MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 147 cure

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  Chapter 147 Treatment

  Although the Golden Horn Beast doesn't know what species this eel is, it can suppress it with a single breath and dare not resist. It must not be simple, the worst is Gumai!

  Such a monster, if you were someone else, in order to build a good relationship, you must be humble, give all kinds of benefits, and even give up your dignity, this one is better, just slap...

  Are you not afraid that it will be completely enraged and eat you in one bite?

   Shivered for a moment, he couldn't help clenching his teeth, and soon had a decision in his mind.

  This rice field eel, if you really want to fight, you have to stop it no matter what... Otherwise, without the nourishment of the opponent's true energy, you may continue to hibernate!

  The taste of deep sleep is enough, it is not much different from death...

  The power in the body circulated, and the golden horn became extremely sharp, ready to explode with full force at any time.

  Although under the suppression of the bloodline, its strength will weaken a lot, but if it goes all out, it can also cause it to suffer a big loss.

Just when it was full of nervousness and was seriously preparing, the eel, which had been slapped several times by Xu Honglian, suddenly moved, its head lifted, and a look of grievance appeared in its eyes, as if a child who had done something wrong was criticized by his parents and brought Wronged, but dare not say more.


  The golden horned beast froze.

  It seems... the attractiveness of the boy's true energy is much greater than imagined. This guy with such a pure blood can bear it!


  Full of grievances, the eel suddenly yelled a few times, and also shook violently, a drop of golden blood flew out of the body and flew towards the boy.

   "It itself wants to surrender?"

  The golden horned beast felt a strong sense of crisis.

   A guy with such a pure bloodline, once he succeeds, what chance does he have?

   Gritting his teeth, another drop of blood flew out, followed closely behind the eel, and headed towards Xu Hongfei again.

   Lost two drops of blood essence in a short period of time, making it look weak.

   I also didn't expect to slap this "Eel Brother" a few times. Instead of being angry, it surrendered. Xu Hong's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the blood and blended it into the center of his eyebrows.

  As soon as this was done, the blood of the golden horned beast also came to him.

  Blinking his eyes, Xu Hong was at a loss.

  Being a beast pet also requires competition for jobs?

   Are they all so curly now?

   It seems that competition is not necessarily a bad thing.

   Eyes glowed, and he reached out to grab the blood.

  Before he came to the front, he saw the eel looking up, as if he wanted to cut off the beard again.

   "Don't make trouble..."

   Pulling it aside slightly sullenly, Xu Hong took the blood and put it between his eyebrows as well.


   Fiery power drilled into my mind, and soon, I felt that the two spiritual powers were connected with my own consciousness, and I could communicate at will!

   Thoroughly tamed!

   "What kind of monster are you?"

  Spiritual communication with the rice field eel in front of him, Xu Hong looked curiously at it.

   It is impossible for the eel to have the blood power that even the golden horned beast fears, and it can easily devour his lifespan.

   "I, I don't know. From birth to now, I have been in the pond, never walked out, and never met my parents..."

  A childish voice sounded in my mind, like a child of six or seven years old.

  Xu Hong was stunned.

   I saw this guy killing "Brother Feng" as easy as chopping vegetables and melons before, and I thought it was not young, but I didn't expect it to be similar to a child. No wonder it looks stupid, and it doesn't resist slapping!

  Otherwise, even if he has special qi, it might not be so easy to subdue a monster with such a pure bloodline.

   "If you have such strength at such a young age, wouldn't it be even more terrifying once you become an adult?"

  Xu Hong's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Monsters are just like people. When they are young, the stronger they are, the greater their potential will be in the future. At this age, the Golden Horned Beast, which can be suppressed by breath alone, dare not compete. Nine layers of powerhouses may not be opponents.

  Of course, the stronger the monster, the longer the lifespan, and the childhood period is far beyond that of a human being. For other people, the lifespan of a hundred years may not be able to survive before this guy is an adult!

   It's like the founder of Hongwu Academy, the ancestor of Hongwu, the golden horned beast who is a beast pet is still alive, but he has already turned into dust, I don't know how long it has been.

  Xu Hong is different. Longevity Qi can be exchanged for longevity. As long as you keep feeding it, this eel will definitely grow rapidly. It used to take hundreds of years to reach adulthood. With feeding, it is very likely that one or two years will be enough!

  As long as this guy grows up, he will no longer have to worry about his own safety.

   "Go back and rest first!"

   Asked a few more questions. Seeing that this guy really didn't know anything, Xu Hong didn't hesitate, and moved his palm to his waist again.


  The golden horned beast came to him.

   If you succeed in recognizing the master, even if its strength is far superior to the opponent, you dare not refute it.

   "I'm going to sell items at night, it may be dangerous, you prepare in advance and solve the hidden dangers for me... In addition, you can't expose your body and let people find out your identity."

  Xu Hong confessed.

   Sign a master-servant relationship, so you don't need to ask, and worry about the other party's disagreement.


  The golden horned beast nodded.

Flipping his wrist, a elixir appeared in his palm, Xu Hong said: "This perfect qi-invigorating elixir, although it doesn't help your bloodline promotion, but it still has a great healing effect on some dark wounds, don't worry, Becoming my beast pet will not treat you badly, it will only make you stronger and stronger!"

   With a flick of his finger, he threw the pill over.

  The thick hoof and claw took it, and the golden horned beast took a look, and immediately trembled with excitement.

  Perfect grade pills are hard to come by, and are in high demand for any cultivator, but this young man gave it away directly... It seems that he recognized the master and recognized the right one!

  Put it in the mouth, the potency of the medicine dissipated quickly, and the breath in the body really increased a little. Although it didn't change too much from before, it knew that the hidden wound left by the breakthrough in the battle had recovered by one tenth.

   That is to say, if you can find ten such pills, you can completely repair the hidden wounds. With the purification of the blood during this period, the chance is enough, and it is not impossible to hit the eighth level of life-enhancing mana!

  Once a breakthrough is made, true energy will transform into mana, with endless changes, and the strength will definitely double!

   At that time, you will be considered a real master!

  Seeing that it became more pious and respectful after taking the elixir, Xu Hong heaved a sigh of relief and explained his plan in detail.

  After all the discussions, he didn't rush back, but dived into the water, found a clean rock, and sat down.

   Now that there is no shortage of money and elixir, it is time to practice hard and strive to break through the longevity realm as soon as possible!

  Taming a powerful animal pet can also protect your own safety, but your own strength is the source of confidence. Of course, the most important thing is cultivation, which can increase your lifespan!

   With a lifespan of more than a hundred years, you will not die at any time, but it is not safe enough.

  Let’s go beyond one thousand years first, let’s talk about ten thousand years later!

  While being in the water, it is more effective to practice the Black Emperor Water Spiritual Art naturally. Streams of water-attribute true energy flow into the dantian along the skin, turning into groups of warm tidal power.

  Once the lifespan is damaged or reduced, take Buqi Dan to recover.

  After more than an hour, there was a roar in the body, and the breath on the body was getting higher and higher.


   Like a cracked egg, the strength becomes more solidified and thicker, and the spiritual power seems to have a certain breakthrough.

  Warrior ten heavy middle stage!

  Although the progress is not too great, as the level increases, each small level of improvement will bring a qualitative leap. Just a few days after the breakthrough, an increase of a small level is enough to shock the world.

  Look at the longevity map.

  Life: 16 years/179 years. (163/163 years remaining).

  Xu Hong shook his head.

   It's also a breakthrough. Practicing the Black Emperor Water Spirit Art will not increase the lifespan. It seems that we should continue to practice the Qing Emperor Longevity Art in the future!

   At this time, it was already dark, and Wei Ziyang greeted him as soon as he returned to the courtyard, "Reporting to the young master, I have already agreed with the people at Tianyi Auction House, and the transaction will be on time at 3:00!"

   "What time is it?" Xu Hong looked over.

   "It's Xu time soon..." Wei Ziyang said.

   "It's almost time, let's go to the auction house now!" Xu Hong nodded.

  Xu time is about 7 o'clock in the evening, three quarters, 45 minutes, if it passes slowly, the time is almost the same.

   "I'm afraid it's dangerous this time, so you don't have to go!"

   Just after walking a few steps, Xu Hong explained.

   "Master, be careful too!" After hesitating for a while, Wei Ziyang finally nodded.

  His strength is indeed weak. If he really wants to pass, he will not only be unable to help, but will also become a burden.

  Xu Hong also took out a perfect-level qi-invigorating pill, and handed it over, "After taking it, practice hard, and first reach the master level!"

  Leaving the courtyard, he was stopped by an old man before he could go far.

   "Xu Hong is back..."

  As the shouts sounded, Dean Xia and a group of old men gathered around.

   "Xu Hong, how did you know exactly when Hong Zimao died?"

  Back to the dean's residence, the two sides sat down, Xia Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and asked directly.

  From the gazes of everyone, he already knew that the leopard-eyed old man had indeed passed away, and he sighed involuntarily, "Senior Hong Zimao must have been severely injured when he hit the Core Condensation Realm when he was young!"


Recalling it, he nodded Yu Yuan's head and said: "That time, he was indeed seriously injured. He lay on the bed for two full years. It was me and Xianyu who took care of him for a long time before he recovered! At that time, we all thought he was very good. If it doesn’t pass, it’s incredible to be able to fully recover and make a breakthrough.”

  Xia Yuan and the others also remembered this past, and nodded with emotion.

  The memory at that time is vivid, and the time has spanned a hundred years.

  Time, the most valuable thing, is also the least valuable. It is valuable because no one can buy it at any price. It is worthless because it is equal to everyone, regardless of high or low, without distinction.

  Xu Hongdao: "The condensed core state is to condense the power in the dantian. Although it is cured, the dantian has suffered great damage. This is also the source of his hidden injury!"

  Yu Yuan nodded.

  This friend, the dantian is indeed not healthy.

  Xu Hong continued: "The dantian is damaged. The most important thing to do is to cultivate the strength of the gentle attribute and slowly maintain it. However, senior Hong Zimao, in order to continue to break through and increase his lifespan, he took [Pearl Returning Grass] while practicing!"

   "This... I seem to have heard of it!"

  Yu Yuan frowned and said: "Pearl Returning Grass can strengthen the dantian and restore it in a short period of time, but it has certain toxicity. Taking it for a long time will cause indelible damage to the body..."


  Xu Hong nodded, and said: "Of course, it's just taking Pearl Returning Grass to damage part of his lifespan, but he won't die suddenly, but he has been taking [Zaoqi Pill] for the past two years!"

   "Zaoqi Pill? That explosive power that consumes human potential?" Xia Yuan was stunned, and everyone else in the room also stared wide-eyed.

  Zaoqi Pill, like Buqi Pill, is the most basic one-star elixir. After taking it, it can make people's true energy restless and run quickly.

  It is usually used only when encountering danger. It can increase the strength of the practitioner in a short period of time, and it will also make people excited.

   It's just... It's a lot of damage to the body, and it also consumes potential.


Xu Hongdao: "The dantian is already damaged, and coupled with taking a large amount of Zaoqi Dan, his body has been in a state of overdraft, and he doesn't have much time to live. If he listens to the persuasion and cultivates with peace of mind, he may be able to prolong his life for a few months, but he I'm going to eat boneless fish!

   "Boneless fish, which grow in tropical waters, contain extremely strong fire-attribute power, and the medicinal properties contained in it conflict with Zaoqi Pill. They are already dying, and if the medicinal properties conflict will be difficult to survive!"

"I see…"

  Everyone suddenly realized, and looked over again, all of them were full of respect and admiration.

   Just glanced at the other person, without even diagnosing the pulse, but you can see so much. How advanced does it take to understand medical skills to do it?

  Especially Xia Yuan, his face was full of bewilderment.

   Is this what you said you only learned one out of ten or two?

   One and two are so powerful, once you learn all the skills of Senior Tian Ya, wouldn't you be invincible immediately?

"Since the old master Xia is accepting apprentices, we have the audacity to call you Junior Brother Xu. I don't know...can you help me see if my injury can still be cured, and how can I treat it? I have already prepared the Qi Bu Pill you mentioned earlier. Well, there's no problem with favors..."

  An old man looked over expectantly.

  Before talking about it, they thought that the man in front of them was the lion who opened his mouth, but now, they all felt that they could really make him make a move, and they definitely made a profit!

   "I don't know... how to call my brother?"

   Originally intended to make friends, and now there are benefits to be taken, Xu Hong naturally would not refuse, and looked over with a smile.

   "My servant, He Xianyu!"

  The old man cupped his fists.

   "So it's Brother He..."

  Xu Hong replied, his eyes fell on the longevity map.

  Once you know the name, you can check the detailed attributes, instead of just looking at the bullet screen like Hong Zimao before.

  He Xianyu: The seventeenth generation lord of Hanyuan City, the owner of Cangyunling.

  Cultivation base: the four peaks of increasing longevity.

  Life span: 119 years/160 years. (4 years/41 years remaining).


  Keeping the contents of the picture in mind, Xu Hong looked over with deep eyes, "Senior Brother He, can you tell me the reason for your injury, and whether you have seen it and received relevant treatment?"

He Xianyu knew that this was a question in "Looking, Hearing and Asking", so he didn't hide it immediately, "I didn't get injured in the impact of the realm, but I was fighting with people. I was pierced by a sword in the lower abdomen and almost died! I asked many pharmacists to see it. , They all said that Jiao Yuan Jing and Hui Yuan Jing were injured, which led to a great loss of life span and never recovered..."

   "Jiao Yuan Jing and Hui Yuan Jing?"

  Xu Hong shook his head, "You injured your lower abdomen at the beginning, but the most serious thing is not the damage to these two meridians, but the injury to the Huijin acupoint!"

   "Huijin point? This is... the acupuncture point on the chest, how could it hurt here?"

  Not only He Xianyu was stunned, but the audience on one side were also confused.

  Jiaoyuanjing and Huiyuanjing are the intersecting meridians connecting the pubic region and the trunk. They were stabbed in the lower abdomen by a sword. It is understandable that this place was damaged, but he said that the acupuncture points on the chest were damaged... I really don't understand it!

Seeing that they were puzzled, Xu Hong explained: "The meridians have extremely strong resilience and resilience! The long sword at that time injured these two meridians, but with the cultivation and the adjustment of the elixir, they gradually recovered. If Really recovered, not to mention other things, you can't even use your strength!"

   "That's true..." He Xianyu nodded.

   After being injured, he was unable to move or fight for a period of time, but with the treatment, he has gradually recovered.

Xu Hongdao: "Huijin acupoint is located on the chest, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with your injury, but... the person who is fighting you is cultivating the Three Absolute True Qi! This kind of true Qi is extremely insidious and will flow along the blood It flows through the whole body, and finally finds a weak place to stop, slowly corroding the strength and true energy of the person...

   "If you don't believe me, let me ask you, after being injured, do you feel that your strength is obviously not as strong and powerful as before, nor is it as majestic as before?"

   "Uh... I had similar doubts!"

  He Xianyu froze for a moment, then nodded.

  After being injured, his cultivation base and strength recovered, but his strength dropped significantly. Because of this, he didn't dare to go alone to do the mission, but found someone to go with him, and only then did he meet Xia Yuan and others.

   "This kind of negative power will only make you unable to do what you want in a short period of time. After a long time, the problem will become serious. It is no less than Hong Zimao, taking dry air pills!" Xu Hongdao.

   "I don't know... how to solve it? If it can be cured, don't talk about a favor, a few more, or even let me obey your orders, it's nothing!"

  Recalling the changes in her body carefully, He Xianyu knew that what the other party said was correct, and found the crux of the problem in a real sense, and immediately bowed to the end, her eyes full of expectation.

  If he can also heal the hidden injuries, maybe he will succeed in breaking through the current shackles like Xia Yuan.

   "Are you sure you want me to treat?"

  Xu Hong looked over with a strange expression.


  He Xianyu nodded repeatedly.


  Xu Hong smiled slightly, then looked at Xia Yuan, "Perhaps I still need Dean Xia's help!"

   "What do you want me to do, just ask!" Xia Yuan nodded.


  Xu Hong's eyes flashed, and he pointed at He Xianyu, "Maybe I have to trouble Dean Xia to tie him up and hang him on a tree!"

   "Tied up? Hanged from a tree?"

  Xia Yuan was stunned.

  He Xianyu and the others were also stunned.

  Is there a cure for this disease? Why have you never heard of it before?

  (end of this chapter)

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