MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 125 Chen Qingyuan's promise

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  Chapter 125 Chen Qingyuan's Promise

  Mingyuezong, Hanbingchi.

  The girl with a little baby fat slowly recuperated, opened her eyes slightly, and looked around quietly. Seeing no one, she was relieved, turned her wrist, took out a chicken leg, and opened her mouth to bite it.

  The smell of meat exploded in the mouth. The girl's eyes were bent into crescents, and she took two big mouthfuls in a row. Just as she filled her mouth, she heard footsteps coming.

   Startled, just about to throw away the remaining chicken legs, but felt a little bit reluctant, took two bites again, and made sure that the meat on the bone was completely gone, then threw it into the ice pool, and swallowed it hastily.

   "Cough cough cough!"

   At this moment, a speechless cough sounded.

  Teacher Wu Yue came not far away at some time, looking at her swollen cheeks with doting and speechless eyes.

   "Teacher, I'm practicing seriously, I didn't steal food!"

  Chen Qingyuan waved her hands again and again.


  Wu Yue covered her forehead, "Okay, I didn't mean to blame you for eating, I came here to tell you that I will take you to Hongwu College tomorrow!"

   Eyes lit up, Chen Qingyuan hurriedly stood up, "What are you doing there?"

Wu Yue raised her head and smiled, "Hongwu College has always used all means to recruit students. They have basically recruited excellent students from the Yuan Dynasty and even the surrounding kingdoms. This time I managed to find them. As a genius with nine veins, it is natural for you to crush the contemporary! Let everyone know that it is best to choose me, the Moon Sect."


  Chen Qingyuan seems to understand, her eyes are getting brighter and brighter, she doesn't care about the truth, she only knows that if she goes to Hongwu College, she might be able to meet the little liar!

   "Rest early today and recharge your spirits. When you arrive at Hongwu Academy tomorrow, you must exert your full strength and play the aura of my Yingyue Sect!"

   Wu Yue explained.

  Chen Qingyuan nodded repeatedly.

   "I still need to prepare some things tonight. Tomorrow morning, if you go directly to the medicine hall to find me, I won't come."

   Wu Yue turned and left after speaking.

Seeing the teacher's figure disappear, Chen Qingyuan held her chin and fell into deep thought, "Last time I told the little liar that he invited me to eat hot pot, and I invited him to eat [Snowflake Lotus Root] and [Cold Fire Fish]...see you again , if you don’t invite guests, wouldn’t you also become a liar?”

  She doesn't want to be a liar.

   "Then... find the cold fire fish and snow lotus root!"

   With a flash of eyes, a decision has been made.

  Anyway, these two things grow in the Ice Pond. While there is no one around, they secretly steal a lotus root and a cold fire fish. It shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

   "Just do it!"

   Smiling slightly, a thick stream of water vapor emerged from Chen Qingyuan's body surface, and with a slight dip, she immediately jumped into the pool in front of her eyes.

  Cultivating water attribute skills, although you can't keep breathing in water for a long time like Shui Dun, but diving for an hour and a half is not a big problem.


The sound of running water kept ringing in her ears. The girl was swimming like a fish. After a while, she came to a lotus flower. She lightly grasped the soil with her palm, and the upper half of a lotus root landed in her palm. It was crystal clear, like a jade carving. .

   "It's so beautiful!"

  Chen Qingyuan's eyes lit up. Seeing that the lotus root was very long, she continued to dig down.

  Snowflake lotus root, with a total of seven nodes, not only has the smoothness of jade on the surface, but also has snowflake-like patterns.

"what is this?"

   Quickly dug to the bottom of the lotus root, a lotus root the size of a fist appeared in front of my eyes, with a faint pattern on the surface, swimming slowly.

   "It looks delicious... Never mind, let's dig it out first!"

  Use your palm hard and break it gently.


  The entire lotus root was dug out and put into the storage ring.

   Ice Pond, there are lotus flowers everywhere, just pick one lotus root, it shouldn’t be a big problem...

  Snow lotus root, some are produced every year, if you steal one and give it to a liar, no one will find out.

  Muttering in his heart, he continued to swim towards the deep water area.

  Look for the cold fire fish.

  I’ve heard about this thing a long time ago, but I haven’t eaten it yet! Just happened to be with the little liar, making a hot pot fish...

   Thinking of hot pot, the girl couldn't help but drool again.


  In the dean's office.

  Han Qing didn't look at the boy, but at the two elders.

   "What do you think of today's events?"

  Elder Hong Yuan thought for a while and said: "I also think that Xu Hong can refine the perfect elixir, it's better to hide it for the time being... Once it is leaked, the impact will indeed be too great."

   "It can be easier to explain if it can be delayed until Xu Hong breaks through the life-enhancing state!"

  Elder Xuan Ye also nodded.

  It’s really unnatural to be able to refine alchemy just after breaking through the Grandmaster Realm, and even refine ones at the Perfect level. If you reach the Life-enhancing Realm, maybe it can explain one or two of them.

   "Grandmaster state is the last state of warriors. How can it be so easy to break through... Not to mention crossing over, but to reach the peak from the early stage of the master, it is impossible to complete it without more than half a year of self-cultivation..."

  Elder Hong Yuan smiled wryly, "If I remember correctly, Xu Hong, you have just broken through for a few days!"

  When they picked up the young man from Jiyuan City, it was only the beginning of the martial artist Yaecheng Gang Realm.

   Not surprisingly, it was a breakthrough during the freshman exchange meeting a few days ago.

   "Yes!" Xu Hong nodded.

   "That's terrible! Just broke through, even if you are a talent with nine veins, and your cultivation speed is far faster than ordinary people, you can reach the peak of the master within three months, it's not bad..."

  Elder Hong Yuan sighed, before he finished his words, he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming straight from not far away, and the squeezed air made a "squeak!" sound.

   Turning his head hastily, he saw the breath in Xu Hong's body, which was being released without any concealment.

   "Peak master?"

   Eyes stared round.

  When the other party released his cultivation base, he immediately felt that the strength of the person in front of him had already reached the pinnacle of a master, and he was only a foot away from the life-enhancing state...

   Just said that it would take at least three months for him to break through. As a result, he has already done it...

  It only took three or four days for the master to reach the peak in the early stage?

   You are hanging up!

   "When I was refining alchemy just now, I accidentally broke through..."

  Xu Hong scratched his head.

He made a breakthrough by practicing the Yellow Emperor's Earth Virtue Kung Fu, but he didn't want to talk about the Five Elements Kung Fu, so he could only push it to alchemy. Anyway... alchemy is also helpful for cultivation. Not too much!

   Sure enough, upon hearing his words, the three masters in the room all looked at each other in blank dismay, especially Han Qing whose beard had been pulled out several times.

   Refining a perfect elixir, can it also help the cultivation base to break through?

Not to mention, it is really possible, there are similar records in history, when the founding emperor of the Liyuan Dynasty, Cheng Liyuan, just by chance, refined a perfect level of elixir, which helped his cultivation breakthrough and opened up this world. millennium dynasty.

  Of course... I don’t know exactly how to break through. I only know that he succeeded, which is recorded in the books of the library unit.

"It would be even better to be able to reach the peak of the master so quickly. As long as you can break through to the life-enhancing state, even if it is reported that you have refined a perfect-level elixir, you can escape the coincidence... After all, technology is one aspect, and luck should not be underestimated! "

   After a long time, Han Qing recovered from the shock and said: "However, from today onwards, you can no longer make alchemy, or in other words, you can't make alchemy in public! You can't make any more perfect ones!"

  Xu Hong understood what the other party meant and nodded.

   Refining a perfect level of elixir, just like the opponent's penalty area shot, once in a while, although it is shocking, it can be done. If it can be refined every time, it will inevitably be suspicious.

"and also…"

Han Qing continued: "From today onwards, we will announce to the outside world that you are capable of alchemy, and the fryer was seriously injured, and you need to rest! This will not only cover up the destruction of the pill garden, but also leave enough room for you to increase your life expectancy." time…"

  Xu Hong nodded.

   It's no wonder that this person can become the first deputy dean, and he is indeed extremely sensitive in handling these matters.

Only a group of elders saw the perfect elixir that he had refined, but...many people knew about the successful refining of qi invigorating elixir. Will feel overwhelmed, but mediocre.

   In this way, it is equivalent to solving the hidden dangers and troubles in front of you.

  Being favored by powerful forces without enough cultivation is sometimes a good thing, but more often it is a bad thing... He doesn't want to hand over his fate to others.

  Stay low-key, wretched development is best.

   "Okay, it's settled..."

  Han Qing arranged some details in detail before letting Xu Hong leave.

  As soon as he returned to the courtyard, he couldn't help frowning.

  In the living room ahead, the lights were brightly lit. Wei Ziyang stood anxiously at the door, saw him coming, and hurriedly greeted him.

   "Master, the third prince Cheng Hao wants to see you...has been waiting in the living room for more than an hour..."

   "Cheng Hao?"

  Xu Hong frowned.

   Apart from joining his Haoran Alliance, the two of them have no intersection. What are they doing here at this time?

   "Go and have a look!"

   After hesitating for a while, Xu Hong walked towards the living room, but before he came to the front, his face had turned extremely pale, and blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

  Since Han Qing asked him to pretend to be injured, he had to do it now, otherwise, it would be easy to reveal his secrets.

   Besides, it's not a disguise. After refining the perfect qi pill, his mental power was exhausted. At this time, he was already very weak.

  With the support of Wei Ziyang, he walked into the living room, and immediately saw the third prince. Seeing him coming, he hurriedly got up, with disbelief in his eyes, "Brother Xu, what's wrong with you?"

  He waited here for an hour, and of course he didn't know about the pill garden.

  Xu Hong slowly sat on the main seat, and replied weakly, "It's hard to explain, just now I went to learn alchemy, but... the furnace exploded!"

  Cheng Hao was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly comforted him: "Learning alchemy is not a one-day job, and you must not be greedy for it... I suggest that if you really want to learn, you can start with special exercises..."

  Xu Hong nodded, and looked over weakly, "I don't know why the third prince is looking for me at this time?"

Cheng Hao was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said: "That's right, you also know my identity. Prince Cheng Yu and I are both born to the empress. When I returned to the palace today, I happened to meet the elder brother who paid homage to the empress. He didn't know How did I hear that you are from the Eagle Alliance, and I want to introduce you to you..."


  Xu Hong was full of doubts.

  He is just a small person, so the prince knows?

Cheng Hao nodded and said: "Yeah, let me take you to see him tomorrow night, you also know that I am just a prince, my status is far inferior, I can only obey orders, so... I can only come here to trouble you, and I hope Brother Xu can save face, don't make it too difficult for me..."

   Xu Hong struggled, "I wonder if the third prince can tell me why His Highness the Crown Prince is looking for me?"

   Cheng Hao said: "It must be that the emperor knows your talent and talent, and wants to make friends in advance... You also know that although he is a prince, as long as he does not ascend the throne for a day, he will not be safe..."

  Xu Hong was stunned, with an apologetic expression on his face, "It's an honor for me to have the prince personally meet me, but... the third prince also saw it, I was seriously injured, and it's really inconvenient to go out recently..."

   "I will tell Brother Huang in detail about what happened today, Brother Xu, you can rest assured and heal your wounds!"

   Seeing that he didn't mean to refuse, Cheng Hao breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and cupped his fists to say goodbye.

"it is good!"

  Xu Hong nodded and let Wei Ziyang send him away, he was relieved.

  Although I don’t know if the prince came to him just to make friends with what the other party said, but it would definitely not be a good thing.

  In the previous life, none of the people who participated in party struggles lived long...

  Look at Lord Xie, the pillar of the country, one person is under one man and over ten thousand people, but because of his participation in the party and government, he was thrown into jail, and finally died in a foreign country without even being given a camera.

  Of course, if you don't agree, you will definitely offend him. If you really want to meet, why not agree first and talk about it after getting some benefits!

  Anyway, so many alliances have been added, and one more princeling is not a big problem!

  Don't think about it any more, asked Wei Ziyang, and after knowing the exact trading time, he turned around and walked back to his room, and sat down cross-legged.

  If the mental strength is damaged, one must either use the elixir that can nourish the soul, or fall asleep, there is no more way to recover.

He consumed a lot this time. If he really wanted to sleep, it would take a few days for him to heal, and he didn't have any medicine to nourish his soul. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to cultivate, but... the black energy he got from his father was not enough. If the refinement is not completed, as long as you continue, it will be like taking a tonic, and you will be able to recover soon.

   Mobilize Jinyuan True Qi to cut, Huoxuan True Qi to temper, and soon the black gas will be purified and sent into the sea of ​​consciousness.

   The depleted spirit also slowly increased with replenishment.


He was healing on this side, and Cheng Hao on the other side also walked out of the courtyard. Not long after he advanced, a subordinate of the Haoran Alliance came to him and reported in a low voice, "Master, just now Xu Hong was refining the elixir and blew up the entire elixir." Medicine garden..."

   "It's really fried..."

  Cheng Hao froze in place, then shook his head, "I'm only 16 years old, I haven't studied alchemy systematically, so I just made alchemy directly. It's strange if I can do it well!"

  The subordinate looked over with a strange face, "According to the information I know, he not only practiced the qi invigorating pill, but also reached the level of fullness!"

  Cheng Hao was taken aback for a moment, unable to believe it, "Then how could the furnace be fried?"

  The subordinate said: "It is said that it is caused by refining nine medicinal materials at the same time, which cannot bear the strength!"

   "Refining nine medicinal materials at the same time?"

   Eyes widened, Cheng Hao was full of disbelief, "Is this guy crazy? He didn't die like this?"

  As a prince, he naturally knows how powerful it will be if he refines nine medicines at the same time, once they explode.

  In this case, the other party's face was pale, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and even his clothes were not damaged...

How did you do it?

   "Follow me out, I want to see Brother Huang!"

   With a flash in his eyes, Cheng Hao couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and walked out.

   I have been in meetings, sorry for the update



  (end of this chapter)

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