MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 85 Coward

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Crossing the mountains and the sea, passing through the mountains and seas, two flying carpets flew all the way to the northeast corner of the tolerant world.

On the way, Masahiko explained to Naruto the cause of the riots in the rainy country.

"Sasuke bastard, I really lost face to Muye Village! The ancestors, you should let me in!"

Zheng Yan shook his head and turned to another linen on the flying carpet. "Secretary, don't keep your alienated and polite smile. Let's take a look at the scenery below and talk to the ancestors. You think Naruto is nine." How about the tail column force?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Yan smiled and made a mouthful: stupid is not stupid?

The linen was combed by the wind-blown hair, and smiled: "On the top of the turtle island, there is a place called the real waterfall, where you can see the dark side of yourself and defeat it before you can proceed to the next stage of practice.

This boy is so simple, the dark side should be better. ”

"Hey, I really can talk. Secretary, ancestors are in the middle of you, how about being my secretary? Teach you longevity, beauty secrets..."

The linen was replaced with a sly and polite smile: "Thank you for your attention."

"Hey! The ancestors, to overcome their dark side, what is my dark side?" Knowing that Sasuke's eyes have changed, Naruto is now more concerned about his practice.

Zheng Yan scratched his head. He didn't know much about the story of Naruto's turtle island practice. He only remembered that he and the nine tails were tug-of-war, and then it seemed that he was helping Xinnai to help out?

The true waterfall...

"Your dark side is the side of your bear. You want to beat it. It takes a little bit of strength. This ancestor can't help you. After all, you are too bear!"

On the other side, the linen shook his head: "There are many dark sides of the person, but the ‘bear’ you said may not be included. Jealousy, hatred, inferiority, lustfulness, etc. are...”

Zheng Yan nodded thoughtfully: "Naruto, you are finished, you have these!"

"Hey?! I have it?"

Masahiko nodded: "Jealous, jealous Sasuke is better than you; hate, hatred Sasuke is stronger than you; inferiority, inferiority, no help, strong, obscenity, you and Sasuke... cough!"

"Hey? So, your dark side may be Sasuke!"

Naruto worried: "Sasuke bastard!"

The linen sighed and decided not to talk nonsense any more.

She did not say, Zheng Yan took the initiative to ask: "Secretary, tell us about the situation on the island of turtles!"

Burlap is a meal: "Turtle Island is actually a mobile fortress in Yunyin Village. The whole island is backed by a giant turtle, and the giant tortoise is raised in our Yunyin Village."

"You feed?" Masahiko: "The age of the giant tortoise is no bigger than Yunyin Village?"

Burlap shook his head: "We found it twenty years ago. It is gentle, and after listening to it, we listen to our command... Hey!"

Burma said that he hurriedly looked up and looked at Zheng Yan’s face.

Masahiko smiled and said: "You went on to say, I didn't want to turn it around, don't worry!"

Burlap: "..."

"It doesn't know the specific age of it. When it was discovered, it slammed the island... Hey, the ancestors, greed is also the dark side of human nature."

"Right!" Naruto interjected: "Once ancestors, what would your dark side be?"

Masahiko laughed: "When a ancestors are such a bright man, how can there be such a dark side? It doesn't exist!"

Naruto grinned and continued to worry about how to beat Sasuke for a while.

The linen is also very worried, and the topic is opened: "Predecessors, how long will we have to arrive?"

Zheng Yan looked down: "There is still five minutes to the beach, then I will lower the height, you will guide you and continue to tell us about the island."

The linen shook his head: "There is nothing left to say... Oh, there are more fierce animals and psychic beasts on the island, but for you..."

Zheng Yan’s indulgent nod, more psychic beasts, but it is possible to catch a few good strengths and go back to give the children a gift. They don’t have a contract with the beasts.

After a while, the two flying carpets slowly descended to the heights. After entering the northeastern waters of the region, there was only less than 100 meters from the sea level. Under the guidance of the linen, they turned and turned.

All the way to the sea, passing a lot of uninhabited islands, Zheng Yan remembered their position one by one, the wind and fire attributes added to the full level, until now he has not taken out the air to destroy the island...

"Left, senior."

Zheng Yan turned and suddenly said: "We just left four times, are you going to circle with your ancestors?"

The linen smiled: "You remembered it wrong, the seniors, and the right turn!"

Masahiko is laughing, this is to prevent him from knowing how to find the turtle island in Yunyin Village, innocent! He did not intend to learn the method of Yunyin Village. When he boarded the island, the island naturally branded his mark.

Going around, Zheng Yan’s face with a smileless smile, completely obeying the linen, and screaming and screaming. Until the evening, the three talents finally arrived near the island of Koh Tao.

Masahiko lightly perceives: "The amount of Chakra is only a half-nine, but this thing is too big, it is inconvenient to move, the strength is almost negligible, and it can only be used as a mobile fortress."

The giant tortoise is even bigger than Zhengyan’s imagination. The area of ​​the island is about one square kilometer, and the giant tortoise is even bigger.

"We are here, seniors."

"Come on?" Naruto looked far and wide. "That's it? Where is the big turtle?"

"The tortoise is under the island." Zheng Yan replied, controlling two flying blankets to land on the water, and recovering the football road jade ~ ~ waved to release Chirabi.

Chirabi responded quickly and immediately stabilized his body shape on the water: "Hey ~! Liberation!"


"Oh, the linen is also there." Chirabi is a true look, the secretary of the eldest brother, can not afford, "here is... Turtle Island? Turtle Island!"

Masahiko squats down the water and looks through the ocean: "Is it sleeping?"

"Predecessors, let's land." The linen was busy.

Masahiko waved his hand: "You go first, Chirabi leads the way, brings Naruto to the real waterfall, and the ancestors will arrive in a while."

"Old ancestors, don't you go together?" Naruto thought that his dark side is Sasuke, a bit imaginary...

Masahiko said: "Are you afraid of Sasuke?"

Naruto turned and jumped on the island with his feet: "Uncle Chirabi, let's go!"


The linen looked helplessly and looked at Zheng Yan, and got up and followed.

Masahiko smiled, his feet split at the water, his body slowly landed on it, and this thing was quite steady...

"Hey, wake up! Can you talk?"

"Giant turtle, how long have you been sleeping? How old is it? Should it be bigger than the ancestors?"

For a long while, I didn’t reply. Zheng Yan found that she was ignored. I stepped on it!

Shaking, I grabbed it back into the shell, and Zheng Yan stepped on the water again.

Masahiko swears: "Come out! The ancestors made friends with you, and they lived longer than anyone... Come out!"

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