lin Shizhong did were hidden, once some things were exposed, the pieces he thought would become his potential opponents. The fact that Lin was investigated by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce was just the beginning. Lin wanted to spend time dragging Chen into a crisis, but only if he did not enter the crisis first.

Lin Shizhong thought he was attacking Chen, but the main event was yet to come.

Chen Qizhao turned off the email, and when he was watching the vx, he noticed that Shen Yuhuai sent him a message 2 hours ago and noticed the attached file.

He paused and downloaded the document.

Shen Yu Huaicha's line almost followed the beginning of aromatherapy, and dig out the truth of the source of aromatherapy little by little. From the special compound extraction institution in S City, to the cooperative factory in the capital, to the illegal trade between Lin's Medical and Gu Zhengsong.

To be able to check so quickly, it must be the work of the Shen family.

[-Shen Yuhuai: All the things investigated so far are probably like this, there is a 95% possibility that Lin's relationship with Gu Zhengsong, but there is no way to find out the direct evidence. ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: Gu Zhengsong is too cautious, it is not so easy to get hold of him. ]

Chen Qizhao read the document and saw Shen Yuhuai's message below.

He stopped for a long time, and finally typed a thank you in the chat box.

As soon as this thank you was sent, Shen Yuhuai replied.

The other party seems to be waiting for his reply.

[-Shen Yuhuai: I will tell you everything I know. ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: When something happens, don't hide it from me, okay? ]

Chen Qizhao froze for a while when he saw the reply, as if something was choked in his throat, unable to speak.

After a long time, he replied to Shen Yuhuai.

[- Zhao: Hmm. ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: Don't lie to me? ]

Seeing this sentence, Chen Qizhao seems to be able to describe the expression of the other party saying this sentence.

Shen Yuhuai's eyes will look at him.

[- Zhao: Well, I won’t lie next time. ]

Chen Qizhao lowered his head, and an indescribable emotion seemed to spread in his chest. He didn't know how this emotion came, and the indescribable feeling just came out.

Caught off guard, and with a little indescribable excitement.

He thought badly, this is the last time, don't lie next time.

The dining table of the Chen family is nothing but work, study and daily affairs. Chen Qizhao used to seldom speak when he was eating, but he also ate a lot of food. With such a small amount of food today, even Chen Jianhong Both Chen Shiming noticed the problem.

"I told Lao Zhang that I didn't eat much at home some time ago." Zhang Yazhi's tone was a little worried: "I have lost a lot of weight, I thought he would come home for dinner today, Let him eat more... why drink some soup."

In fact, she has seen a lot during this time. Chen Qizhao is not as rebellious as before, but at least he would bicker with Chen Shiming some time ago, but now people have become a lot more restrained and quiet. Zhang Yazhi lost her appetite, and continued worriedly: "When I watched TV with me in the living room, I always felt that he was distracted, and sometimes when I was talking, he didn't answer me, as if he was thinking about something. "

"I asked him to tell me something, but the kid kept saying it was fine."


She added: "I'll call and ask Dr. Li."

After Zhang Yazhi left the table, only the Chen family and their son were left at the dinner table.

Chen Jianhong: "Has he said anything else recently?"

"No." Chen Shiming's heart sank a little, thinking of Chen Qizhao's indifference and movements during this time. In the afternoon, he asked his assistant to send all the information Chen Qizhao asked for in the company, and found that the part of the information Chen Qizhao asked for was the Chen's internal problem report document in the past half a month, and the main content of that part of the document was the loophole problem caused by Lin's.

Since Chen Shiming began to investigate the internal loopholes of the Chen family, he has also removed all the nails that can be removed, and the rest are some intricate loopholes without evidence. Now, no matter how complete the list is, there may still be people or things that are missed. If you do this without certainty, it is likely to lead to serious consequences.

So when Lin Shizhong hadn't acted yet, he discussed with Chen Qizhao a plan to invite you into the urn.

Lin Shizhong failed one after another. Seeing that the situation was about to fail, he was likely to take further action, so he gave some fake news to Chen Liyao and others who were undercover in the group, pretending that the time was right, forcing the other party to take further action. Only Lin Shizhong took the initiative to take the initiative to find out all the nails hidden in the Chen family, and find the evidence that Lin Shizhong used the Chen family to misbehave over the years.

Chen's loss is inevitable, but this is the best way to make Chen's situation completely out of the current situation of being controlled by others, and to catch the mastermind Lin Shizhong.

Now the Lin family has indeed taken action against the Chen family. The many problems caused by this period of time can be seen maliciously by anyone with a discerning eye.

The progress of his search for evidence is also gradually progressing, and he has now controlled some of the evidence.

This is just his initial plan, and now he feels that Chen Qizhao's real plan is more than that.

Chen Shiming: "I'll go upstairs to see."

Only Chen Jianhong was left at the dinner table, and the surroundings instantly became quiet.

Chen Jianhong looked at Chen Qizhao's position, what came to his mind was the toddler when he was young, and then only the boy with his tall legs. The young Chen Qizhao is lively, cheerful, smart, and unlike his eldest son, Chen Shiming, who likes to have a straight face since childhood, Chen Qizhao lives like a happy and happy child.

But these things began to change at some point. The child who would follow him and call his father when he was young suddenly turned into a different appearance, as if he had entered the so-called puberty. His body is covered with thorns, and his words will only become preaching in the eyes of children, and quarrels and unhappy breakups seem to be the daily life of this family.

Chen Jianhong couldn't express that feeling, he couldn't dislike his child, even if the child was useless in front of outsiders, even if the child was mediocre in the comparison of his eldest brother, but in his In his eyes, this child is his child after all. He only hopes that this child can have his own abilities and be independent and independent in this long journey of life. He hopes that his strictness can bring certain growth to the child.

A few years ago, the father and son were all quarreling, and they broke up at the dinner table.

In the past two years, the child has lost some of its immaturity since becoming an adult, and has matured visibly.

Chen's internal exposure, Lin's deliberate targeting... These things came out one after another, the youngest son faded his immature appearance in front of them, matured and rationally threw some before Unheard of evidence and clues, finally this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and a huge and strange conspiracy appears in front of him.

Chen Qizhao is mature, but Chen Jianhong can't see through him.

He didn't know when Chen Qizhao noticed these problems, and when did he start investigating these things?

How long has his child been hiding, how long has he been holding back, how many things he has known, how many dangers he has encountered, how much of the past time and years are true or false, and these are completely unknown.

The housekeeper waited for a long time beside him, "Sir, do you take away the rest?"

Chen Jianhong regained his senses and suddenly said, "Old Zhang, am I an incompetent father?"

The housekeeper did not speak, he did not know how to answer.

"Forget it, take it away." Chen Jianhong stood up and ordered, "Send a cup of tea to the study later."

The housekeeper said, "Second Young Master doesn't like you drinking tea."

Chen Jianhong stopped, "Then water."

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