MTL - Live Streaming: Azeroth-Chapter 1184 Angler never air force?

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Sindragosa's resentment is very powerful, and to revive her from her slumber, one must have the firm will to control this resentment and the enormous power of death.

Sarlayan never worried about his will, no matter how strong Sindragosa's resentment was, he was confident that her emotions would not overwhelm his reason.

But with Sharlayan's thornspeaker level of only 34, it would be impossible to pull up the bone dragon Sindragosa.

...Of course, Malygos, who was watching from the sidelines, could not have allowed him to do so.

It's just that awakening Sindragosa's consciousness doesn't require too complicated operations, and it can be done with Sharlayan's current psychic attainments.

"Then... I'll start."

As Sharlayan became familiar with the art of alchemical transformation, he also became more proficient in the bipolar transformation of the forces of life and death.

With just one thought, Sharlayan's huge vitality from the red dragon was transformed into the completely opposite death force.

Saray's body emitted a dark gray energy light, Stellagosa consciously withdrew from the center of the ice field, and retreated behind Malygos.

Just in case, she was always ready to change back into dragon form.

Not to guard against Sindragosa, but to guard against the Dreadlord who might take the opportunity to steal chickens.

When Malygos flew over the Icecrown Glacier, he didn't cover up at all, which would definitely alarm the Dreadlord who was hiding in nowhere, and they would probably sneak up to check the situation full of vigilance.

With the strength of Tichondrius and others, fighting Malygos in a waking state head-on is simply delivering food to the door.

But if Malygos is distracted by Sindragosa, Tichondrius doesn't mind taking the opportunity to kill the undistracted Guardian of Azeroth, clearing the way for his master to invade Azeroth in the future. threaten.

However, is it really that easy?

Since Sharlayan knew in advance that Ner'zhul and the Dreadlords had sneaked into the Icecrown Glacier to ambush, it made no sense not to take any precautions against them.

Stellagosa, who covered the audience with arcane fluctuations, is only the first line of defense. Once the Dreadlord arrives, Sharlayan will try his best to temporarily restrain Sindragosa's evil spirit. Malygosa, who has already been notified, Si will be able to free his hand to destroy them.

Just as Sarlayan expected, the Dreadlord headed by Tichondrius remained in a stealth state at this time, hanging at a distance of about 200 meters from the Sindragosa burial ground.

One of the dreadlords asked in a low voice: "Tichondrius, I suggest that Malygos should act quickly when Malygos can't be distracted. There is a high probability that the master can get rid of this threat."


As leader of the Nazrezim, Tichondrius thought more than anyone else.

He stared at the young human-shaped blue dragon dragging behind with flickering eyes, and the other party's fully alert posture made him feel uneasy.

It is true that if several Dreadlords attack together, it would be difficult for Stellagosa to last long under their siege even if he had prepared in advance.

But Tichondioas, who has been playing tricks all year round, always felt a little strange. He instinctively felt that the other party was deliberately throwing a hook for fishing.

"Wait and see what happens, and act after hearing my order. No one can take action at will."

"Tsk~ okay."

The five dreadlords who sneaked into Azeroth are of different strengths, among which Tichondrius is the most powerful, and he can be regarded as the middle among the ranks of demigods.

The strength of the remaining four Nathrezim is uneven, from strong to weak they are Balnazar, Mal'Ganis, Diserok and Varimathras.

It was Varimathras, who was the weakest but most fond of making trouble, who suggested a sneak attack earlier.

It has to be said that as the leader of the Dreadlord and a master of intrigue, Tichondrius has a strong perception ability when facing the conspiracy laid by the enemy.

This instinct accumulated from experience has saved Tichondrius' life countless times. Facing the seemingly defenseless Malygos, he followed his instinct and did not act rashly.

Sharlayan didn't have time to pay attention to the Dreadlord who was hiding in the dark and observing. His whole body was shrouded in gray energy, and he slapped his palm heavily on the ice.

"Sindragosa, answer my call!"

The power of death pierced into the bottom of the ice layer, and Sindragosa's soul trapped in the bones was stimulated to wake up. Her bone chest cavity and the dragon's skull shone with a faint blue soul radiance.


A roar containing strong resentment spread out from under the ice layer, and the gray-black gaseous flame turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky, even Inas who was far away in the dragon bone wilderness could clearly see it.

Sindragosa's eyes filled with soul fire just glanced at Sharlayan who woke her up, and immediately turned her attention to Malygos who was aside.


Even though he had been asleep for ten thousand years, Sindragosa still did not forget the last obsession before his death, and even under the catalysis of time, this obsession turned into a long-lasting resentment.

Malygos sighed softly, squatted down and put his hands on the ice field.

"My love, I'm here...although, it's a bit late."

Dazed by resentment, Sindragosa angrily tried to break free from the ice.

But without the assistance and catalysis of the necromancer, it was difficult for her soul to move away from her body, and she was always trapped in the eternally frozen ice layer and could not move.

"False liar! Why didn't I get a response from you when I called out in every possible way?! Why did you let me wait so long alone on the cold ice field!"

Malygos smiled apologetically and said, "It's not that I didn't want to come, I was also stunned by the dragon soul."

"When I finally recovered from my serious injury, the Battle of the Ancients was over, and there are two bad news waiting for me."

"One is you, my favorite Sindragosa, who unfortunately fell, and the that the blue dragon army was almost wiped out under the direct attack of the dragon soul."

Malygos sighed deeply: "I couldn't bear this insane double blow, and then... I literally went insane."

"My insanity lasted for ten thousand years, and only recently has it improved significantly with the return of Senegos with a large number of eggs, wyrmlings, and wyrmlings."

"The return of Senegos healed one of my knots, and of the remaining two, one is to avenge Deathwing, the traitor who betrayed the dragonflight, and the other... is to get your forgiveness."

After suffering ten thousand years of resentment, Sindragosa's resentment was not so easily dispelled.

"Excuse! There is no basis for saying it! Let me out, I want revenge!"

"Damn Neltharion! Damn Malygos! Damn Old God! And this **** world! Everything will be destroyed!"

Sharlayan had long been prepared for Sindragosa's madness. He took a pure white ball of arcane light from Malygos, wrapped it with the power of death and sent it below the ice layer, allowing it to blend into the Sindragosa. In the soul of Dagosa.

"What's this?"

"No! This crazy memory! Don't come here!"

Sharlayan had guessed that the resentful Sindragosa would not be so easy to persuade.

As she herself said, there is no proof for words, and the best way is for her to personally experience the experience of Malygos over the past ten thousand years.

Malygos made a copy of his own memory before departing from the Nexus, condensing it into a small ball of light.

At this time, Synzagosa was quickly browsing through the many memories that Malygos had experienced in the past ten thousand years, most of which were Malygos' experiences when he was insane.

With the reading of the memory, Sindragosa's soaring black resentment can be seen with the naked eye and is still further dissipating.

Malygos was also very cooperative, always comforting Sindragosa with a gentle tone.

With Sharlayan's help, he established a soul connection with Sindragosa's wraith, forcibly endured the chaotic emotions from the other side, and patiently healed her 10,000 years of accumulated resentment.

Varimathras, who had been squatting by the side waiting for an opportunity, couldn't sit still anymore. Seeing Malygos squatting motionless on the ice field, he probably guessed that the blue dragon king was communicating with the bone dragon. .

"Tichondrius! What are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

Tichondrius frowned in displeasure: "I said, wait and see what happens, Varimathras, you want to disobey my order?"


The strength of Varimathras is far inferior to that of Tichondrius. He has just stepped into the threshold of a demigod, and he is no better than Shivarra who was killed by Salayan and others in the sewers of Dalaran.

Even because of racial disadvantage, his combat effectiveness will be weaker.

'coward! '

Varimathras slandered indignantly in his heart, and the other dreadlords looked at the two people in conflict with sarcasm, with an attitude that it was no big deal to fight.


While the angler and the caught fish were waiting patiently for each other, the sound of surging air suddenly came from the east of the Sindragosa burial ground, and a small group of blue proto-dragons flapped their wings and rushed towards the Sindragosa burial ground. near.

Sharlayan looked at the knights on the backs of the proto-dragons, and the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly.

"Iron vrykul? How did they come here?"

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