MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 144 Xia Yuan fights

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  Chapter 144 Xia Yuan's fight


  President Xia involuntarily put down the raised palm, and also froze in place.

  The boy's palm came into contact with the ancient seven-star tree, and then he broke the tree and burned it... When did you catch the longevity pattern?

  The key... Can this thing be grasped with bare hands? I heard some elixir masters say before that we must use Wenyu!

   Could it be that the ancient wood longevity pattern is special?


  Being puzzled in his heart, the young man gently threw the longevity pattern in his hand over.

   Startled, Dean Xia subconsciously did the same thing as the other person, reached out to pick it up, and then felt a chill in his palm, and the cyan longevity pattern passed through his palm and rushed to the ground.


   Pupils shrank, and then Dean Xia realized that the news he knew before was true, and the special thing was that this young man... hurriedly took out the jade, and then tried to collect it, only to find that the ground was empty, and there was no trace of the other party.

   disappeared out of thin air.

  Dean Xia's eyes became dizzy.

  The longevity pattern melts in the soil, and it is obviously impossible to find it again!

  I was secretly hurting myself, thinking that I was careless, when I heard the young man scolding displeasedly, "Go away, be careful I will slap you!"

  Looking up suspiciously, he immediately saw the longevity pattern that had just slipped through his palm, and at some point appeared on Xu Hong's trousers, lying on it, rubbing non-stop, like a pug begging for food.


  Xia Yuan was dumbfounded, and the other elders were also dumbfounded.

  In the eyes of others, Gu Mu Shouwen, who is extremely arrogant and rebellious, is like seeing his own father at this moment, no matter how hard he chases him away...

   "I'm afraid of you..."

   Seeing that he couldn't shake it off, Xu Hong stretched out his fingers helplessly, pinched it lightly, pinched it again on his fingertips, took the patterned jade box in Xia Yuan's hand, and put it in.

   "Xu Hong, what the **** is going on?"

  With the longevity pattern in hand, Xia Yuan's nervous mood relaxed, and asked aloud at the same time.

  When did you find the longevity pattern, and why did you cut off the tree trunk and burn the stump?

"Wait a minute…"

  Xu Hong did not explain, but looked at the still burning tree trunk in front of him.

The flame formed by Huoxuan's true energy was extremely hot. In just a dozen or so breaths, the exposed tree trunk had been completely burned and turned into a pile of pitch-black coke. The exposed tree roots were also scattered all over the place. The ground turned to ashes.

   Seeing ashes concentrated on top of the black charcoal, Xu Hong took out a bucket and poured it away.

  Clear water flows slowly, extinguishing the remaining sparks, and at the same time seeping into the dry ground.

   "Nutrient solution? It's all burned to death. Is this thing still useful?"

   Everyone looked at each other, all a little confused.

  Fire it so that it can be watered...Are you sure it will work?

   I don't deny that the nutrient solution is very effective, but it can't bring dead things back to life!

  The other elders didn't know about the nutrient solution, and they were even more confused.

  Xu Hong kept watering, and poured the whole bucket of water in after a while.

  A bucket of water is inconspicuous to the somewhat dry ground, and even the cracked surface has not changed much.

   Just when everyone wondered whether the boy would continue to prepare the nutrient solution, an exclamation came from the crowd.

   "Look quickly..." Everyone hurriedly looked, and immediately saw the burnt black ground. At some point, a young sprout appeared, showing a faint yellow color, which was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

   "This is... the resurrection of the ancient tree?"

  Dean Xia was stunned.

   All burned to ashes, how did it grow?

  Being puzzled, the sprouts seem to have been installed with an accelerator key, and they continue to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, they become more than one foot tall, and after a while, they reach about one person.

  At this time, the light yellow has turned into tender green. Although the leaves are immature, it can be seen that there are seven spots printed on them, like seven stars.

   If it wasn't the Seven Star Ancient Tree, what could it be?

   "Really alive..."

  Everyone felt a little crazy.

   was cut off, burned to ashes, and the key life lines were also captured... How did he survive?

After growing for a while, I don't know whether the effect of the nutrient solution stopped or other reasons, the growth rate stopped. At this time, this new ancient tree is more than five meters high, and the mouth of the bowl is thick and thin. Although it is the same as the previous trunk Bi, it's a lot worse, but the surface is all green bark, and it looks intact, with neither dry wounds nor tree holes eroded by time.

   exudes a thriving, full of vigorous state.

  Elder Xuan Ye seemed to have thought of something, his lips trembled, "Could it be... broken and then erected, living to death!"

  President Xia frowned, and the others looked over in puzzlement.

Seeing their expressions, Elder Xuan Ye hastily explained, "I heard this by accident when I was traveling in other places before! The normal life lines are produced by trees and the like, which suffer life and death crises, such as: lightning strikes, droughts, Floods and the like, finally overcome the past, the dead trees come back to life, and regain their vitality.

   "This kind, no matter how powerful the longevity pattern born later, will have a certain sense of aging, because... the revived tree, even if it comes back to life, is just a continuation of life!"

  Everyone nodded at the same time.

  Elder Hong Yuan gave a voice of approval, "Not bad!"

  He is not only a pharmacist, but also responsible for the cultivation of medicinal materials in the Heart Academy, so he naturally understands what the other party means.

  The dead tree comes back to life in spring, but... the roots and trunk are the same and have not changed. That is to say, it is just the completion of the unfinished life, not the birth of a new life.

  It’s like an ordinary big tree with a lifespan of 100 years. When it is 50 years old, it is struck by lightning. After the longevity pattern is born, it just continues to live. The lifespan is still 50 years, and it will not become younger.

   "And this..."

The voice trembled, and Xuan Ye's fists trembled uncontrollably, "Not only did the longevity pattern be taken away, but the tree was also chopped up, the stump was burned, and more than half of the tree roots were burned. Under normal circumstances, resurrection is almost impossible, but …The liquid medicine prepared by Xu Hong is really miraculous, with infinite vitality, it can revive the ancient tree that has lost its vitality again!

"This seedling was born on the basis of the old tree. It absorbed all the life and nutrients of the old tree, but it didn't have the old life of the other, but it was full of vitality... That is to say, not only the longevity pattern was born, but once it grows up, the vitality It's even thicker, if it doesn't work out, the level will be one step higher!"

   "This..." Dean Xia was shocked.

  The longevity pattern of the seven-star ancient tree, once it reaches the level of ancient wood, if it can go a step further, wouldn't it be...sacred wood longevity pattern?

  Shouwen of this level is extremely rare. Even though he has lived for more than a hundred years, he has never seen it. Could it be that it will appear in the foggy forest?

  However, the tree in front of him is still very immature, and he will definitely not need it until it is fully mature, in an unknown number of years.

  But being able to make a holy longevity pattern for future generations is enough to be famous in history!

   After explaining, Xuan Ye looked at the boy curiously, "I don't know... am I right?"

"En!" Responding, Xu Hong explained: "The longevity pattern of the seven-star ancient tree has spirituality. Normal picking is like killing a chicken to get its eggs. If you want both, you must make preparations in advance and collect a part of the longevity pattern." In an instant, the tree is cut off and the roots are burned. At this time, the vitality of the ancient tree has not completely disappeared, and it will quickly flow back under the burning of the flames. Taking the opportunity to water the special nutrient solution, new life can be quickly born and absorb the ancient tree. The nutrition of the tree, so as to achieve rebirth from the ashes.”

  This method of picking longevity patterns was seen in the library. For others, it is a theory, because there is not so much vitality to revive the burnt ancient trees, he is different.

  Eternal Life True Qi is instilled in it, the vitality is exuberant, as long as it is not completely dead, it will be extremely relaxed...

  Of course, these words must not be said.

  After listening to the explanation, although they still had doubts in their hearts, they all showed deep admiration.

  In just one or two breaths, the longevity pattern was found, from the broken tree to the burning, all in one go, without any hesitation... This courage and determination is heartbreaking.

  Elder Hong Yuan and others admired him, but they were ashamed when they saw the elder who broke the tree and scolded him.

   When the other party saves the tree, they don’t understand it, and they scold them. It’s a shame to throw them at grandma’s house. They slam the soles of their feet on the ground, wishing they could find a crack in the ground...

   "Xu Hong, you found the longevity pattern so quickly and found a way to get the best of both worlds. Have you ever studied medicinal cultivation?"

   After being silent for a while, Dean Xia couldn't help but said.

   Not knowing how to cultivate medicinal materials, it is absolutely impossible to make a dead ancient tree live from death and resurrect it.

   "When I was in Jiyuan City, I was fortunate to have studied with Teacher Tianya for several years..."

  Xu Hong clasped his fists in respect.

   Let’s continue to talk about tiger skins...

  Anyway, with the evidence of Yang Mo and Dean Xia, there is no need to worry about whether others will not believe it.

   "Senior Tianya, you are truly a god!"

  Xia Yuan sighed.

  Knows how to make alchemy, prepare nutrient solution, cultivate medicinal materials, the key is to see other people's hidden wounds at a glance, and treat symptoms...Although I have never met this person, I know that he is definitely the existence he looks up to, a true invincible master.

   "Everyone, I still hope that everyone will keep their mouths shut about what happened today..."

  After expressing his emotions, Xia Yuan turned his head to look at everyone, "Once I know that someone leaks the news, even if I am in poor health, I don't mind going all out to kill him!"

   "Dean, don't worry!"

  Everyone has serious expressions on their faces.

If the young man in front of him is just a pure Nine Meridians, the news will be leaked. The talent of pills is invincible. The second contact, he can refine the perfect level... Now he is good at cultivating medicinal materials, no matter what kind, he can Let countless people go crazy.

   "Let's all go back!"

   After explaining, Xia Yuan looked at the young man, "Xu Hong, come with me, I got the longevity pattern, I want to try, to resolve the hidden wound!"


  Xu Hong nodded.

  Leaving the foggy forest, he soon came to Dean Xia Yuan's residence, which was next door to Xu Hong, and there was only a wall between the two.

  As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw several old men sitting quietly in it, as if waiting for them.

   "Old Xia..."

   Seeing the two people come in, they got up at the same time.

  Xu Hong's eyes showed a hint of doubt.

  These people in front of him are not the elders of the academy, at least he has never seen them before.

  Judging from the appearance alone, they are all white-haired and chicken-skinned, very old, and there are even two of them on crutches, it seems that they are not so convenient to move around.

  However, although he is not young, his strength should not be underestimated, his breath is not released, his spirit is strong, and the weakest one is probably far better than Elder Xuan Ye.

   "My trivial matter, I have troubled you all to come all the way, thank you!" After a few steps to the front, Dean Xia clasped his fists and said.

   "You're welcome, we've known each other for more than a hundred years, so you can avoid these hypocrisy! We're here, one is to protect the way for you, and the other is to see if you can really solve the hidden wound."

   An old man on crutches stroked his beard and said calmly.

   "Well! Then I'll be rude..."

With a chuckle, Dean Xia asked everyone to sit down again, and then looked at Xu Hong, "These are my friends who performed missions together when I was young, and they can be entrusted with life and death. Please come here this time to protect me. avoid unpredictable dangers.”

  Xu Hong nodded.

  Dean Xia is already 162 years old... The friends in his youth were at least over a hundred years old, no wonder he is so old.

   It's just that, with so many elders in the academy, he didn't say heal, but asked his young friends to protect the way... Is this distrust, or is he afraid?

   Probably both!

  Although Hongwu Academy is not like Danyuanzong and Yingyuezong, where the elders are united and multi-party interests are played, but when it comes to cultivation resources, there must be great competition.

  His strength is strong, and no one dared to speak out when he could crush him in his heyday. Once he was treated for a hidden injury, something happened... Maybe no one would be tempted.

   In this case, there will be great danger.

  These people were recruited obviously to guard against this kind of thing.

  I have done missions together, and I have given my back to each other with confidence. Naturally, I have no doubts about my character.

"Who is this…"

  Seeing that Dean Xia actually explained to a young man, several old men looked over curiously at the same time.

  I saw that I was a student before, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was just an apprentice or something, a favored junior, but now it seems that this is not the case.

   "This Xu Hong is a newly recruited genius of the academy, the future successor of Hongwu Academy..."

  Dean Xia explained casually, without going into details.

  Everyone was stunned, but they didn't take it seriously.

  Although the genius is impressive, but the strength has not reached it, and it is still not enough for them to pay attention.

   "Old Xia, you are ready to start, we will stay here, and we will take care of you if there is a problem!"

  The old man on crutches spoke lightly.


  Dean Xia prepared a little bit, sat cross-legged on a futon, flipped his wrist, took out the jade box, and slowly opened it. The longevity pattern of the seven-star ancient tree was lying quietly in it, swimming happily.

   "Ancient wooden longevity pattern?"

  Seeing this thing, several old men showed surprise at the same time, but some of them were only envious, not jealous.

   Xu Hong nodded secretly.

   No wonder he was invited here, at least his character can be guaranteed.

Dean Xia took out a jade bottle again, poured it towards the longevity pattern, and then, drops of viscous liquid slowly flowed out. As soon as the two touched, the blue longevity pattern was immediately wrapped up, as if frozen The mayfly in the ice cube can't break free even if it tries to struggle.

   After finishing all this, Dean Xia heaved a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and with a light pinch, he grasped the longevity pattern that could not be moved before in the palm of his hand.

   "This is...medicine solution?" Xu Hong was full of doubts.

   "It is refined from 500-year-old [Void Yellow Grass], the medicinal properties are neutral, and it will not affect the original efficacy of the longevity pattern!" Xia Yuan explained with a smile.

   "Oh!" Xu Hong was stunned.

  Shou Wen can be used to refine elixir, and it can naturally be dissolved in the liquid medicine. This is another way for elixir masters without tattoos to preserve their opponents.

  Of course, the premise is that this medicinal liquid has no attributes, otherwise, once the longevity pattern is combined with it, changing its shape and structure, even if it is taken, it will not be able to exert the previous effect.

Xuhuangcao is one of the best medicines. First of all, the refined medicine liquid is transparent, so you can observe the condition of longevity lines at all times; secondly, the higher the age, the weaker the medicinal properties. The 500-year-old medicine in Xia Yuan's hands is the best. For example, it may not even have the curative effect of a common dogtail grass, and it will not affect the original power of the longevity pattern...

  Picking up the longevity pattern, taking a deep breath, Xia Yuan swallowed it directly.

   Afterwards, the true essence in the body circulated, and the surging and thick power, wrapped in the power of the medicine, rushed towards the damaged Huimen and Tianren acupoints.

  The suggestion given by Senior Tianya is to fuse the seven-star longevity pattern with the damaged part, which is the simplest and most direct way.

   "Why don't you refine it into a pill..."

   Seeing his actions, Xu Hong frowned slightly.

   Obviously, he did not expect that the dignified dean would swallow it directly.

"Refining the ancient wood longevity pattern and making it exert the best medicinal effect requires at least a pharmacist at the peak of longevity to be successful. Do you think Yang Mo will spend his efforts to help him refine it? But if he can't reach this level, he can only refine it by force. It will damage the properties of the medicine, which will lead to damage to the longevity lines..."

  The old man on crutches showed a hint of displeasure, and couldn't help humming.

  At this time, it is most taboo to disturb, and asking questions will undoubtedly distract people.

  Xu Hong was speechless.

  Senior brother Yang Mo is not known where he is now... It is really inconvenient to find him to make medicine.

  It's just that if you take it directly without refining it, the power of the longevity pattern will become very violent, and it will inevitably increase many unknown variables.

   No wonder Dean Xia wanted to find so many friends to come over to protect the way. This is the determination to succeed or succeed.

  Thinking of this, Xu Hong's eyes became serious.

  It seems that when it is time to act, we still have to help, otherwise, if this Dean Xia has an accident, he will become very dangerous and embarrassing.


  While thinking about it, I saw a painful expression on Dean Xia's face, and the power in his body seemed to be a little uncontrollable, and it was scattered in all directions.

  Shou Wen has not been refined in a pill furnace, and if it wears out the spirituality, it will cause rejection. This kind of pain is from the inside out, and it will not be relieved by high cultivation. Therefore, it is very easy for people to go crazy.

  When Wei Ziyang was treated for his injuries, he encountered this kind of situation. If he didn’t use the longevity map to monitor him all the time, he might not have saved his life, but put him to death directly.

   Therefore, after obtaining the longevity pattern, what the pharmacist needs to do most is to refine the spirituality in it, making it unconscious.

  Dean Xia didn't carry out this step. Under Shou Wen's resistance, the power in his body kept shaking, and he was already somewhat uncontrollable.


  As if he had already guessed that this would happen, the old man on crutches raised his eyebrows and let out a low voice.

  The remaining few, upon hearing the order, stood up in unison, and immediately surrounded Dean Xia in the center. Immediately, a series of mighty true essence rushed over, covering the latter like a cocoon.

  Xu Hong frowned.

   Shouwen repulsion, this happens in the body, just like a dynasty’s civil strife, forcibly sealing it with force is like suppressing resistance with force, it will only make the confrontation more intense, which is counterproductive.

   No matter where you look at it, it's not a good idea!

   With a mental move, the longevity map emerged.

   "1 year: 101 days: 12 hours: 15 minutes: 23 seconds!"

   "1 year: 70 days: 12 hours: 15 minutes: 22 seconds!"


  Xu Hong's pupils shrank.

   One second loses 31 days of life.

  If it were someone else, it would be fine if you fall for half a year at a time, or even for a year, but Dean Xia only has a lifespan of more than one year in total. If you continue to fall, it is very likely that you will die directly before completely suppressing the longevity pattern!

  Seeing that the font was green, not the dark gray one like "Brother Feng", Xu Hong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   This countdown is not the time when the other party must die, but can be cured.

  Thinking of this, he took a step forward and expressed his thoughts, "I don't think this kind of forced suppression is a good way..."

   "Not suitable?"

  The old man on crutches looked over coldly, "What strength do you have?"

  Xu Hong answered truthfully, "Grandmaster!"

  Warrior is tenth level, it must not be said, anyway, as long as there is no breakthrough to increase life, in the eyes of the other party, he is the pinnacle of the master.

  The old man continued to ask: "How old are you?"

  Xu Hong: "16 years old!"

The crutches landed on the ground, and the eyes of the old man on crutches were as indifferent as ice, "I, Yu Yuan, am 137 years old this year. I am a martial artist at the peak of the fifth-layer fetal breath state. I have a deep understanding of cultivation. The ancient tree longevity pattern that Xia Yuan took has not been refined. , There is a phenomenon of rejection in the body, this situation needs to be suppressed with all your strength to alleviate it, and buy him more time...You are a 16-year-old boy, what qualifications do you have to say that it is inappropriate? I wonder if you are Yang Mo or Wu Yue?"

  Xu Hong's face froze.

  It was a good intention to save people, but I didn't expect to be despised...

  Another old man also looked over and said, "Although I don't know why Xia Yuan values ​​you so much, but... this is not the time for you to talk, so you should stand back and wait!"

   "The elders don't need to intervene here, otherwise, I don't mind teaching you a lesson for Dean Xia!"

   Someone yelled out again.

Unexpectedly, he said something that caused such a big reaction, Xu Hong frowned, and said his thoughts, "Forcibly blocking Dean Xia's power can suppress Shouwen's backlash, but for his The physical injury is too great, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it for long!"

  With Dean Xia's cultivation at the peak of the sixth level of longevity, he can eventually tame the longevity pattern, but...his lifespan cannot allow this.

"Shut up!"

  The old man on crutches, Yu Yuan, swiped with one hand, and Xu Hong was enveloped by a majestic true essence, making it impossible for him to move forward.

  Compared to a 16-year-old boy, they choose to believe in their own experience.

   Unexpectedly, they not only refused to listen to him, but also moved forward to control them. Xu Hong frowned and looked at Dean Xia in front again.

   "24 days: 12 hours: 15 minutes: 10 seconds!"

   Pupils shrank.

  Just over a year of lifespan, but in just over ten seconds, it has become 24 days. It seems that if you let it continue, you will die completely within a few seconds.


   Sure enough, as soon as this idea came up, Dean Xia Yuan couldn't hold on anymore because his lifespan was lost too quickly, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

  The lifespan at this time has also dropped to less than a day, like a candle in the wind, it will go out at any time.

  Seeing his appearance, everyone stopped, all with sad faces.

   Xu Hong didn't need to say anything, but he could see that the person in front of him should have failed, and it was already hard to resist.

Resisting the pain in his body, Xia Yuan opened his eyes and smiled slightly, "I thought about the seven-star ancient wood longevity pattern, the counterattack force would be very strong, but I still didn't expect it to be so big... Don't be depressed, everyone, if you don't hit, I will There is only less than two years of life left, there is not much time to live, now that the trial is over, even if it is not successful, at least you will not regret it..."

   "The life span is up, no one can live against the sky..."

  Yu Yuan nodded and looked over, "Lao Xia, don't worry, after you leave, we will take care of Hongwu College for you, until this boy grows up!"

   As a strong man who has lived for more than a hundred years, he naturally understands the real intention of the other party to ask them to defend the way at this time.

  If the life extension is successful, everyone is happy, but if it is not successful, bringing this young man is obviously to let them take care of him until the other party is not weaker than them.

   "With your words, I feel relieved..."

   Heaved a sigh of relief, Xia Yuan just wanted to continue to explain some behind-the-scenes affairs, when he saw the young man who was driven out of the crowd, frowning, and slowly walked towards him.

  The power to suppress him was removed, and the seal on him naturally stopped.

"Xu Hong, the academy will be handed over to you in the future. Work hard and strive for an early breakthrough. By the way, you must be careful with Cheng Yu. I'm afraid this guy is not so safe. Li Yuan's royal family is not as simple as imagined... "

  Knowing that his fate is not long, Xia Yuan looked at the young man, his eyes were full of kindness, and he also explained seriously.

   Before he finished speaking, he saw the young man coming in front of him, raised his right foot, and kicked straight at his chest.


  He was seriously injured, with all his strength, and suppressing Shou Wen's backlash, he had no time to dodge, and was kicked more than two meters away with just one blow.


   "What are you going to do?"

   "Looking for death..."

  Yu Yuan and the others were all stunned and exploded in an instant.

  The other party is about to die. As a junior, I don’t want to save people, but go straight to my feet...Is it a person?

   It's in vain that Xia Yuan treats you so well, and plans to personally hand over the academy to you...

  Damn it!

   With a livid face, Yu Yuan spread his five fingers and grabbed Xu Hong again. The mighty force enveloped him again, blocking his way at once.

   "What are you doing?" Xu Hong raised his eyebrows.

   "I want to ask, what are you doing!" Yu Yuan shouted angrily.

  If it were someone else, he would have already dealt a heavy hand. The other party was obviously a junior that Xia Yuan valued, so after thinking about it, he endured it and asked for clarification.

   "I'm saving people!" Xu Hong explained.

   "Save people?"

   It’s okay if you don’t say this, but when you say it, Yu Yuan and others are all so angry that they almost laughed... Can you show some face?

  Kicking a seriously injured person this saving lives?

   Maybe he didn't die fast enough!

   "I can't take it anymore, Lao Yu, don't pull me, let me beat him to death..." An old man with leopard eyes, his eyes widened, couldn't hold it anymore, and when he came to Xu Hong, he was about to strike.

  Yu Yuan was still considering whether to stop him, when he heard a weak voice, "Stop...don't stop Xu Hong..."

   Everyone was stunned at the same time, and hurriedly turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, and then saw Xia Yuan who had just been kicked away struggling to stand up at some point, his face was pale, and his voice was full of excitement.

   "Don't block it?"

  Yu Yuan and the others are afraid they heard it wrong.


  Xia Yuan walked forward excitedly, looked at the young man in front of him, full of anticipation, "Kick me hard, trample me hard! I... can hold on!"


  Looking at the dean of Hongwu College, who was enjoying and looking forward to it, and was afraid that the other party would not do anything, Yu Yuan and others were all dumbfounded.

  I have seen people begging for money, rights, debts, and food, and this is the first time I have seen someone begging for beating...

  Is it so cheap?

  (end of this chapter)

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