MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 168 Shock life extension environment

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  Chapter 168 Shocking the Life-enhancing Realm

  The two of them came here at the invitation of their juniors, not for the so-called relics of the Dragon Clan, but for pretending. The main purpose was to kill Xia Yuan, Yang Mo and others.

  At this moment, this junior brother told them that the dragon ruins are real!

  The breathing of the two became rapid at the same time.

   "You can't talk nonsense, you should know what the dragon ruins mean!"

   Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Senior Brother Wu couldn't help but said.

"of course I know!"

  Cheng Yu nodded, his eyes flickering, "I am the Emperor Gaozu of the Liyuan Dynasty, Cheng Liyuan, you should have heard of it!"

   "Well, the legendary figure thousands of years ago crushed many surrounding dynasties by himself, and opened up a generation of prosperity..."

   A brother next to him said.

   "Yes!" Cheng Yu nodded, "He is not dead, he is in the palace now, and is consulting my father!"

   "Thousands of years of character, not dead?"

  The two senior brothers were stunned at the same time. Brother Wu thought of something and narrowed his eyes, "Could it be... a seal?"

   "Yes! According to him, the reason why he survived is because he found the real relic of the dragon clan and got a drop of dragon blood essence..."

  Cheng Yu explained in detail what happened in the underground palace.

   It stands to reason that this secret only belongs to their royal family. If they tell the so-called treasures, others will inevitably get their hands on them. Now, under the crisis of their lives, they can no longer take care of so much.

   If you don’t kill His Majesty Gaozu, he will be the one who will die!

  Of course, he didn’t say that Xu Hong devoured the dragon’s veins and the blood-eating ancient beast’s longevity pattern. He said that they were taken away by his ancestors, so he could count as a back-up player.

   "This matter is very important, there must be no mistakes..."

After listening to his explanation, Senior Brother Wu frowned, his mental power immediately spread, and slowly stretched towards the palace the other party mentioned. Before he came to the front, he felt an extremely powerful pressure, overturning .

   Immediately, a gentle voice rang in my ears, "Since you are Yu'er's senior brother, please come to the palace to have a talk!"


  Feeling the extreme strength of the other party, the two of them showed shock at the same time.

  Increasing longevity at the peak of the seventh-level spiritual realm!

  It seems that what Cheng Yu said is true. His Majesty Gaozu from the Yuan Dynasty is indeed still alive, and his strength is far superior to them.

  Looking at each other, Senior Brother Wu turned his wrist, and a special jade talisman appeared in the palm of his hand. With a mental move, an idea remained on it, and he squeezed it lightly.


  A message was sent out immediately. After finishing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Cheng Yu, "The message has been passed to Master Bai. If there is no accident, it will definitely come within five days!"

   "Good!" Cheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

  Master Uncle Bai is a powerhouse at the ninth level of longevity increase, a real peak figure.

  If he can come here in person, his own life should not be a big problem...

   "Go and have a look!"

   When the news came out, there were no more worries. Brother Wu and another senior brother took Cheng Yu and walked quickly towards the palace. After a while, they came to the front.

   "It's Yu'er's blessing to invite you to help him!"

   Smiling lightly, Cheng Liyuan stood up from the throne, "This time, if you want to kill Yang Mo, Xia Yuan and others, it may be up to you..."

   "Your Majesty Gaozu is a man of great talent and incomparable strength. The two of us are willing to obey orders and join hands in charitable deeds!" Senior Brother Wu nodded.


  Nodding in satisfaction, Cheng Liyuan came to him, patted Senior Brother Wu's shoulder with his right hand, and patted the second person with his left hand, seemingly full of praise.

  Senior Brother Wu smiled slightly, and just about to say something, suddenly realized something was wrong, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment, before he had time to react, he felt the extremely powerful force spurting wildly from the palm of the other party.

  With such a short distance and sudden force, it is impossible to dodge.


  The second senior brother was photographed on the spot, his bones were shattered, his flesh was bloody, and nine-tenths of his body was damaged.

  Even Senior Brother Wu could barely use his strength. After resisting for a while, he felt that the sternum was completely broken, and many internal organs burst like balloons.


  Blood spurted out wildly, Senior Brother Wu stepped on the ground with his foot, turned around and rushed out.

   "Can I go?"

  Cheng Liyuan's eyes flashed, and he caught in the air.


   As soon as he escaped more than ten meters away, Senior Brother Wu was dragged back by a strong force. Immediately, a long sword suddenly appeared and cut towards his head.

   "I am a disciple of Chi Yuanshan, if you dare to kill me, are you not afraid of Chi Yuanshan's revenge..."

  Brother Wu was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits, and hurriedly yelled out. Before the words were over, the sword light had already passed by, and his head fell to the ground with a "Gudong!" Gululu rolled a long way.

   His eyes were wide open until he was dying, unable to believe that the other party dared to kill him.

  Chiyuan Mountain, the Central Dynasty can be regarded as the top power... This guy actually dares to do something, what is his support?


  Another senior brother, who was slapped with a palm, was so seriously injured that he was about to die. Seeing that senior brother Wu was killed, he was already too scared to speak.

  They came here, just accepted the invitation of the younger brother, pretended to be, enjoy the blessings, and be cool, they never dreamed, and died here like this.


   Too lazy to continue talking nonsense, the long sword flew back, and the sword passed by. This senior brother also followed in the footsteps of Senior Brother Wu.

   After beheading the two, Cheng Liyuan looked at Cheng Yu.

   At this time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was trembling, his face pale as snow, "Your Majesty Gao Zu..."

   "Want to know why?"

   Wiping off the blood on the long sword, Cheng Liyuan smiled lightly.

   "Yes..." Cheng Yu swallowed and nodded hastily.

  In any case, these two were specially invited by him to help. Even if Your Majesty Gao Zu is strong, you will not kill them all!

   What's more, they are still Chi Yuanshan's disciples. Once the news is sent back, it will inevitably lead to extremely troublesome consequences.

Looking over indifferently, Cheng Liyuan's gaze was like lightning, "I spent countless efforts to find the relics of the Dragon Clan. In order to protect this news from the outside world, I even went so far as to establish a dynasty to block the dare to tell others about it... , I really gave birth to a powerful offspring!"

   "Ancestor..." Cheng Yu finally understood, and his teeth chattered in fright.

  It seems that the power left by the other party in his body can not only kill him at any time, but also listen to his words!

   Otherwise, it is impossible to hear it at such a long distance.


  Before the words of begging for mercy came, Cheng Yu's face burst into severe pain, and he flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.


  The same mouthful of blood spewed out. Fortunately, Cheng Liyuan didn't intend to kill him, otherwise, just this one, his head would probably explode.

"I don't kill you, it's not out of pity, but I need your body, it can't be seriously damaged! In addition, this is just a warning, don't play tricks, let me take it away, you should feel honored, because this is your glory ..."

   His eyes were cold, and Cheng Liyuan had no emotion at all.

   It seems that what is lying on the ground is not his descendants, but a lifeless puppet.

  With such a difference of generations, I have no feelings for a long time, not to mention being indifferent to being the founding emperor.

   "Your Majesty Gaozu, I have no way to teach my son, don't be angry... I will talk to him later and let him understand what an honor it is to carry you back to life..."

  Cheng Yuan hastily bowed and cupped his fists, not daring to breathe.

   Cheng Liyuan waved his hand, grabbed the storage rings of the two senior brothers in the air, took a look at them, and flicked them.

  Two groups of scorching flames fell on the corpse, and within a few dozen breaths, it was burned to ashes.

Seeing the raging flames in front of him, Cheng Yuan's eyebrows twitched, and he couldn't help looking over, "Your Majesty Gao Zu, although they deserve to die... After all, they are from Chiyuan Mountain. If they are killed like this, will it bring disaster to the dynasty?" ?”

Cheng Liyuan shook his head, "Don't worry! They were killed by Yang Mo, Xia Yuan and others. What does it have to do with my Liyuan Dynasty? Besides, as long as Cheng Yu is taken away, I will be their junior. I don't want to say anything, just What."


   Cheng Yuan's eyes were full of fear.

   No wonder this ancestor dared to kill the opponent without any hesitation. It turned out that he had already thought of a countermeasure.

  Even if there is real danger, as long as Cheng Yu is taken away, everything will no longer be a problem.


  Hearing the conversation, Cheng Yu's face was ashen.

  Before, I always thought that I was ruthless enough and ruthless enough. Compared with this ancestor, I realized that I am as immature as a chicken...

   "Okay, at all costs, we must force that Xu Hong to show up. Within three days, we must find him and gather Xia Yuan, Yang Mo and others together!"

   Seeing that both of them were intimidated by him, Cheng Liyuan said calmly.

   His identity of being alive for thousands of years must not be exposed, otherwise, the dynasty will inevitably cause great disaster, so this Cheng Yuan is still the emperor.

   "Yes!" Cheng Yuan lowered his head.


  Outside the imperial palace, Xu Hong greeted Yang Mo who was still staying here, and hurried away to the distance.

   After a short time, he returned to the college's own residence.

   "How is it? Have you found the longevity pattern?"

   Seeing his excited face, Yang Mo looked over curiously.

   It took less than a quarter of an hour from the time the other party left to when they came back, and they gathered more than 50 longevity patterns in such a short time?


  Xu Hong flipped his wrist, and a large pile of patterned jade fell on the ground. There were more than a hundred of them densely packed. It was the beast longevity pattern obtained from the formation and the carriage.

  Yang Mo's eyelids twitched.

  Back then, he had spent an untold amount of painstaking effort and price in order to collect hundreds of animal longevity patterns. This one in front of him, got it done in one night...

  This junior, more than two months ago, was a little guy who didn't understand anything, but now, he is not only respected by Xia Yuan and others, but also richer than him!

   People and people are really incomparable!

   "When the longevity lines are all set, how can we set up traps?"

  Regardless of his brother's shock, Xu Hong communicated with Huang Eel spiritually.

   "Breakthrough to the life-enhancing state first, then let's talk..." Huang Eel said.

  Xu Hong nodded, put the longevity pattern back into the ring, and then looked at the elder of Dan Yuanzong, "Senior brother Yang, can you show me a Seizing Heaven Pill?"

  It is not a big problem for him to hit the life-enhancing realm with his current accumulation, but for the sake of safety, the more Seizing Heaven Pills he has, the better.

   "Seizing the Heaven Pill?"

  Yang Mo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately, "Okay!"

   With a flip of his wrist, the cauldron fell down, and at the same time a pile of medicinal materials appeared in front of him.

  Duotian Pill is an important elixir to break through the life-enhancing realm. It is very precious. As an alchemist in the longevity realm, he often refines it. Therefore, he will always carry many secondary medicinal materials with him.

  The fire was burning fiercely, and the scorching heat rose.

   Half an hour later, the pill furnace was opened, and a Duotian pill that reached the qualification level appeared in front of him.

   At this time, Yang Mo looked a little tired.

  Although his cultivation has improved a lot, Duotian Pill is a one-star peak elixir. Even if he is a pharmacist at the peak of the longevity realm, it is still not so easy to refine it.

   "Would you like to try it?"

  Knowing what his junior brother meant, Yang Mo handed over the medicinal materials.

  Xu Hong nodded, took the medicinal materials, and recalled all the steps of the other party's refining in his mind, then grabbed the medicine and lit the flame.

   "Xu Ying!"

   shouted loudly.

   "Come on!" The cousin came to the front of the stool, stood on the stool, and plunged in.


   Even though he was used to the other party's alchemy methods, Yang Mo was still speechless for a while...

   It's so weird!

   Roaring Roaring!

  The furnace was burning, and the medicinal materials melted one by one. Soon, a Duotian Pill that reached the perfect level appeared in front of him.

   Seeing the level of the elixir clearly, Yang Mo's eyelids kept twitching.

   It seems that it is urgent to plunge your head into the alchemy furnace to make alchemy...

   Refined one, Xu Hong didn't stop, took out nine medicinal ingredients again, and threw them in at the same time.

  The medicinal materials for refining Duotian Pill are easy to find, but the longevity pattern is not easy, and Yang Mo only has a dozen or so copies in his hand, which can be regarded as being used all at once.

  Once it fails, I don’t know how long it will take to find a complete set of medicines.

  Don't think about it, Xu Hong activated the longevity pattern, and it worked quickly.

  With such a big commotion this time, Cheng Liyuan will definitely find a way to seize the house as soon as possible, time waits for no one, it is better to break through as soon as possible.

   Xu Ying kept sensing, and the properties of the medicine were controlled very precisely, to the point of perfection.

  After a quarter of an hour, the same as before, came the process of elixir washing.

   There was a roaring sound. After four times in a row, the cauldron couldn't bear it anymore, so Xu Hong had no choice but to open the lid of the cauldron.

  The higher the elixir level, the higher the requirements for the elixir furnace. Although the furnace cauldron of senior brother is good, it is still difficult to refine higher-level Duotian elixir.


  Three perfect-level Duotian Pills flew out and landed in Xu Hong's palm.

"about there!"

  The crown prince gave one, brother Yang Mo refined one, and he refined four, adding up to a total of six Seizing Heaven Pills, not only can help him break through successfully, Xu Ying should also have no problem.

Give the [Huozhen Iron] obtained from the prince to senior brother Yang Mo, and ask him to give it to Mo Hong to refine his own pill furnace as soon as possible. The next one returned to the room.

  The medicinal materials are well prepared, and everything is ready, so it's time to hit the life-enhancing realm and try it!

  (end of this chapter)

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