MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 94

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The people around became flustered, Zhang Yazhi rushed to Shen Yuhuai's side, and Chen Jianhong shouted at the people outside to prepare the car.

Shen Yuhuai hugged the person, the weight in his arms seemed to be a little lighter than before, not like the stubborn pretending to be drunk before when he was drinking. The feeling on the top becomes more obvious.

"Zhaozhao, can Zhaozhao hear my mother?" Zhang Yazhi couldn't care less, her eyes were red, she tried the child's body temperature with her hands, then grabbed his cold hand and covered it, "Shi Ming, have you contacted the doctor?"

Chen Shiming urgently contacted the second city hospital closest to the group location, "It took too long for the ambulance to arrive, we will send people over."

Shen Yuhuai picked him up without a word, Chen Jianhong took off his suit jacket and put it on Chen Qizhao, when Chen Shiming walked out, he saw Chen Jianhong's figure swaying, he stopped :"dad?"

Chen Jianhong leaned on the sofa slightly, "It's okay, let's go."

The smell of disinfectant water in the hospital is full of the smell, and the doctors and nurses in white are walking in a hurry.

Chen Qizhao seemed to feel the surrounding voices, and also felt that he was placed on a stretcher, and the wheels of the stretcher collided with the ground to make a rattling sound. The hug that held him tightly was gone, and the cold coming from everywhere eroded his limbs, like heavy black water, dragging him all the way to the depths, drowning him so much that he couldn't breathe.

Consciousness is getting more and more blurred, and he can't hear the sounds around him.

It was quiet outside the senior ward of the Second City Hospital. The doctor withdrew from the ward and saw a group of family members standing outside. , excessive fatigue, and mild symptoms of anemia."

After he finished speaking, he paused, "But I don't think this is the main reason, and further diagnosis will be made after the patient wakes up."

Zhang Yazhi said incoherently: "Is the problem serious? He has eaten very little recently and lost weight..."


Chen Shiming stood up, "Doctor."

Seeing Chen Shixuan following, Shen Yuhuai's eyes stopped on Chen's parents, he nodded towards Chen Jianhong, and quickly followed Chen Shiming's pace.

The doctor's office is not far. After entering the consultation room, the doctor told them in detail the problems found in the current examination, and asked Chen Shiming about Chen Qizhao's daily performance.

Noticing Shen Yuhuai coming in, Chen Shiming nodded slightly towards him, "He is very addicted to smoking, has a low appetite, and has shown many extreme emotional expressions recently."

Shen Yuhuai listened quietly to the communication between Chen Shiming and the doctor.

"Did he have trouble concentrating and fidgeting?" the doctor asked.

"He has never shown these in front of me." Chen Shiming recalled Chen Qizhao. During this period of time, apart from his appetite and mental state, Chen Qizhao was very calm in front of him and talked with him about work Every time he cut to the core to think, but it was this highly calm situation that made him a little uneasy.

"It has happened." Shen Yuhuai suddenly said, "He should have a sleep disorder recently."

The doctor listened to the description of the two in front of him, his brows became more and more wrinkled, "The current physical symptoms have to wait for him to wake up for further verification, but the patient's condition is not very good, according to your Based on the previous description, as well as the past medical history, he may be in a condition of chronic anxiety."

Chen Shiming was slightly startled, and said solemnly: "Does he have a mental problem?"

"It is very likely that there are emotional ups and downs, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, etc. These are symptoms." The doctor's tone was serious, "His malnutrition is not that serious, from the current Looking at it, the problem of emotional symptoms may be more serious. How did your family pay attention? Why are these problems only discovered now, and the level of coma is already very serious. "

Chen Shiming squeezed his hand, "Yes, this is our problem."

The patient's family and the doctor went to the office to record the situation. There were only a few other people left in the corridor. Chen Jianhong asked Xu Tezhu and others to return to the company to deal with the situation, and took Zhang Yazhi to the resting seat outside the ward to sit down .

Zhang Yazhi's eyes are red: "Is Zhaozhao sick? No problems were found in the physical examination. He even boiled chicken soup to replenish his body. I also paid attention to his psychological problems."

She blamed herself: "I paid attention, but the child always said it was okay, and he didn't want to tell me."

What Chen Qizhao said when he was out of control in the lounge.

He listened to his wife's reflection, sentence by sentence, and recalled the past. It seemed that he and his younger son hadn't had a good conversation in all these years.

"You are not wrong." Chen Jianhong put his arms around his wife, "It's my problem."

The waiting time was very painful, Zhang Yazhi couldn't sit still, and said she was going to ask the doctor about the situation.

As soon as the people left, only Chen Jianhong was left in the corridor. When the last nurse who recorded the situation left the ward, Chen Jianhong opened the door.

Chen Qizhao was lying in the ward, the medicine dripping slowly from the hanging needle, and the face surrounded by the oxygen inhalation tube looked particularly small. At this time, he fell asleep quietly, not as flamboyant as when he was awake, with an inexplicable vulnerability. The feeling of looking at the child like this seems to have happened ten years ago. When the child is still young, he has no defenses like this, and he will not prohibit his parents from entering the room, and he will not hide his little secrets...

Chen Jianhong pulled the quilt for Chen Qizhao, slightly covering Chen Qizhao's needle-piercing hand, but when he moved, he saw several scars on the child's arm.

"Dad." When Chen Shiming came over, he saw Chen Jianhong parked by Chen Qizhao's bed.

Chen Jianhong lowered his voice, restrained his emotions, and pulled the quilt up, "Have you finished talking to the doctor?"

Chen Shiming: "The situation has been settled, and the rest will be checked in detail. Mom just went over there and was a little excited. I asked Xiao Xu to follow."

"Go out first, your brother needs to rest."

Chen Jianhong stepped out of the ward, he explained a few words to Chen Shiming, and handed over the hospital to him.

So many things happened in the morning, the press conference of the Chen Group needs to be finished, and the follow-up evidence submission of those insiders found in the company must also keep up with the progress. The most important thing is the matter between Lin's medical care and Gu's. Now people have indeed entered, but to stabilize the current situation, further evidence is needed to completely hold people in prison and cannot get out.

There is Gu Zhengxun over there in Gu Zhengsong in the capital, but things in S city can only be handled by the Chen family, and these are all advantageous advantages created by Chen Qizhao with his own abilities. Chen Jianhong knew that his children had worked so hard to get to where they are today, and he couldn't let this effort go to waste.

When the explanation was over, Chen Jianhong noticed Shen Yuhuai who was walking with Zhang Yazhi in the distance. He looked at his friend's son and nodded slightly to greet him: "Yu Huai, I'll trouble you this time."

Shen Yuhuai paid attention to Chen Jianhong's face, "Do you need a break?"

"No, I'll go back to the company and lie down."

Chen Jianhong patted Shen Yuhuai on the shoulder and walked out with his back straight.

Shen Yuhuai found that this elder seemed to be a lot slower.

People in the hospital come and go, and the quiet ward is not disturbed by any sound. The quiet environment ushered in darkness. In the environment where he was drowning in black water, Chen Qizhao struggled forward, the heavy black water pressed on his shoulders, and the scene in front of him changed again and again.

Zhang Yazhi's crying voice was close to her ears, several executives of the group were standing in the corridor, and his father Chen Jianhong was lying behind the door... The white background passed through one floor after another In the high-level ward somewhere, Chen Shiming's face was pale, and his eyes seemed to be fixed on the legs that could no longer stand up. His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness... At the end Zhang Yazhi was lying on the hospital bed thin and pulled before leaving. He held his hand and said a lot.

After many years of those words, Chen Qizhao can't remember them anymore. He only remembers the general meaning, which is to let him live well.

Chen Qizhao could no longer see those things, and the cold spread up step by step, turning into a rain curtain all over the sky.

The cemetery on the outskirts of S City was quiet, the sky was covered with black clouds, and the rain washed the mud.

Chen Qizhao found himself standing in front of the three monuments again, without flowers, surrounded by the howling wind, he wanted to reach out to wipe off the withered and yellow leaves that fell next to the tombstones, but he caught a glimpse of Chen Jianhong in the corner of his eye Next to his tombstone, a place was vacated, and a piece of land was dug empty, as if it was a cemetery reserved for him in advance.

He was about to go there when someone suddenly grabbed his hand from behind him.

The warm body temperature was transmitted from that hand, and the wrist that clamped him was extremely hot. The heat seemed to gradually rise, flushing away the cold in his body. Chen Qizhao couldn't see that face clearly, but when he wanted to walk forward, his hand was very tight, and there was a faint smell of mint.

Chen Qizhao suddenly did not want to go forward.

There was no one in the dark room. When Chen Qizhao really opened his eyes, he only felt that his body was extremely heavy, he had no strength, and he didn't want to move.

He couldn't tell the feeling, the tiredness seemed to be from the inside out, and he was a little breathless.

"Lie down first, the fever has not subsided." A voice came from the side.

The deliberately lowered voice was a little tired, and the familiar voice pushed the heavy black water and came to his ear.

Chen Qizhao came back to his senses, the black water that was pressing on his body and his heart seemed to still wrap him, the layers of cold came like waves, and he instantly broke out in a cold sweat, uncontrollably Want to catch something. But when he exerted force, the heat source from his fingertips pulled back his mind, he turned his head slightly and saw Shen Yuhuai sitting beside him, and his hand was held by him, like that fuzzy dream The only source of heat in it, it's hard to tell the difference between the real and the fake.

After a long time, Chen Qizhao said, "Am I dreaming now?"

The boy's hair is a bit messy, and the eyes on his pale face are dark and heavy, like a pool of calm stagnant water. When Shen Yuhuai saw those eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little tighter. He noticed Chen Qizhao's forceful hands, and patiently rubbed his slightly bent knuckles to loosen them, and said softly, "No."


Chen Qizhao's mind was a little chaotic, and his memory slowly returned to the cage, and the chaotic thoughts seemed to be back to where they should be.

He remembered what happened when he passed out, looked around, but couldn't find his phone.

When he looked out, he saw Zhang Yazhi sleeping on the sofa not far away. Zhang Yazhi's hair was slightly messy, and she slept in clothes on the sofa, her face seemed a bit tired. Chen Qizhao's eyes stopped on her, and the old Zhang Yazhi in the hospital bed seemed to slowly appear in front of him.

At this time, Shen Yuhuai next to him said, "Aunt Zhang has been watching over you for two days and just rested."

"...Well." Chen Qizhao's voice was a little weak, he stopped for a while before he realized: "I slept for two days?"

Shen Yuhuai slightly pulled down the quilt he had torn up and slowed down the speed of dripping, "Accurately, two days and seven hours."

Zhang Yazhi, who was not far away, seemed to be sleeping very lightly. She woke up after noticing the sound. She hurried to the bedside, "Zhao Zhao, are you awake?"

Shen Yuhuai rang the medical bell, and soon medical staff came in, and the incandescent light in the dim ward was turned on. The doctor's examination was orderly, and Chen Qizhao's condition was registered item by item. Chen Qizhao was exhausted, so he could only let the doctor examine him, and his chaotic brain gradually became clear. After the doctor checked the situation, he issued a few more orders, and then after the physical strength recovered, he had to go out for several examinations.

Not long after the inspection, Chen Qizhao fell asleep again because of drowsiness, which almost surprised Zhang Yazhi.

After the doctor got a positive answer, Zhang Yazhi was relieved, Shen Yuhuai advised her to rest, she didn't go, she stayed by Chen Qizhao's side.

The full set of examinations was done intermittently. Chen Qizhao still had a fever and was in poor mental state. When all the examination reports came out, Zhang Yazhi went to the hospital's office to listen to the situation. When he came out, his eyes were red for a long time. do not speak.

Xu Tezhu rushed over with the boss, but after rushing over, he saw Er Shao and fell asleep again, and saw the boss standing at the door holding the report sheet. There are too many things these days, but the boss still told him to contact famous doctors in the field of psychology at home and abroad. The number of times he handed doctors information to the office was far more than that he handed evidence to the police station.

The report was not too big, but the boss just read it over and over again, and it seemed that he did not dare to miss a word.

Following the boss for so long, he rarely saw such a look on the boss's face. He didn't dare to speak, but just stayed quiet and waited for the boss's orders.

Te Xu stood for a while and saw Mr. Shen walking from a distance.

Every time he accompanies his boss to the hospital these days, he can always see Mr. Shen here.

"Mr. Shen." Xu Tezhu whispered.

Shen Yuhuai nodded at him, and handed a piece of information to Chen Shiming, "This is a doctor I know, surnamed Xie, who happens to be in the local area, and is relatively authoritative in this regard."

Chen Shiming took over the materials, with a bit of apology on his tired face: "Thank you, I have troubled you these days."

"Is it troublesome?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

"No trouble, there is a lot of evidence to submit, what should Qi Zhao have said to the police at that time, the police have come to contact me these days about making a confession, but he is not in this situation. It's convenient." Chen Shiming didn't say clearly, "The confession can only be delayed during this time, and the rest must be supplemented with other evidence..."

He added: "It's right to catch Gu Shen."

The police seized guns and other prohibited items from Gu Shen's side. If Gu Shen was left alone at that time, the danger of some things would be unpredictable.

"You're right, but we never thought he would take such a risk." Shen Yuhuai glanced at him after saying, "I'll go in and see him."

Chen Shiming nodded and opened the information sent by Shen Yuhuai.

The ward was quiet, Zhang Yazhi was not in the ward.

Shen Yuhuai was sitting beside the hospital bed. The boy on the bed was still asleep. He opened his mouth slightly and seemed to have trouble breathing.

He pulled the quilt down a little so that it wouldn't be enough for ventilation.

Before leaving, Shen Yuhuai tried the temperature between Chen Qizhao's forehead, and it seemed that he still had a low fever.

The farthest warm light in the room made Chen Qizhao, who was sleeping, look extra soft.

Shen Yuhuai looked at him quietly, without saying a word, he held Chen Qizhao's hand slightly, and his eyes stayed on the cyan needle on the back of his hand. He eased his efforts and touched the skin with his fingertips. Just as he was about to put his hand under the quilt, he suddenly noticed that the sleeping boy opened his eyes.

"Awake?" Shen Yuhuai asked in a low voice.

Chen Qizhao didn't reply, half awake.

He raised his hand up, brought Shen Yuhuai's hand to his face, and finally seemed to absorb the warmth of the other's hand, and put his hand on his face.

"It's Zhao?" Shen Yuhuai leaned over slightly.

Chen Qizhao did not speak, he curled up like an insecure little animal.

The warm breath sprayed on Shen Yuhuai's hand, gently and weakly.

Shen Yuhuai lowered his eyes slightly, letting Chen Qizhao hold his hand, "Get well soon."

Chen Qizhao only felt that his whole body was exhausted, maybe it was because of the medication, or maybe he slept for too long.

He couldn't tell the difference between day and night, but he felt like there were a lot of people around him, and there was a lingering smell of mint.

When the hospital was relatively quiet, the weather outside S City changed directly. The biggest news recently was that the joint investigation team of B City and S City investigated the safety of pharmaceutical products. On the day Lin's Medical broke out the illegal transactions, the police in S City immediately arrested the person in charge of Lin's Medical, and conducted a series of investigations, adding a number of charges against Lin Shizhong's criminal facts.

Lin's Medical secretly has a pharmaceutical industry chain, which involves a manufacturing plant in Beijing and has a close relationship with a certain enterprise, which includes the manufacture of illegal drugs, the transportation of prohibited substances and other illegal activities , and because of this incident, the relevant departments conducted a thorough investigation of Lin's Medical from the bottom to the top, and found that in addition to this industry chain, Lin's Medical had many illegal operations, which caused a very bad impact in the industry.

A series of events were involved, and many managers of Lin Medical were successively taken away, and the group's share price also fell again and again. Underneath this incident, there are other criminal facts hidden, such as the previous Chen family's aromatherapy case, etc., suspiciously related to a number of criminals, suspected of intentionally wounding people and other charges. These criminal evidences were smashed down one by one, and the criminal facts of Lin Shizhong and his team were basically established.

The Gu Group was also affected to a small extent by Gu Zhengsong, but it was quickly suppressed under Gu Zhengxun's control. Compared with Lin Shizhong, Gu Zhengsong has a lot more procedures to convict. Gu Zhengsong hired a special lawyer to try to release Gu Zhengsong and Gu Shen on bail, but because the industrial chain involved in the manufacturing factory in Beijing is too broad, the police in City B have reasonable grounds. The reason for the detention is that the two sides have reached a stalemate.

Gu Zhengsong can still try to exonerate himself by substituting the dead ghost. Gu Shen’s crime is not so simple. The confession of Lao Lin in the aromatherapy case has become extremely important. It was the people around Gu Shen, and with other corroborating evidence, Gu Shen was arrested on the charge of intentionally wounding others, and a number of evidences obtained from the Lin's medical contraband case showed that Gu Shen had a direct connection with Lin Shizhong. sin plus one.

It was in the middle of the night when Chen Qizhao woke up again. The ward was quiet. When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint orange light in the distance. There are many sleepy times and few awake times. Chen Qizhao has been in a daze for the past few days, and his mind can't stand thinking about other things, and he always has headaches and wants to sleep.

When I woke up tonight, I felt better, without that headache and nausea, and my body relaxed a bit.

Chen Qizhao just moved, and suddenly heard the movement next to him, he turned his eyes slightly, and saw a person sitting beside the ward.

Chen Jianhong is still wearing the same suit, his shirt is a little wrinkled, and there are his briefcases and notebooks on the sofa not far away, it seems that he has just done work here.

"Are you awake?" Chen Jianhong's voice was deep and serious, and even his questioning voice was a little unnatural.

Chen Qizhao looked at him without speaking.

Chen Jianhong saw that Chen Qizhao was about to get up, went to the end of the bed, pressed the button, and raised the head of the bed.

Chen Qizhao kept watching him, watching him find the height adjustment place at the end of the bed, and watching him adjust the height little by little. Chen Jianhong's back was not as straight as before. When he stood up, he had to support the bed, and the skin on the back of his hands was a little wrinkled.

The words between the father and the son were exceptionally rare, and the voices of the doctors passing by outside were quieter than those in the room.

Chen Jianhong took the initiative and said, "Your mother hasn't rested for a few days. I will ask your brother to send her back to sleep for a day at night."

"En." Chen Qizhao responded, finding that his throat was a little hoarse.

Just as he was about to get out of bed, Chen Jianhong asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm thirsty." Chen Qizhao said.

"I'll pour it for you." Chen Jianhong looked around the room and found the location of the water dispenser.

Chen Qizhao didn't move, just watched Chen Jianhong's movements.

The water dispenser in the ward was bought by Zhang Yazhi, and the function is a bit complicated. Chen Jianhong walked over and fumbled for a while before pouring a glass of water for Chen Qizhao.

"Here." Chen Jianhong held the glass.

Chen Qizhao hesitated for a while, did not look at him, but took the glass from his hand.

The water is warm.

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