MTL - Long Live Summons-Chapter 1336 :[Pin needle hell]

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Heaven, Guangmingshan, in front of the temple.

The battle between Yue Yang and Chang hate continues, and Yue Yang has already knocked down the hate on the ground for the 108th time, but the long hate is still alive and well, and there is no sign of heavy damage.

He is very embarrassed and very painful.

Under the blow of the moon of destiny and the magical power of the moon, he is a powerful man who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he was abused by Yue Yang like a dog.

However, how long hate is also a strong god, the power is so vast that it is difficult to estimate, any wounds in the body can be quickly improved, the combat power has not been greatly affected, and he found that Yue Yang this kid will not use this kind of incomprehensible The magical moon power, although effective, is less than half the power of the game... If you want to change the real master of the magical moon, the battle may be another.

"You, you, have you played enough?" Long hated lived for tens of thousands of years, but he has not been so angry with him all his life. Of course, he has not been so embarrassed today.

"A little bit worse, let me burst you a few chrysanthemums!" Yue Yang seems to be very interested in exploding other people's chrysanthemums.

His words just fell, and fished out like a fish in the gap between the cones and the spears.

I have escaped the long-sucking purple god.

The body slipped across the ground.

Just like the hooligans played like this, a note to the sky, the middle of the long hate in the middle of the crotch.

If there is no eternal stagnation of the month of fate, in exchange for peacetime, there will be a hundred kinds of body evasion, and even take the opportunity to fight back Yueyang thousand feet and 10,000 baht. But now, he is like a zombie in his body. Nothing can be done, only to watch, the other's big feet and the lower body to make an intimate contact. Although there is no sound of broken eggs, but in the heart of long hate, it is enough shame to add up, no place to be self-sufficient.

"The old man is not finished with you today!" Long hated and trembled.

"Your egg?" After the game is over, the curious baby is still chasing the most secret questions.

"Go to death!" Long hate roared like a thunder.

"No eggs, how was your 19th generation grandson born?" Yue Yang was strange, but the flash of light in his mind suddenly understood. After the palm of your hand, the skull: "Oh, I have long suspected that the idiot is not like you. It turns out that he is the egg of another cock!"

Long hate and sorrow, the power of the body broke out.

The conical heart of the sky.

All disappeared.

Instantly turned into a horrible Sen Luo hell. Countless spikes. Surrounded by the world. The entire **** world, covering the entire Guangmingshan, is inside. Only Yue Yang and Chang hate exist.

In the sky, there was a blush of blood and rain, licking the biting cold wind, blowing through the entire thorn needle hell.

Yue Yang calmed down and looked around. He found that there was no moon in the **** of the needle, only blood and needle existed.

Long hate is like a madman at this moment, madly rushing to the sky, in the sky, greeted him with hundreds of millions of sharp and flexible needles, I do not know how many, anyway, intensive phobia will spit so many needles at first glance , all plunged into the body of long hate. That disgusting scene made Yue Yang's heart twitch.

More than a hundred million times more painful than the execution of the execution of the sentence, the pupil broke out in the mouth of long hate.

He was licking his throat and was running out of his throat.

I don't know because of his voice, or because of other reasons, the blood rain of the sky is getting denser and more rapid. On the ground of the spikes, there is a pool of blood, and the speed is visible to the naked eye. Diffuse and diffuse, while forced to Yueyang hanging soles...

"Get a hell, can you veto the month of fate?" Yue Yang is about to explode the magical power of the moon again, but not until the outside of the body, his face suddenly changed.

He suddenly had a sense.

This horrible and disgusting thorn is not the illusion of long-soul, but the real existence.

Guangmingshan is a prison of God, so it is impossible to have no disciplinary or sanctions against the disobedient criminals. Needle Hell should be one of them. It’s just that over time, the collusion between the inspectors and the prisoners, these thorns and hell, gradually turned into their tools and means to establish the gods. Like the long hate in front of him, he can't get rid of the thorns and hell, but he can pull the enemy into it together, and after suffering from the thorns, destroy the law and let Yue Yang, who is in the same place, also bear the law.

If Yue Yang starts, then it must be regarded as confrontation.

Maybe the next second will be exchanged for thousands of punishments and sanctions.

"Found? Hahaha, unfortunately, you have found it too late! If the first drop of blood rain is on you, if the first sharp needle is stabbed in front of my body, you borrow the power of the month of fate. Escape, maybe it's still too late! But now, no matter what you do, it's too late! You must bear this spike with me, and you will bear a hundred times, a thousand times... Struggling out from the spikes, the long-sucking eyes of the needles madly laughed.

"You old ghost is so poisonous!" Yue Yang finally understood, why long hate does not attack himself, but the madman generally rushed to the needle mountain, the original is to let himself suffer more pain.

"Cry, call, then wailing forever in this thorn needle hell!" Long hate never hated a person so much, he decided in his heart, whenever this Yue Titan suffered one hundred times and a thousand times of pain, he himself Once again, I hit the needle mountain and let him stay in this thorn needle forever, forever painful, and never get out.

This was originally his cell.

But now, he needs another prisoner.

Although the Yue Titan from the country where Tongtian Tower came to make him extremely unhappy, but long hate does not mind what kind of person his prisoner is. The more hateful the enemy, the more it is necessary to share this punishment and pain. In this world, is there any more beautiful music than the wailing of the enemy?

Yue Yang carefully reached out and used his index finger to gently tap on one of the needle tips.

Almost never touched, the hand shrank back like lightning.

This is so.

He also groaned with a cracked mouth.

"Nima. In the end, whoever wants to come out of the thorn needle hell, this needle is too painful on the person's body!" Yueyang students are so painful that they have come out, he has fingers, sucking for a long time can not slow down .

"Let's enjoy it, you have enough time to enjoy it. It's all alone, but now you will be the owner here, and you can enjoy everything I can... I thought this is all, no. This is just the beginning. Your pain is far from coming!" Long hate is like a madman, unable to pinch his body and screaming in a pervert. His distorted face and the body of the needle eye. There is an unspeakable horror.

Long hate not only needles on the body. Also pour blood on his body.

Those **** rains, blood and water, every drop burns on his body. The body of long-soul is like a mortal body burning like a fire, a tragic mourning ringing the entire thorn needle hell.

For Yue Yang’s stunned gaze, Changshou’s eyes are filled with the thrill of revenge and the thirst for hatred: “Don’t worry, you will enjoy everything I have right away, and it will be a hundred times more than a hundred times, don’t envy me too much. All of this, you have a share. If you feel that it is not enough, I can increase it for you at any time, hahahahaha!"

Yue Yang was scared by this madman, and almost did not scare the urine.

However, he is not a dead-end idiot. Can this young master not afford to escape? What jail is what thorns in hell, shut me up! Laozi is not a criminal!

Since you can't kill and hate this old ghost, why should you stay in this place where the egg hurts?

Even if the needles here are not tied, it seems to be awkward, the legendary intensive phobia has wood!

Yue Yang is ready to make a teleport and leave this space. The opposite side has been staring at his long hate, but suddenly he laughed happily: "Ha ha ha, laugh at me, do you think you can leave this thorn needle hell? A smart tongtian tower genius, a hobbyist Idiot! If the prisoner’s place can easily leave, why should I still be trapped here for tens of thousands of years? This hell, you are not the first to come in, nor the first idiot to leave. However, I will tell you that under this blood pool, there are 67 geniuses like you? You can’t commit suicide before the power is exhausted, because here is the real hell, Even the gods can also imprison the prison of God!"

Any beast, talent, rule, and even godhead cannot here rebel against the imprisonment of the ancient gods.

Unless you can surpass the ancient gods.


Here will be the prison forever.

Looking at the face of Yueyang Weng, looking at his unbelievable expression, long hate feels very comfortable, a pleasure is like a poison in the body is filled with madness, can not help, he laughed wildly.

When he was most excited, he plunged into the needle mountain, letting the dense acupuncture, piercing his head, deep into the bone marrow, and even deep in his heart.

He believes that any pain he suffers will be added to the young man in front of him, even if it is not immediate, but a future that is not too far away. Whether it is late or early, this kid will have to endure it, and it is more than a hundred times his own. When he sees his mourning in the needle mountain, the endless number, presumably, will be more pleasant and comfortable!


When you think about it in your heart, you will have a boundless pleasure.

It seems that the pain of acupuncture and punishment is also extremely weak.

After a sigh of laughter and laughter, finally, long hate turned his attention to the new companion and new prisoner who is about to be tragedy. The next moment, you can appreciate how the other party is suffering and how tragedy!

What kind of reaction will this kid have? Is it a cry, a curse, or a suicidal suicide?

The big show is about to be staged.

As the only audience, Chang hate feels that his excitement has reached the critical point of the limit, as long as you add a little more, I believe that the volcano will erupt!

However, just as long hate thought that he could make a good time, a change made him feel like a otaku who was preparing to take off his pants. He suddenly opened it and found that it was as frustrating as Fengjie... The tyrannical Yue Titan, he actually disappeared! In this **** of the impossible needle, this **** Yue Titan disappeared haunted!

Long hate feels like a brain banging, there is a feeling of going crazy immediately!

This, this is impossible!


Since the restoration of the update from today, Xiafei will try hard to code, thank you for your support!

Finally, I wish you all a happy new year!

*********(To be continued..)

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