MTL - Long Live Summons-Chapter 1357 :[The attacking dragon]

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Under the threat of crossing the male's fist and the extra-large hammer, the demon who is the 'boss' finally recalls the secret of opening the ancient gods.

Not easy!

Especially under the supervision of a younger brother with patience equal to zero and turning his face faster than flipping a book, the memory of 100,000 years ago was dug out of the long-lost mind. This difficulty is no less than that in the central shrine on the bright mountain of heaven. Under the eyes of the eye, unearthed a secret treasure hidden.

The ancient **** door was successfully opened, and the magic dragon smashed up again, and it was boasted with Yueyang classmates: "Look, open, really open... Why can anyone open the door to fate? No, ordinary people It is impossible to open it, it must be a genius, and it is a genius in genius! Like me! What is going on? How can there be a fight inside? Ah is not good, it is the guy of the unparalleled emperor, the guy is actually inside! ”

Familiar Shenwei, scared the dragon to jump.

He didn't understand how the unparalleled emperor could be so clever to this level that he could count himself to come with Yue Yang and deliberately ambush here.

Yue Yang was also shocked. The unparalleled emperor is here. It is not the most shocking. What surprised him most is that after this ancient god, someone can fight the unparalleled emperor. In the induction, there is a super power that is even superb and even above the world. It is madly urging his power and ravaging the whole world.

"Really go in?" Now it is the turn of the dragon to hesitate.

He is worried that he will bring Yueyang into it, and it will really produce some irreparable fate.

After all, the unparalleled emperor is in the inside, and there is also a cow with the same level as the unparalleled emperor. This is completely different from what I expected!

Yue Yang has settled his mind and nodded firmly. Since the fate is coming, then the trenches, anyway, have long been decided, no matter what challenges and challenges, I will go all out. Your own destiny must be in your own hands! Do not. There is also the fate of everyone, the destiny that everyone places on himself, and he must be in his hands... to achieve divine supremacy, to free himself, and to free the destiny of all beings who follow him. This is your future goal!

After entering the ancient Shenmen,

With the eyesight of both the dragon and Yueyang, you can look far away and watch the fierce battle in the dive.

It is a super-large **** with a minimum of 60,000 meters high, three heads and six arms. The life is extremely majestic, and the **** behind it is like a raging fire. Other than that. At the foot of this super-powerful god, there is a halo-like halo, with every wave in it, the whole world. There is a feeling of breathing that is submerged by the blood.

The super-powered gods are armed with four sacred soldiers, with two hands freely, condensing two groups of invincible gods.

One red and one gold.

These two groups of gods are extraordinary, and they are all eternal and inexhaustible.

Yue Yang saw it and almost screamed because. These two groups were refining in the light of the near-powerful power, which is the five-color **** light that Yue Yang had been collecting hard but had nothing to gain. To be precise, this is the 'red' and 'gold' in the five-color god.

At first, Yue Yang had the ‘green’ in the five-color light.

After finishing the Temple of the Prison, you got a black light.

Unfortunately, it is a fake.

The hard search, until the mysterious person in the trial world appeared, Yueyang battle to the limit, the mysterious person's strongest deified form was flattened by the fateful giant, and the soul was hidden in the five-color **** that was too late to make it. The light 'black' escaped, the crowd could not catch up, only the Phoenix sisters dispatched, and finally grabbed the black light. Although Yue Yang holds the second of the five colors of light, but has been unable to play the true power of the five colors of light, today, he was surprised to see the other forms of the five colors of light.

An eternal form of light.


Almost excited to the limit.

Although there are only two lights, not five colors, it is far beyond Yueyang’s cognition and imagination...

"No!" Let the dragon look stunned, but it is not a super-powerful god, not a five-color god, but a peerless emperor.

If the Guardian of the Light has a giant body of 40,000 meters, then the enemy who is now playing against the unparalleled emperor is a horror body with a height of 60,000 meters and a metamorphosis of three heads and six arms. It is such an enemy, the unparalleled emperor can be tied with it, and it does not fall into the wind at all. This, how to teach the magic dragon is not shocked.

The unparalleled emperor has not changed much before, and there is only one more behind the throne.

But he can resist the enemy with the supreme power.

Not only with the 60,000-meter-high super-powerful goddess, but also around, there are dozens of nearly a hundred, the gods are more than six kilometers or even more than 10,000 meters of God, is fully besieged.

"All rolled away!" The unparalleled emperor screamed, and after a heavy punch against the bang, after the retreat of the super-powerful god, he lifted the tiger's arm and swept the entire battlefield with one hand, and the touchers rolled and fell. There is a **** about eight kilometers that is more than a peerless and short stature. It retreats a little slower, is stunned by the peers, and tears off the arm of God. No one dares to go forward to rescue, even if you know the shackled gods, the fate will be the same as the fallen three former companions, in the hands of peerlessness, under his will, stepping into the path of extinction, but no one Dare to take this risk and come forward to save.

The unparalleled emperor deliberately lifted the gods to the top.

In public, under the eyes of the public.

Execute the enemy.

He ignored many powerful enemies, and easily and easily tore off the enemy's arms, legs and feet, and finally held the enemy's head and increased the power little by little.

Everyone is frightened and onlookers, far away.

No one dares to approach.

"If you think that the siege is effective for my peerlessness, then you will continue, and he, and the gods who have fallen into the hands of my peers, are your example!" The unparalleled emperor screamed, the power broke out, and the super giant **** respected the boxing. Before the bombardment, the gods in the hands are directly torn off the first level, and the supreme power directly destroys the soul of the other party and defeats the other person's godhead.

The **** of the gods is too late to dissipate.

The pure and vast power of divine power is suddenly swayed by a will and the law. Pull away.

In the twinkling of an eye, it turns into a 'black' in a small black and white world, and achieves another kind of existence like a constellation... Yue Yang's eyeball almost fell out, because he saw the supreme on the edge of the battlefield.

She is using some special secrets to attract the power of the gods that the enemy is about to dissipate.

Every time the unparalleled emperor kills a god, she absorbs a god.

Take this.

To achieve the ‘black’ of your own throne.

"Peaceless. You don't want to be arrogant, fate is destined, Shengji will decline, your death is here!" Super Giant Deity ignores the gods around him. He is only interested in the unparalleled emperor, as long as he kills the unparalleled emperor, then he will win the whole world, and even the whole future.

"My destiny is the way to your home, and it is your end!" The unparalleled emperor laughed and greeted the enemy. Do not let it.

"You, how are you here? And, still in such a dangerous place!" Yue Yang rushed over the first time. With anger that has never been seen, screaming at the slightest sorrow. On the other hand, the dragon is also angry at the peerless: "You are a bastard, and dare to retain strength when you play with me. You dare to look down on Laozi? You are a great emperor, if this is the case, then don't blame Laozi for turning his face!"

The dragon is ready to join the battle group.

His goal, of course, is that the unparalleled emperor is in the siege of the enemy.

Yue Yang is going to be mad, big brother, now, when are you, don’t you mess up again? Who is the enemy now and who is a friend can't figure it out. Just fight, will you be the boss? Do you know that you will be exhausted? Besides, even if the unparalleled emperor is not a good person, it is not like a good thing to look at the opposite side. You are going to go over it. Is it going to help the other side? Back 10,000 steps, you must find the unparalleled emperor to fight, but also pick a good time, is it really right now?

"I am coming, I am coming!" The demon dragon is like a gambler who sees just three missing ones, and the heart is itching.

The birth of a thousand meters of God.

He screamed violently and joined the battle group.

The fist is unstoppable through the throne, squatting on the vest of the unparalleled emperor... The addition of the dragon has caused many gods to retire quickly. Although they can't figure out what is going on, everyone understands the fact that just This guy who came here is definitely a madman.

The unparalleled emperor hardly slammed the heavy punch, the tiger arm swung, slammed in the dragon's chin, not waiting for the dragon to fall, the knees and the knees like a bow, and the whole dragon flies in the air.

Super Giant Goddess saw the whole dragon coming.

Six arms dance.

Four gods and two groups of gods, all on the dragon.

Yue Yang can't bear to look at it again. He has seen idiots, but he has never seen such an idiot.

"Pain!" The dragon's face climbed up in a distorted manner. Although the injury was heavy, it did not affect his movements. He screamed at the super-powerful gods with anger: "You don't think that you are too big to be a big one. You can beat people casually, it’s all puffy. Do you think you can scare you to Laozi? You can’t scare the kids over there, you’re so funny!”

"Stupid creature!" Super Giant Deity shot a roar of the roaring dragon, and then continued to embark on a new round of offensive against the unparalleled emperor.

"Are you okay?" Yue Yang found that the dragon seemed to be hurt very badly.

"There is a small injury and you can help me!" The magic dragon saw Yue Yang seeing his embarrassment, and quickly jumped up to make a cool gesture: "Jokes, I see him is a junior, only deliberately let him two tricks, save the cry He ran back to tell the old man to bully the junior! The younger brother and sister over there, you and Yue Yang are far away, don't accidentally hurt!" The "sister" in his later words angered the supreme and saw Supreme blink of an eye, the magic dragon suddenly remembered that this chick is different, a guilty conscience, and quickly hit a haha.

"Then you hurry to bully him, I think this guy hasn't been beaten for a long time, you have to give him a deep memory." Yueyang classmates pointed to the super giant god, he said that he was going to put his own The old frame burned on the fire.

"That's what you said, I really made a trick. The world is broken, don't blame me?" The magic dragon heard it, but it was not felt, it was exciting.

"Do not blame you, really broke, I am responsible for repairing!" Yue Yang feels that this boss really has the ability to defeat the enemy, and the result is worse, and certainly more than a hundred times stronger than now.

"Well, you are the supreme of the future. I have said that I have to count." The dragon looked down and extended a finger and clicked Yue Yang: "Hey, in the name of supreme, you can unblock, and then use your strongest." A sword, give me a look." Yue Yang stunned, it is easy to get the strongest sword, but you are sure that you have not been attacked by the enemy? Does this really make sense? This young master, but the unsealing is not good to know Dongdong!

Although the heart of the spit is not reliable.

But when he saw that he needed this, he also broke out with the strongest sword and stabbed the eyebrows of the dragon.


Two more, there is one more immediately behind.
