MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 64 Time 荏苒

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Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and a lot of big things happened in Konoha.

First of all, the sister story ‘Fenghua Princess Adventure’ was successfully screened at the Muye Theatre, which caused a lot of praise.

Xiaoyue Xia especially shines, even reaching a household name, becoming a little princess recognized by Wood Leaf, can make her happy.

玖辛奈 is both happy and sad, and the ideal of being an actor in the summer is probably unstoppable...

Then there was the wedding of Kakashi and Hualing. Hua Ling was originally an information ninja of the Inoue Village of the Key Country. Because she was lost to Kakashi and returned to the village when she was a child, she tried to chase him after she met Kakashi at the first rally of the organization six or seven years ago. At the end of the day, I finally made a positive result. Zheng Yan also sent a blessing to them with Sakura.

At the wedding, Kay was so excited that he couldn’t help himself. Since Zheng Yan changed their content from guessing to ‘left fist and right fist’, Kay’s discussion with Kakashi was mostly disastrous...

At this time, Kakashi took the lead to find his lifelong companion. Kai thought that he lost another game. After the wedding, he began to 'harass' the wooden age of the female, causing a burst of chicken and dog jumping... Zheng Yan heard that red beans almost took a snake bite. Dead Kay.

After that, the oil female Zhina actually became a small hero of the wood leaf. In the joint Zhong Ren test held in Sha Niu Village, Zhi Nai swept all the way, and won the championship, so that the whole wood leaves and the glory... However, Zhi Na is not very interested.

Since then, Chen Tian returned to the team, only the task gap will come to seek the guidance of Zheng Yan, Zheng Yan finally seriously adjusted the Ning times, this genius began a rapid growth.

Sakura talent is really good, only completed the first stage of practice in two and a half, she learned the Chakra scalpel, she finally has the ability to attack, at this time is strengthening Chakra control, ready to practice palm sensation.

The most important thing is that it took three months, Naruto finally completed the practice of the immortal model, and brought 160 points of witness to Zhengyan!


The seventh driving range of Konoha.

"The ancestors, Ning, he is this...?"

Masahiko smiled: "I am guiding him to practice, and there are young fields, Sakura and Fireworks."

"Hutian, and Sakura?!" Naruto snorted. "Who is the fireworks?"

"It's a little girl, do you want to know?" Zheng Yan said with a smile: "Sister of the young field, you will see it in a few days. Absorb the energy of the immortal, the ancestors will teach you new skills!"

"Oh!" Naruto immediately sat on the ground.

"Wait a minute! Divide three shadows and absorb natural energy together."

"...Oh, the practice of multiple shadows!" Naruto scratched his head and said it was sealed.

The change of the externality of Masahiko is in the eyes. Naruto takes five minutes. The body and the three shadows enter the immortal mode at the same time, and the four eyes are yellow.

"Shadows are divided into the body to absorb the natural energy, to maintain the operation of the fairy. The body and I learn new skills, you have seen this before ..." Zheng Yan extended his right hand, the harsh buzzing sound gradually sounded.

The predecessor of the popular style - spiral shuriken Masahiko has already taught Naruto, so under the personal guidance of Masahiko, Naruto successfully mastered this s-class ninjutsu in just one month, and brought 40 points to Masahiko. Witness point.

However, in the past four months, Sasuke has already taken the required stage to the second stage, and Naruto has not been able to win him. If you don’t win, you will continue to work hard, and life is like this. The worms have eaten, what else do you need to be afraid of?

Moreover, Naruto now has two teachers to teach. In addition to the ancestors of Masahiko, he also worshipped the teacher himself. The two taught him together. Can he still catch up with a help in the district?

"You... worship yourself as a teacher?"


"Because his disciples may become the son of fate, the Savior?"


Masahiko sighed, did not get the witness point, pulled Naruto, squatted pants, hehe!


This time, Masahiko is particularly hard-working, because Naruto’s bear child is developing very fast, and it’s not appropriate to have a pair of pants and spanking for a while... so you have to hurry and have a good time!


Time flies again, and the years are like a shuttle.

Time passed by a little, and Yan Yan and a group of children grew up day by day.

At the end of the 61st year of Muye, Xiaonan and Changmen finally had a love crystallization. Zhengyan was so old and relieved that he had cooked himself at the reunion dinner and made a full table of dishes. He had a good meal.

However, the emperor is doing things in the New Year, this time it is attacking Iwano Village, and Ohnoki, who was prepared early, is hit hard!

Unfortunately, the last five were still arrested, and Ohno was also unclear. After I received the news, I personally rushed to Iwamura to treat Ohnogi, and helped the girl in the black soil to take a position...

The succession of the four generations of the land shadow, brought Zheng Jian to 20 points of witness.


Time is still awkward, and the years are still like.

In July of the 62nd year, Naruto, Sasuke, Ningji, Tiantian, Sheren, Hoshino, etc. successfully obtained the title of forbearance, and the children were very excited. But in the same month, I love Luo in the Sharon Village, and I took up the role of the Five Generations...

Masahiko rushed to Sharon Village, and talked about the old days with the thousand generations. He asked about the situation of the crickets, and then participated in the five generations of the shadows, I love Luo to take up the ceremony, and got 20 points of witness.

In September of the same year, the children of Changmen and Xiaonan were born, and they were a little princess. Zhengyan gave her the name of the whirlpool Nancy, and then stayed in the country of the vortex to take care of Xiaonan and the newborn for two months... The door and Xiaonan made persistent efforts.


The last time of the time, the last time of the year.

The 63rd year of Konoha has passed smoothly, and the emperor has not done anything. Perhaps the injury caused by Ohno Saki is not good, or he may want to rest for a year and give himself a vacation...

Masahiko’s age finally returned to 14 years old, and he began to develop rapidly, his head was mammoth and his body soared. But what makes him unacceptable is that Naruto's unlucky child is like eating pig The height is actually over him!

The ancestors of the ancestors will actually let Naruto ridicule the height, he wants to add some age...

"Stabilize, calm the mind, Naruto is early development, fast development, lack of stamina. The ancestors became younger than the height before 180, this time can certainly exceed 180, slowly, I can go ahead! Add points may affect development ......" Zheng Yan gave himself psychological counseling. "How tall is my two centimeters? Isn't it not to win Sasuke?"

In the 63rd year of Muye, Zheng Yan bid farewell to the blink of an eye era, both eyes have evolved into six hooks and turns back to write the round eyes, the strength rating sss+!

Not only that, but his testimony has already accumulated 900 points, only 600 points, you can achieve full level achievements!

In the beginning of April, 63, in the beginning of April, after being heard of a certain news, Masahiko made a long sigh.

"Is this day finally arrived? Time is awkward... Prepare and pull the river with the six old men and pull him over!"

PS: (A million words have been achieved, and the cows are full of faces. 'Exactly' written in the wind, very comfortable, hahahahahahaha...)

Read The Duke's Passion