MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 108 Underestimate

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When the space began to distort, the Warring States ninjas who had fought in battle immediately responded.

Although they have never seen this kind of space ninjutsu, they still decisively pull apart the distance, and each seals and aligns with the space-distorted position.

The emperor in front of him turned his head back, but he was slightly shocked and evaded. The long door looks at the right time, launching the attack directly hundreds of meters apart, and the dust smashed the sky!

The emperor flashed through the dust, and the hand was already far away. The warring states who were born out of the earth were directly exposed to the dust, and each time they resorted to defense... they had never seen the dust.

No matter what kind of defense means, in the face of the long door in the immortal mode, the dust mites released are all touched, and in a moment, five people are broken down into molecules by the dust mites, and others are safe.

At this time, three figures appeared in the distorted space. Without saying a word, one blue, one purple, one red, and the other must be unveiled, and once again, three earthen ninjas were shredded!

Half of the original 16 people began to read the resurrection CD of the bauxite reincarnation.

"玖辛奈, 趁 now!"

"Already prepared!" The countless seal chains stretched out from the singer, and went straight to the eight reborn ninth.

The emperor slightly frowned, and the moment was blocked in front of the chain: "God Luo Tianzheng!"

"Fairy Law - Dust Mites - The Boundary of the Human World!"

"Sinfa-tail beast spiral sword!"

The attack of Changmen and Naruto arrived at the front of the Son of Heaven one step at a time. The barrier formed by the **** Luo Tianzheng only stagnated for a while, and the emperor was blown out!

The chain of 玖辛奈 has unimpededly bound the eight reorganized paper people.

It all happened in an instant. Under the tacit cooperation, for five seconds, the emperor’s terracotta army lost half!

"I am happy with you, this bastard!" The voice shouted in anger and anger. "What are you doing?!"

"Calling my father-in-law! Just they are moving too fast, I didn't react." The words were very calm, as if this reason was justified...

The emperor climbed up from the ground and suddenly sneered: "The sneak attack is good, but it seems that the vortex is really not in the ... but it is the loss of the eight weak, it does not matter!"

The long door in the distance is light and breathable: "Successful! The next battle may not be easy, forbearance, patrol, joint action!"


"Go, 玖辛奈, Naruto! Squeeze the enemy to the country of Chuan!"

"Oh!" Naruto promised to be very loud, and Sasuke’s sudden help came to dispel the grief of becoming an enemy...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...!" At this time, the center of the battlefield suddenly heard a laughter. "Where did you see it?! Kaleidoscope writes round eyes, three pairs! This is the power of the Uchiha family in this era, you thousand What about the people of the hand? Where is it?! Hahahahahahaha!"

The face of the hand-painted Buddha was ugly, but he heard the voice of the red one. "Sorry, I am a thousand-handed, Muxi-Mu Long!"

The wooden dragon broke out of the earth, wrapped around the red whiskey in a circle, and the faucet smashed from the shoulders of the shoulders to the Uchibo Island.

Uchibo Tajima:? ? ?

His body subconsciously sneaked away, and the tallest blue sergeant also came to him with a knife. "I am also a thousand hands!"

Uchibo Tajima:? ? ?

The face of the hand Buddha is even more ugly. He immediately guessed that the descendants of the thousand hands and the family had married the women of the Uchiha family, and this raft also gave him a bad feeling... he projected his gaze to the only one left. Purple must be on the body.

Hesitated for a half second with the soil: "I am a Uchiha family, should you fight you right? Shenwei!"

Guild wars, open!


The country of snow.

The ice cave hidden by the big snake pill has been cut by the two hot wheels of Zhengyan, and even the four corners of the big snake pill have been cut three.

Two minutes ago, the big snake pill was still using the inorganic reincarnation and other immortals to think about it with Zheng Yan, but now, he can only continue to flee.

From the beginning to the end, Zheng Yan is just standing still in the same place, manipulating two invincible pursuits of hot wheels attack.

The strength of the big snake pill has been judged by Masahiko, close to the spot before the birth, stronger than the bauxite spot, the strength rating is sss-, but for the current Zheng Yan ... is not enough!

"Is this the only way?" Zheng Yan took back two hot wheels, crossed his hands and moved his wrist. The next second, the visible Chakra was visible from him.

The blue Chakra stood in the sky, forming a dark blue light shadow of tens of meters high behind Masahiko, and then Masahiko raised his hand, and everything around him stood still, together with the gasping big snake pill, all blocked by repulsion!

"You said that your ancestors went all out, you feel very honored. But just not fully, now is it! Do you feel it? Big Snake Pill, ancestors are really sad!"

Big Snake Pills lips: "Predecessors, I have tried to overestimate your strength, I did not expect it to be underestimated."

"You can't estimate it because I haven't tried it all for decades." Masahiko sighed, his right fist stretched backwards, and the 80th **** airstrike!

In the face of the overwhelming fist shadow, the big snake pill changed his face and struggled hard, but he could only look up in front of the fist shadow and in front of him.

Masahiko’s 80-year-old air strike hits the big snake pill! Under the huge roar, the body of the big snake pill is torn apart!

The boxing shadow has not stopped, and it has hit a snowy mountain in the distance. The snow-capped mountains did not break out, but turned into powder and disappeared into the world!

The overwhelming ice and snow fell, and Zheng Yan leaned over and looked at the head of the big snake pill that rolled up, and confronted his surprised eyes.

"Predecessors, why..."

"You want to ask where the curse is going? The flying segment has not appeared. Do you think that the ancestor will forget him? He was 'eaten' by you!" Zheng Yan shook his head gently. "I really thought that the blood of the ancestors was so good. Is it a waist?"

"...It turned out to be."

"Take me with the ontology, and prove that you don't have the slightest chance in your heart. From the time I saw you, you began to design your ancestors, deliberately not breaking my repulsive force, wanting me to fight myself?"

"I still underestimated you, I did not expect that my strengthened body will be beaten by your blow." The big snake pill hoarse.

Masahiko sighed: "You are not underestimating the strength of your ancestors, but underestimating the IQ of your ancestors. The Son of Heaven is also. I have never loved my brain, it does not mean that I have no brain!"

The big snake pill slowly closed his eyes and muttered: "Yes... it is me... underestimate you."

Masahiko stunned and looked at the head of the big snake pill that lost his life in front of him. He said: "I actually pretend to die? The **** tells you not to underestimate the ancestors' IQ! You are not underestimating, it is already insulting my IQ, and my ancestors are angry. It!"

Zheng Yan lifted his foot and stepped on the head of the big snake pill, but the head of the big snake pill flew out instantly.

The white fluorescent light filled his head, and there were many places on the nearby ice surface that also reflected the white light.

This glare was a bit dazzling, and Zheng Yan picked up his eyes and looked at the eyes of the big snake pill from the erected snake to the golden cross-hole, and the human skull turned into a white giant snake head.

The white light of other places quickly flew to the snake head, which was the other part of the big snake pill that was blown up! They also became part of the white snake, stitched together with the snake head. To be stitched together, a familiar huge figure appeared in front of Masahiko - White Snake Fairy!

Masahiko took a deep breath and wondered: Is it you, the snaketail? !

The big snake pill and the white snake immortal had no desire to confront Yanyan again. The huge white snake instantly collapsed into tens of thousands of white snakes, and fled and let Zheng Yan bow.

“Can it split like a fairy?”

Thoughts were stunned, but Zheng Yan’s action did not stop, and his hands were tied to the tiger’s seal to mobilize Chakra, and suddenly there was a dark void in front of him. Gravitational bursts, everything in a square kilometer was sucked into the black hole, including all white snakes!

Then Masahiko walked in and entered the fire property space!

The beating magma melted one snake after another. After the loss was heavy and the road was not found, the snakes slowly aggregated together and turned into a human-shaped snake.

The big snake pill breathes for a moment, hoarsely said: "Change the land, seniors. I really underestimated you, it seems that I can not escape today."

Masahiko shook his head: "The mouth is wrong!"

"No, I really have no way to escape, my predecessors." The big snake pill licked his lips. "I haven't done anything... I won't let you give me the last blow!"

The words of the snake snake actually turned and jumped into the magma!

Just one glimpse, a quick step forward, I saw that the big snake pill did not resist, and melted into the magma, but the face that looked up to the sky gave Zheng Yan a smile-like expression.

Closed eyes perceive for a moment, Zheng Yan sighed and shook his head: "I am indeed dead, suicide? Oh, big snake pill, you have been underestimating the ancestors, from the incarnation of the white snake immortal, your soul is not right, when I can not find?"

Turning his hand, Zheng Yan once again opened a space black hole, jumped to the gossip space, and his eyes swept to 256 space nodes...

The west side of the country of the vortex.

The two girls in the Yin Ren Village, who were being recruited by Zheng Yan, were full of tangled chats about the sky, but they were suddenly stiff.

"What's wrong? More is also."

"No, nothing. Red Lotus, I want to go to the toilet."

Honglian slightly frowns: "Have we just been there? It is said that you should not be nervous, we are not disadvantageous to the country of the Vortex, and they will not easily regard us as enemies."

"Oh? Red Lotus, when did you start to trust the country of the Vortex so much?" It was also caused by a bright red tongue that licked his lips.

The red lotus was shocked, and the pupil was magnified. This is... the big snake pill adult, how come? !

Many more turned and turned: "Honglian, you can do it yourself!"

"Wait!" Hong Lian raised her hand subconsciously and quickly let go: "How do you..."

"Do you want to stop me?"

"Do not……"

"That's good, I hope that my departure will not cause too much trouble for you, otherwise it will be too much to be too much."

Red Lotus smiled and shook his head: "You are laughing, I betrayed you!"

"This is not a betrayal. The village of Yin Ren has been completely shattered. I don't need you any more." Many people are also frowning. "Someone is staring at it. It seems that you are not fully trusted."

"...that is natural."

Most of them are also condensed, and their hands are bound to hide their body shape, but they are stiff in the moment when they mobilize Chakra.

The dense black lines rushed from the top of the head and spread all over her body, fixing her firmly in place!

"Actually... there will be a seal?!"

The red lotus roots had big eyes and they were at a loss.

"What happened?" Two vortex country patrols appeared suddenly and looked alert.

"Without your business, go back!"

"...ah! Great elder!"

Zheng Yan took his hands and walked slowly, standing in front of him: "The big snake pill, finally seeing your shocked expression, it is full of achievements."

"Predecessors, how could you appear here so quickly... Is it a avatar?"

Zheng Yan smiled: "No ~ is the body, the ancestors of the ancestors did not dare to use ... more than also have a seal on the body, I suddenly appeared, feeling no surprise? Hong Lian, ancestors did not see Wrong you, the task of watching the big snake pill will be handed over to you!"

Red lotus a meal, closed his eyes and nodded.

Zheng Yan raised his eyebrows: "How, Big Snake Pill, your child, I also abducted... Cough, my ancestors did not know how many escapes you have, but the seals on both sides also take care of Chakra, body and soul, you give I am honestly staying here, waiting for the end of the war to clean up!"

"Predecessors, I really underestimated you!"

Masahiko observed carefully and nodded with satisfaction. This time it seems to be from the heart.

"I, Swirl Masahiko, IQ is super high!"

Masahiko once again carried his hands and flicked in the direction of the country of Chuan!



3600 words big chapter.

I want to add more, but the New Year is really busy. There was a class reunion last night. It’s the limit. It’s 400 words and it’s three more. It’s a little bit, cough...

Yesterday's Valentine's class reunion, also known as high school classmates, did not find the object in the university for four years. / Find the object to graduate and break up the party, single dog, bitter! ! !

But the second sheep still has to smile and face tomorrow, everyone happy 30 years old! )

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