MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 102 Attitude of the Golden Horn Beast (Successful)

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  Chapter 102 The Attitude of the Golden Horn Beast (Successful)

  Win jade can seal the longevity pattern, and its effect on alchemists can be imagined.

   Not only that, some big people, in order to live longer, will also use this thing to make golden jade clothes and wear them on their bodies to reduce the decay of vitality and thus prolong their lifespan.

  Even wrapped on the corpse and stored for thousands of years, it can guarantee that the flesh will not rot.

  Because of this, this thing has always had a price but no market, and if there is one, it will be taken away, and it is difficult to see a surplus in the market.

  Old Master Cheng also looked at the other party with a wry smile on his face, and opened his mouth as if deliberately joking. He never dreamed of it... and took out another piece!

  Looking from a distance, the color and appearance are exactly the same as the one just now, or even worse.

  It was a great luck to get one piece just after talking, and I took out another one in the blink of an eye, are you kidding me?


   Facing the pressing gaze of the other party, Mr. Cheng was full of confusion, and then said: "The price I'm talking about is not only the jade pattern, but also a limit wooden longevity pattern..."

   Before he finished speaking, he saw the young man opened the jade box, and inside was the same longevity pattern, wandering slowly.


  Old Master Cheng was completely stunned, "This thing... can also be taken out in pairs?"

  Xu Hong nodded seriously, "Mr. Cheng really has a good eye. In fact... these two jade boxes and longevity patterns are just a pair, one male and one female. If they are sold together, the price will be higher!"

   "..." Mr. Cheng was tired.

   Do you think I'm an idiot?

   They also appear in pairs, how do you say a litter?

   "Hu Yan, go and identify..." Mr. Cheng waved his hand.

  The words have been said, once you go back, the impact on the auction house will not be very good, and if you buy this thing for 700,000 yuan, although you don’t earn much, you don’t suffer a loss.


  Come to the front, Hu Yan quickly read it, "Reporting to the master, no matter whether the pattern jade or the longevity pattern, they are of the same quality as the one just now...there is no difference!"

  Master Cheng let out a sigh of relief, "Since they are a couple, let's not pay 750,000, and I will also accept 700,000!"

   "Good!" Xu Hong nodded.

  700,000 is already the limit price. Leaving aside pre-sales, publicity, etc., even if the auction house can make money, it will not exceed 50,000 taels of silver, which is more cost-effective than his auction.

  Passed Wenyu over.

Old Master Cheng was also very straightforward. He took out the same jade crystal card, put it on his card and tapped it lightly. With the surge of true energy, Xu Hong immediately saw the number on the card, which changed from 700,000 to 100,000. 1.4 million.

   "Thank you..." Xu Hong cupped his fists.

  Master Cheng nodded, "It's still the same sentence, next time I have Wenyu, I hope I can sell it to us..."

  Xu Hong's eyes lit up, "Or 700,000?"


Mr. Cheng's smile froze quickly, and he saw the young man flipping his wrist, and took out another jade box that was exactly the same, and looked at it sincerely, "Actually, I lied to the old man just now, and those two pieces of jade are not a pair. , but the brothers of the first-milk compatriots, and now this is their third brother..."

   "..." Mr. Cheng was completely stunned.

  Do you dare to talk a little more nonsense?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Hong continued: "Look, if you take out three identical patterned jades at once, how much impact should it have? The entire Liyuan King City has only one piece, and everyone will definitely increase the price to buy it. For Tianyi Auction House It’s also great publicity.”

  Master Cheng was speechless.

  What the other party said was good, taking out three pieces of Wen Yu and the limit Guangmu Shouwen at once would definitely cause a great sensation and attract countless pharmacists.

  The impact of this on the auction house is indeed immeasurable.

   Let out a sigh of relief, and looked over again, "Does these Wenyu have any other brothers?"

   "This time there is really no more. Wenyu can only be born by fairy statues, and it cannot be mass-produced. It is already very lucky to have three pieces. How could it be possible to come up with another one!"

  Xu Hong shook his head.

   "Okay! I'll accept this one too..."

  Old Master Cheng nodded, transferred the money over, and then sighed, "Actually, good things come in pairs, and three is still too little. If there are four, it will definitely be better to sell..."

  Xu Hong smiled and said: "It's a pity, I really don't have any more. Otherwise, you guys are so quick to give money, and you will definitely continue to cooperate."

Seeing that he was really gone, Mr. Cheng handed over a token, "This is the VIP token of our Tianyi Auction House. In the future, when little friend Xu Jiang comes over, you can let me know directly! You can participate in any auction without collateral. An auction, buy any item you can see."

   "Thank you, old man!" Xu Hong took it.

   "You're welcome! I won't bother you..."

   Without further words, Mr. Cheng turned and left.

Putting the card into the ring, Xu Hong pulled Wei Ziyang and strode out. He left the auction house and walked into a tavern. A few minutes later, two shabby drunks came out and walked around several alleyways. After that, he got into the carriage and galloped straight to Hongwu College.

  Although the reputation of Tianyi Auction House is very good, Xu Hong will never gamble with his life, so it is better to be careful.

"With these two million and one hundred thousand taels of silver, set up a firm to purchase nourishing elixir. The grade of medicinal materials must be at least a hundred years old... In addition, buy a mansion, open up a medicine field in it, and buy some celestial ginseng and the like Seedlings are planted."

   Passed the card over, Xu Hong explained.

  His purpose of making money is to buy more tonics to make his life longer and longer. As for doing business, there is no way to sell grain jade and longevity grain to make money!

   Instead of investing costs and wasting time, it is better to come to the most direct.

  Wei Ziyang nodded, and looked over curiously, "Just now, Mr. Cheng has asked to buy more grain jade, why didn't the young master take the opportunity to sell a few more yuan?"

Xu Hong shook his head, "Too much is too late. If you take out too much at once, you will easily have uncontrollable troubles. Most importantly, they may not be able to take out so much cash at once. After the auction of these three pieces, the entire Liyuan City will know Knowing the value of can sell it in other places, not necessarily in the auction house!"

   "This is..."

   Wei Ziyang's eyes were full of admiration.

  If it were someone else, seeing the benefits in front of them, they would definitely be dazzled, but this one can think of these things, which is admirable.

   "The young master and Mr. Cheng just promised that the Wenyu has no brother, and it will be sold out next time. How should we explain it?" Thinking of what happened just now, Wei Ziyang asked jokingly.

Xu Hong stared, "Without brothers, can't there be sisters? Even if there are no sisters, parents, children and grandchildren should have them! What about cousins? What about cousins? I want to sell things, but I still can't find a reason ?"

   "..." Wei Ziyang was speechless.

   If you want to talk nonsense with your eyes open, it's you, young master!


  Tianyi Auction House.

  In a spacious room, Mr. Cheng looked at Wenyu in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.


  A pitch-black figure appeared in the hall.

   "How is it? Have you found out the history?"

  The figure shook his head, "I tracked [Wanted Restaurant], and then he disappeared, as if he disappeared out of thin air!"


  Old Master Cheng was taken aback, his eyes narrowed, "It seems that this Xu Jiang found your trail, so it's not easy to be so cautious at such an age!"

   "Do you still want to continue looking?" Shadow asked.

Mr. Cheng shook his head: "No, I'll let you follow quietly. I'm just curious about which power can cultivate such a talent...Since you haven't found out, don't continue, otherwise you will just offend a person who can come up with a tattoo for no reason." Jade's patron."


  The figure nodded, with curiosity in his eyes, "After the fairy statue is destroyed, it cannot come to auspiciousness. How was Wenyu born? Is there any other way?"

   "There should be no other way, otherwise this thing would not be so expensive. Although patterned jade is rare, some can still be born every year, and the number is not a lot. Some people hide some privately, which is normal!"

  Old Master Cheng waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about these things, go and inform Xiaoru, let her spread the news, saying that there will be a large amount of grain jade and extreme wide wood longevity grain for sale in this month's auction!"


  The figure nodded, turned and walked out.


  By the pool of Hongwu College, Dean Xia Yuan came to him, took out a special jade token and held it tightly in his hand.

  With the transmission of true energy, the lines on the surface of the jade tablet shook, and made a sound like a flute, which was melodious and loud, and the sound vibrated Lin Yue.


With the sound of the sound, the calm pool water shook again, and after a while, the huge golden-horned beast in the clear water floated up again. Seeing Dean Xia holding the jade card, his face was ashen, and the wave of spiritual consciousness was transmitted over immediately , "Are you the current dean?"

  Jade card summoning is only qualified to be known by successive deans. The moment the other party takes out this thing, it knows the identity.

   "Junior, the twenty-seventh dean of Hongwu College, Xia Yuan! I have seen the golden horned beast senior..."

  Xia Yuan bowed to the end.

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the golden horned beast, "Is the academy in a life-or-death crisis?"

  Xia Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head, "No!"

  The golden horned beast continued: "Is there an uncontrollable change?"

  Xia Yuan shook his head again, "Not at all!"

  The Golden Horned Beast said angrily: "Without these, what are you calling me for? Hong Wu left a jade card back then and sealed me. It was for me to save the college from crisis, not for you to shout for fun!"


  After the voice finished, Xia Yuan immediately rushed towards him with a rush of force, and instantly felt that he was wrapped in a ball of water vapor, and the mighty force was about to tear it apart.


   Pupils shrank, and the power in Xia Yuan's body immediately formed a defensive shield in front of him. He was still hit hard, and his whole body flew upside down like a cannonball, creating a big hole.

   There is only a small difference between the sixth level and the seventh level of longevity, but the difference in combat power is huge. Even if Xia Yuan is not weak, he still can't resist.

   "Hmph, you deserve it for disturbing my sleep..."

After Xia Yuan, the thick tail of the golden corner beast of the blue water dumped and walked towards the bottom of the Tan again.


  Xia Yuan struggled to get up, feeling tired.


   "Senior stay here, I'm disturbing you, it's related to Xu Hong!"

   Gritting his teeth, Xia Yuan hurriedly said.

   "Say it earlier..."

  The Bishui Golden Horned Beast turned around hastily, with a smile in its eyes.

  Xia Yuan was stunned, should the difference be so big?

  Before I thought about coming over to ask the other party's attitude towards the boy, but now it seems that it doesn't make much sense to ask or not...

  Forced to hold back his depression, he said, "I heard from Elder Hong Yuan that Senior intends to accept Xu Hong as a junior for Senior Hong Wu. Is it a joke or is it sincere?"

   "You question my decision?"

  The golden horned beast narrowed its eyes.

   "This junior dare not..." Xia Yuan shook his head hastily.

   "If you don't dare, get out, don't disturb my sleep..."

  The hooves and claws swayed, and the body of the golden horned beast swayed. Just about to get into the bottom of the pool, it stopped and turned around, "Do you know Xu Hong's teacher?"

   "Senior is talking about senior Tianya?" Xia Yuan said.

   "It seems to be called this name..." The golden horned beast nodded.

  Xia Yuan smiled wryly and said, "I've only heard about it, but I haven't had the honor to see it yet..."

   "It's nothing, get out!" He had never seen it before, the golden horned beast showed contempt, its body shook, turned into a cloud of water vapor, and disappeared in front of its eyes.


  Confirmed that the other party really left, Xia Yuan had no choice but to turn around and leave helplessly.

  Although the other party didn't talk to him much, it made him confirm two things.

  First, this guy really wants to accept Xu Hong as a junior for Hongwu, and he may even accept the master himself. If he really does this, it will definitely be a good thing for Hongwu College.

Yang Mo had just made a breakthrough, and once he killed the black-tailed cold anaconda, his strength would definitely increase. In this case, no one in Hongwu Academy could compete with him, and the awakening of this ancestor's beast pet immediately solved this hidden danger, allowing the two major forces to fight against each other. , the balance again appears.

  Second, the Golden Horn Beast's attitude towards Xu Hong is probably related to his teacher, that mysterious "Senior Tianya", otherwise it would be impossible to ask.

If you say this, Yang Mo is not lying. Xu Hong's teacher is indeed unfathomable. If you build a good relationship, if you can let the other party give some advice, perhaps, you can solve the hidden dangers in your body and also impact the spiritual realm. success!

  If this is the case, not to mention prolonging the life span, the body functions will also become stronger.

   "Go and see Xu Hong..."

   Unable to bear it any longer, his body swayed, and he galloped towards the direction of the elders' courtyard.

   To say that before, he only regarded Xu Hong as a genius boy with a promising future, but now, he has already regarded him as a peer, and he dare not show any contempt.


   Xu Hong, who returned to his residence, was at a loss when he saw a large pile of items in the room, as well as Han Qing, Hong Yuan and others who were all smiling.

   "This...Xu Hong, your elder treatment has been applied for. This is the cultivation resource for you this month, as well as the token representing your identity! Please keep it well..."

  Vice President Han Qing smiled.


  Xu Hong was taken aback for a moment, and looked full of doubts, "Didn't you say that you still have to wait for the dean to come back and personally assess it?"

   "The dean has returned, he made the decision himself!" Han Qing hurriedly said.


  Hearing what he said, Xu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled slightly, "It seems that Dean Xia said before that the assessment will not be too difficult, and he really didn't lie to me!"


  President Han and the others fell silent.

   Is it simple or you are too perverted, do you have no mental comprehension at all?

  However, if you think about it carefully, the other party thinks it is very simple, and they are right...

  The teachers in the Grandmaster Realm were all beaten up. It is not difficult to get more jade cards for the Misty Forest assessment.

   Possesses the aptitude for elixir that can turn the snow primrose maroon, so it is not surprising to see Shou Wen in front of her and collect it!

  Speaking of it this way, it’s not that the other party is too perverted, but that they don’t know anything about Jiumai Genius...

  Thinking of this, Han Qing turned his head to look at Xu Ying who was on the side, and Han Qing shook his head again.

  The same nine veins, why is the gap so big?

  He was sighing with emotion. In the middle of a pool in the Yingyue Sect, a girl with a round face was sitting cross-legged in it. Just now she had developed eight meridians and became a genius of eight meridians!

   Turning his wrist, a jade bottle appeared in his palm.

   "The little liar said that if you hit the eight meridians, you can take the Huiqi pill he gave. What do you mean?"

  After thinking for a while, Xiu frowned, "Forget it, whatever he means, this thing smells delicious, just eat it!"

   There was a smile on the slightly fat face of the baby, and he opened his mouth and poured out half of the Huiqi pill, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it.

   I have to say, it's really delicious.

   I feel cold all over, I started to have a fever, I got hit



  (end of this chapter)

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