MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v6 Chapter 3 I am not a good guy

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The tortoise's mood is very comforting, or the mood of eating goods is very comforting, and more dissatisfaction will be eaten into the stomach with the barbecue.

By the way, Masahiko showed her superb cooking before the treatment, and she received her high praise...

More importantly, after being threw out of the dark seeds, Masahiko secretly baked two pieces of meat for himself to eat... the taste is very general!

This shows from the side that the first role of the seed is similar to a piece of equipment!

Put it on, Masahiko has ten levels of gambling, ten-level carving, nine-level cooking... But when Masahiko spit it out, Masahiko has only the experience of using those skills in the past, the level is barely better than ordinary people. It’s higher.

Fortunately, the strength will not change.

Think about it too, every time in the strength of the point will be full of twists and turns, this evolution of evolution, evolution is the body of his vortex Masahiko. And those auxiliary skills, all added to the tenth level, are immediately unattainable. In addition to carving this type of skills, other familiarities do not need to be familiar!

Zheng Yan has been indulging for a moment, and he feels that the next thing to experiment with is the skills that are both auxiliary skills and auxiliary skills such as knife and genetic knowledge.

He must understand what he will lose after losing this seed! It’s not that someone can take it away from his own hands, but since this thing is called a seed, Zheng Yan has a strong desire to try it out...

But it is not known whether it will be dangerous to plant it, so where to plant it, how to plant it, you need to plan well.

After eating the barbecue, I asked the tortoise and Xiao Li to get along well, and sent Chirabi and linen back to Yunyin Village. Zheng Yan and Zhili finally set foot on the road to the empty island. On the road, they are still flying a carpet, Zheng Yan selective memory loss...

"Zheng Yan, just the Lei Ninja Ninja said that you promised to help him hold a concert in Muye..."

"Cough, this is a complicated matter. In short, I owe him a concert without accident."

" doesn't seem to have any rap talent."

"You don't have to be euphemistic, he just doesn't have a rap talent! But... my vortex is a man who speaks and speaks!" Zheng Yan is righteous.


Zheng Yan raised an eyebrow: "I have my own size and will not cause too much death or injury."

Zhili laughed: "It's not so exaggerated... Although it's a bit ugly, as long as you don't let the familiar juniors and Yu Zhibo's juniors listen, it doesn't matter."

Masahiko said: "Are you still very concerned about the middle-aged people of the Uchibo? I was negligent. I will take you to the Kojima for a few days. I will take you to Konobe and let them recognize your ancestors. You were originally Uchiha. The second lady of the family, if there is no child and no children, the current Uchiha family should also be your descendant, and will not fall to the mirror."

"I can go back? After listening to the mirror, I really want to see the current Uchiha... and apologize to Uchiha."

"Of course I can go back, who can stop you?" Masahiko shook his head and smiled.

“Can they not start seclusion in the water users?”

"No, no, no, you are different from them." Zheng Yan smiled: "They are the dead people who know the world, you are not. Except for the patriarchs of me and Uchiha, no one knows Uchihaji. What does this name mean?"

After resurrection, they saw their side with their immediate descendants and then retired to the empty island, in order to prevent Zheng Yan from returning to the youth and resurrection.

Don't worry that someone will be malicious. After the full level, Masahiko has been promoted from the ‘the island-level powerhouse’ to the ‘the country-level powerhouse’. A country that can wipe a country out of it is a big country!

Even when Zhengyan is full of power, he can strike the whole endurance world with charity! Of course, the lack of morality is not possible.

He is worried about ‘begging’. Chiyoda, who has a good relationship, and Ohnomu and others will not hesitate after the resurrection, but there are still some people who have a general relationship. For example, two teammates of Yuyang Village’s Ziyanghua, after their death, Ziyanghua came to him, Zhengyan rescue is not saved. ? To Yahiko to ask him? Reincarnation is a side effect!

If you don't save it, you will be able to hate it when you come and go. Therefore, the ability of Zhengyan to resurrect is less, the better. What's more, they don't want to mix into the world of today's ninja, and they can be satisfied with the healthy growth of the younger generation!

"We are here, Governance."

"... is there? Where?"

In front of the finger of Masahiko: "There was a mask that shielded the vision. I can see through the Mito and Nana, while others need their lead to go to the island. But you don't need them to lead, I will stay with you. you……"

Governance silenced for two seconds: "Zheng Yan, your mind I know, but... in short... you..."

"I am not a good guy!"

Governance:? ? ?

"Cough, I mean, please don't say the words "You are a good person."

"No, you misunderstood." Zhili smiled and shook his head. "I mean, can you wait for the adult to say something? You are only 15 years old, your face is too tender, I feel so awkward, hahaha..."

Zheng Yan’s expression was slightly stiff, and he looked at the sly smile in front of him and thought that he would reinforce the soul when he resurrected Zhili and Yan Xinnai...

"I didn't expect to have such a side in the rule, waiting for me to be an adult, adult...hey!"

If it is not a little witness point, no one can stop Zheng Yan’s adulthood today!

"I am joking, don't take it seriously." The ruler smiled and said, "Let me think about it!"

Masahiko nodded, thinking thoughtfully, how can the ruler feel like a heart...

They don't have any parents to see, and they don't have to think about the man's economic problems. They don't care about the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law. They can't still measure what the horoscope is.... don't you all believe in the constellation now?

Manipulating the flying carpet through the layering method, the empty island supported by the huge vines finally appeared in front of the two Originally a desolate island, ten powerful ninjas lived in two months, immediately It has become a paradise-like environment!

The land is flat, the house is stunned, and there is a genus of liangsui.

"Yubou! Nanako! Come out, look at who is coming?" Masahiko shouted.

"Oh! Teacher, is the predecessor of the rule resurrected? The seniors are good!" Jing Hao ran away and regained his youth. He regained his ‘youth’.

"The predecessor of the rule, the second grandfather." The Mito walked out of the room, "the resurrection of the predecessors in the rule, and the resurrection of Xinnai?"

"Well, their family has been reunited."

"The Mito." Zhili smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations to the resurrection of the predecessors! Second grandfather, now in your space..."

"Ah, there is only a spot left. His child is too awkward, and he will never accept the second grandmother... owing to the teaching!"

The next chapter is late.

Read The Duke's Passion