MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 162 dragon column

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  Chapter 162 Dragon Pillar

   "What are you doing here?"

   Behind a rockery in Kanyutu, Vice President Han Qing emerged from the shadows.

  Although the palace is full of traps and there are experts everywhere, but as a powerhouse at the fifth level of longevity increase, if he really hides it, it will be difficult to detect unless he reaches the state of divine consciousness.

  Xu Hong was in the carriage. He didn't see where he was going, but he followed all the way. He was located in the deepest part of the palace. Not to mention ordinary people, some royal children might not be qualified to go.

   And Cheng Yu directly drove the carriage in, and the key point was to bring the other party into such a secret underground palace, which is incredible no matter how you look at it.

   After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party didn't intend to come out, Han Qing's eyes flickered, "No, I need to discuss it with the dean."

  Xu Hong is too important to the academy to allow for the slightest mistake.

   Swayed slightly, backed away, and hurriedly walked out of the palace, only a short distance away, and felt a "thump!" in his heart.

  In the palace, two groups of scorching flames were faintly felt, ready to burn them anytime.

   "Six steps to increase longevity!"

  Pupils shrank, and the breath of the whole body was immediately shrunk into a ball, hiding in place and not daring to move.

  Such a powerful aura can only be emitted by the sixth level of longevity. Once discovered, even if he is not weak, it will be difficult to escape if he wants to.

  Fortunately, the other party just glanced casually and did not investigate carefully, otherwise, he must have noticed something.

   After waiting for a few minutes, the two auras disappeared, and Han Qing rushed out again. This time, he did not encounter any problems, and returned to the academy after a while, knocking on Xia Yuan's door.

"What's wrong?"

  Dean Xia came out.

  Han Qing explained everything he saw.

   "You said...Cheng Yu opened a secret door in Kanyutu and led Xu Hong in?" Xia Yuan was stunned.

   Han Qing nodded.

His face changed, and Xia Yuan shouted out, "No, no accident, this should be the location of the dragon veins of the Liyuan Dynasty, and also... the place where Cheng Liyuan was dormant. If Cheng Yu took him there at this time, I'm afraid he had already guessed that Gao Zuwei's body was still there. Die, I want to find someone with high talent to take the place of the dead ghost and let him take it away!"


   The pupils shrank suddenly, and Han Qing's body trembled.

  Gao Zu is really still alive, Xu Hong rushes in rashly, I am afraid it is really dangerous.

  After all, he hasn't even reached the life-enhancing state, and it will be difficult to compete against a strong man of Cheng Liyuan's level.

   "No, even if there is no blood relationship, you can seize the house? If it is feasible, you only need to search for it across the country, and the seventeenth emperor doesn't need to entrust the dean..."

   After getting nervous, Han Qing realized something was wrong.

   It is not so easy to seize a home, and certain harsh conditions are required, otherwise, as long as the life span is reached, you can take it at will, and there will be no so-called geniuses in the world.

   "It is true that you need a bloodline to win..."

  Xia Yuan also showed doubts in his eyes, "Does Cheng Yu have any blood replacement method? Otherwise, why did he bring Xu Hong in?"

  Underground palace, ancestors, dragon veins... How close do you have to be to bring them in?

   "Whether there is or not, Xu Hong will definitely be in danger. What should we do now?" Han Qing asked hurriedly.

   "Don't worry!"

Frowning, Xia Yuan walked around the room, not in a hurry to make a decision, and after a while, it seemed, "You said that in the palace, there are two auras that are suspected to be the sixth level of life-enhancing powerhouses." ?”

   Han Qing nodded.

   "Go and invite Yang Mo over here, the two of you will quietly explore the underground palace, I will try to lure these two away!" Xia Yuan's eyes flashed.

In the palace, there are so many formations, and there are so many masters. Even if he breaks through the seventh level, once he is besieged by two sixth-level experts, it will be difficult to escape. The most important thing is that once the opponent notices, it is very likely that Xu Hong will bring him back. come in great danger.

   Therefore, it is relatively safer to transfer the tiger away from the mountain first, and then find someone to enter it.

"Okay!" Han Qing responded, turned and walked out. Before he had gone far, the dean's voice continued, "Oh, by the way, don't go to Danyuanzong, go to Yingyuezong, maybe there I can find it!"

   "Mingyue Sect?"

  Han Qing had a strange look on his face.

  Yang Mo returned to Liyuan King City, if he didn’t go back to Dan Yuanzong, why would he run away to Yingyuezong?

  Han Qing left, and Xia Yuan's bones made a crisp sound, and he changed into another appearance. He changed into a night clothes, and then quickly galloped towards the palace.

After a while, he came to the front, his spiritual consciousness spread, and he went quietly to investigate. Sure enough, he "saw" two longevity-enhancing sixth-layer powerhouses, drinking in a spacious hall, and in front of them were more than a dozen graceful singers. Wearing extremely cool clothes, twisting and moving dancing.

   "So young?"

  Xia Yuan frowned slightly.

  At first he thought it was an old monster he didn't know, or a master hermit who could sit in the palace, but he didn't expect that the two who appeared in his sight looked very young, both in their forties.

  At this age, one can reach the sixth level of longevity...I'm afraid it's not possible for a dynasty as remote as Li Yuan to do it.

   "Chiyuan Mountain!"

   His eyes flashed.

  It seems that what the prince said is true, there are indeed masters from Chiyuan Mountain!

   It's just that these two are singing and singing, and the key point is to touch their thighs... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like they are coming to threaten, but they are here to relax...

   I really want to come over and force me, let alone my thighs, I don’t dare touch my thighs...

   After "watching" for a while, and listening carefully to the conversation between the two, Xia Yuan confirmed that he did not come here to cause trouble, but Cheng Yu's helper.

   It's just that, taking Xu Hong into the underground palace and finding such a powerful helper, what is this guy going to do?

   Do you know that the ancestor is still alive, and intends to attract them, and these people will suppress it together?


  Being able to establish a kingdom, the Cheng Liyuan back then was definitely no lower than his current self. If he really wants to be resurrected, the two peaks of life-enhancing six-level are definitely not opponents!

  Thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out what the other party was going to do, Xia Yuan circulated his true energy, suppressing the power in his body to the fifth level of the warrior, and then quietly jumped into the high palace wall.

  In Liyuan City, there are only three of them who have reached the sixth level of life extension. Once exposed, they will definitely be guessed. As for the fifth level, there are more.

  Entered the palace, went straight to the location of the treasure house, walked not far, and was discovered by the master who was touching his thigh.

  Looked at each other, one of them withdrew his right hand, wiped it casually, tapped the sole of his foot on the ground, and rushed straight out. It didn't take long, and he walked back with a helpless face.

  The other party seemed to realize that he would follow him. He just went out here, and quickly slipped away there.

  With his life-enhancing six-level peak cultivation base, he couldn't even catch up with life or death.

   "He's a master, I'm afraid the comer is not kind!"

   This master, facing the other one, secretly transmitted sound.

   "Whether you are a master or not, since the two of us are here, let's help the junior brother solve it... Otherwise, there is no way to explain it to the teacher when we go back."


  The two of them were transmitting sound, and in the induction, that master sneaked in again. This time, he seemed to be more careful than before, but the mere life-enhancing five-fold, no matter how careful, how could it be hidden from their detection?


  Glanced at each other, let go of the beautiful woman in his arms at the same time, rushed over from left to right, same as before, just came to the front, and found that the person disappeared again.

   With a gloomy look on his face, he was just thinking about whether to go back, and found the other party's figure by the palace wall.


  Knowing that they would have to struggle if they didn't catch this guy, the two couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly chased after him.


  Looking at the tall buildings around, one after another, there are not only palace walls, mural patterns, but also rockery and flowing water, Xu Hong was very surprised.

   "This is regarded as a forbidden area of ​​the royal family. In each generation, only a very small number of disciples are qualified to come here to test their talents and abilities!"

  Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

   "Forbidden area? Then I..." Xu Hong showed panic.

  Cheng Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, as long as you are obediently loyal to me and keep your mouth shut, not only will I not kill you, but I will also give you enough benefits..."

   Before the voice fell, the other party breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered quietly: "As long as there are benefits, at least two more Duotian Pills..."


  Cheng Yu looked depressed.

   This guy is not a genius, but a money fanatic!

   "It's easy to talk about Seizing Heaven Pills, leave the underground palace, let alone two, three are nothing..."

Waving his hand, interrupting the other party's imagination, Cheng Yu pointed forward, "The seven stone pillars in front are things to test your talent. on the ball."

  Following his fingers, Xu Hong really saw seven huge stone pillars in front of him, each of which was tens of meters long, supporting the empty underground palace.

   Each of the pillars is carved with dense patterns. After looking at it for a while, I recognized them, namely, dragon horns, dragon head, dragon neck, dragon back, dragon body, dragon tail and dragon claws!

  The seven parts are connected together to form a huge dragon-shaped pattern.

  Behind the stone pillar, there was indeed a crystal ball standing on the stone platform. Under the light of the fire, it was crystal clear and shining with light.

"It's that simple?"

   After a careful inspection, he found that there was no mechanism or anything like that. Xu Hong showed doubts. He really couldn't figure out what kind of tricks the person behind him was playing...

  Cheng Yu shook his head, "Don't underestimate these dragon pillars. They contain extremely strong mental oppression. If you don't have enough talent, let alone advance, it will be difficult to take a step!"

  Xu Hong came to the first dragon pillar, took a tentative step, and really felt a strong sense of oppression, blowing towards his face, like a huge tornado suspended above his head, which would wipe him out at any time.

   "How is it?" Cheng Yu looked over.

  Backed a few steps, Xu Hong's face was not very good-looking, "It's very strong"

Cheng Yu explained: "This oppressive force does not have much impact on the level of cultivation in the same great realm, it only requires talent, so the higher the talent, the farther you go, and vice versa, the closer you go! Back then, I only walked up to six stone pillars, and I never crossed the seventh stone pillar."

  Xu Hong: "Back then?"

Cheng Yu shook his head: "Warrior and Zengshou, there is a large level difference, and the gap is a bit big. The pressure on the former is very weak, and once it breaks through, it will immediately multiply ten times and a hundred times. Therefore, even at the beginning, I could go to the first place. Six, now maybe the second one can't be reached! That's why I let you come here, you have good talent, and you just haven't made a breakthrough!"

  Xu Hong was stunned, and asked suspiciously: "Then what I have to do is... walk past the seven stone pillars, and touch the crystal ball with my hands?"


  Cheng Yu nodded.

   "What's the purpose?" Xu Hong looked strange.

  Everything he does has a purpose. He doesn't trust the other party, and he will pull himself specifically just to test his talent.

   "It's inconvenient to tell you about the secrets of the royal family!"

  Cheng Yu waved his hand, "Okay, let's go! Don't ask if you shouldn't, it's only good for you, not bad."

   Seeing that he was unwilling to say more, Xu Hong had no choice but to take a deep breath and walk forward. Before he could go far, he was stopped by the prince.

   "Oh, by the way, bring this thing with you!" Cheng Yu seemed to have thought of something, and Cheng Yu handed over a palm-sized grain jade.

  The jade stone has a very good color and is crystal clear. Under the firelight, it is as transparent as glass. In the middle, there is a cloud of light golden mist, which is somewhat unclear.

Seeing the young man's eyes full of strangeness, Cheng Yu explained: "This is the jade I specially prepared. You wear it around your neck. It has the effect of nourishing and protecting the spiritual power. damaged."

   "Thank you, Your Highness..."

  Seeing how thoughtful he was, Xu Hong's eyes were filled with gratitude, he took a deep breath, and walked towards the stone pillar.

  The moment he turned around, his grateful eyes turned into indifference, and then his spirit moved, and he sent a voice transmission to the eel on his waist, "Little eel, can you see what's wrong with this jade token?"

  Although he has been born with mental power, his real strength has not broken through life-enhancing. If he uses mental power recklessly, he will be easily noticed by Cheng Yu, who has reached the fourth level of life-enhancing. Brother Eel on his waist is different.

  Exercised majesty, even the green water golden-horned beast, which had increased its lifespan by seven stages, did not dare to resist, perhaps it would be able to figure out what the opponent's intentions were.

  He didn't believe it, he only asked himself to walk past the dragon pillar and touch the crystal ball.


  Eel was sleeping, and when he woke him up, he lifted his head quietly, looked at the jade tablet Cheng Yu gave him, and his eyes lit up, "It seems to be the longevity pattern of an ancient beast..."


  Xu Hong was taken aback, "I know the longevity pattern, this is obviously a cloud of mist, how can it look like the longevity pattern?"

  He has picked thousands of longevity lines, the big ones are similar to leeches, the small ones are a gray or black line, and this one, like fog, doesn't look like it no matter how you look at it.

   "It's the animal longevity pattern, which actively spreads the body shape, so it's not the same as the normal longevity pattern. Not surprisingly, it should have reached the level of ancient beasts and possess a certain degree of self-wisdom!"

  Eel sound transmission.

  Spiritual wisdom and spirituality are completely different. Spirituality can only make a stress response to seek good luck and avoid evil, while spiritual wisdom is equivalent to having a certain amount of wisdom and even self-awareness.

  An ancient animal longevity pattern with self-awareness?

   Let Yourself Carry…

  What the **** is Cheng Yu doing?

  (end of this chapter)

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