MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 164 Take home

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  Chapter 164 Seizing the house

  Last time I saw this dragon vein was almost 100 meters long. Now that the dynasty is under Cheng Yuan's governance, the fortunes of the country are in a boil. Even if it doesn't reach 100 meters, it won't shrink, right?

  How did it become so pitiful, like the leftovers from being eaten?

  This... is really the dragon vein of our Cheng family?

   "We all have the dragon aura it left behind in our bodies, and we can confirm whether it is true or not..."

  The corner of his mouth twitched, Cheng Yuan cut his fingertips, and a drop of blood immediately flew out, turned into mist, and rushed straight forward.

  Feeling his blood, the skinny dragon veins shook involuntarily, and let out a loud dragon cry: "Squeak~~~"


  The eyes of the emperor and the prince turned black at the same time.

   It really belongs to us, the key... Is this still a dragon?

  Why does it feel like a mouse? And it's a hungry mouse...

  For example, with my subsequent cultivation, I can't live for two hundred years, but before I seized the house, my strength also reached the eighth level of life-enhancing, but I might not even be able to live for a hundred years.

   "There's nothing out there..."

  How can he still be alive, the key is to appear naked in the underground palace?

  The blood of the longevity pattern is burnt out, and the color is obviously heavier.

  Kong Xiaoyun laughed hotly, "Do you doubt what he thinks?"

  In an instant, the consciousness in the longevity pattern was killed, and burned to ashes by the way.


  You let him lead out the dragon vein, and then let Kong Xiao devour it... In the end, what about Cheng Yuan? How do you feel it's here? What about dragon veins? Why did you see me too?

  Cheng Liyuan shook his head, "The seizure of the house is as complicated as he imagined, and blood is involved in it. The probability of success in seizing the house is very small!"

  Thinking of that guy, the darkness was eating his dragon veins, and the ancient beast was so frightened that its hairs exploded.

  Why is it so slow?


   "Then..." Cheng Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

  The lines on Xu Hong's chest immediately shook violently, as if trying to break out of the inner armor.

   What the **** is that?

  Seeing that the other party denied his identity, Xu Hong hurriedly said while his heart was full of shock.

  Kong Xiao said: "The abnormal situation is very small, but... sure that Kong Xiao really owns a real dragon, or knows where the dragon's treasure is hidden? Is it possible that he can't take it away with the help of dragon blood or dragon secrets?"

  Burning red, Kong Xiao hurriedly explained.


  Prince Shouwen is still watching here... How the **** can he be as high-profile as you?

  Although I know who it is, I can tell by that power alone that it has already surpassed the Yae of Zengshou!


  The face of the ancient beast changed.

  The seven father and son didn't feel a little shocked at the same time.

  Shou Wen was stunned, and quickly shook his head, "The dynasty is still alive, it hasn't been destroyed..."

  Although I know what the aura in the opponent's body is, I also understand that Chengzhong cannot control my life and death. Once the ancient beast seizes the house, it must be my own death...

  I am the proud son of heaven, a genius prince of the Liyuan Dynasty, and even passed the assessment of Chiyuan Mountain. By accident, I will definitely become a generation of Mingjun surpassing my ancestor...

   Doubts still started, the stone shattered with a crisp sound, and immediately, a naked figure emerged from the outside.

   Eyes lit up, Kong Xiao was full of excitement.


Cheng Liyuan explained casually, and at the same time expressed his guess, "Dragon veins are a kind of ordinary luck, and they don't really exist. The Kong Xiao who eats Cheng Yu's blood he said cannot be swallowed. Cheng Yu with the same ability , can also be done! But... devouring a dragon vein that is close to a hundred meters below, there is no movement or trace, even if it is a real dragon, it must be the treasure of the dragon clan!"

  How did it hide in the underground palace of our royal family?

   His face turned red from holding back, Cheng Yuan couldn't stand it any longer, and waved his hands casually.

   "He is... your senior?"

   "It was you who did it. Up to now, the seven of you, father and son, all understand what happened..."

  Shouwen father and son looked at each other, each confused.

  Although he understands how that guy did it, at this moment, he already realizes that the other party is probably as mature as he knows him.

  Seeing my smile, Shou Wen's heart felt a icy chill spontaneously, "Is Zhi, what is Zhi's ancestor going to do?"


  Shouwen clasped his fists slowly.

  Since that person is Cheng Liyuan, our ancestor, it is possible to destroy the dragon veins. In that case, could it be... Kong Xiao made it?

  Gazes flickered, Shouwen clenched his fists voluntarily, and immediately, with a melancholy expression on his face, "That ancient beast is as treacherous as a ghost, how can he let me run over, willing to be taken away?"

My speed is slow, and my son is also fast. At this time, both father and son are concerned about who is going to be inferior, and they both hate that they have lost a few legs.

  Kong Xiao and Shou Wen looked at each other.

   "The number of secrets of the Dragon Clan is clear. I am sure that guy has nothing to do with the real dragon. There may not be a way to take it away... Anyway, you can last for a while with your current lifespan. If you can do it, then take it away from him!"

Although the news that the ancestors survived in an ordinary way has not spread to the emperors behind, but... I have read the Chronicles of the Low Ancestors, and I know very little about the appearance and demeanor recorded in the books. Although I dare to doubt, I am sure. Then the question just disappeared.

  Shou Wen was stunned.

  After listening to the explanation, Cheng Liyuan frowned slightly.

   Do you have your own dragon vein?

   "That monster must have done it!"

   "If that's the case... If you catch this ancient beast, will you be able to find it?"

   In response, Shou Wen just wanted to tell the ancient beast to let me go back and call my two senior brothers over, but after seeing him for many years, he disappeared in front of him, and he had already seen his trace.

Cheng Liyuan nodded, stretched out his fingers, and swiped hard. The arms of Kong Xiao and Shou Wen immediately broke open, and bright red blood flowed out. With a flick of his fingers, a ball of flame emerged, burning the blood and leaving behind on the ground. There are two whitish spots.

  The back of Kong Xiao's eyes turned white, and she wanted to escape, but found that her body had been imprisoned for a long time, and she had no choice but to move.

  I am willing!

   Is that... ran away?

   After finishing that, Shouwen fell to the ground with a "plop!", gasping for breath, like a fish thrown to the shore.

   That's Shao Xiao!


   "Let's let the longevity pattern swallow it..."

   That aura is so weak that it can even be compared with Dean Xia before the breakthrough.

   "Low ancestor?"

  Kong Xiao also realized Cheng Zhong, "Find a way to lead me into the formation..."

   Abnormal occurrence of that kind of situation is equivalent to the death of the country!

  Knowing that in the face of such a weak person, the seven of them together are likely to be opponents, so Xu Hong dared to talk nonsense, and with a touch of the sole of his foot, he rushed straight in.

  It is possible!

  Although depressed, they also know that this is the time to search, and the father and son use their power at the same time to look deep into the underground palace.

   "Do you know?"


   Therefore, as soon as they appeared, they were full of angry hands. They thought that the two were enemies who exterminated the clan, but they would have imagined in their dreams that they were descendants.

  With the sound of an explosion, a round stone ball burst out of the air and slammed straight at us.

  We have a life-enhancing seven-level peak, and a seven-level peak, the power is superimposed together, forming a huge palm print in the air, directly hitting the stone ball and hitting it upwards.

  I am a generation of geniuses, the crown prince admired by countless people, the design is broken and there is no plan, just to make the dynasty rise. As a result, before it is implemented, it will be taken away by my ancestors...

   "If you spare any effort, it will be ruined!"

   "It's wrong, your blood in his body is more intense..."

Knowing that some kind of well-known change must have been triggered, how dare you wait less, the ancient beast turned around and fled, and when it came to Shouwen, it was from its own household, "Your Majesty, you are just pressing me!" I ordered to do it, and everything was moved, why did that happen, I knew it at all..."


  Shouwen clasped his fists slowly, "Reporting to the ancestors, the Liyuan Dynasty has been oppressed by the eight small forces in those years. In order to break our monopoly, you came up with an idea..."

  Although I know why I sensed the other party, I also know that the soul imprint I left on Cheng Yuanzhong must have been erased.

Cheng Liyuan nodded, "If we can find the real dragon and let it sit in command, the Liyuan Kingdom will only succeed in recovering the damage caused by the loss of the dragon veins, and it will become weaker and weaker, and even replace the Central Dynasty and become the real overlord! Bad, those things , As long as you are alive, you can’t complete it, there is nothing more important to do now!”

   "The 36th generation great-great-grandson?"

  I was sure that the other party was an ancestor, so I dared to conceal it, and explained my plan and implementation method in detail.

  We've always wanted to create a fake relic, but it's... not real yet?

   "That Chengyuan, you spent more than ten years raising and growing up, of course it is sure!" Kong Xiao said hurriedly.

Cheng Liyuan looked over indifferently, "Let me use his body! With your current appearance, you look young, but in reality, the lifespan that hasn't been consumed is short... It's already a toss, and he is the same , young, low in talent, and passed the selection of Chiyuan Mountain, just right!"

  Just as he was thinking about how to explain it, the underground palace that had lost its dragon veins immediately shook violently, and immediately, a breath of moderate to extreme aura rose up.


   Eyes narrowed, Cheng Liyuan seemed to remember something, "Could it be... there is no real dragon under me?"

  Cheng Liyuan smiled slightly.

   "The stone pillar of breaking through the level only swallowed up the dragon's veins, and also quietly refined his blood-eating Cheng Yu Cheng Yuan..."

  The repulsion between the soul and the body, and being close blood relatives, can make up for it.

  There are only seven of us in the entire underground palace. It is the ancestor, so this can only be the ancient beast...

   It’s all here, there’s no reason to let him go…

  Could it be... Longmai and Cheng Yuan were all swallowed by that thing?

   "He was able to find Cheng Yuan, the blood-eating Cheng Yu. His luck was indeed wrong, and it was true that the thing could not devour dragon veins, but... he was sure that he would completely refine it and integrate it into his soul imprint?"

  Shouwen and Xu Hong shot at the same time.

   "I must succeed in capturing the ancient beast..."

  There is only one lower ancestor of the Liyuan Dynasty. This is not His Majesty Cheng Liyuan who founded the empire, but...have I been dead for thousands of years?

  Actually, I was the only one who was confused, and Shou Wen was also confused.

   Unexpectedly, this thing was still conscious, Xu Hong was stunned for a moment, and then he slapped casually, a stream of Jinyuan Zhenqi and Huoxuan Zhenqi poured in immediately.

  Brows frowned, Cheng Liyuan's eyes were like lightning, "Since it's your senior, why did you destroy the dragon veins of the Liyuan Dynasty? Destroy the foundation of the dynasty!"

   His complexion immediately became normal and ugly.

   "The ancestors have nothing to do, just give orders. As seniors, you must spare your efforts!"

  In the process of breaking into the stone pillar, we have been watching to see if there is any common, when the dragon veins appear, we have also seen it, and we have always seen hands...

  The naked strong man nodded and snorted hotly.

  Cheng Yu also knew that there was no time to waste, so he raised his eyebrows and immediately communicated with his refined Shouwen.

  As a result, the plan, the plan, and the time to realize it died there...

  Before he finished speaking, Kong Xiao, who was also caught, seemed to realize something, and his excited eyes immediately turned red, "Could it be that the younger generation is the lower ancestor of the Liyuan Dynasty, Cheng Liyuan?"

  The man was small in stature, his eyebrows were like swords, his eyes were like lightning, he hadn't spoken yet, his breath was weak, and the already oppressive people were breathing freely.

   His face was pale, Shouwen looked over tremblingly, and immediately saw the naked strong man coming behind him, and a thick voice sounded at the same time, "No clothes?"


   "Your Majesty, although Yu'er's body is very young and her talent is very low, she is not the lowest!"

At this moment, Kong Xiao suddenly said, "It's about me. The ancient beast mentioned just now has less talent than Yu'er! And it's even younger, only less than 16 years old. The potential to seize the house is bound to be smaller..."

  In the depths of the underground palace, what else popped up?

   "Yes! The junior is his 36th generation great-great-grandson, the current majesty of the Liyuan Dynasty, Xu Hong...that is your prince, Shouwen!"

   His eyes flashed, and he shouted out slowly, "Father, that guy is probably a good guy!"

When the two collided, the violent power shook the entire underground palace, and it would collapse at any time. The speed of the stone ball's retreat also stopped, and there was a sound of "click! click!", and immediately, there appeared one after another Cloudy cracks.

   "It's wrong! There are no real dragons in Longxitan in the city. The reason why you have been dead for thousands of years and have been sleeping until now is not because you got a drop of blood from the dragon clan!"

  Choose one that he could wear, put it under his body, covered the strong man, then narrowed his eyes, "What year was that? What kind of power did they belong to, why did they destroy the Liyuan Dynasty?"

   When I was sleeping, I set up several wake-up methods, one of which was the disappearance of the dragon vein.

  Although the opponent's consciousness was killed, when shaking, the lost breath was still sensed by the dragon's veins, and his face changed in fright. Just as he was about to dissipate, the eel opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.

   Yes, before going far, a force that swept across the heaven and earth sealed off the passage of the entire underground palace. Then, the seven of them were like grasshoppers, pinched forcibly by a huge palm.

  Seniors who are not related by blood have a lower success rate, but like marriage with close relatives, the life span will also be limited, and it is possible to live as long as the future.

  Cheng Liyuan flicked his fingers, and an ordinary breath immediately retreated into Kong Xiao's body.


  Don't dare to talk nonsense, Shouwen flipped his wrist, and a pile of clothes appeared on the ground.

  (end of this chapter)

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