MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 75 Go

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In the gossip space.

Masahiko stretched out his right hand and shook in front of Kiraby: "Hey, silly, stupid?"

Chirabi's eyes are a bit straight, obviously it is sleepy. who am I? where am I?

"Hey! Chiraby Big Brother!"

Kiraby blinked: "Hey~ wake up, the environment is abrupt, the long door sounds..."

"Oh, you can sing, it seems not stupid."

Chirabi was a meal, got up and looked at Zheng Yan, looked at the surrounding environment, suddenly changed his face, his hands held his stomach.

Masahiko shook his head and reacted slowly, which only reflected the end of the eight...

"Hey~ Hungry!"

Masahiko: "..."

Take it and give it to Chirabi, see him gorging up, Zheng Yan and Changmen look at each other for a moment, the long door hesitates to open: "Chirabi brother, you know..."

"I know." Chirabi nodded. "The eight tails were taken away. Now my body is the chakra of the predecessors. Are you the predecessors who saved me? Do you know what to do?"

Zheng Yan blinked: "I saved you, but it is not a secret to take away the eight tails, it is my ... companion, in order to deal with the dark."

"This way..." Chirabi was another meal, bowing his head and continuing to gorge.

Masahiko scratched his head. Is this reaction awkward? What kind of melon skin hand to get some black pot to give me back, brain melon is so painful...

"Chirpie, are you okay?"

"Hey~ I'm fine, long!" Chirabi looked up: "Predecessors, can I open two concerts in the country of Vortex?"

Masahiko:? ? ?

Is this asking for compensation? This compensation is... 忒 too much!

"I am afraid this is not possible. My companion is looking for a secret with eight tails, so you are already a dead person now." Speaking of the words of the companion, Zheng Yan is quite a bit gnashing.

Chirabi was stunned for a long while, and the whole person fell backwards: "The eight tails are gone, the concert is not playing, and the Chirabi people are already dead!"

Zheng Yan is laughing, you are quite optimistic...

"Don't worry, if you don't have two years, the secret will be solved, and the eight tails will be taken back and re-sealed on you. When the ancestors took you to the concert, but not in the country of the vortex... well, go to the wood How about the leaves? The Muye Stadium is also very large and there are many people."

Chirabi was able to sit up and sit up: "Hey~ Yes, yes, senior!"

Zheng Yan is silent.

"Hey! Teacher, I will go when I am!"

"Well, go together, let's come to a wood leaf collapse plan!" Masahiko laughed. "Chirabi, I am going to let you stay on Turtle Island for two years. Let's talk about how to talk to your older brother..."


Chirabi is optimistic in nature, and the true character is not as unreliable as his appearance, but also quite mature and stable, so it is much better than Zheng Yan’s imagination.

Receiving Masahiko’s ‘wood leaf concert’ compensation, Kiraby was very good at talking, and he was deceived by his brother...

The final result of the discussion was: ‘Chirabi was captured by the secret, and the tail beast was taken away. Zheng Yan arrived in time to save Chirabi. In order to repay the righteousness of Masahiko, Chirabi is willing to take the initiative to go to Turtle Island to help the whirlpool Naruto master the nine-tailed Chakra model, and practice in the secret island of Koh Tao, try to master the body of the Cheongah Chakra, restore strength...’

At the end of the day, the four generations of Lei Ying may have to be grateful to Zheng Yan...

Vortex building.

"What is the message from Changmen, Xiao organization to you?"

"Hey! Teacher, they just said that the four generations of Lei Ying are interested in holding the six-figure talks. Now they are asking for our opinions."

Masahiko nodded: "Agree, when you come with two guards."


Zheng Yan’s indulgence for a moment, how can this six-shadow talks be coordinated for a month or two, so that Chirabi has been staying in the gossip space?

Consciousness entered the space, and the face of Zheng Yan suddenly went dark. This guy sang in joy, and it is estimated that this experience gave him a lot of inspiration. This will be self-satisfied, definitely not boring!

However, Masahiko feels that his gossip space is polluted, and there is a poisonous gas inside...

"The teacher first returned to the leaves, I have to let the soil agree."



Muye Village, Huo Ying Building.

"Has already replied to them?"

"Well, Master." With the soil scratching his head, "I agreed to participate in the Six Shadows talks, is it... is it a bit sloppy?"

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds: "You want to avenge the water?"

With a bandit: "The younger brother who has been controlled to attack the leaves, has been rushing to find traces of darkness. He is already twenty-five years old this year. It should be settled..."

Zheng Yan smiled and shook his head. With the soil, he was very concerned about stopping the water. He knew that he had reached the age of his wife and children...

"Master, am I impulsive?"

"Nothing, I originally wanted you to agree. But as Huo Ying, you really have some impulsiveness, you have to know..." Zheng Yan opened the teaching mode and took a look at his face.

"I know, Master!"

Masahiko nodded with satisfaction: "And, there are two guards in the six-figure talks, one of which will be Naruto. I will take him to practice and count as an s-level mission."

"Yeah!" Nodded with dirt. "If that's the case, then the other one will take Sasuke!"

I am a little bit stunned, and I am quite a bit crying and laughing. With the soil, this child has learned badly. I know that Naruto Sasuke is a match, and I am not tired of working...

Just at this time, a dark part went away: "The Five Generations of Huo Yingying adults, there are two female ninjas at the entrance to the village to say that they are looking for the vortex Zhengyan predecessors."

Masahiko, female ninja ~ ~ two?

Take the soil to see Zhengyan: "Master?"

Masahiko nodded with hesitation.

"Dahe, take them over."

"Wait!" Zheng Yan quickly interrupted: "You call Dahe? Will you be a raft?"

The dark part of the body: "Predecessor, I am called Yamato. Although I have water and soil properties, but hibiscus... I want to."

"Oh, I still delayed you." Masahiko laughed: "Go take people."

Yamato was confused and went away.

Something is curious with soil: "Master, what do you call two female ninjas?"

“Increase talent reserves for the country of the vortex.”

After a while, Yamato returned with two female ninjas, with a hint of earth: "Master, I remember that she seems to be the subordinate of the big snake pill, what was the reason you brought out from the heavy punishment?"

Masahiko smiled and looked at another female ninja. The right hand stretched forward and the micro-hook index finger...

The female ninja suddenly looked angry... The secret number is right, it is Honglian himself!

"Predecessors!" Honglian gnashed his teeth and counterattacked: "You have not been tall for two years, and the meat is not too long."

Zheng Yan smiled happily: "The children abandoned by the big snake pill have come to me, I don't know how to put respect?"

"Who said that we are going to go on..."

"Red Lotus sister!" Many people also quickly interrupted, Xiang Zhengyan body: "Predecessors, I and Honglian sister really came to you, please take care!"

Masahiko blinked: "Well, I will take care of it."

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