MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 116 Eye-catching action

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"Vortex Swift, thank you for saving me." Hui night opened again, the voice was soft, and the eyes that looked at the hand were very soft...

Masahiko took a deep breath: "Hands, you said that Yuki and Yucun are not your children. I really believe it! I said this is the case, I will not stop her from resurrection!"

The hand slammed for a long while, look at the night, look at Zheng Yan, look at yourself, full of confusion.

Is it really me? !

Zheng Yan saw a glimpse of it, feeling that his hand was not like a fake at this time, and his heart flashed a flash of light, and he looked at the night with surprise...

"The chakra that did not pass through the god-tree world to extract the full tolerance, plus the half-nine and the second tail, the number of chakras is more limited than me, very good, maybe I still Can win... oh!" Zheng Yan shook his head. "The key now is not to be able to handle it! But..."

"Big tube feather coat, you come over!" Zheng Yan suddenly shouted, scared his hand and jumped.

Hui night vision shift: "Yu Yi, where is my son? Hey, are you the son of the vortex Zheng Yan? Are you saving me together?"

Masahiko licked his mouth and confronted him with his hand.

Hui Ye did not see that the hand was a shadow, and Yan Yan was not surprised. After all, the original Zhonghui night can't wear Naruto and the six spots can be seen at a glance. It is the most important argument for some people who say that the strength of the six spots is stronger than that of the night.

"Say me that you are your son, the expression is natural, and prove that you have no relationship."

"Absolutely not!" The hand nodded and nodded, and wondered: "She said that you are my son, you are not uncomfortable?"

"Now I have more important things to be sure." Zheng Yan shook his head. "Hui night, not that we saved you, is the emperor!"

"Oh... it’s him." Hui nodded and smiled. "Is he regretting what happened in the past? Unfortunately, Aiye has already..."

Mentioned here, the expression of Hui Ye is full of sadness, but there is no anger, let alone something like killing...

"What is going on?" muttered.

Masahiko chuckled: "It's black. Black is the will of the night, and it is also her dark side. It was obliterated by me! So there is no darkness in the heart of the night, so before the darkness, it should be well communicated. At this time, your wife will appear."

Hand screaming for a long while: "Ontology, you are really capable, black can kill... this is better!"

He waved gently, and a beautiful girl with dark hair and black hair appeared beside her.

Masahiko: "Black hair?"

Ai Ye turned his head and smiled politely at Masahiko.

"Love wild?!" Hui night exclaimed, floating quickly from the air.

"When I was in the noodle restaurant, I made her dyed red hair and changed her makeup. I was afraid that the lard brain would occasionally feel a flash of light." The hand sneered and pulled Aiye to the night.

Zheng Yan turned his eyes: "I actually said that my lard brain, you are a shadow, only half of my IQ..."

"Really... love the wild?"

"It's me, Hui Ye night, the vortex Zheng Yan he saved me." Ai Ye whispered.

Masahiko support. Aiye’s whispering whirlpool’s whirlpool’s heart is entangled in his heart. If someone can call him like this... “There should be a chance, the cell in the rule I have already got.”

"The vortex Zhengyan saved you? Then you guys..."

If it is the night before the dark side is destroyed, it will be suspicious of the year. But now Huihui will think of everything in a good way: "Thank you, vortex Masahiko."

The hand nodded and smiled.

Hui Ye took love in the arms and suddenly looked at Zheng Yan: "So you are the son of Ai Ye and the whirlpool Masahiko?"

Masahiko: "..."

The hand was laughing and the front teeth were exposed.

"No?" Hui night turned his head.

Masahiko shook his head in silence, feeling that he was in front of a big wooden field, and a good Chakra ancestor, what did it become like?

"You three will talk for a while, I will go to Naruto."

"How did he go? Did I say anything wrong?" Hui night was full of innocence.

Ai Ye smiled: "Hui night adults, you are more lovely than before!"

Hui Ye night loves wild hair: "Love wild, you used to not talk to me like this. Whirlpool Masahiko, what have you experienced in these years?"


On the other side, Masahiko has replaced the phosgene to show Naruto to Naruto.

Here is the only intact open space in the country of Chuan, whether it is Zhengyan or the six roads of Naruto. I have previously consciously avoided the aftermath of the fight.

"Too grandfather, you didn't get it back at the end of the nine? Is there just the eyeball in the sky?"

Masahiko nodded: "Nine tails can't get it. But nothing, wait for the owner of the eye to come over, I will let her divide the power of the nine tails to Naruto."

Naruto and Sasuke are the worst. One lost nine tails and one lost a kaleidoscope.

However, since Hui Ye is so good at talking, Zheng Yan feels that she has to do some power with her. There is no problem. After all, Naruto is one of her resurrection ‘big heroes’.

"Wait... eyeball masters come over?"

"I will introduce you to you later."

Masahiko did not explain more, he is a little uncomfortable now. A shadow of the district, not only married a petite and lovely love wild, but also a good relationship with the ninja ancestor Hui night...

He is the body!

"Hey, the mortal heart." Zheng Yan self-deprecating, "A shadow that may disappear anytime, anywhere, and a life-long waiter, not a pretty, cute, cute night waitress, where is the big beauty?

There is not much life in the hands of Ai, and the ancestors and the rulers are coming to Japan..."

At this time, Zheng Yan’s golden light flashed, and the water gates dragged his muscles.

"Great elders, 玖辛奈, Naruto okay?" Shuimen handed over the diaphragm in his hand. "This weapon is not very obedient..."

Then the water gate looked at the diaphragm and broke his hand, and ran to the side of Zheng Yan. Looking at the expression of the watergate, Zheng Yan felt that his injured heart was comforted by the diaphragm.

"Do you want to keep it?"

"Hey, teacher, do you still need a diaphragm?"

"God, someone is coming."

"Master, it's another you. And... wow, that woman is so tall, her eyes are white, how is there a seam on her forehead? Eyes?!"

"Don't make a fuss." Zheng Yan laughed and looked at the three people.

Whether it is from height or temperament, Huihui is very talented...

"Shadow is not able to do ~ ~ Zheng Yan evokes the corner of his mouth, throwing envy and hate, "This temperament was smashed by the night and the ancestors of the eighteen miles! ”

The hand hit a smile, and Ai Ye left and right with the night to come to the crowd, and raised his eyebrows to Zheng Yan: "Everyone, long time no see! This is my wife loves the wild, behind me is... Hey!"

With a handful of words, I slowly bowed my head in disbelief. I looked at the spurs that passed through my chest and muttered, "Hui night, why?!"

Hey! The hand is turned into smoke disappearing.

"正彦!" Aiye shouted and exclaimed.

This sudden change made everyone in the room grow up and surprised, even Zheng Yan felt uneasy. Although my heart said that handwriting is a shadow that will disappear at any time, it disappears too suddenly!

"Hui night adults, why are you..."

Hui night turned his head and looked at Aiye.

"Phosphorus!" Zheng Yan returned to God, relieved medical ninja, and immediately appeared in the vicinity of Aiye, and put her into the gossip space, looked up at the night with dignity: "I didn't expect that the big tube wood Hui Ji Ji will actually pretend Kindness?"

Hui Ye looked at Zheng Yan and suddenly made a very familiar movement, which made Zheng Yan a slap in the face!

She stretched her tongue and licked her mouth!


(Catch the two chapters before the 12 o'clock, send out, this fake white please!

It will be late tomorrow, and the second sheep will try to keep going! )


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