MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 152 The clown was myself!

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  Chapter 152 The clown is actually me!

  This furnace tripod is indeed a full circle larger than Xu Hong's, with a height of nearly two meters. There are hundreds of golden longevity patterns engraved on the surface, one circle after another, exuding a powerful aura.

  Xu Hong didn’t understand before, but why didn’t he understand now, so he couldn’t help but say, “Rare beast life pattern?”

  The longevity pattern in front of me is only blue-gold, not pure gold, so it has not reached the level of ancient beasts. Even so, it is terrifying!

   It is more than ten times more precious than my own.

  I just sold 1,000 longevity patterns and earned more than 30 million taels of silver. I thought I was already rich, but now I realize that I might not even be able to afford the lid of my brother’s furnace...

  The background is still too bad, compared with the elders of this kind of big sect, it is still far inferior.

   "That's right, it's the rare animal longevity pattern! I spent a lot of effort to refine this furnace, and the cold fire iron armored dragon that injured me, the longevity pattern is also in it."

Yang Mo said with a smile: "Are you still going to try? I warn you in advance that the animal longevity pattern is not as honest as the wooden longevity pattern. Once it senses that the power is wrong, it will fight back. Before it has absolute strength, it is easy to be overwhelmed." suffering…"

   After hesitating for a while, Xu Hong finally nodded, "If you fight back, I will stop!"

  500 parts of medicinal materials, nine parts in one pot, at least 55 times of refining... According to his current speed, it will not take more than ten days, and it will not be produced at all.

  If this furnace can be successful, it is equivalent to giving a new idea.

Seeing that he won't suffer a loss and won't give up, Yang Mo said with a smile, "Then you try it! The cultivation base breakthrough, this furnace, has weakened a lot of help to me, but there is no new replacement, otherwise, I will give it to you directly." It doesn't matter."

   "That's not necessary..."

  Xu Hong smiled awkwardly.

  If you really need a furnace, you can just buy it or forge it yourself. The senior brother has already helped a lot.

A few steps to the front, the furnace cauldron in front of you is forged from unknown materials, giving people a sense of eerie coldness, and a strong sense of oppression in the soul. aesthetically pleasing.

   It’s no wonder that senior brother was angry before. Shou Wen was indeed not randomly placed. The reason why he succeeded was mainly because of his longevity. If it were someone else, it would be almost impossible to use his furnace.

   Feeling emotional in his heart, he pressed his palm lightly, and as soon as he touched the pill furnace, he immediately felt a huge resistance, along the palm, piercing the soul.

   It's like stroking a monster that doesn't know you. At first, it was just a warning. Once you don't listen, you will definitely be dealt a fatal blow.

Beast longevity patterns are more spiritual than wood longevity patterns. Forging on the furnace, all spirituality needs to be integrated into one, and everyone is united... It is extremely complicated to manufacture, but once it is successful, it is more powerful than the wood longevity pattern's alchemy furnace. It's even easier to use.

  Feeling the tingling pain in the palm of his hand, Xu Hongchangsheng's true energy immediately rushed towards the cauldron wall.

  Many Shouwen sensed heresy zhenqi entering. At first they planned to resist, but when they came into contact, they immediately froze. Immediately, they all swam towards the position of his palm, jumping excitedly.

  Most of them have betrayed. It seems that if you persist for more than ten seconds, you will be able to use it smoothly!

   As expected of the animal longevity pattern, it is indeed much more reserved than the wooden longevity pattern, and it is not so easy to tame.


   One side was planning to rescue Yang Mo, but was stupid again.

  Back when he was refining, these longevity lines were like a poor brothel master, who had been fed with an unknown amount of medicinal energy before he reluctantly obeyed and cooperated. As a result, the boy stretched out his hand and swam over...

  You are rare beasts with longevity patterns, and they all have dignity!

   "The longevity pattern of the cold fire iron armored dragon is definitely not good. I spent more than a lot of effort to kill it. The entire pill furnace is dominated by it. It is impossible to surrender so easily..."

   His eyes fell on a blue-gold longevity pattern on the top of the furnace.

Regardless of whether it is an army or any organization, as long as there are many people, there must be a person in charge, otherwise there will be more and more chaos if there are too many people. The difficulty in overcoming it is because the other party was killed by him, and there is a natural resistance in his spirituality.

  Although there is no such sense of conflict with the young man, his cultivation base is too low. Even if his true energy is special, it will never be so easy to surrender!

  After all... the cold fire iron armored dragon has certain dragon blood in its body.


  I was thinking in my heart, the true energy of the young man had already spread to the Iron Armored Dragon's longevity pattern, and sure enough, the blue-gold longevity pattern shook for a while, but didn't move.

   Seeing that it was not moving, the other longevity patterns, even though they wanted to swim towards the boy, also stopped.

   "As expected..."

   Seeing that his guess was right, Yang Mo heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to speak, he immediately saw the extremely proud Iron Armored Dragon Shouwen, as if sensing something, he suddenly trembled.


   In the blink of an eye, he ran to Xu Hong's palm and kept flicking his tail, like a shameless ultimate licking dog.

   "..." Yang Mo.

   Is this really the armored dragon who fought against him for days? Where is your pride? What about your rebelliousness?

   Leaving his mind alone, Xu Hong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Longevity True Qi is very powerful, it can subdue all wood longevity patterns, but... the influence on animal longevity patterns is not so great. Of course, the main reason is that his cultivation base is too low, and he has not even reached the life-enhancing state. To make such a powerful Shouwen surrender, it is naturally a little bit worse.

   Therefore, Zhen Qi swam over and was not taken seriously. I thought it would take more than ten seconds to cultivate the relationship, so the eel on the waistband of the trousers shook and stretched.

   With just one click, this rebellious Shouwen immediately changed his attitude, and he was more obedient than the previous Mu Shouwen...

"let's start!"

   After this "principal person" is settled, the rest of the longevity pattern is simple. Wherever the true energy goes, it is as neat as an obedient army.

   As soon as he moved his mind, the fire-attributed animal longevity pattern immediately ignited, and the scorching flame burned the entire cauldron, emitting bursts of clear sounds.

  Emerald Fire, Sunken Bell!

   "..." Yang Mo wanted to cry.

  Luding was refined, and I have been with him for more than 30 years, and I have never cooperated so well... This is like seeing my daughter-in-law, who has a tacit understanding with others, and is arrogant in front of me...

   After fighting for a long time, it was me who licked the dog!

  What is the charm of this kid?

   It's not like I haven't seen the other party's true energy before. Although it is rare and pure, it won't let the beast life pattern, so be obedient!

  He was secretly depressed, the junior brother in front had already taken out the medicinal materials, and threw in thirty servings in one go...

   "Get ready to prevent the fryer..."

  Yang Mo sighed.

  This junior brother is still too young to be steady!

  His cauldron is very big, the flame is more violent, and the longevity pattern is stronger, but... for your first experiment, put a dozen or so copies, and you can do it step by step, directly thirty copies...

   What a big heart!

   Forget it, let’s do it!

  Who made me a senior?

  His alchemy furnace is made of special materials, and with the high level of longevity pattern, even if the furnace is fried, it will not be damaged, but it will affect the lifespan, which is 100%.

  I just hope that when it explodes, the shock wave will be smaller and less injured...

  Xia Yuan nodded, just about to use his unique move to cover the power released by the pill furnace, when Xu Ying came to the front again, took a higher stool, stood in front of it, and plunged into it again.


   Opening his mouth, Xia Yuan couldn't speak for a long time.

  Xu Hong, this is... not worried about the fryer at all? Otherwise, it would be impossible for my cousin to do this!

  It's just...Thirty doses of liquid medicine were thrown in at once, and even Yang Mo wasn't sure. Where did he have the confidence?

  Of course Xu Hong is confident. The pill furnace exploded, the most important thing is the unbalanced fusion of medicines. With Xu Ying, real-time monitoring, how could there be problems!

   After all, this is the elder brother's alchemy furnace, and it was only borrowed once. It must be inappropriate if someone else blows it up!

   Let’s not say that you can afford to pay but you can’t afford to pay. Just doing this would be a disservice to this senior brother’s repeated good intentions.

   While adding medicinal materials, he looked at Xu Ying, and the lifespan on the barrage kept changing.

  An increase means that the fusion is very good, and a decrease means that the steps are wrong, just change to increase. Based on this judgment, they quickly put all the medicines in under the frightened eyes of Yang Mo and Xia Yuan.

   Om, Om, Om, Om!

  As soon as the lid of the cauldron was closed, the furnace cauldron made four melodious beeps immediately.

   Dan gas washed out!

   "There is drama..."

  Xu Hong's eyes lit up.

  Before, after the four rings, the furnace tripod and the longevity pattern couldn't bear it anymore, and they jumped. In this case, they can only stop and can't make progress.

   Now, after the four rings, the cauldron is as stable as a mountain, motionless. Does it mean that this furnace of pills has a chance to hit the five rings, or even a higher level?

  Full of nervousness, the palms of the hands were pressed against the furnace cauldron, and the longevity zhenqi was continuously instilled.

  The longevity pattern on the wall of the tripod is constantly moving, and the five elements are compatible and restrained, changing all the time.

   I don't know whether it's because of the reasonable formation or because the animal longevity pattern is more powerful. The five elements of this furnace are obviously smoother than my own, giving people a silky and rounded illusion.

   Hum! hum!

  Accompanied by the continuous infusion of true energy, the cauldron made two melodious beeps again, and then it seemed to have reached its limit and began to shake.

   "Dean Xia, let me borrow your [Daqian Luozhang]! Help me suppress the alchemy furnace..."

  Xu Hong said quickly.


   Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Yuan grabbed it forward with both hands.

  In an instant, two huge palm prints roared over, directly covering the furnace.

  The Daqian Luozhang has the power of sealing and capturing, which is similar to the array arranged by Xuan Ye and other elders before.

  As soon as the two came into contact, the shaking furnace was immediately suppressed and became less irritable. However, the danger of blasting the furnace still exists if the medicine is not taken out.

   "Seventh stage of longevity increase? Lao Xia, have you also broken through?"

  Yang Mo, who wanted to make a move, was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look.

  Although you have reached the state of divine consciousness, you can investigate others, but it is not very polite to do so. Therefore, Xia Yuan didn't observe carefully, and he also didn't know that the other party also crossed this step.

   Possesses divine consciousness.

   "Haha, thanks to your reminder, I was lucky enough to break through with Senior Tianya's guidance..."

  Xia Yuan laughed.

   "Senior Tianya, you are truly a god!" Yang Mo sighed.

   It was luck that the other party healed him, and even this one was healed, it was indeed skill, Xu Hong was able to worship him as a teacher, the opportunity is really enviable.


   During the conversation between the two, the furnace roared again, the seventh sound!

  Once you can persevere for nine rings and wash your qi for nine times, you will have a chance to practice the magic pill!

  One such elixir is enough to make practitioners in the whole continent crazy about it.

  Could it witness history today?

  In an instant, the eyes of Xia Yuan and Yang Mo were all red.

   "I'm coming too!"

  Seeing that the furnace was shaking again after the seven rings, Yang Mo also spread his strength and enveloped him.

  The two great longevity-enhancing seventh-level powerhouses suppressed the refining of a Qi-invigorating pill, and if it spread, no one would believe it...

   "No, I have reached the barrier of the longevity pattern..."

  Seeing that although the shaking of the cauldron was suppressed, but the feedback from the longevity pattern was still spreading along the palm of his hand, Xu Hong couldn't help but shook his head.

  He can control the longevity pattern and forcefully gather the qi to the eight rings, but if this is the case, more than half of the longevity pattern on this furnace will die, and even the tripod wall will explode!

   It’s just borrowing from senior brother, there’s no need to work so hard, let’s wait until he refines a suitable pill furnace!

  Thinking of this, the palm infused with true qi was put down, and with a flick of the fingers, the cauldron lid opened immediately, and the dan qi compressed to the limit was suddenly released, making a muffled sound of "collapse".


   A series of pills flew out and was caught by him.

  No more, no less, exactly 10 pieces, all of which are of the perfect level, much better than the ones refined before.

  Xu Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although he did not refine the highest level of pills, it also made him understand the fact that the high level of the pill furnace does have a great impact on refining medicine.

  The alchemy furnace with rare animal longevity pattern can reach seven rings, so if you find the furnace with ancient animal longevity pattern, you can hit eight rings, or even higher?


   Not knowing what he was thinking, Yang Mo and Xia Yuan saw that he had given up on his own initiative, so they had to stop, with a hint of disappointment in their eyes.

   This can be regarded as the closest they have been to the Danwen Shendan!

  Alchemy requires state, luck, and all kinds of coincidences, but it didn't work. Next time, even if it is the same alchemy furnace, the same person, and the same medicinal materials, it may not be able to achieve the same level.

   Therefore, if you miss this time, you will miss it completely, and you can only regret it.

   "Okay, you don't have to be disappointed, life is often unsatisfactory, you can do this, it has already made me dumbfounded..."

   Adjusted his state of mind, Yang Mo was afraid that the boy would be as sad as they were, so he spoke to comfort him, but before he finished speaking, he saw the other party, put his palm on the furnace again, and the raging flames spread again.


  The corner of his mouth twitched, Yang Mo was speechless.


   Just about to say something, he froze in place again.

  I saw the boy not far away, throwing medicinal materials into the furnace again, but this time it was no longer 30 copies, but... 90 copies!

   His eyes turned black, and Yang Mo became dizzy for a while.

  Before, he was still thinking that the other party’s addition of medicinal materials was gradually increasing one by one. After a long time of trouble, it was not the case at all. Once he made a move, it was dozens of copies!

   "Shouwen will agree to refining so many copies at once?"

  Muttering in his heart, he hurriedly looked at the furnace, and saw many longevity patterns on it, each one more excited than the other, not only did he not refuse to work, but he was running up and down excitedly, and couldn't stop being so excited...


  Yang Mo became even more depressed.

  When he asked the other party to work, he just refined a medicinal material, so he pushed back and forth, for fear that he would be tired...

  The younger brother took out 90 copies at once and let them do it. Not only did he not be lazy, but he was also so motivated, as if he had taken a stimulant.

  Am I your master, or is he?

  In an instant, Yang Mo felt that a big hat was put on his head, and the color was getting greener and greener.

It's like seeing your own wife who doesn't do anything at home and feels disgusted by all kinds of things. As a result, she turns around and runs to another man's house, where she cooks, cooks, does laundry, and takes care of the children, no matter how tired or hard she is. , are all well-behaved, without any complaints...

   Sure enough, the clown is myself, all right.

  (end of this chapter)