MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 93 Listen to the father’s words

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From the central tower of the rainy country, Masahiko stood still for two seconds.

Although he did not learn from the mountain people to read the memory, but the Yin attribute ten, Yahiko no resistance, Zheng Yan still got most of his memory.

Among them are the memories of many of Yahiko’s childhood when he led him to wander, and these memories naturally contain hidden hidden bases.

Therefore, Masahiko is now considering which position the emperor will bring to my love.

"My spores were supposed to be in the west of the country of rain before being wiped out, and there are two strongholds in the west of the rain country, one northwest, one southwest... then the ancestors will go all the way to the west!"

Glittering to the west for more than twenty kilometers, Zheng Yan’s figure was slightly stunned. He has been fully sensational, and at this time there are two acquaintances of Chakra - Chiyoda and Skull.

The chakras of both of them are very weak, especially the Chiyoda, and some of them have dried up...

Zheng Yan’s heart was slightly shocked and turned to the north.

After a dozen seconds, the broken mountain forest and the pitted ground appeared in front of Masahiko. Everywhere here is the shards, Optimus Prime, nearly ten people...

Next to a collapsed giant tree, Masahiko saw the thousand generations who were weak in the ground, and could not help the eyebrows to show their medical ninjutsu.

"It hurts a lot. The ancestors have to collect the corpse for thousands of generations in the next five minutes. It won't be dry, this stinky boy..."

Masahiko heard the handcuffs saying that Chihiro and Yu had a general guess in the heart after going out this morning. Chiyoda wants to try again, probably also try the last time, defeating 蝎, let 蝎 know that the skill of the priest is not endless, telling him that his path is wrong!

However, from the injury of Chiyoda, she lost the last battle.

"Hey? He took Thousands of generations... ah?" Zheng Yan suddenly stunned, and his perception told him that the chaotic volatility was under the thousand.

Stabilizing the injury of the thousand generations, Masahiko flipped the body of the thousand generations. Sure enough, under her, there was the flesh and blood with the word 蝎.

Thousands of generations of the body were removed, and the core of the pressed body immediately extended the dense chakra line, connected to the nearby part of the shards, and spliced ​​into a ‘no shortage of two.’

The parts on the body are not complete, so the action is a little bit stuck, it is a bit like dancing mechanical dance.

After adjusting for a few seconds, he was able to speak, or the two words: "boring."

Masahiko’s medical ninja is not stopped: “Thousands of generations are very hurt. Even if there is a cure for the ancestors, this time will not die, but her life expectancy will soon reach the upper limit, and at most one year and a half will be alive. Is this... very boring?"


Zheng Yanyi, suddenly smiled: "I don't need to be narrator this time? The emotions that you belong to humans have been suppressed! Collect the tears in your eyes, wait for you to restore the human body, remember to taste salty!"

In front of Masahiko, Chiyoda slowly woke up, and the waves of water lingered, letting Masahiko see the 11-year-old lively girl 62 years ago...

This state of mind is on the charge, and Chiyoda quickly restored the expression of the old woman, pointing to the north: "Predecessors, I love Luo there!"

Masahiko: "I love Luo?!"

The figure is flashing, among the giant pits hundreds of meters away, I love Luo Ping lying on the ground, the body is already cool and cool... Gravity pulls me to love Luo floating up, Zheng Yan took him to the side of the thousand generations.

"You and you were not because of this, but because of the darkness?"

Thousands of generations struggled to sit up and use the medical ninja to check the condition of my love Luo. After a moment, I sighed: "Sure enough... died? Why did the seniors, the five generations of shadows, be arrested?"

Masahiko sank for two seconds and told Yahiko's ‘truth’ to the thousand generations, indicating that he was unknowingly tampering with the ‘cause and consequences’ of memory.

"It turned out that I didn't expect to use this method."

"Memory will be tampered with, it is really a fragile human body."

Zheng Yan glanced at him: "Reluctantly, don't look at what you are lacking now! Two players will be beaten like this... Oh, I am not talking about you for generations."

"Hey! Bored..." He slammed and went to find the waste and wanted to repair his body.

Thousands of generations licked their wrinkled lips: "Predecessors, there are three people in the dark."

"Three?" Zheng Yan an eyebrow.

Chiyoda nodded: "Extracting me from the inside of the body is the secret leader. The shot to us is the wooden leaf rebellious big snake pill. His strength... is exaggerated! I can only help with the scorpion. Five minutes."

Zheng Yan’s meal, slightly stunned: “The big snake pill really came to my opposite side. Is there another person?”

"The man has been watching it all the time, it seems to be... the father-in-law of the secret leader!"

"Who?" Zheng Yanyi.

God’s father-in-law, isn’t that Hui Ye Ji her father? how can that be!

"Father-in-law, father-in-law...this is definitely the bastard, right?" Zheng Yan said, "I am his words, why not directly solve the big snake pill and the emperor? If it is not the two opponents, you can also delay the arrival of the ancestors... This bastard, what are you thinking about!"

“Predecessors, I heard a part of the conversation between the three of them before I was in a coma.”


Time returned to half an hour ago.

Thousands of generations and two people rushed to the street in front of the big snake pill, and the big snake pill sealed several relatively intact Optimus Primes in the reel.

"The emperor is over!"

Emperor raised his hand: "Just good, one tail has been drawn, give them a final blow."

"Wait!" The hand smirked on the face of the chrysanthemum bloom: "Nvwa, so cold-blooded, I can't agree to let my baby prostitute continue to follow you. You see that the 70-year-old girl is desperately trying to protect her grandson. Under the look of the body, will not be pity?"

"Pity?" The emperor laughed, "The big snake pill, start!"

The big snake pill licked his lips and stepped back to the two people: "The Son of Heaven, listening to your father-in-law, sometimes, the heart of compassion is there."

Son of Heaven:? ? ?

"Vientiane... um?!"

Raise your hand and easily erase the gravitational force of the emperor: "Look at the child, listen to the father-in-law!"

"You guy..."

Dashen pill hoarse opening: "The emperor, let's go. I am afraid that the predecessors are coming soon..."

The Son of Heaven turned to his hand and said, "Don't you say that you can deal with the whirlpool?"

The hand shook his head and smiled. "There is no time. You see your body, the tail beast is sealed in a mess. When you go back, your father-in-law will give you a good comb, then seal the eight tails and one tail into your body. Then we can And the whirlpool is just positive!"

The emperor twisted the eyebrow: "Can you comb the tail beast?"

Hand blinking: "The father-in-law can do anything, child, you have to listen to the father-in-law!"

"Listen to him." The big snake pill hoarse.

Son of Heaven: "..."

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