MTL - Long Live Summons-Chapter 6 :Black Yi Yuebing

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Chapter 6: Black Yi Yue Bing ()

At noon the next day, the middle-aged maid who had never left the meal and silently quit, said when she came in: "Three little, my lady asked you to go out."

Yue Yang followed her out of the hall of the house and found that the beautiful woman was holding on to a woman in black and kept tearing her eyes.

Usually, the little girl who is naughty and mischievous puts out a very embarrassing appearance. She sits at the table and eats. The small hand grabs the chopsticks and eats it without a bite. The rice is sprinkled and the small mouth is dirty. Yue Yang looked at the woman in black and found that she was not very big. She was about 14 or 5 years old. She looked quite similar to the beautiful woman, but her face was more childish and younger.

Her eyes are reddish and her face is particularly tearful.

As soon as she saw Yue Yang coming out, she wiped it away and covered her face with black velvet.

"..." Yue Yang sighed in his heart.

In Longteng mainland, if a woman is masked with black yarn, except for the rare female thief, there is only one kind of person, widow.

This black woman should be the eldest daughter of the beautiful woman Yue Bing.

She is the seventh of the nine juniors of Yuejia, and she is only ranked on the sister Qiuer and the second nine-Yue of the second room. She is the genius of the Yue family, and she succeeded in the contract book at the age of eight and a half. Unfortunately, the dragon is more patriarchal in the mainland. She thinks that women are mainly family marriages or royal elections. Sooner or later, they must marry others, and they attach importance to her. It is hard to cultivate, but it is far less than Yue Tian of the eldest son and grandson, and even several other males in the family. And the genius of the Yue family is indeed a little more, the eldest son of the eldest son Yue Tian, ​​the ten-year-old contract book, talent and beasts are good; Sizi Yueyan, the contract is successful at the age of eleven; Liuzi Yuelu, in the ten The two-year-old contract was also successful.

A little weaker is the second daughter Yue Yu and Wu Zi Yue Lu, both of whom are fifteen-year-old successful contract books.

Therefore, compared to the four-bedroom Yue Bing is not too prominent, and her talents and beasts are people who are not very optimistic about the planting, the four major sects in addition to only the female disciples of the Lingxian Pavilion sent people to see However, if you want to observe it, the other three have not responded.

It is precisely because of the genius of the Yue family, and the three-bedroom parents died and later passed to the four-room son's cup with a man. At the age of 19, he still couldn't make a contract. He didn't want to become a waste wood... Yue Yang thought, It is no wonder that Miss Xuejia will propose a retirement. If she marries into such a genius family, she will marry a husband who is so scum. How can she suffer?

People are more than people, mad, and the men who have been hit hard have been remarried.

The same unfortunate Yue Bing did not!

Of course, she was not retired, but the fiance of the doll, the genius boy of the first family of the four major families. When she participated in the trial three years ago, she was unfortunately killed by the golden king who wandered past, let her Before I passed the door, I became a little widow.

The people of Longteng mainland are very superstitious. It is generally believed that the life of this little girl is not good, Kefu.

Therefore, although the family of the four major families, no one is willing to mention the pro, after all, the son of the family is Jingui, who is not willing to climb the family will die a son.

"Three brothers, congratulations to you." Black Yi Yue Bing whispered, gently earning the mother's arms, ready to go back to the house.

"Your third brother is not an outsider, Binger, you don't have to go back to the room to eat, the family has nothing to eat." The beautiful woman sat down on the black clothes Yue Bing.

"Yes." Black Yue Yue ice hesitated, finally pulled down the black yarn, picked up the tableware, and looked at the rice grains in the mouth. Suddenly asked Yue Yang: "What is the category of life guardian beasts that the third brother got? Beast?"

"The fog of the element class." Yue Yang found that he had not said the truth since he passed.

"Elements, I am not good at it. I am a partial student in the college. I am only good at the beasts of the beasts and I don't know anything about the elements." Black Yi Bingbing held the bowl for a while and whispered a sentence. "Well, I will give you a spit thorn flower that is the lowest level and the easiest to summon, but it will waste one tenth of the three brothers' summoning book."

"Nothing." Yue Yang knows how he is fine. He has a "phantom" that lasts for ten days, and there is a congenital invisible sword. The number of pages in the bronze book and the number of beasts are not the most important.

But the little girl has to teach herself and follow her to learn a little.

One to deal with the next beautiful woman; second, to familiarize with the basic skills of the next summoning, perhaps in the future to fight.

Black Yue Bingbing is not a multi-talker. She gently nodded and silently solved the rice in the bowl. The little girl stood up on the chair, stretched the chopsticks to lick the farthest smoked fish, and saw her holding the table with one hand and looking at the front. Yue Yang was sweating for the little guy, but I don’t want to fall. The beautiful woman beat her a little, and she said that she had no rules and she did not eat. The little girl was so frightened, but she managed to lick a large piece of smoked fish. When she straightened her waist, her face was full of pride and she showed off her face to Yueyang.

Who didn't want to be too smug, the chair swayed, her two calves failed to stand, and ‘ah’ fell to the ground.

Yueyang bowl was thrown, grabbed before the little girl fell to the ground, playing basketball with the kind of flying to save the ball, hands holding her small head and small buttocks.

The momentum was too strong and the body slipped out two meters away.

Fortunately, the hands were still stable, and the little girl was not allowed to fall to the ground.

"Small three brothers are so powerful!" The little girl first scared his face whitish, but after slowing down, he immediately forgot to squat down and squatted on Yueyang, grabbed him, and became a group.

When the beautiful woman returned to God, she stood up in anger and wanted to teach this little thing.

Little girl, she can not eat the loss before the eyes, immediately ran off the legs.

"Three children, have you not broken?" The beautiful woman reached out with distress and wanted to pull Yueyang up.

"No, it's okay." How can Yue Yang show weakness in front of her, and immediately bounced from the ground... In fact, he did not fall at all, just stayed for a few seconds, was shocked by his own skills. When did your own otaku body become so flexible? Is this the effect of cultivating the invisible sword of the congenital body? How many days have you been practicing yourself?

This congenital broken body invisible sword, really really!

Yue Yang was very excited in his heart, but the surface was pretending to be nothing, sitting back at the table to continue eating.

Black clothing Yue Bing, holding a small bowl, micro-band surprised to look at Yue Yang, for a long time, only to say: "Three brothers are usually practicing combat skills? I usually occasionally practice combat skills, but just still The reaction is not over. If the third brother later finds a way to contract a beast of the enhanced class, and then cooperate with the 'fog' of the elemental class, then the combat power must be greatly improved. It seems that there is no attack ability 'fog', which is the most suitable The third brother grew up."

The beautiful woman listened, and she was a little happy that her three children were diligent and self-reliant, but more worried.

Because in her mind, the combat skills that are mercenary skills, really promising is still summoning!

She gave Yue Yang a delicious juicy ribs: "Three children, you won us hard, secretly practicing the combat skills is good, there is no treasure before, it is impossible. Now with the summoning book, the focus is still If you want to develop on the call, you can do it with the skills of the war. Don’t delay the future because of the main training skills."

In fact, the previous practice of stealing combat skills is the cup male, not me... In this case, Yueyang did not say it, nodded by default to the beautiful woman.

He also knows that in the minds of people in Longteng, the practice of combat techniques and practice summoning cannot be compared.

Those who practice combat skills are like migrant workers who go to work in the city without graduation in junior high school; and those who practice summoning are like college students who graduated from prestigious schools. Even if two people enter the same company and do the same thing, the treatment will be completely different!

After lunch, Black Yi Yue Bing returned to the small courtyard where he lived with Yue Yang.

I am going to transfer the knowledge she has learned at the college to Yueyang, the counterfeit goods brother...

Read The Duke's Passion