MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 67 Let go

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In front of the Huo Ying Building, the scene was chaotic.

A group of strong wood leaves surrounded the big snake pill, but because Zheng Yan said that he was only a avatar, I did not know how to deal with it.

Most of the other villagers were somewhat confused, especially the civilians in the residential areas on the west side. Three years ago, the big snake pill struck, and the sleep was gone, and the horror was not shocked. Can this be good again?

"Outline, come up for me for a minute!" Shouthin shouted.

"Predecessors, no trouble!" Dashen Pill took the lead in replying. "Since it was discovered, this avatar will stop here."

"The big snake pill, and so on..." has also rushed to open the door. The middle-aged man in front of him has slowly turned into mud, and it is really a avatar.

"The big snake pill..." The sundial looks complex.

Zheng Yan indulged in a moment, a soil can not see too much, but Zheng Yan can still detect that the current big snake pill is very strong, stronger than anyone in the wood leaf, an ordinary soil body has a close to the strength of the self. .

"Really, I have won the White Snake Fairy, I am so terrible... Hey? I won't be planning to win the ancestors, I am terrible."

The chaotic scene gradually subsided by the dark part of the wood leaf and other ninjas. The ‘Farewell to the Admonition’ had such a big mess, and the residents of the Wood Leaf gathered here did not run a few, making the Sundial more gratifying.

"No regrets." With a whisper, the Japanese magnate expanded its voice and continued to preach the will of fire.

Masahiko continues to go away.


Forbearance in a corner.

"Invite me to join your organization?" The voice of the big snake pill husky and banter came out, "Dark?"

"The name is just a code name. Since Ninja is willing to call me this way, it is no problem to call it Xiao." The emperor responded slowly.

Big Snake Pills: "Why invite me? Who else is in the dark?"

"Only two of us are enough." The emperor smiled: "Our enemy vortex Zheng Yan does not know how to live for thousands of years. This is a protracted war. We will at least not be easily killed by him. Other short-lived people... Useless!"

"Is it an enemy against the predecessors?" The big snake pill is undecided. "Can you answer my doubts, how do you make a long life?"

Silence of the Son of Heaven: "A conscious body, naturally will not die again..."

"Oh?" The big snake pill smiled like a smile. His eyes stayed on the neck of the emperor for a moment, and he looked at the eyes of the emperor. "Your purpose is to catch the tail beast?"

"Yes, the next goal is the eight-tailed force. His ability to escape is very strong, so we need to work together... No, it's enough to only need your department to help me."

"Catch the tail beast to resurrection ten?"

The emoticon’s expression is awkward: “You really know a lot, the big snake pill!”

Big Snake Pills, I know more than you think.

"Yes, only the resurrection is ten, and it becomes the ten-tailed force. We have the strength to confront the vortex Zhengyan."

"Positive confrontation?" The big snake pill once again showed a smile like a smile. You are happy. He knows that the power of destiny has lived for so many years. Zheng Yan is terrible, I am afraid only...

At this time, the memory of the soil was passed back, which made the look on the face of the big snake pill complicated for a moment, and soon returned to normal: "When do you start?"

The emperor is fascinating: "Welcome to join the dark. Don't rush to start, the eight-tailed column is at its peak. After a few years, the strength will begin to decline. We can afford it, isn't it?"

The big snake pill nodded, and a pair of erected snakes were paired with a circle of eyes. The true thoughts of the two people only knew.


Muye Village.

The Japanese sun was talking very happy, but suddenly found that the hand behind him changed from one to two.

"Predecessors, it’s time... eh?"

The sun turned around and found that the expression of Zheng Yan was very dignified, and the head was still faintly white smoke... What is the situation?

Why do you smoke white smoke? ? ?

"Nothing, you tell me. I just think that I am in such a position, I should add some special effects on my head. Take time, there are still six minutes!"

The sun is a bitter smile, here is dead, can you be serious!

Look at the appearance of a pair of soil to die, the Japanese found a little comfort in the heart, turned to want to continue to talk, but found the words!

Speaking of the will of fire for a lifetime, I will forget the words when I am, really I am old?

He fell into silence, and the convenience was gradually noisy. I don't know who first shouted a ‘three generations of adults,’ and the scene went out of control.

Tens of thousands of people in the entire Muye village shouted ‘three generations of adults’, and let the old days and tears whisper, once again muttered: “No regrets...”

Two minutes later, the troubles subsided, and the sun swayed away from the soil and the new helper, and the eyes swept over the choppy wood leaf pill, sweeping through the self, the hand, the singer, and others, Yang Sound opening:

"As long as there are leaves flying, the fire will burn.

The shadow of the fire will shine on the village and let the new leaves sprout. When you want to protect the people you cherish, the power of the ninja will show up! ”

Still this set, as originally.

After saying this, the Japanese will slowly fall backwards, however...

Zheng Yan put his hands up: "Dry, what are you worried? You still have two minutes!"

Japanese: "..."

"Predecessors, yes, I have already said that I have finished."

Zheng Yan chose to complete him, and withdrew his hands and medical ninjutsu, and the sundial slowly fell in the arms of Zheng Yan... The people in front of the building suddenly became full of Many young people burst into tears.

The handcuffs Xinnai and others rushed to the moment, and the new help with the soil also quickly advanced.

"I...haven’t you died yet?" The sundial lie in the new help.

"I said that you still have two minutes. Why are you so anxious? You should find someone to do it."

Japanese: "..."

More and more ninjas want to board the Huo Ying Building, but they are blocked by yin Yan, and only a part of Nikko’s relatives and friends... Muye Maru started his performance.

"The self is also the hand, the water gate 玖 奈 奈, you four here to give me a four red yang array!"

"Set up? Grandpa, don't need this, they want to come in and stop..."

Masahiko shook his head: "Set it up, too grandfather has a tug-of-war competition, it is easy to accidentally injure civilians."

The four people looked at each other, although they were puzzled, but according to the instructions of Zheng Yan, a reddish enchantment quickly enveloped the top of the Huo Ying Building.

Two minutes later, the Japanese 斩 finally ‘getting what it wants’, the loved ones cry, and Zheng Yan also gained the witness point 20 (*5).

No time to be happy, Zheng Yan concentrated and focused on the soul of the sun rising slowly.

"Hey! Six old men have learned, and they don’t take their heads."

Masahiko is helpless, and can only be spiritually swept out. The consciousness embraces the thighs of the Japanese soul, and the higher the height, the higher the height...

"Leck! Let go!"

Masahiko was planted on his back.

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