MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 117 hang!

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  Chapter 117 Hanging!

   Seeing this scene in their eyes, Dean Xia Yuan, Vice Dean Han Qing and others who hadn't left yet glanced at each other, each a little mad.

  They expected that this boy would become the idol of all the students, but they never dreamed that he would be so fanatical...

  Luo Yuehua, Cheng Hao and others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

  As princes and princesses, geniuses and masters, they originally thought that they could become a blockbuster after entering the academy.

   "This...Xu Hong is actually a member of our Eagle Alliance, my subordinate!"

   At this moment, Helian Tiexiong's voice sounded.


  Cheng Hao and the others hurriedly turned their heads.

   When you were pinched by the neck and lifted up, why didn't you say that Xu Hong belonged to your alliance when you looked aggrieved?


   "Actually, Xu Hong is also from our Haoran Alliance..." His face turned red, and just as Cheng Hao was about to speak, a louder voice sounded from the side.

   "Xu Hong is from my alliance!" Liao Yongxin looked determined.

   "It's also from my Hongmen!" Yuan Yihong was not to be outdone.

   "It's still from our Longmen..."


  In an instant, seven or eight alliances shouted at the same time.

  Dean Xia, Vice President Han and others were completely stunned.

  Students form an alliance to resist the oppression of old students. They all know that they have always neither supported nor opposed the attitude, and let it develop.

  Ben thought, as long as they are freshmen, they will definitely be oppressed. What is going on with Xu Hong?

   Not only joined the most powerful alliance among freshmen, but also the alliance of old students?

  Can't help being curious, Elder Hong Yuan grabbed an insider and asked.

  The other party answered quickly.

   "Actually...Senior brother Xu Hong joined the major alliances because of the franchise fee they gave..."

  So, this person explained in detail the request of the teenager to join.

  Xia Yuan and the others fell silent.

   "Come from Jiyuan City, without a prominent identity and family background, and practice so fast, lack of resources, that's the norm!"

   "No wonder I saw the longevity pattern and collected it desperately... We have treated him badly!"

   "It's really not good, give him a better treatment!"

  Xia Yuan and the others nodded secretly.


   People who didn't know the college were already crazy about him. Xu Hong went back to his residence, lay down and fell asleep directly.

   Reciting for several days in a row consumes a lot.

   After sleeping for two days and two nights at a stretch, I felt completely refreshed, and the fatigue on my body disappeared.

   "Cultivate the earth attribute skills first, and then try to see if the escape method can be cultivated..."

   Instead of going out in a hurry, I adjusted my state and sat on the bed The purpose is to avoid detours and become stronger. Now that knowledge has entered my mind, it is natural to retreat and make good use of it.

   "Wood attributes are all modified to increase lifespan, water attributes are modified to have no increase or decrease in lifespan, metal attributes are modified to reduce lifespan..."

  Through the previous practice methods in my mind, my mind was immediately immersed in the earth attribute exercises I wrote down.

  Earth, thick and steady, can not only defend, but also nourish all things.

  Nourishment represents vitality and increases life, while protection represents strength and consumes life.

   "Adjust to +0.01, try alternately with -0.01..."

   Soon, Xu Hong adjusted the exercises, but the Longevity Diagram did not change in any way.

  Then it was adjusted to -0.01, alternating with +0.01. Just after running a cycle, the Longevity Map in my mind shook slightly, and sure enough, words appeared.


   Pirates: Qingdi Longevity Kungfu, White Emperor Jinyuan Kungfu, Red Emperor Huoxuan Kungfu, Black Emperor Shuiling Kungfu, Yellow Emperor Tude Kungfu...


   His eyes lit up, Xu Hong controlled his strength, and followed the route he had explored in his body, and a khaki true energy immediately appeared on his fingertips.

   This force is thick and steady, and if it is protected by a qi gang, it will be difficult for Jin Yuan's true qi to pierce it.

  With the help of Jin Yuan Zhen Qi, the offense has become much stronger, but the defense can only be regarded as mediocre, but with the blessing of the Yellow Emperor's Tude Gong, Liao Yongxin and Yuan Yihong, who are the peak masters, may not be able to hurt him at all if they attack with all their strength.

  True integration of offense and defense.

   With a flick of his fingers, the khaki true energy immediately formed a khaki armor on the surface of his body, and he took out a dagger and stabbed it hard.


  The dagger was bent on the spot.

  After experimenting for a while, Xu Hong suppressed his excitement.

The zhenqi of the Yellow Emperor Tude Kungfu does not seem as dazzling as metallic zhenqi, nor is it as pure as the zhenqi of longevity, but it gives people a sense of calmness and thickness, which eases the power that he was slightly repulsed before. Quite a lot.

   "Try five kinds of qi..."

   As soon as the spirit moved, the five emperors' true qi immediately circulated in the body one by one in the order of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

   True Qi nourishes the whole body, like a stream flowing through a mountain stream.

  Baidi Jinyuan Kung Fu is unparalleled in sharpness, and the blocked places in the meridians will be wiped away immediately when it comes into contact with it.

  Qingdi Longevity Kung Fu is pure and vigorous, making the meridians more elastic.

  Chidi Huoxuan's true energy is full of explosive power and surging.

  Heidi's watery and infuriating energy is gentle and subtle, continuous, and has strong recovery and healing abilities.

  Yellow Emperor Tude is genuine, thick and steady, and invincible in defense.

  The five zhenqis had just completed a cycle in the dantian, and in an instant, Xu Hong felt that the power barrier that imprisoned him was broken.

  Grandmaster middle stage!

  Grandmaster late stage!

  Peak Grandmaster!

   In just over ten breaths, he has reached the peak of the master, and he will break through at any time.


  Xu Hong's eyes were round.

  Five Elements Emperor Skills, all of them have been practiced, and they can still make a breakthrough... What's going on?


   Was wondering, suddenly, a huge roar came in his mind, like a wave, and before he could react, Xu Hong entered a special artistic conception.

  Same as last time, five huge figures sat on the five high platforms with deep eyes.

   "This is... the Five Emperors?" Xu Hong was shocked.

  When I hit the ten meridians before, I only saw Qingdi, but now I am practicing the Five Emperors technique, and seeing five figures, I don’t need to think about it, it must be the so-called Five Emperors!

  The Qing Emperor is kind, the Black Emperor is gentle, the Red Emperor is fiery, the Yellow Emperor is steady, and the Golden Emperor is fierce...

  Five old men, with five different expressions, sat on the spot, silent, surrounded by courtiers kneeling, birds and beasts, and ancient vegetation, densely packed.


  A mysterious aura came over, and the five emperors raised their heads at the same time.

  Xu Hong looked over, the originally silent sky, the wind was surging, and the light was flowing, and a huge handwriting soon appeared - Xuan!

   This word does not look complicated, but it carries a mystery that people cannot directly see.

   "What happened here? Let the five emperors feel suspense?"

  Xu Hongman was shocked.

   It's not the mysterious Xuan, but the cliff and the suspense. Could it be that something uncertain happened that made the five emperors feel flustered?

  Although I don't know the specific identity of the Five Emperors, it is definitely not easy to create such a powerful technique. It is definitely a super terrifying for such a strong person to feel "hanging" without thinking about it.

  This idea was just born, and the body shook violently. Like last time, I immediately retreated from this special artistic conception.


  Xu Hong panted heavily, and found that he was still sitting on the bed, and it was already dark outside.

   That kind of artistic conception is only a few tens of seconds, and the outside world has passed a whole day!

   "Five Emperors...what happened?"

  There must be a huge problem with these five superpowers, otherwise, the longevity map would not appear in his mind.

  Although the origin of the Longevity Picture is still unknown, it must be related to the Five Emperors. Otherwise, it would be impossible to deduce such an extraordinary formula from ordinary exercises.

"forget about it…"

  Knowing this matter, it is still far away from him, and it is useless to think too much now, Xu Hong ignored it, pushed the door and walked out of the room.


  As soon as he came to the courtyard, he saw Wei Ziyang and came to him respectfully.

   Smiling slightly, Xu Hong looked over, "Is the matter I arranged settled?"

  After selling Wenyu and Shouwen, he gave the money directly to the person in front of him, asking him to buy a courtyard in the city and find an opportunity to sell Mushouwen. It has been more than ten days, and it should be almost done.

   "It's all ready, young master, Tianyi Auction House suddenly bought a large number of Mushouwen. The more the better, do we need to sell them?" Wei Ziyang said.

   "A large number of acquisitions?" Xu Hong was taken aback.

  Although the more longevity patterns, the better, but Mushouwen is considered the lowest level, so it is a bit strange to suddenly buy a large number of them.

Wei Ziyang explained: "Three days ago, the auction house suddenly released the news that more than a thousand Guangmu longevity patterns were to be purchased, and now many people are frantically collecting... If the young master has it, I mean, let's do it directly. Great deal, so you don't have to retail anymore!"

  Before, the other party asked him to sell Mushouwen slowly. Although he could earn more profit, but after a long time, it would inevitably lead to a lot of coveting and trouble.

   After all, a man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. Once it is known that he has a large number of wooden longevity patterns, but his strength is not even that of a master, it will definitely be very troublesome.

   After pondering for a while, Xu Hong nodded, "Okay!"

  It is definitely a good thing to buy a large number of Mushouwen. It can solve the hidden danger once and for all.

   "Maybe I have to go to the auction house again!" Seeing his promise, Wei Ziyang said.

Xu Hong hesitated for a moment and said: "Well, let me help you change your appearance, and then, you contact Mr. Cheng and say that I have 1,000 Guangmu Shouwen here, and I hope to sell them to him directly, and make an appointment...tomorrow night trade!"

   "Good!" Wei Ziyang nodded.

Xu Hong circulated his strength, followed the method of shrinking bones, and slapped the opponent dozens of times. The former Ziyang Pavilion owner immediately turned into a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life, which was completely different from his previous appearance. .

   "I left a trail of true qi in your body, once you touch this true qi, the effect of the bone shrinking skill will end, so you can avoid being followed!"

   After finishing these, Xu Hong explained.

   "Yes!" Wei Ziyang nodded again and again, looking at the boy again, his awe was even stronger.

   This set of bone shrinking skills was found by him from a craftsman. It has been more than a month now, and the other party has not only practiced it, but can also help others change their appearance... This talent is simply invincible!

  The most important thing is, how long has it been since you came to Liyuanwang City?

  The other party not only broke through to the master level, but also reached the peak... The speed of cultivation can be described as terrifying.

   Wei Ziyang left, Xu Hong did not rest, but went back to the room again, and the method of earth escape appeared in his mind.

   Selling a thousand Hiroki Shoumon in one go can avoid future troubles, but if you sell too much at once, even if you disguise your appearance, it may not be safe.

   It is better to make preparations in advance.

   The more life-saving methods such as water escape and earth escape, the better.

   "The method of earth escape is for practitioners of the earth attribute. With the help of the earth escape technique, after practice, they can freely walk through the soil without getting dusty. They can also pass through mountains, rocks, and walls without being hindered..."

   "Same as martial arts, it is divided into five levels: entry, small success, great success, completeness, and perfection."

   "Getting Started: With the help of the pulsating power of the earth, you can escape quickly and increase your speed in a short time!"

   "Xiaocheng: It can drill into the ground and walk through the mud, but the speed is only 50% of that on land."

   "Dacheng: Walking through the mud, the speed is similar to running on land."

   "Consummation: It can move freely through mud and rocks at twice the speed of land."

   "Perfect: rocks, walls, wherever there is mud, can pass through, and the speed is three times that of running on land!"

  Xu Hongman was very excited.

   You don’t need to cultivate to perfection, as long as you reach the perfection state, once you get into the ground, it may not be so easy for the life-enhancing state to kill him.

   After all, those in the Life-Enhancing Realm are very powerful, and they cannot penetrate the ground.

"Earth escape method, water escape method, fire escape method, wood escape method, and metal escape method are also called five element escape methods. Each escape method is very difficult to practice. If you want to practice to perfection, there is no thousand years of practice. It is almost impossible to complete. And the lifespan of a strong person in the longevity realm, reaching the ninth level, is only 260 years, even if you don't rest or sleep, and don't practice other martial arts and skills, it will be a small success at most!"

   "Therefore, many people know about it, but they don't know how to practice it!"

   At the end of the introduction of the exercises, the scribe left behind the emotion.

   "It takes thousands of years to practice a magic formula that can only be used to escape... Indeed, no one will practice it!"

   Xu Hong couldn't help shaking his head.

   No wonder this set of formulas is so powerful, but I haven’t heard of any elder in Hongwu College learning it, so it’s so difficult!

  But...he's not involved in this issue!

  As long as there are enough tonics, not to mention just one method of earth escape, even if you find all the five element escape methods such as water escape, fire escape, and wood escape, you can easily learn it.

   At worst, it would consume five thousand years of life.

   Not a big problem.

   Feeling emotional in his heart, he looked at the cultivation method.

   "This set of evasion techniques needs to reach the life-enhancing state before you can practice, because practicing this set of techniques requires the cooperation of mental strength..."

   "Although I haven't reached the life-enhancing state, I have accidentally opened up the Niwan Palace Point, and I have spiritual power. Is it possible for me to practice?"

  Others may need to reach the life-enhancing state to get in touch, but he has already developed spiritual power, and has reached an astonishing 15 meters, which is not weaker than the average life-enhancing first level powerhouse!

  Perhaps, it is already possible to practice.

   Thanks to the book friend [Piaoyun Yeliang Xingnuan] for becoming the 13th leader of this book, adding more can only wait a few years later. . Don't worry, everyone, I have meetings during the day and I can code at night, and I will definitely not stop updating.



  (end of this chapter)