MTL - Live Streaming: Azeroth-Chapter 7 Halduron: Use your brains!

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Not that Halduron didn't trust Sharlayan.

Refugees are not a reliable source of information, and the information they provide is likely to be embellished under panic.

After the orc army broke through Quel'Thalas' defense line, Vereesa, who had been staying in Fengxing Village to teach her younger brothers, immediately realized that they were isolated.

She immediately judged the direction of the situation based on the information obtained so far, and speculated that the orcs should have marched all the way to Silvermoon City in a hurry.

Located in the southwestern part of Eversong Forest, the territory of the Windrunner family is far away from the center of the battlefield. It will be difficult to obtain more information if they stay behind, and they may be broken by the enemy one by one due to the division of troops.

Windrunner's current patriarch, Li Reza, is leading the ranger troops to attack the orcs in the northern part of the forest through guerrilla tactics. The family's second daughter, Sylvanas, is also following, and the eldest daughter, Alleria, is leading the army and has not yet returned.

Under such circumstances, the decision of the third daughter, Vereesa, is related to the future of the entire family, not to mention that the family's most beloved younger brother is still by her side. She dare not bet that the tribe will not attack Fengxing Village.

After mobilizing the retired rangers in the Windrunner Territory to be reemployed, she led this small team to **** the non-combatants of the Windrunner Village through the mountains and forests.

Relying on the knowledge of the terrain, the team avoided the area where the orcs and trolls were active, and went through the Sunscar Peak to reach the Farstrider camp to meet Halduron.

The non-combatants in Fengxing Village took refuge in the Farstrider camp.

Vereesa left most of her troops in the camp to protect her people, and volunteered to go to the ruins of Corian Village, which had been destroyed by the war, trying to get in touch with the ranger troops still fighting in the northern part of the forest.

"If the main force of the Amani trolls really goes north, Vereesa who is stationed in Corona Village trying to communicate with the northern part of the forest will definitely find out."

Halduron beckoned to the side, and a handsome elf ranger with a youthful face immediately trotted to his side.

"Commander Halduron, please order!"

This young elf, who could be seen as a recruit at a glance, was the only direct male of the Windrunner family, Lyras Windrunner, one of Sharlayan's friends.

For the first time completely away from the care of her mother and sisters, Lyras was excited and disturbed.

Now it is time to employ people. Although Lyras is as indifferent to battle as Sharlayan, he has received strict training from the Windrunner family. There is no need to doubt the ranger skills, and what he lacks is actual combat experience.

"Lylas, some translators seem to be called Lilas?"

"I remember, this handsome boy with a young face seems to have died in this war in the original history, right?"

"Not only him, Li Reza, the mother of the three Windrunner sisters, will also die in this war, but I don't know if that scene has already happened."

Sharlayan frowned when he saw the barrage.

"Lylas and Lireza will die?"

If it was before the war with the orcs, Sharlayan would never have believed such lies.

Li Reza is a ranger general with rich combat and command experience, a proper legendary ranger.

For more than a thousand years, the Amani troll has been suppressed in Zul'Aman. Li Reza contributed a lot, and even Zul'jin was captured by her.

Having seen the tyrannical strength of the orcs with his own eyes, Salayan couldn't guarantee that Li Reza would survive the brutal war.

Zul'jin, Orgrim, Cho'gall, and Gul'dan, just the top combat power of these four well-known tribes are all legendary combat roles, not to mention that there are some temporarily unknown in the tribe's camp. Hidden master.

Although Li Reza is powerful, she cannot support her alone after all.

There is no way around this, the real core combat power of the high elves is all concentrated in Silvermoon City.

Another powerful legendary ranger, Alleria, was out fighting. Apart from her second daughter, Sylvanas, who was always by her side, there were not many people under Li Reza who could use her.

The ranger troops are responsible for guarding the Forest of Eversong. Sarlayan has little contact with Li Reza who is busy with official duties. The only few meetings are because of Lyras.

In his impression, Li Reza was a beautiful woman with a strong aura and a serious personality.

It can be seen from her eyes that she loves Lailas, but because of her personality, she doesn't express this maternal love intuitively.

Halduron's next words interrupted Sharlayan's wandering thoughts.

"The situation is urgent, even if you will be complained by Vereesa, there is nothing you can do."

Halduron solemnly ordered to Sarlayan: "Vereesa is guerrilla in the enemy's rear, and she will definitely not expose her position openly."

"If you want to find her, you can only use the unique contact method of the Windrunner family, so Lailas will follow you."

Halduron patted the heads of the two of them lightly, and said earnestly: "This is the first time for you two little guys to perform such an important task, so be careful."

"Sharlayan, don't let yourself be overwhelmed by the blood, think a little more about everything."

"Lylas, your character is relatively cautious. I hope you can complement Sharlayan in this mission."

It's prudent to put it nicely.

In Salayan's view, due to the long-term living under the meticulous care and doting of his mother and sisters, Lailas's character is a bit weak and lacks assertiveness.

At critical moments, it is always difficult for him to make up his own mind, and he will subconsciously seek help from those around him.

After the two got acquainted, under the repeated corrections of Salayan, who had a strong personality, Lailas' soft personality improved.

If it was the weaker Lailas from before, he might not have the courage to take the risk to cross the forest at all, and would most likely choose to stay in Fengxing Village and wait for the end of the war.

"666! The divergence point of history has been found!"

"It turns out that Lailas avoided death in this way. Sharlayan has done a lot of good deeds."

"Is it possible to use this credit to stick with Sylvanas and Vereesa? (Funny

"Forget it, the three Windrunner sisters and Sharlayan are very different in age and experience, and they are about the same if they were born a few hundred years earlier."

"Didn't Sharlayan mention that Aurelia, who is rebellious by nature, is congenial to him and treats him as a brother who has no blood relationship?"

"I won't talk about Cirvanas, Vereesa... I think we can work harder."

Sharlayan ignored the angry barrage, exchanged glances with the shy Lailas, and solemnly assured Halduron.

"I will try my best to restrain my temper and ensure that the task is completed."

Halduron sighed with a complex expression on his face: "If it is not a last resort, I really don't want to send you two young people to take charge of such an important task."

Halduron's eyes flickered a little, as if he was conveying some kind of message to Sharlayan with his eyes.

"Sharlayan, why do you have to do this mission? You can think about it on the way."

"The answer will be revealed after you reach Corona Village and contact Vereesa. This can be regarded as a topic I left for you on behalf of Alleria. Use your brains."

Sharlayan: "?"

"The reason is mine..."

Two light-footed chocobos ran quickly along the west bank of Lake Arendall, and Sare sat securely on the back of the birds, scratching his ears and cheeks in distress.

In peacetime, from this position, you can look across the lake to Sharlayan's home on the other side of the lake—Deep Shadow Manor.

It's a pity that the orcs burned the forest on the way to Silvermoon City in order to reduce the loss of being attacked by the ranger troops hiding in the forest along the way. UU reading

Up to now, there is still pungent thick smoke floating in the sky above Eversong Forest, and the clear lake surface is also shrouded in smoke, making it difficult to observe the scenery on the other side.

In the words of the barrage, the weak-tempered Lailas is like a weak little milk dog following Jue Lu Gong.

Some women who like to make up some cp have been screaming in the barrage for a while, and Sharlayan selectively ignores those unsightly speeches.

Grabbing his hair and thinking about it for a while, Sharlayan still couldn't think of Halduron's deep meaning, so he turned his head helplessly to Lailas beside him for help.

"Lylas, do you have any idea?"


Lyras had never seen Sharlayan without makeup before.

He had secretly imagined that Sharlayan's big beard was a rough and tough uncle's face.

But the reality is quite different from what he imagined.

After regaining his senses and listening to his friend's question clearly, Lailas lowered his head thoughtfully.

"First of all, one thing can be ruled out."

In Sharlayan's eyes, Lailas said mercilessly: "It's definitely not because of your strength."

"Don't stare at me. Knowing yourself is the most important thing. We are all just new recruits. I don't think a veteran ranger like Halduron will make random decisions at this juncture."

"It has nothing to do with strength, considering my relationship with Vereesa... connections?"


Under Lailas' reminder, Sharlayan suddenly thought of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

A phantom of a certain person flashed in his mind, so fast that the bullet screen couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, a human or a ghost.

"...I seem to have guessed the reason. It turns out that Halduron's old **** had this idea."

Read The Duke's Passion