MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 105 The times are different

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Zheng Yan did not keep his hands and solved all the enemies of the country of water within ten minutes.

The relatives of the army were printed one by one, and the ghost moon of Zhengyan’s entrance to the water tower was still chattering: “How could Xuan Zhengyan not die? I remember that he was 40 years older than me, and if I lived to the present... 90 years old! That old guy... impossible impossible!"

Masahiko is smiling and smiling at the United States: "The second generation of you in the foggy village is crazy."

According to the beauty of the Ming dynasty, the long green hair in front of the forehead: "According to the narration of the ancestors, the character of the second generation of the water shadow is very unreliable. When we first endured the world war, we clearly occupied a big advantage, but because of his adventure The move was the same as the second generation, which led to..."

"Hey, little girl, I can't do it because I didn't hear it!" The ghost light moonlight mustache was blown up by him again: "How can the children now be so ungrateful, just if I didn't release the water, I would have blown you up." Alright!"

Masahiko rolled his eyes and said that he was just able to control his actions.

Zhao Mei did not refute, the front is the first generation of water shadow, she said not much.

But the ghost moon is still not satisfied.

"About the first time in the year, I have something to say! I am not adventing, but the second generation of the shadows, no one is crazy, and I have to fight with my life, I don’t know what evil is in it. "When it comes to this, the ghost moon has a little grievance, what hatred?"

Masahiko smiled: "He is afraid of being discovered by you. He is 13 years old. He used the technique of splitting to escape his life under my dust, but the split body was destroyed by me. You and the rock When Ninjamura fought, he probably didn't fully recover his strength."

Ghost Light Moonlight immediately shocked himself: "I said... It turned out to be like this! No, you are really a whirlpool?"

Masahiko shook his head and co-authored this guy until now.

At this time, the crowd suddenly swayed the microwave at the foot of the sea. In the distance, the full moon and the water moon were once again turned into a monster of the water monster, dragging a pyramid of water more than 20 meters high.

Look at the 20-meter tower over there, and then look at the high-water tower of the seal ghost lights, and look at Xiangyan.

"Cough, the first generation of water shadow is relatively strong, I am afraid that I can't stop him."

"Crap, where is the strong in the first generation? Look at this, is it the two descendants of my ghost lamp family who have offended you? Sure enough, the same belly as the rumor... oh..."

The ghost lamp said half of the moon, and his water tower was suddenly filled with water...

Zheng Yan raised his eyebrows and waved to remove the water: "Oh, sorry, I just want to try your ancestors of the ghost lamp family will not hydrate the mystery. Actually not, not as good as those two children!"

Ghost lights have a moon and don’t talk.

After a while, the monsters finally moved the water tower over and tired. At the same time, Wuyin Village’s knives and one person, Juro, also stepped on the water.

"Water Shadow Master, the predecessors sealed by the seniors... um..." Chang Shilang stunned.

Zhaomei smiled and said: "Know it, take a break, Changjulang."

"Yes! Water Shadow!"

The monsters of the water monsters have been transformed into human figures, and they have long been exporting. They noticed that their faces changed after the water tower of the ghost lanterns. Shuiyue murmured: "The rumor is not reliable, completely correct."

The ghost light moonlight mustache blows, the heart secretly praises: well said, the descendants of the ghost lamp family!

Masahiko smiled and glanced at the water moon, letting the water contract shrink the neck.

"White, remember who I am?"

"The whirlpool is the syllabary of the vortex family attached to the wood leaves, and it will be so long-lived, and the appearance is not old..."

"In the early days, your intelligence was out of date, and the vortex family had long since left the wood to establish the country."

"The two water shadow adults, nowadays, the six countries are standing side by side." Zhao Mei explained.


Zheng Yan raised his eyebrows: "Under my leadership, the country of Vortex will be more prosperous. According to the beauty, the danger of the country of water has been lifted, then you should know how to do it, and the ancestors will return to the country of the vortex!"

Zhaomei nodded: "Predecessors walk slowly, thank you for your help. After a short break, I will organize the Ninja troops to rush to the land country to support!"

"...What do you say?!" Ghost Lights and Whites are openly questioned in unison.

Masahiko smiled and said: "So I used this method to seal you, just to let you retain your consciousness and understand the current world of tolerance."

"The times are different, Bai Lian, the peace between the pillars in the first five-figure talks will be realized!"

"The peace between the thousand hands...?"


Five minutes later, Zheng Yan returned to the northern border of the country of Vortex.

This time it took more than half an hour to add up. The troops on the northern border of the Vortex, except for the troops supporting Yunyin Village, have already started. Nothing else happened. Yan Xinnai and Naruto are already bored and sitting on the ground. ......

The long gate has also flown here, and the west side troops have temporarily handed over to the knife to manage.

"Hey, teacher, I heard you know that you want to let the ninjas and civilians of the country of Sichuan move to our country of vortex?"

Masahiko nodded: "Well, prepare the place to settle them as soon as possible... Is there any new information during this time?"

The long door was screaming and not yet answered, and Xin Sinai and Naruto ran over.

"Too grandfather, you are coming back so soon! The enemy has not appeared, and... what about the summer?"

"Summer summer?" Zheng Yan muttered ~ ~ face slightly stiff, waved the release of the summer from the space, they forgot her...

"The ancestors, for a long time! What happened?"

"...just fighting is fierce, I am afraid of hurting you. 玖辛奈, Naruto! You send the summer back to the noodle restaurant, the battle will become more and more intense, and it is better not to follow me in the summer."

"...well, ancestors."

Watching the three leave, Masahiko turned to the long door: "What happened? Your bad name, related to them?"

The long facade is weird: "Oh, no, look at it yourself."

He raised his hand and handed over a lot of papers, all from the news of the country of the rain.

Zheng Yan looked at a few brows and his brow stretched out. There is good news in the note. For example, the Iron Country actively supports the country of Lei, and the village of Zhai Ren actively supports the country of the earth.

"This is what you have to hesitate, just say it!" Zheng Yan took a look at the long door.

"Hey, teacher, I just think that these small villages actively support big countries, some strange."

Masahiko. Yeah, when did he start to take mutual help and mutual help from each other?

Perhaps it is the pressure of the darkness? Or is it a subtle influence after the establishment of the Xiao organization?

"Yahiko’s peace efforts have finally brought help. The times... really different!"

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