MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 90 roll

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Only one is the one who is tender, and the little giant tortoise is really tender. It is just two years old and it has just entered adolescence, and it is only three hundred years old.

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds: "How old is your ancestor, one thousand years old?"

"The ancestors have entered the old age, and they are more than two thousand years old!" The little giant tortoise replied while eating pork.

"Hey!" Zheng Yan shook his head. The giant tortoise lived longer than he imagined. This should be the longest living in the world of Naruto?

"It still needs to work hard, two thousand years... the ancestors can do it!" Zheng Yan whispered.

The linen is amazed by the face. For the seniors, are you actually a turtle?

In front of Masahiko, the little giant tortoise eats five large portions of roast pork, which is quite unsatisfactory: "Five more!"

Masahiko smiled and agreed.

"The meat has to be grilled for a while, you and your ancestors... cough, tell me what happened to the humans on the island two hundred years ago?"

The little giant to hesitate for two seconds, seems to be trying to recall: "They came here in a coincidence to escape, as if to avoid a monster with only a lot of tails..."

Zheng Yan nodded, and he guessed it: "Where did you escape?"

"I don't know... yes! Their skin is as black as this woman."

Masahiko is an eyebrow, and it is actually a person of Lei Zhiguo. The difficulty of abduction is improved...

The linen is awkward, and it is no wonder that the giant tortoise under the foot easily becomes the mobile fortress of Yunyin Village. It still has such a source.

"Pork, give me pork!"

It’s a bit of a smile, and it’s not too difficult to abduct the underage turtle. The big turtle is coming slowly. Pork, walk you!

“How many companions do you have?”

The little giant tortoise said with a warning: "What do you ask them to do?"

I am a singer, quite good... I listened to the little giant turtle and said: "Pork is mine!"

Masahiko screamed, and he was speechless.

"Where are your parents?"

"...I have never seen them."

"Oh, it’s still a poor orphan turtle that needs the care of the ancestors."

The linen was silently watching Yanyan begin to abduct the underage turtle, a flicker, and really let it agree to bring Zhengyan to find its companion.

However, after seeing other giant turtles, Masahiko was somewhat disappointed. Their size was not small, but there was no chakra in the body, and they could not speak. They were just ordinary animals, not psychic beasts.

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds: "You are right, pork is yours!"


One day and one night at Turtle Island, Masahiko finally harvested the first psychic beast and named the little tortoise.

Ninja with a turtle, quite perfect!

Masahiko did not give up the ancestors of the giant tortoise family, or brought it to every meal, and the hard work pays off...

On the second day, Masahiko received another psychic beast, the giant 犰 (qiu) 狳 (yu).

It has a hard armor that can be huddled to protect itself. It has a high defense force and can withstand the attack of Masahiko.

In addition, it is good at digging holes. More importantly, this is a mother-in-law. Although I can't speak, I can understand people. I am quite cute and shy, and I like it well.

"So, give the tortoise to the people?" Zheng Yan indulged for a moment and felt that it was not appropriate. "Continue to catch it!"

"When this is the time, has the Six Shadows Conference started?"


In the rain country, the Six Shadows talks are indeed going on. Without the presence of Masahiko, the shadows of the villages were much more introulent than before. The talks were very ‘hot,’ and the four generations of Lei Ying even proposed a Xiao organization that banned inaction.

"Oh, no!" The long door shook his head. "The existence of Xiao's organization is very helpful for the peace of the world. It is impossible to catch the secret, just because the enemy is hiding too well!"

The four generations of Lei Ying are deeply frowning. Can you not talk about the vortex? Mmp, once you hear what you said, Laozi’s thoughts are completely broken!

"Dawn organization does not need to be banned, but it must be rectified!" Ohnogi nodded openly.

The long door smiled and said: "Hey, four generations of earth shadow, manage your guard!"

"Don, don't talk!"

Ohno: "..."

This is really a disciple of the predecessors.

"Cough, the enemy is now secret, other things should not be discussed at the Six Shadows meeting."

With the relationship between the soil and the long gate, because of the relationship between Masahiko, there is a tacit understanding of Yahiko. The topic finally turned positive, and the two turned to look at Yahiko at the same time. Some wonder why he just didn’t talk, but found that Yahiko seemed to be in a daze...


Time goes by, the night falls.

On the island of Koh Tao, Masahiko has returned to the ruins and is preparing dinner for four people and two turtles.

Naruto is still showing his mouth to the nine tails, and there is no progress until now. Chiraby’s practice has some clues. After the fact that Chaga’s Chakra is not aware, he has been able to call it in a small amount.

"Cough! Naruto, stop for a while, eat dinner and continue!"


Masahiko distributed the dinner: "Naruto, how, is there progress?"

Naruto shook his head, but his face was not disappointed: "Not yet, but I think it will be very soon, tonight!"

Because the consciousness is in the state of rest when communicating with the nine tails, he does not need to sleep while doing this practice, and the time is abundant.

"Tonight." Masahiko smiled: "Come on!"

"Pork! I want pork!"

Zheng Yan’s meal turned to the tortoise: “The picky eater is not a good boy. I will eat fish tonight, hehe.”

The underage **** turtle is very wronged, and it feels that Yan Yan has changed. Yesterday, it is obviously not like this, I want to give it to you... innocent! The psychic scrolls have been booked, and is it still accustomed to it?


The next day, early morning.

"Successful, haha..." Naruto's laughter made Zheng Yan wake up from his sleep.

"You said... successful?"

"Well, success, ancestors! Jiuwei will talk to me!"

Masahiko breathed a sigh of relief, and Naruto finally took the first step and exchanged.

"What did it say?"

Naruto smiled and said: "Roll."

Zheng Yan blinks: "Roll?"

" Roll!"

Naruto scratched his head: "Yes, what Jiuwei said is ‘rolling’. My ancestors, I am hungry, do breakfast!”


"Old ancestors, don't repeat it!"

"roll roll roll!"

There are 10,000 words in the heart of Zheng Yan. The odds of Chirabi and the linen have not come yet, or they will feel that Naruto is a mental retardation. This bear child is too shameful to the ancestors!

"I am hungry!" Naruto repeated.

"Roll!...hey?" Zheng Yan blinked.


at the same time.

Near the rain country, somewhere underground space.

The big snake pill looked at the person in front of the coma, hoarse opening: "I can only isolate half of the time of the predecessor's surgery, and then I will see you."

"Half hour, enough." The emperor raised his hands and tried to perform the technique. The big snake pill reached out and smiled and stopped him.

"Forgot to tell you, someone was behind you. Maybe it's a senior, you have trouble."

The emperor's look changed: "Impossible, the vortex is now far away overseas, is it the guy..."

At this point, suddenly there was a voice coming from afar: "Hey, busy? Haven’t eaten in the morning, hungry? Don’t you come to a bowl of ramen?”


Ps: (Second sheep slept from three in the morning to three in the afternoon, did not feel tired outside, feels particularly tired at home...

Just finished two chapters, so tomorrow's update will be late, let me fall down time...)

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