MTL - Live Streaming: Azeroth-Chapter 5 Thalorian Dawnseeker

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In the north of Eversong Forest, in front of the gate of Silvermoon City.

As the capital of Quel'Thalas and the largest city in Quel'Thalas, Silvermoon City's defense is far from comparable to the villages and towns that were attacked by the tribe along the way.

Under the energy supply of the Sunwell, the entire Silvermoon City was shrouded in a solid magic barrier.

Since the rune stones for constructing the barrier are all in the city, the cunning orc warlock Gul'dan can't come up with a solution this time.

The main force of the tribe surrounded Silvermoon City, but they had nothing to do with the tortoise shell.

Coming all the way in a hurry, the tribe must not have prepared siege weapons.

Under Orgrim's order, the orc laborers cut down the forest on the spot, and worked overtime to make a simple catapult.

However, this didn't make any sense, all the thrown stones were blocked by solid barriers, even if Gul'dan added spells to the boulders, it wouldn't help.

The great chief, Orgrim Doomhammer, hated fel energy deeply. After winning power, he slaughtered all the warlocks of the Shadow Council, and only the comatose Gul'dan survived.

After Orgrim officially took office, he strictly prohibited orc casters, including Gul'dan, from continuing to use fel energy.

As a last resort, Gul'dan, who was reluctant to die, could only find another way, assisting the tribal army through unskilled psychic spells, and thus pulled up an elite force called Death Knights.

Thanks to these spell-wielding undead, the Horde was able to fight back and forth with the Alliance paladins on the frontal battlefield.

But Gul'dan is a warlock after all, not a psychic who specializes in the power of death, and his psychic skills are far inferior to fel spells.

If Orgrim releases the ban, Gul'dan can use a large number of hellfires to test the ultimate defense of Silvermoon City, but it is obviously not possible right now.

The development of the battle situation was different from Orgrim's expectations. The despicable and weak high elves that Zul'jin said were not easy to deal with.

Forcibly advancing all the way, the loss of the tribe far exceeded Orgrim's expectations, and those rangers who were guerrilla in the forest were very difficult to deal with.

There was no hope of breaking through Silvermoon City in a short period of time, and he would be harassed and attacked by ranger troops from time to time. Orgrim became more and more anxious and gradually lost his patience.

He agreed to help Zul'jin attack Quel'Thalas, mainly because he wanted to win the powerful ally of the forest trolls for the Horde, so that they could have sufficient strength and confidence when they finally attacked Lordaeron.

In order to persuade the tribe to help him complete his revenge, Zul'jin took back the ancestral land of the forest trolls from the high elves, obviously not telling the truth completely.

In his mouth, the high elves are very weak, relying on intrigue and human help to suppress the forest trolls.

Zul'jin's description is not entirely a lie. In the war of trolls more than two thousand years ago, the high elves did win the war through an alliance with humans.

But after so many years, under the ebb and flow, the increasingly declining forest trolls no longer have the strength to compete head-on with Quel'Thalas, and even their chief Zul'jin was once reduced to a prisoner.

Orgrim doesn't have much time to waste in Quel'Thalas.

Varok Saurfang, the high-ranking warlord of the Horde, is still holding back the main force of the Alliance on the main battlefield of Hillsbrad. The capital city of the Alliance's hopes.

Because of this incident, Orgrim and Zul'jin had quarreled several times recently.

With the help of the tribe's powerful military strength, Zul'jin experienced the demeanor of the chieftain in the heyday of the forest trolls.

The big clans of forest trolls such as Xiezhi, dead wood, and rotten moss all gathered around him, with the purpose of regaining the territory, status and glory that forest trolls once lost.

If Quel'Thalas cannot be conquered, Zul'jin's promise to his tribe will become empty talk, and he will also fall from the peak of power and roll back into the quagmire to eat.

Having enjoyed the seductive taste of power, Zul'jin did not want to lose it.

Breaking through Silvermoon City is the only way for him to consolidate his position and grow the forest troll group.

The differences with the forest trolls made Orgrim very angry, and he already planned to abandon the forest trolls and go south quickly.

Time is running out, the pursuit force led by Turayang and Alleria is about to arrive, and he must make a decision as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this trip to Quel'Thalas was not all fruitless.

By corrupting the runestones of the high elves, Gul'dan constructed a kind of altar of storms that empowered the dumb ogres in the Horde's armies.

With the assistance of a powerful two-headed ogre mage, even without the accompanying forest troll, Orgrim is confident in capturing the defenseless King City of Lordaeron.

"Orgrim! You promised me that you would help the forest trolls break through Silvermoon City! Now do you want to go back on your word!"

In the tribe's camp, the familiar quarrel broke out again.

Gul'dan, the crooked orc warlock, watched quietly from the sidelines, his scarlet eyes flickered slightly under the hood, as if he was thinking about something in the dark.

Meanwhile, Ranger forces led by Ranger-General Liretha Windrunner are planning a new attack in the nearby forest.

At the head of Silvermoon City, the Sun King Anasteria, who had climbed the city wall himself, stood upright.

He held a magical sword burning with raging flames in his hands, and he was accompanied by many high-ranking Quel'Thalas executives.

"Why aren't these filthy beasts retreating?"

Anasterian frowned in confusion: "Why do you continue to waste time and troops when you know that Silvermoon City is indestructible?"

The humiliating experience of being attacked by the tribe this time made Anasteria, who had been pampered for many years, extremely angry.

The last time Silvermoon City was besieged was more than 2,000 years ago during the troll war. Now that the crisis was underway, Anasteria recalled the glorious years back then.

The Sun King, who had shown his old age, came to the front line for the first time, vowing to repel this group of barbaric invaders.

A gentle-looking "young" elf replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, the orcs have obviously withdrawn from their hearts. I speculate that those lowly trolls should be instigating them behind the scenes. Maybe we can use diplomatic means to dissuade them."


A strong elf with a gorgeous sword on his waist and a gorgeous blue armor sneered at his words.

"Mr. Delashire, it's still daytime."

There was a burst of laughter around. Although the high elf noble who was suspected of being a warrior did not finish his sentence, his meaning was already expressed very clearly.

An angry look appeared between Drahir's brows: "Salorian Dawnseeker, it's not your turn here..."


Before Drahir could see what had happened, a shining sword was already at his throat.

"Pay attention to your words, Mr. Congressman, I am only responsible to His Majesty and Sunwell, I don't know your kind of political games."


Thalorian turned his cold gaze to the members of the Silvermoon Council who were aside.

"Silver Moon Council wants to intervene in Sunwell affairs?"

The member who eats melons doesn't want me to burn himself, so he hurriedly waved his hand to veto it with a smile.

"Okay, let's call it a day."

"The most urgent task is to lift the siege of the tribe, so that our own people don't cause internal strife."

Salorian withdrew the sword in his hand and saluted the Sun King respectfully. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"As ordered."


Drahir's face was blue and red, and the other members of the council around him looked like they were watching the excitement, and they didn't care about what happened to him.

'You mean scumbag! Like your troublesome apprentice, you can't get on the stage, and you are destined to become a family dog ​​for the sunstriders! '

Seeing that the members of the Silvermoon Council who were always against him suffered a lot, Anasteria felt secretly refreshed.

It was not in vain that he temporarily transferred Thalorian back from the Sunwell to participate in the defense of the city. This legendary high elf warrior was indeed a sharp blade loyal to the royal family.


Anasteria suddenly remembered something, and asked Thalorian thoughtfully: "I remember, your energetic and mischievous apprentice seems to have moved to the southern part of the forest."

"Now that the tribe is approaching the city, don't you worry about his safety?"

Salorian shook his head: "Deep Shadow Manor is located on the east bank of Ellendale Lake, close to the Tower of Morning Star, and not on the main axis of the Horde's march. That kid should be fine, but..."

Scratching his head in distress, Thalorian said with a wry smile: "Based on what I know about him, he should be fighting the trolls at the frontline Farstrider camp right now."

"Sharlayan has a high fighting spirit and is not afraid of fighting since he was a child. He is born with the qualifications to be an excellent fighter."

"But now he is still too immature, he hasn't learned how to control his anger, he only knows how to push forward blindly."

An inexplicable look flashed in Anasteria's eyes: "I'm looking forward to his future. Maybe he can be like you, and become Kael'thas' right-hand man in the future."

'The child's life experience is not as simple as those stupid people imagined. '